Have You a Friend? Then tell him about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Tell him how it cured your hard cough. Tell him why you always keep it in the house. Tell him to ask his doctor about it. Doc tors use a great deal of it for throat and lung troubles. tirt terrible rnlit ik1 cnnjtli and wri tlirf.itnried with imeiitiHiiiln. I Irfcil Ajft rti rrr Vcctornl ami It enve incqiilck nnrt pfr rwtrllef. It U rprliiliily b mint womltrful rnnnhmi.llriiie."-lli:NA K. Whitman, Sioux Ktll, H. Ak. ihimi iiiniiwwwy' Md8 by J. O. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mn, Alto ranuioiuror ui H II 9 ers SARSAPARILLA. I'lLI.S. HAIR VIQOR. slavery of vice ami crime which was dragging down to destruction so many of the young men nml women of our nation, and urged Unit it was the duty of the soldiers of peace to take up the ' battle and fight for the suppression of . these evils. The exercises at the tabernacle were closed with a song by the quartet and benediction by Itev. (5. II. Uice. I The members of the post and relief I corps wish to express their apprecia tion of the line music furnished by the quartet ami Mrs. Doling, as well as the martial music by the boys' drum corps. They also wish to thank Misses Perkins and Sherman for their efforts 1 in training the children who participat ed in the exercises, and Mrs. Ward L. Austin for her assistance In decorating the church for Memorial day. barn of .1. V. Hurtis was blown down and one steer killed. The wheel of misfortune young man, the buggy-whip young man, and the little nutshell young man all did a thriving business on our streets yes terday. The credulity of their victims Is remarkable, and the fool killer has evidently been derelict In his duty of late. At the regular meeting of lied Cloud lodge No. 00, A. O. U. W. last Satur day night, the following officers were elected to fill vacancies: Overseer II. K. Pond. Receiver A. J. Kenney. rMnaneier II. 15. Ituil. Representatives to Grand Lokge II. V. Hrewer, J. L. Miller, A. C. Hos-mer. ...-k J. ' r TT'"'i tf&p&'&'&t flv w - It don t cost no of Ayor's Pills at bodtlmo will ftatton recovery. Gently laxative. HONOR THE DEAD. mectratlM lay Fittingly Observed In Red Cltud. The ranks of the veterans of the late -ivil war are being rapidly thinned, smd we who have profited by their walor and bravery in fighting for the preservation of the Union can not do 4xi much to show our appreciation svisd respect for the comrades who still .siirrive. That the citizens of the tinty reverence the memory of the heroes who fought for the Union was hliown by the large audience which completely filled the M. E. church Hast Sunday morning to listen to the memorial address. The members of the (1. A. It. and IbsLicf Corps met at their hall Sunday uKiirning and inarched to the church. .Among those In the parade, inarching rsbls by side with the veterans of '01 "VK, were three veterans of the Span-tLh-Aineriean war Clarence Reed, A. 111. Keeney and II. II. Morgan. A familiar and commanding figure muongthc veterans of the civil war, evbo bus not been seen in a (J. A. R. parade in Red Cloud for many years, was that of A. N. Patmor of Santa Ana, Calif., who recently came here tm 7i visit. It looked like old times to :mv Mr. Patmor in line. At the church the members of the post and corps took seats which had kvm reserved for them. Elder C. E. Ilavls, pastor of the Christian church, delivered the Memorial sermon, which was listened to with the closest atten tion. People who have been accustom- twl lo attend memorial services in Red CJoud year after year say that Mr. Davis' address was as fine as has over Aiecn heard here. mKCOUATlON DAY HKHVICKH. Wednesday was an ideal day, and an "cmTDensc crowd of people gathered In fcbc city and accompanied the veterans .lit the cemetery, where the usual tciTrcsnonicH of decorating the graves of xhe deceased comrades and reading the service for the unknown dead were jjone through with. Following the .Mwicc at the cemetery a large per- -ceiitagc of the crowd repaired to the xtafcernaele which has been erected just nortii of the Ilaptist church. Hon. J. S. tlilhiiui, who has addres sod many a Decoration day audience, wi chosen by the members of the 0. A. B. to act as their spokesman, and -opened the meeting with a few ap propriate remarks. Rttv. G. II. Rice, pastor of the Con- lyregational church, delivered the in- voratlon. This was followed by a 'flag drill by the pupils of the kinder- marten under the direction of Miss NVinnie Sherman, and the little tots received hearty applause forthesplen- ilid inunner in which they carried out their part of the program. Then came m. Kong by a quartet composed of Hesters. Cottlng and Sellars, Mrs. 13. S. Garber and Miss Igou, following which Mrs. Omer Doling sang an appropriate .-solo. Viul h. Dietrlck,- principal of the "Jlcd Cloud Business College, was then introduced .as the orator of the day. Jlr. Dietrich's address was consider able different from the customary Decoration day oration, and, while he paid high tribute to the veterans of both the civil and Spanish-American wars, and the causes in which they fought, he laid particular stress upon Abe. fact that the people of today were enduring slavery In far worse forms than that from which the colored race was freed by Lincoln's proclamation, s&le told of the industrial slavery which .-enslaves children in the factories, as "well us whole families in the sweat-s-cVops of the great cities, and of the TWENTY YEARS AGO Items of News Found in Tho Chief of Twenty Years Ago This Week "'WNAwV James Laird now rejoiceth over the advent of a 10-pound-son. Mrs. 0. R. Chancy has gone to In dianapolis, Ind., to receive medical treatment. Win. Smith has the contract for building the court house sidewalk. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. N. Phelps was buried in Kansas Monday. Ed Smith and family were visiting their daughter at McCook this week. Howard Deisley has bought two drays and embarked in the transpor tation, biz. During the storm Saturday night, the front of 13. A. VanDyke's store at Inavale was blown out. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Pitney of Ina vale returned Saturday from their visit at St. Louis, Missouri. Oscar Klett has returned from llenk elinan, where he was called to attend the funeral of his father, V. Klett. Someone, while the family were ab sent, entered M. Hirneys residence Probate Curt News. May L'(i Estate of Oscar Onstot, de ceased. Inventory and appraisement filed. Estate of Carl Spilker, deceased, llond of executor approved and filed; letters Issued. Appraisers commission to Carl Gcstrlng and V. II. (icrlach. Notice to creditors. License to exe cutor to sell personality. May 28 Potter vs. Penman; stipu lated to June 15, 1900. Fisher vs. Ryan, by agreement to June 1, 10 a.m. May 29 Estate of William Williams, deceased. Hearing on petition of Phillippa Watson and Harry Williams, and appointment of John C. Myers administrator, llond in sum of 31.800, approved and filed. Letters issued. Appraisers warrant to V. 11. Fulton and A. T. Walker. Estate of Robert S. Denny, deceased. Report of sale of personality filed and approved. The Water Situation- Progress on the water works im provements has been very slow and results not very encouraging. Unless the work is pushed a little more rap idly winter will again be upon us be fore a supply of water is obtained and a site for the electric light plant chosen. Nothing will be done in re gard to the lighting plant until the iiucstion of a sufllcient water sunnlv Is I to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to any more to be well dressed than half dressed. And it makes a lot of difference sometimes. I can sell you an outfit that will get you a job, or keep you in your position, or get you married. The SUITS I am selling at $7.50, $8.50 $10.00 and up to $20.00 are sure winners wherever placed. All I ask is a chance to shoM them to you. COME IN AND BE SHOWN. PAUL STOREY, M to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to BBBBBBBBBBBr 'BBbI .- BBBBHr rfTBm " bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbBbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb ft CLOTHIER, FURNISHER. SHOE MAN J li ..V llly& Ask For Allen's Foot-Ease. A powder for swollen, tired, hot, smarting foot. Sample sent free. Also froo samples of tho foot-easo sanitary corn pad, a now invention. Address, Alien S. Olmstend, LoRoy, Now York. Samlliclit For All the Leavea. The telegraph plant of India has n meUiod all Its own for catching the sunshine. Each of Us leaves Is com posed of three leaflets. The larger ter minal one erects Itself during the day and turns sharply down at night, while the other two smaller leaflets move i MARRIAGES. Charled II. Fitz and Miss Jessie It. Householder, both of Itladen, married by Rev. A. V. Wilson, Friday, May 25. Winfield Scott and Mrs. Rhoda A. Roach, both of Riverton, married by Judge Edson,Tuesday, May 29. Floyd L. Guy and' Miss Lydia K. Chrlsman, both of Guide Rock, married by Judge Edson, Wednesday, May 30. Here Is Relief for Women. Mother Gray, a nurso in Now York, discovered an aromatic pleasant herb constantly day and night, describing I ?are ' for women's ills, called Austral complete circles with a peculiar jerk-1 ing motion like the second hand of a iau-Leaf. monthly It is the regulator. only Cures certain female watch. Occasionally they rest for a period and then go on again, thus bringing every part of every leaf to the full action of the sunlight. Evangel 1st Honeywell. and took some money and a few other articles. The dwelling of Mr. Conner, a few miles southeast of Inavale, together with its contents, were burned last Friday. G rover Cleveland and Miss Frances E. Folsom were married in the White House, Washington, 1). C, Wednesday evening, June 2. The largest fish of the season caught with hook and line was caught by Eddie Emlgh last Saturday, weighing five and a half pounds. Wm. Holsworth, the gardener, living north of the city, brought In 1.'I5 boxes I of strawberries Monday morning, the result of the first picking. Married, in Red Cloud, Wednesday morning, June 2, 1880, by the Rev. II. N. l'ond, Mr. Win. Spurck of Nelson, Neb., to Miss Mable Wyant of Sheri dan county, Kansas. The tail end of a cyclone struck the city last Saturday night, shaking things up in a lively manner, but do ing no serious damage to life or limb, except the limbs of tho trees. The settled, and that bids fair to be anjall summer job. It is always a good pol icy to "make haste slowly," but this work seems to be just barely creeping along with little or no prospect of re sults in the near future. Quick Wltted. "One day last week I was informed by telephone of a lire In my own ofllce, not bIx feet away from where I waB standing," said a prominent Wall street broker. "A client with whom I had been talking, after lighting a cigar, threw the burning match Into tho waBtebasket under my desk. As I went to the door with him I heard tho tele phone bell ring violently. When I an swered the call I was surprised to be told that there was a lively blaze under my desk, which had been seen by n bright ofllce boy In tho opposite build ing. The fire was hidden from me by a high filing cabinet, and might have done serious damage before I discov ered It myself. I am now hunting for that boy," ho added. "Any ono quick wltted enough to think of telephoning in Buck an emergency I can use In my business." New York Press. The Teacher' Joy. Parent How did you get along with your geography laMon today, Johnnie? Pupil Beautifully. The teacher wbb bo pleased that she made me stay after school and repeat It all over again, only just to her. Meetings geftln Tonight. The tabernacle meetings for which preparation has been made on a scale never before known in Red Cloud, will begin this evening In the big building at the corner of Fifth and Seward sts. For two weeks past the committee in charge has been busy erecting the tab ernacle, arranging for the chorus, and completing the various details neces sary to make such a meeting successful. The evangelist whose portrait we print here, was chosen after careful deliberation as the one most likely to meet the peculiar conditions existing in our city, and he will bo backed by the united efforts of the workers in the various churches. We predict! that these meetings will be largely at tended and productive of great good for Red Cloud. Her Choice. She So tiiese are the china bargains you advertised? Dealer Yes, ma'am, and they're going for little or nothing. She-All right, I'll take that bluo dish for nothing. London Answers. weaknesses nud backache, kidney, bladder and urinary troubles. At all druggists or by mail ."0 cents. Snuiplo free. Address, The Mother Gray Co., LoRoy,'New York. Grand Jury Indicts Joseph Crow. Omaha, May 18. Obstructing jus tice Is the charge upon which Joseph Crow, ex-postmaster of Omaha and a prominent attorney, has been indicted by the federal grand Jury. Crow's ah leged attempts to obstruct justico were in connection with tho case of Rev. George G. Ware, president of tho U. B. I. Land and Cattle company, who was convicted In January for con spiracy in the Hooker county land fraud case. Implications were mado at the Ware trial by Frank Lambert on tho witness stand to the effect that Crow was retained as an attorney for Ware. State Board to Investigate Charges. Lincoln, May 19. Monday the mem bers of the state board of public lands and buildings will go to Norfolk to investigate the charges against Su perintendent Alden and Assistant Su perintendent Nicholson of tho Norfolk hospital for the Insane. Governor Mickey will take no part In the exam ination, but after reviewing the rec ommendations of tho board ho will de cide whether to remove one or both of tho accused officials. Attorney John M. Stewart has been retained for tho state becauso Attorney Gen eral Norrls Brown is a member of tho board which Is to act as a Jury bo fore which the case is to bo tried. Nil melius potest is Latin for " Nothing could possibly be better." Gordon is a shorter way of expressing the same thing. Gordon Hats $3.oo Miss Jessie Wert INSTRUCTOR OF Piano, Oigan and Voice Studio at Mrs. Josio Moran ville's, two blocks oast of school house. Phoho 201. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought &c Bears tho Slgnaturo of ftm'-s ""'"'