The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 25, 1906, Image 5

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Of course you want to,
nnd this is tho way to do
so. Muko it by saviug it.
Dyo your clothes with
EASY DYES, and make
lhem now.
Make beautiful carpets
and rugs from tho old rugs
that have collectod about
the house.
EASY DYES do tho
work. Thoy are simple,
sure, do not spot or streak,
do not stain tho hands or
kettle, and rotain their
brilliancy for years. You
can got them at
Drug Store
Dr. E. A. Thomas, Dentist, Damerell
Foil Two small showcases.
Inquire at this office.
Foil Sai.k A baby buggy, rubber
.tired. Inquire at this ofllce.
Frank Sutton is messenger boy at
-the depot.
E. 0. Bohanan of Lincoln was in
town today.
Ray Frame was down from Blue
Hill Monday.
Ed McAlister went to IUoomington
."Sunday night.
J. A. Riddle of Hastings was in the
city this week.
H. J. Engels of Fairbury was in Red
Cloud Monday.
Miss Anna Norton is visiting in Su
perior this week.
Miss Cora Tulleys was visiting in
Naponee Sunday.
Mrs. Fred Taylor was down from
Riverton Sunday.
Chas. Putnam was down fromCowles
Thursday evening.
Dr. Hull and wife were down from
"Cowles Wednesday.
Material is on the ground for the
new Advent church.
Otto Pone of Lincoln was in town
the first of the week.
Roy Garber returned home from
Hastings Tuesday noon.
Sanford Dodge in "Julius Caesar" at
the opera house tonight.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Holsworth are
the parents of a baby girl.
Frank Smelser went to Mankato,
Kan., the first of the week.
New walks are becoming so com
anon they are no longer noticed.
Bert Holdrege and sister, Miss Hazel,
were down from Inavale Monday.
There will be a meeting of the
county board Wednesday, May 30.
Mr. and Mrs. Nate Piatt are the par
ents of a baby girl, born yesterday.
Have you made that road drag you
were thinking about some time ago?
Mrs. Shepherdson and Mrs. ByShep-
herdson were down from Riverton Sat
urday. Webster county's share of the semi
annual school apportionment is 84,
411.19. John llarkley leaves in the morning
for a few days' visit at Jamestown,
L. T. Bonner, a real estate man, of
Imperial, Neb., was in Red Cloud
A very enjoyable entertainment was
given at the Business College last Fri
day night.
Calvin Kenady and family of Grand
Junction, Colo., are in Red Cloud visit
ing relatives.
The students of the Business Col
lege had an enjoyable picnic at Am
boy Tuesday.
George Fentress and family have
moved into the house just vacated by
Floyd Pitney.
Mrs. L. J. Manner of Washington,
Kansas, is visiting her sister, Mrs. M.
M. Messmore.
Dr. H. 13. Asher is enjoying a visit
from his mother, Mrs. A. M. Asher of
Lyons, Kansas.
Mrs. George Bradshaw came up from
Superior Monday evening to visit her
mother, Mrs. Alios.
Mrs. Ned Grimes of Blue Hill was
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G.
.1. Warren, Sunday.
Miss Ellen Merrill, living south of
Red Cloud, was operated on Wednes
day for appendicitis.
Miss Blanche Winfrey returned to
Omaha Sunday morning, after a few
days' visit In Red Cloud.
Mr. and Mrs. D. F. 'Pennant intend
to go to Alberta, Canada, Monday, to
visit their son, Richard.
Will Letson arrived from Deadwood,
South Dakota, Wednesday for a visit
with relatives and friends.
Miss Mabel Van Huron and mother of
Burr Oak. Kan., are in Red Cloud this
week visiting with friends.
C. B. Crone and daughter. Edna, of
Ottawa, Kansas, are in the city visit
ing E. M. Crone and family.
Dr. Thomas gives special attention
to diseases of women and children.
Office over Cotting's drug store.
Mrs. 13. U. Overman and children de
parted for Stillwell, Illinois, Monday
morning for a visit with relatives.
Phillip Grout of Almena, Kansas,
arrived in Red Cloud Thursday, and
will go to work in Sheard's barber
Mrs. Walsh, who has been visiting
her sister, Mrs. .1. A. Reid for several
weeks, went to Harvard Wednesday
Will Vaughn of Falls City, Neb., ar
rived here Tuesday and has accepted
a position in George Miller's cigar
The Nebraska State Holiness Asso
ciation will hold its annual meeting
at Epworth Lake Park, Lincoln, June
15 to 2.-.
Mrs. John llarkley went to James-
New York hospital, will meet eye, ear, I gL
nose and throat patients aim uioso
town, Kansas, Thursday morning, to
M. C. Shafer and wife of Beaver City
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P.
Miller this week.
Mrs. Mary Kaufman of Lincoln is
in Red Cloud visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. C. II. Kaley.
visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. W.
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Auncr of
Shell Rock. Iowa, are visiting in Red
Cloud with Mrs. Stonebreaker and
Mr. and Mrs. Durrett of Lebanon,
Kansas, were in Red Cloud Monday,
attending the funeral of Lawrence
Lou Bohrer is carrying his left arm
in a sling, the result of having severed
an an artery in his wrist last Sunday,
while whittling.
S. Sorenson, P. C. Oberg and E. O.
Garner of Inavale returned from Kan
sas City Monday morning, where they
had been with cattle.
The Brunswick barber shop is fitted
with bath tubs and all modern appli
ances. Under Tuber's billiard parlor.
Frank Ilenson, proprietor.
E. M. Gard and family and Mrs. P.
A. Hansen were at North Branch,
Kansas, Tuesday, attending the fune
ral of Miss Blanche Vondy.
A. Q. Miller, editor of the Bellville
(Kan.) Telescope, accompanied by his
wife, visited M. M. Messmore and
family the first of the week.
. Mrs. Daisy Beach and little baby of
Denver, Colorado, arrived in Red Cloud
Tuesday morning and is visiting her
sister, Mrs. P. Herigstad and family.
Floyd Pitney, who has been em
ployed in Neal's billiard hall, this
week moved to the Art Myers place,
west of town, which he will farm this
John F. Delner of Syracuse, who
was elected senior vice commander of
the Nebraska 0. A. R. last week, is
the father of Mrs. J. C. Boggcss of
this city.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Waskom, who
have been in Red Cloud for a three
weeks' visit with relatives and friends,
will return to their home In Dewey,
South Dakota, Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Dickey went to
Hastings Thursday noon to visit their
son Roy. Mr. Dickey's brother, Ira,
of Greenfield, Iowa, who is here visit
ing, accompanied them.
Drs. Welrlck & Riddlle of Hastings
will meet eye, ear, nose and throat
patients and those needing glasses fit
ted, in Dr. Creighton's office in Red
Cloud, Wednesday, May 30.
Clarence Lewis has a grievance
against the automobillsts of Red
Cloud. He says they try to see how
close they can run to him without hit
ting him, just to see him jump.
It pours the oil of life Into your sys
tem. It warmB you up and starts the
life blood circulating. That's what
Hollister Rocky Mountain tea does
35 cents, tea or tablets.
needing glasses properly fitted at Dr.
Danierell's office In Red Cloud, Mon
day, May 23. Last visit until August.
It Is probable the evangelistic meet
ings will have been concluded before
reunion week, and we would suggest
that It would be u good idea to allow
the tabernacle to remain standing for
use that week. The building Is large
enough to hold any crowd that could
be gotten together to listen to a
speech in this city.
The pupils of the eighth grade en
joyed a picnic on the Moon ranch Fri
day afternon. Miss Ellis, principal
of the high school, accompanied by
Vernon Storey and Glen Walker, drove
out to the scene of the picnic, and as
thoy were Hearing the place Glen sue
ckotled in overturning the buggy, spil
ling the occupants and breaking the
buggy top. No serious injury.
Harry Letson returned Tuesday
from Lewiston, Idaho, where he went
to look over the Held with a view to
going into business. Mr. Letson and
a gentleman from Deadwood, S. 1).,
will open an exclusive shoe store in
Lewiston in the near future. Harry
has lived In Red Cloud all of his life
and Is one of our very best young
men. We are sorry he has decided to
leave Red Cloud.
On complaint of Rev. A. Essloy, Ed
Glllard and W. B. Collins of Naponee
were brought before Justice of the
Peace Montgomery the first of tho
week on the charge of Sabbath dese
cration in the way of horse racing.
The case was continued to June 4th
and the defendants given their liberty
under bonds. County Attorney Byrum
appeared for the prosecution and Hor
sey & McGrew for the defendants,
IUoomington Advocate.
The storm Monday caused consider
able damage in the west part of Web
ster and in Franklin county. At Ina
vale Spring creek got on a tear and
washed out great holes in the streets.
The corn crop was greatly damaged.
In Franklin county hailstones as
large as baseballs fell, doing great
damage to crops of all kinds. In sev
eral nlaccs the Burllitgton track was
washed out and trains had to be sent
around by way of Hastings for two or
three days.
The sacred concert given by the
Congregational choir last Sunday even
ing was a decided sugcess. The church
was crowded to its utmost capacity,
and the contributions to the music
fund were liberal. The choir was
ably assisted by Misses Helen Over
man and Jessie Wert, who sang solos.
Pastor Rice delivered a short sermon,
which was long enough to cause many
of those present to go home with now
thoughts in their minds, but not long
enough to spoil the effects of the
splendid singing.
Faith Rebekah lodge gave a basket
supper and musical entertainment at
the Woodman hall Wednesday evening
for the benefit of the degree team.
The program consisted of an instru
mental duet by Misses Ross and Grif
feth, vocal solo by Miss Lewis, read
ing by Prof. Dietrich, vocal solo by
Mrs. C. 11. Kaley, vocal duet by Misses
Ross and Griffeth and a piano solo by
Miss Marie Ross. Jake Ellinger auc
tioned the baskets and the receipts
were 832.40, which goes Into the treas
ury of the Rebekahs.
Everyone should attend the com
mencement exercises next Wednesday
and Thursday evenings. The princi
pal feature of commencement night,
Wednesday, will be the address of
Worsted Suits
$8.75, $10,
$11 12.00
Special late season purchase,
worth 910, $12, 14 and S12
mixes 3 to 42
T5he Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co.,
First Door North of FostoUfco, Rod Cloud, Nebr.
I School Notes I
All the seats in the opera house will
be reserved on Wednesday and Thurs
day nights. The admission, including
a reserved seat, will be twenty-live
cents a night. Seats will be on sale
The seniors are rehearsing in the
opera house this week.
There was a misunderstanding In
regard to the terms of the opera house.
Prior to this year the terms have been
twenty-five dollars a night. But on
previous years the rehearsing has been
continued much longer than this year.
In view of this the terms offered are
820 a night Instead of 825, as was
stated In these columns last week.
The management of the opera house
offered to allow the use of the house
on a 25 per cent basis the same terms
offered to traveling troupes.
The seniors will appear in caps and
A special meeting of the school
board is set for Saturday night. Sev
eral vacancies in the teaching corps
are yet to be filled.
is commencement week at
Judge Edsou has issued the follow
ing marriages and licenses since our
last issue:
Albertls Reeves and Miss Edith C.
Edson; both of Cowles. Married by
Rev. B. F. Hutchlns.
William H. Marquardt and Miss
Rosalie C. Pieper, both of Elmdale,
Chase county, Kansas. Married by
Judge Edson.
William F. Borwege of Bladen and
Miss Martha M. Busehow of Blue
Hill, license granted,
Charles W. Flncher and Miss Minnie
Lain, both of Red Cloud. Married by
Rev. E. C. Davis.
Have you weakness of any kind
stomach, back, or any organs of tho
boey? Don't dope yourself witli ordi
nary medicine. Hollister's Rocky
Mountain tea Is the supreme curatlvu
power. 35 cents, tea or tablets. C. L.
A Certain Care fer Achlni Feet.
Shako into your shoos Allen's Foot
Ease, r powder. It euros tirod, aching,
callous, sweating, swollen foot. At all
druggists and shoo stores, 20 cents.
Sample free. Address, Allen S. Olm
stead, LoRoy, N. Y.
Hon. George W. Berge, fusion candi
date for governor a year ago. Mr.
Berge Is an orator of the highest class,
and his address should draw a crowd
that will completely fill the opera
house. The program for class night
will undoubtedly also be very interest
ing, and the musical features will be
above the ordinary. There are some
accomplished musicians and vocalists
among the young ladles of the class.
The expense of the entertainment will
amount to something like 8150, and
will be borne by the class, so every
one who possibly can should be pres
ent both nights and give the young
folks an encouraging start in life.
Have you pains In the back, inflam
mation of any kind, rheumatism,
fainting spells, indigestion or consti
pation? Hollister's Rocky Mountain
tea makes you well, keeps you well.
35 cents. C. L. Cotting.
Probate Court News.
May 18th Hearing claims Charles
W. Wilson estate; 18 claims allowed.
Report of administrator ordered.
May 22d Estate of James R. Mer
cer, deceased. Hearing petition and
appointment of Mary V. Mercer as
administratrix under bond of 83,000.
Bond filed and approved and letters
issued. Chas. II. Potter and Frank
Smith appraisers.
May 23d Estate of Carl Spilker, de
ceased. Hearing petition and admis
sion of will to probate. Ernest Spilk-
C. L. Cotting: I er appointed executor, under bond of
Dr. Warrick, tho specialist, late of 1 98,000,
This One Was Not a Baby.
The finding of a dead baby in the
south part of town last Friday even
ing revived a rumor which was cur
rent a few weeks ago to the effect
that a dead baby had been found on
the road north of town. This alleged
dead baby was discovered by Mr.
Sheldon, who reported the matter to
the authorities, but when search was
made for It. It could not be found. It
now appears that Dr. Asher had re
moved a tumor from a cow at Blue
Hill, and was carrying it around with
him for exhibition purposes. He lost
the tumor somewhere on tlm road
north of town, but did not take the
trouble to hunt for it. Thus it was
that the story of the finding of the
first baby got started.
The Skunk's Lament.
Two skunks were sitting lu a country
As an automobile whizzed by,
And a younger skunk let out a moan,
As a tear came in his eye.
"Oil, why do you weep?" said the old
er skunk,
'As though your heart would break."
"Because the smell of that automobile,
Is like mother used to make."
Jamestown Optimist,
Some of the Mottoes at
Grocery Store
are as follows:
And tho best flour room in the
county. Every sack of flour you
got from this storo is warranted,
tho sanio as everything else. If
tho goods do not givo satisfac
B. E. McFarland
Rural, 3B. Boll, 79.
' MC vt ! wj