The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, June 01, 1906, Image 1

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oHiwmiSr ra5ft?.C
Eight Pages
Home Print
1 Subscription' i
I $1 a Year I
I in Adveunce
GTMlisitlnft Exercises ef the Red CM.
This has been a busy week for Su
perintendent Dudley, his assistants
ant) the pupils of the high school.
The exercises of commencement
week began Sunday evening, when the
Methodist church was completely filled
with the pupils, patrons of the school
and their friends to listen to the an
nual baccalaureate sermon, which was
this year delivered by the llcv. Ward
L. Austin, pastor of the M. E. church.
The graduates and their instructors
occupied seats in the center section of
the church, and the young ladies
looked very charming in their white
dresses, black caps and gowns. The
two boys in the class looked very lone
some among the bevy of eleven pretty
The special music for the occasion
was well rendered by the church choir,
and Mrs. Omer Doling sang a beauti
ful solo. Rev. G. . II. Rice delivered
the invocation, Elder E. C. Davis read
the Scripture lesson, following which
Hev. Austin delivered the annual hue
cn'aurcate sermon, which was highly
appreciated by the graduates and
others present.
The church was tastefully decorated
in white by the members of the tenth
Following arc the members of the
graduating class:
Ethel Kenady
Frances Ward
Cora Weesner
Lora Weesner
Annie Gilliam
Cora Clauson
Josephine Mizer
Carrie Goble
Frances Nesbitt
Edna Austin
Jim Cather
alierulun 1'hurcs
Ethel Garbcr ;
Commencement Nlftht.
The progrnm Wednesday evening
consisted of u short musicale program
and an address by Hon. G. W. Berge
of Lincoln.
Although the exercises were schedul
ed to begin at 8 o'clock, the audience
was very slow in assembling ami it
was nearly 0 o'clock before the cur
tain rose for the lirst number. Seated
on the stage with the speaker of the
evening,, were the members of the
class. Superintendent Dudley, Misses
Ellis and Dueker, principal and assist
ant principal of the high school. The
opera house was deeorated in white,
the class color, with a sprinkling of
green to relieve the monotony of
The lirst number on the program
was an alto solo by Miss Jessie Wert,
"Good-By,'Sweet Day" (Kate Zannuh),
following which .Superintendent Dud
ley introduced, the speaker, Hon. G.
W. Ilerge. '
At the close of Mr. Berge's address
Miss Josephine Mizer sang "The Night
ingale." Miss Mizer bids fair to rival
her sister, Mrs. Florence, as a vocal
ist. The concluding number of the pro
gram was a "clouble quartet, "I Sing
Because I Love to Sing," by Misses
Mizer, Nesbitt, Garber and Austin.
The faculty of the high school made
no mistake when they invited G. W.
Ilerge to deliver the address to the
class. Mr. Herge was at his best Wed
nesday evening, and the audience be
came so intensely interested in what
he was saying that they forgot to ap
plaud when he made some of his
strongest points. The trend of Mr.
llerge's address was to the effect that
it never pays to compromise with
wrong-cloing or msiioiiesty, ami tunc
. . ... ....
riLMiL win niwiivx nrevau in me ioiil"
run. As an illustration he reviewed
the history of slavery in this nation
from the time of its introduction in
the Virginia colonies In HUH until its
obolition in 18(11, showing How great
men had at all times flirted with the
question and accepted compromise
which did not settle the disputes, but
merely put them to sleep for short
periods. lie showed how Clay and
Webster both lost the presidency of
the United States by compromising
upon the question. Then came Har-
riet lleecher Stowe, whose great story
giving the true facts concerning slav-
cry had fanned the dying embers of I
anti-slavery agitation into a liame that
did not die until the shackles were
stricken from four millions of slaves,
through the firmness of President Lin
coln, the man who did not know the
meaning of the word 'compromise"
when he knew or thought he was in
the right. Mr. Ilerge also told how,
had, the colonists been willing to com
promise with England by accepting
tea' free of duty in lieu of representa
tion in parliament, there would
been no revolution and we might now
bei subjects of King Edward,
Ir. Ilerge also paid a high tribute
to) the boys and girls of the farms and
snialler towns, showing that environ
ments gave them an opportunity to be
:ne and develop their powers of
inking and acting independently of
e great throng, with whom those
ed and raised in the cities had to
ep step. He also had a few words
say about the young men and
young women who thought more of
eir personal appearance than did of
what they really were or expected to
bb in this world. On the whole, Mr.
llerge's address was very entertaining
and instructive, und should have a
liirgo measure of influence on the lives
6f many of the young people who
leard him.
Class Nlftht.
Every seat in the opera house was
P. P Ilu.uoitx.
The above is on excellent cut of the man who will have charge of the music
during the month of evangelistic meetings which begle this evening. lly the
force of his agressive nature, backed by talent of a high order, he has has
won for himself a place among the leading gospel singers of this century. As
a hymn writer he stands second to none in the world today. Mr. llilhorn will
be assisted by a large locul chorus and the book used will be one of his own
publications. The meetings will begin this evening.
sold for Thursday evening's exercises,
and many were turned away.
The exercises were opened with a
piano solo by Miss Irene Miner, fol
lowing which- Elder Davis invoked
Divine blessing.
Miss Carrie Goble delivered the open
ing oration "Incentives to Suc
cess." She enumerated the reasons
why the members of the class should
strive to do right and reach the high
est goals, and paid eloquent tribute to
the board of education, teachers and
Miss Cora Clauson's subject was "The
Irli of tln I.iilim-iM- " mill kIii' liiitulli'il i
I "'- --i
u ... .. ....... tllllt Kiimv,.,i siu, hllli ,...-
fully sti'died the problem.
Miss Dueker sang "Love in Spring
time," and was followed by Miss Ethel
Kenady, who delivered the class poem.
Sheridan Plmres, whose subject was
"Trusts," gave a resume of the forma -
Hon and evils of the great corpora -
tlons, nut saved nunself oy announc-; ,ake to me as one man to another, , ver, thence over the I). & R. G. G. rail-1 In using Calumet you are bound til
ing that he would not attempt to sug- fUce to face." That good and rotund ' way. There Is some of the nicest have uniform cake or biscuits. Calu
gest a remedy for the evils. Nebraskan, Governor Magoon, also scenery in the United States along this mut contains, no cheat) useless . h-
The class quartet, Misses Josephine
Mizer, Frances Nesbitt, Ethel Garber
and Edna Austin, sang "To the Sun-
, shine" and responded to the encore
with "Hy the Sea," both of which
numbers were beautifully rendered
and showed the careful training given
them by Miss Igou.
Miss Frances Ward took for her sub
ject "Progress of, the Aryan Race,"
and told how the descendants of this
people had migrated fr6m Persia to
the countries of Europe, and Anally to
America, where the highest state of
civilization had been reached.
Perhaps the most enjoyable number
on the program was James father's
oration, "The Myth of Coronado."
"Jim" is a rather original sort of a
young man, and his handling of the
story of the wanderings of t'oranado
and his soldiers of fortune in their
search for the mythical city of "(Jul
vera," streets of which were supposed
to be paved with gold, was appreciat
ed by everyone.
Miss Lora Weesner gave an interest
ing interpretation of "Lady Mac
beth," and was followed by Miss Annie
Gilliam, whose reading of the big fish
story from "Knen itoluen was very
Miss Josephine Mizer.sang a solo in
three parts, "Who Is Sylvia?", "Stand
chen" and "The Year's ,nt the Spring,"
and her sweet, clearj voice blended
nicely with the accdmpaniinent. She
responded to the hearty encore with
"The Amorous Goldfish."
Miss Cora Weesner had the closing
address, and her words of farewell to
the class and teachers were very ten
der. E. J. Overing, Jr., made the presen
tation of the diplomas, and Rev. Ward
L. Austin closed the exercises with the
Washington Notes.
Washington May 28 In a letter to
Senator Millard, chairman of the
senate committee on interoceanic
canals, former Chief Engineer John F.
Wallace makes a sharp reply to Secre
tary Taft's testimony before the com
mittee recently. He throws down the
gauntlet to the secretary of war, but
as Mr. Tuft Is too fat to train readily
into lighting trim it is not likely
that the defi will be taken up. In his
letter Mr. Wallace says that Secretarv
Ta ft abused his official position in
, nmkng a second attack, and that his
' testimony "was calculated and appar-
1 entlv intended to a fleet my reputation
, for veracity, such as he would not
comes In for a few shots from Mr.
Wallaces epistolary nroiuisme. Air.
Wallace uccuses him of a breach of
confidence In having advised a certain
course of action and then anticipating
it by writing secretly to the secretary
of war. Altogether, the row that has
been kicked up since the federal gov
ernment took a paternal interest in
Panama canal threatens to assume tho
proportions of a scandal. New rows
crop out in the commission with as
beautiful regularity as the revolutions
on the isthmus. Maybe it's due to the
Panama water or the mosquitoes or
the sun. At any rate congress and
the country are growing weary of it.
The passage of the free alcohol bill
this weelc will be hailed with acclaim
by the whole country. The farmers
have been deeply interested in the
success of the measure, as the agricul
turists of Nebraska flooded their scnu
ators and representatives with peti
tions for its passage. The bill be
comes eHVetive January 1. and it is
expected to revolutionize the lighting
and heating interests of the country.
The alcohol can be distilled from
grain, potatoes and a number of other
vegetables. It is said that three gal
lons may be produced from one bushel
of corn, and that the residue after the
alcohol Is extracted Is just as valuable
as before as feed for stock.
President Roosevelt is as pleased as
a boy with a new top over the passage
of the naval appropriations bill. He
Is especially pleased with the provi
sion made for the gigantic battleship
that is to fly the Stars and Stripes.
He congratulated Representative Foss,
chairman of the house naval commit
tee, this week when the Illlnoisan
called at the White House. It was
due in large measure to Mr. Foss' in
sistent demand for adequate funds for
the naval establishment that the
measure went through. The monster
war vessel that is authorized will be
the most ppwerful lighting craft
afloat. It is to be bigger, better
nrmoredaud faster than the Dread
naught, the pride of the Iliitish navy.
Its armament will be especially pow
erful, and altogether the title,
Skeered-o' Nothin'," which John
Sharp Williams homorously conferred
on it. will not be so much of a joke
after all.
Real Estate Transfers.
Transfers for week ending Wednes
day, May :t(), furnished by Walker it
llailey of Webster .County Abstract
Angeline Robbins to Gen Beards
lee part lots 2 and 8 and all of
II and 0 block :i LcDuc add to
Red Cloud wd $
Chas Spence to I) E Crom lot ft
block 2 Spence 2nd add to Illa
den wd
Vica J Largent to Geo W Crow
lot 10 block 12 Guide Rock wd
Blimey Waterhury to Win llor
wege lots 7 to 12 block II Grits
el's add to Blue Hill wd
W F Williams to Win F Foster
lots 1 to 0 block :i R R add to
Red Cloud wd 000
Paul C Pope et til to Win Wolfe
et al lots 10 11 and 12 block 27
Red Cloud wd
L A Haskins and wife to Ella V
Haskids lots 0 and 7 and part
8 block s Gurber add to Red
Cloud wd
Augusta Schultz guardian to Jos
Topham part ue I nu I .'iri-2-11
llt.Lll tt
II Guild & Co to Clims Rose lot f.
block 12 Rosemont wd
W (! Hastings judge to Henry It
Wood w2 scl IH and swl 21-1-1
1 and net 20-1-12 decree 1000
Total 872.10
.Mortgages filed $1000
.Mortgages released $4200
I Sealed in air tight cans Calumet llak
Excurslon, j ng Powder does not alter in strength
I will make another trip to the Sun- and is not affected by atmospheric-
!.! fill.. IF.. 11 X. If ..f ... ..1 X...A f. , . l. . . 1' .i. .
iiy jii mm vaney, .ew .ucxico, 1 lies-
J day, June .1, at 7 a. in. We go by Den-
' route. If you want to join this party
let me lenow soon The car fare for
the round trip is S'.'O.r.r., which Is cred-
ited on your land If you buy.
J. P. Ham:.
Sheriff Hedfc Picks l) YMrtkfiU Har
lan CtmtY Criminal.
Lynn Callahan, about 19 years ot"
age, wanted at Alma for horsestealing,,
was captured by Sheriff Hedge in thtr
Burlington yards early Wednesday
morning, having beaten his way hor.
on a freight l,rain after breaking jail'1
at Alma.
The story of young Callahan's crime
is somewhat romantic. He had lit-cii
working at Stamford for about four
mouths and, falling In love with u
young lady whose parents objected to
hiH attentions to their daughter, thejr
luul frequent stolen interviews. Lust
Friday young Callahan procured u
team and went buggy-riding with bin
sweetheart. The opposition of tlur
young lady's parents aroused her light
ing blood, mid she proposed to her
youthful lover that theysteal the teiuit
and elope. This he objected to. but
proposed to take her home, then take
the team and sell it, and with the
money they would run away, get mar
ried and have an enjoyable Uoury
moon. In accordance with this phm
young Callahan started out to sell the
team, which was a valuable one. At
one lime he was offered SIM) for tint
outfit, but refused it. The sheriff got
on his trail so closely that he was
compelled to abandon the team and.
take to railroading. The authorities.-
at Holdrege were notified to look out
for him, but when they went through
the train he was chatting with a young
lady, with whom he had picked up tint
acquaintance, and his appearance win
so innocent that he completely footed
the ofllcers. He tried the suine gumi:
at Oxford but the cops Uteris were not
so easily fooled, and he was arrested
and taken to Alma, where the pleaded"
guilty at his preliminary examination.
Tuesday night he' broke jail at Alum,
caught a freight train going east, uud
was picked up here by Sheriff Hedgt&
When arrested here Callahan pro
tested that he was not the party want
ed, but when he was finally landed at.
the jail he owned up and told the
whole story.
Sheriff Davis came down from Alum:
Wednesday, but decided to leave Cal
lahan here until court sets or he.
pleads guilty.
The Leavenlnft Power Always Remains;
the Same.
You cannot experiment every tint.
you make a cake or biscuits, or test
the strength of your baking hnvder
to find out how much of it yon should
use; yet with most baking powders;
you should do this, for they are put
together so carelessly they are never
uniform, the quality and strengtlr
varying with each can purchased.
Therefore, at one time a baking-' pow
der will produce less leavening ga.
than at another.
If you base your calculations on the.
strength and results of a previous en ir,.
yon may use too much or not eiiong?
of the new; your cake or biscuits will
not raise; they will remain heavy ami
your materials in time will be lost; or
else you will have a harshly acid oi
strongly alkaline cake or biscuits.
Avoid the cheap and "Ilig Cnnr
baking powders. Cheap baking pow
ders leave bread sometimes bleached
and acid, sometimes yellow and alka
line, and always unpalatable, theynnr
never of uniform strength and quality.
Calumet Making Powder is made of
chemically pure ingredients of tested'
strength. Experienced chemists put
It up. The proportions of the differ
ent materials remain always the same.
cuaiiges. 1 et ii. is oniy one-nail mo
price of the Trust baking powders
adulterating Ingredients so commonh'
used to Increase the weight. Final!
prepared from It Is free from Uoc-Ik-Ho;
( MlUs, ilium, lime, ammonia and the
cost is moderate.
.-, t