The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 18, 1906, Image 2

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Hatercd In the PoBtofllce nt Red Cloud, Neb ,
an Second Clnni Matter.
Dead From Lockjaw.
Tecumsch, Neb., Mny 12. As tho
result of jumping from the roof of a
shod and running a ruHty null in his
foot, Ira Egge, tho eleven-year-old Bon
of Mrs. Fannie Egge of this city, died
f lockjaw.
Wife Beater May Face Serious Charge
Superior, Neb., May 11. E. L,
Springer, who is in jail for heating his
wife hero a couple of weeks ogo, now
faces a more serious charge, as his
wife died from tho effects, it Is al
leged, of the beating ho administered.
Fries HaB Withdrawn.
Lincoln, May 12. State Senator
"Wall, who is in Lincoln, reported that
M. I Fries had withdrawn from tho
race for governor. Senator Sheldon
issued a declaration at Nehnwka an.
nonncing his intention to make tho
race I
Small Boy Is Killed by Window.
Blair, Neb., May 14. Casper, the
nine-year-old of Mrs. Martens Knut
son, was killed while trying to climb
Into the barn window. He placed a
board up to the window and when
1 L.?0.? Jl!.V
from under the heavy sash, which fell
and broke his neck.
Two Colored Men Killed.
Omaha, Mny 14. Ben Allen was fa-,
tally shot through the heart by Toti
Pope, with whom Allen had a pistol
duel In Johnny Wright's saloon. A few
hours later John Johnson, colored,
was almost Instantly killed by a Btab
wound Inflicted in thc left breast by
n unldcntlflod colored man.
Segregation lg Theme.
Lincoln, May 11. Segregation of
Rexes has been animatedly discussed
at thir state university during the past
'.few days. Chancellor Andrews will
'recommend that co-eds and male stu
dents select rooms at separate places
of abode next year. According to
custom tho students room wherever it
is convenient.
Cattlemen Take Down Fences.
Omaha, May 11. Unlawful fences
which inclosed 800,000 acres of tho
government domain in the western
part of the stato have been taken
down. Sworn statements to that ef
fect have been received by Special Dis
trict Attorney Rush from twenty-flvo
cattlemen against whom he brought
seven civil actions, Ave In tho federal
circuit court and two in tho federal
district court.
Ames Factory Wants Beets.
Fremont, Neb., May 14. Manager
Scllley of the Standard Beet Sugar
company Fays tho Ames factory will
bo run the coming season and that
tho receivership Insures that. All
claims for last senson's beets will be
paid in full and there will be money
to pay for this season's beets. The
company, he says, has made money
every year until 1905 and the present
situation Is duo to thc poor quality of
last year's crop.
Bode's Firm Assigns Stock.
Falls City, Nob.. May 1 1. E. O.
Bodo & Sons assigned their cntlro
btuck to trustees for the heuelll of
creditors, representing $15,000 of
debts. Tho stock Is valued at about
$14,000 and will not begin to pay out.
There are more creditors to hear from.
This condition of tho store developed
after tho report of tho export account
ants showed that City Treasurer E. O.
Bode, a member of the lirm of E. Bodo
& Sons, was short in the city and
school funds $12,000. Tho action
taken by tho creditors will result in
throwing tho entire loss or tho city
funds upon tho bondsmen of Bodo.
Visits Son After Killing Wife.
Falrbury, Neb.. May 14. Sidney
Mackey, former county commissioner,
committed suicide utter killing his
wife. He was living on his farm near
Reynolds, whero ho hnd resided for
thirty-five years. Friday he took his
meals at his son's house, near his
home, and said his wife had gone to
Council Bluffs to visit relatives. Tho
next morning his body was found on
tho fioor of his house with a pistol in
his hnnd and further investigation
disclosed tho body of Mrs. Mackey in
an adjacent room, with a bouquet of
flowers In her hand. Evidently she
had been killed twenty-four hours be
fore Mackey killed himself.
Three Deaths Alleged to Have Result
ed From Assaults of Attendants.
Lincoln, Mny 15. According to
charges tiled with Governor Mickey,
, threo deaths havo result In tho Nor- Wo Selunolling was among those who I body of his business partner and life
folk asylura for tho insane from the 'collected somu pretty strong evidence long friend, Theodore Hansen.
assaults of attendants. L. W. Wolfo,
an employe, wroto a detailed letter,
giving tho names of the patients and
the names and dates of assailants
and assaults Ills letter is said to bo
substantiated in part by Dr. Frank S.
Nicholson, assistant superintendent.
In addition charges of mismanage
ment and Incompetency are lodged
against Superintendent Aldcn. He
answers with u countercharge against
Nicholson. Governor Mickey prepared
charges accusing both officers of In
competency and lnharmony.
Attorneys for Dr. Alden and Dr.
Nicholson appeared before the gov
ernor last night and cited statutory
provisions for a hearing by the board
of public lands and buildings. Tho
matter was referred to the legal de
partment by tho governor, and Deputy
Attorney General Thompson will re
port In a few days. It is practically
settled that tho matter will come be
fore the Btate board, witnesses will be
examined and tho whole affair probed.
Grand Army State Encampment.
Lincoln, May 16. Tho state en
campment of tho Grand Army of tho
Republic began here and will continuo
three days. The national commander,
Corporal James Tanner, will bo hero
two days.
Laborer Instantly Kitted.
Tallin Rock. Nidi.. Mnv 12. Frank
Bally a laborer at thc. upt0wn yards
of thc Tabe Rock clay and Brlck com.
pany, was instantly killed. His left
' arm was caught In the cogwheels of a
. crusher and his whole arm and pert
of his chest were mangled.
Riot Threatens Crawford.
Lincoln, May.. 15. Arthur Moose, a
"as Wcd by a colored soldier from
Fort Robinton. James Moose, the
watchman's brothor, killed the soldier
and a friend of the latter struck James
Mooso and broke his arm. Officials
are Investigating the case,
threatens to lead to a riot.
Women's Relief Corps Orders.
Superior, Neb., May 12. Late gen
eral orders from national headquar
ters of the Women's Relief Corps
here, by the president, Mrs. Abblo
Adams, announce that the twenty
fourth national convention of tho or
ganization is to be held in Minneap
olis, Aug. 16 and 17. Announcement
is made of the unveiling at Galesburg,
111., by the department of Illinois of a
bronze group memorial of Mother
Bickerdyke and the private BOldiers.
Ambitious Worker Causes Explosion.
Lincoln, Mny 10. Owing to the fact
that an ambitious employe of J. C.
Wood & Co. wanted to "make good,"
the firm Is out about $1,000. Tho em
ploye was cleaning woolens with
naphtha. He rubbed so vigorously that
electricity was generated, and Ignited
tho naphtha. An explosion followed
and the building took Are. The Arc
department barely stopped the flames
before the flre reached a large tank
of naphtha. The garment was a shirt
and the naphtha was mixed with
chloroform for cleaning purposes.
Injured by Automobile.
Lincoln, May 14. Miss Pearl Apple
gate received serious injuries from a
collision with an automobile. Several
ribs were broken and her collarbone
was fractured. "W. E. Polleys Is said
to bo tho owner of the machine, but
ho was not In It nt the time of the ac
cident. According to tho police rec
ords, Clyde Hays was acting as chauf
feur at the time, but bystanders al
lege that two ladles were the only oc
cupants. After knocking down Miss
Applegato, tho automobile veered
across me si reei una demolished a
popcorn stand before It was brought
under control.
Former State Auditor Cornell Dead.
Verdon. Neb., May 14. John Fran
cis Cornell, for four years auditor of
public accounts or tho state of Ne
braska and llfty years a farmer on
tho same section of land in Richard
son county, died nt his home. Tho
funeral will be held tomorrow and
burial will be In the family cemetery
on the hillside of the old Cornell
homestead pre-empted by his father
In ISiiO. Mr. Cornell was first elected
auditor in 181)0. when Governor Hoi
comb served his last term. Charges
were made against him in tho manner
of the conduct of the insurance depart
ment. An investigation lastlnu forty
days was held, which resulted in estab.
lih.ilng his innocence of wrongdoing,
Mr. Cornell was re-elected auditor In
Elmer Hlgerbaugh of Superior Arrest
ed for Setting Fire to Two Barns.
Superior, Nob., May 12. Elmer
Hlgerbaugh was arrested, charged
with setting fire to barns owned by
Robert Guthrie and Aiumst Schmoll
ing. Hlgerbaugh was discovered at tho
river fishing In tho vicinity of
Schmolllng's barn. Ho formerly
worked lor Guthrie and had been dls
charged. He had mndo t.ueats of get
ting even with Guthrie and after
Outlulo's barn was burned u week
against him in connection with that
Arc. Tho Beatrice bloodhounds were
taken to tho burned barn and given a
sniff of one of Higerbaugh's shoes.
They took up a trail from the barn to
tho river, whero Higcrbaugh was ar
rested, and from thero to tho city hall
and to tho cell which Higcrbaugh oc
Attorneys Conclude Arguments and
Leave Matter in Hands of Referee.
Lincoln, May 12. Referee Pember
ton will decide on the evidence in the
anti-trust grain suits and report to tho
supremo court. The attorneys con
cluded their arguments and the litiga
tion is practically ended.
Attorney Courtright, Attorney Hall
and a number of others made argu
ments. In general they challenged
the evidence and sought to discredit
the witnesses. All sought to have tho
litigation brought under thc Junkin
Judgo Sullivan argued that vhe
grain men entered into a conspiracy
and abetted the actions of thc associa
tion with their services as individuals.
All wero guilty, and there was no
misjoinder of issues or injustice in
the prosecution. W. J. Courtright or
Fremont, attorney for tho Nye-Sclinel-der-Fowler
company, maintained that
tho grain association had been dis
solved by withdrawal of Ub members
beforo the Junkin act went into effect,
and that therefore the law could not
Captain Constantinoff Torn to Pieces
and Seven Persons Injured by Ex
plosion Three Slain and Eleven
Wounded by Soldiers.
Warsaw, May 15. While Polico
Captain Constantinoff was Btanding in
Marszalkowske street with two po
llccmen and four soldiers, a young
man threw a bomb into tho group.
Tho explosion of the bomb literally
tore Captain Constantinoff to pieces
and severely wounded a policeman and
six other persons. The assassin tried
to escape and firing his revolver,
wounded a soldier. The other soldiers
replied with a volley, killing the as
sassin and two other persons. Tho
soldiers then attacked the people
who had gathered with their bayonets
and the butts of their guns, wounding
eleven persons, making a total of four
killed and nineteen wounded.
The terrorists have sought Captain
Constantinoff's life since May day of
last year, when he ordered the sol
diers to flre on a procession of social
ists, causing tho death of thirty per
Commander of Port of St. Petersburg
Thrust Through With Dagger.
St. Petersburg, May 15. Admiral
Kuzmich, commander of the port, who
was very unpopular with the work
men, wns assassinated here Dy work
men whose Mny day demonstration he
had attempted to stop. The admiral
was killed at the new admiralty
works, a government Institution where
most of the 2,000 men employed re
ported for duty.
They wanted Immediately to march
out in a body and celebrate the Rus
sian May day, but finally agreed to
work until 2 o'clock In the afternoon.
The admiral, however, made a speech
to tho men, saying he could not agreo
to their leaving work at 2 o'clock,
and, the matter was left open.
At about 9:30 a. m according to an
officer who was at the gate of tho
works, the admiral was emerging from
a small shop In the works when a
workman, who had been concealed
around the corner of the building,
leaped on Kuzmich from behind and
drove a long dagger Into his back.
Tho ndmiral fell forward on his face,
which was badly cut by stones, and
died immediately. The assassin fied
into a large forgo, whero ho was lost
among tho men employed there. Tho
works wero promptly surrounded by
troops and polico, but the search for
the murderer was unavailing.
Carl Schurz Passes Away.
New York, Mny 10. Carl Schurz,
widely known as a publicist and a
former cabinet member, died at his
homo In this city. Death was duo to
n complication of diseases following
an attack of stomach trouble. At tho
bedside wero n son, Carl L., and two
daughters, Marlanna and Agatha; Ed-
! ward L. Pretorlus, Mr. Schurz's busi
ness partner, and Drs. Jacob! and
Still Finding Bodies in Ruins.
San Francisco, Mny 15. The fact
that three girls perished In tho ruins
of Prost's bakery, on Sixth street, ns
' a result of tho earthquako and fire,
j has just been established. After a
( search of twenty-seven days In tho
i ruins of their former piaco of busl-
' noss. E T. Johnson found tho chnrred
Women as Weil as Ren Are Made
Miserable by Kidney and
Bladder Trouble.
Kidney trouble preys upon the mind,
discourages and lesscusumbitiou; beauty,
vigor aim cuecrtul
ncss soon disappear
when the kidneys are
out of oHer or dis
eased. Kidney trouble has
become so prevalent
that it is not uncom
mon for n child to be
born afflicted with
weak kidneys. If the
child urinatcstoooftcn, if the urine scalds
the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an
age when it should be able to control the
passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wetting,
depend upon it, the cause of the diffi
culty is kidney trouble, and the first
step should be towards thi treatment of
these iiuportautorgans. This unpleasant
trouble is due to a diseased condition of
the kidneys and bladder and not to a
habit as most people suppose.
Women as well as men arc made miser
able with kidney and bladder trouble,
and both need the same great remedy.
The mild and the immediate effect of
Swamp-Root is soon realized. It is sold
by druggists, in fifty
cent and one-dollar
size bottles. You may
have a sample bottle
by mail free, also a
Homo of Bwamp-Iloot.
pamphlet telling all about Swamp-Root,
including ninny ot me thousands ot testi
monial letters received from sufferers
cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co.,
Bingliauiton, N. Y., be sure and mention
this paper. Don't mnkc any mistake,
but remember the name, Swamp-Root,
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the ad
dress, Binghamton, N. Y., on every
in every ltyle. Ca
tering to partiei and
dances a specialty.
Fresh Bread, Pies,
Cakts, Candy and
The Bon Ton
W. S. BENSE, PfprlcUr.
" B During an these yean
have been acknowledged to
grade. The most critical and
them unsurpassed in
Tone, Action and Durability
We are district distributers
Pianos, and will gladly put
our representatives, or mail
and opecial prices.
St. Joseph,
Snccesvora to
Established la 186S.
-a k 1 T !
I AY, 1 1
Do you know that it will pay YOU. as
well H8 US, to buy your Uuildiug Ma
teriul and Coal at ouryards? Not only
that our prices average lower, or at
least us low, as thoss of our oomriatit
ors, but because w tak espouial care
of and protact all can b classed as
jiff if if f tph nf ri'r'wi,ii'ril't,''ri,ii,,"n''v'r'r1i,Tri'i'r"
City Dray and
Goods Delivered to any part of the city.
Charges as low as the Lowest
Residence 188. Office 119
To have a happy home
you should have children.
They are great happy-home
makers. If a weak woman,
you can be made strong
enough to bear healthy chil
dren, with little pain or dis
comfort to yoursclf,by taking
A Tonic for Women
It will ease all your pain, reduce
Inflammation, cure Jcucorrhea,
(whites), falling womb, ovarian
trouUc, disordered menses, back
ache, headache, etc., and make
childbirth mtural and easy. Try it.
At nil dealers in medicines, in
tt. 00 bottles.
is my baby girl, now two weeks
old," writes Mrs. J. Priest, of Web
ster City, Iowa. "She is a fine
healthy babe and ve are both doing
nicely. I am still ta!;tng Cardui,
and would not tr without it in
tlie licut.''
gainst Fife. Lightning, Cy- '
clones and Windstorms, se '
feat for tht Formers Union Insure
no Co., Lincoln, Nb., th beBt in
wanc company in the )t.
Morton L. Hill, of Lebanon. Ind.. nay; "Ms
wift had Inflammatory Hbeumatlsm In ercrjr
miiRCla and Joint: ncr miTering was terrible
aud her body and fact vrere twcllen almost bo
yond recognition: bad been In bed bIz reek
an bad eight pbyMclatm. bnt rccelTCd do
benefit until the tried tbe Myrtle Cure for
KheumatlRtn. It gaTe Immediate relief and
be waa able to walk about in three davg. i am
twa It aaved her life." Hold by 11. 'a. Gricc.
Drujglit. Bed Clond. i
A. B. CHASE Pianos
bo of the very highest
expert musicians find
of tho A. B. CHASE
you in touch with one of
you catalogues
W "" tt r w s-
I 5 1 CKI I
Express Line.
1 1
k ?