lUMILIIWIJlUIMtlJllllHJ.Jli.AUIUUIl.iWUIiJUUIMIIW wxHMJUMjiMi mgj.v.aaum&'w tnu uiu-jj .joiu ajitnuuaa' ffifvjtfJ'jiAfffffSj A 'f'vi'v .il Intcreutlru; llcmg Gathered by Our County R-cportors INAVALli brn planting is well under way In this viclnil.y. With no Into frost thoro is proiniso of an abundant fruit crop. Quito a ntimhor of pooplo from hero si'o attending court this wook. Mrs. Arthur Myers, who lias been .side for soiiiii time, was taken to tlio hospital in Oinilin Sunday morning. Tho Law and Order League hold a meeting in the M. 13. church on Mon day ovoning. Thero was a good at tendance and a constitution was adopted, af tor which tho meeting was addressed by Tliomas Hamuli of Lin coln. Several cotiimltteos wore ap pointed to look aftor tho local work of tho society. GARFIELD Clarouco Uood was iu Garflold last Saturday. Mrs. Cora Kcod was visiting with her parents tho last of tho week. B. P. Rood and wife woro visiting friouds in Garflold last Sunday. Mrs. Emma Smith and hor sistor, Mrs. Anna Popo visitod with Mrs. Pearl Alios last Saturday. Tho temporary hridgo at Rod Cloud is again passable, for which tho south side people aro extromoly thankful. It is a deprivation to bo severed from tho hub. It is now tho sooding time of tho year, and every fanner appears to bo trying to out do all tho rost iu tho planting race. Tho gentle hum of tho listor as it extracts golden grains from tho box and doposits thorn in mother earth, is heard ou every hand; and all nature sooms to rejoice at tho return of spring, in anticipation of a bounti ful harvest time byo and bye. BLADEN Mr. and Mrs. King visited in Blue Hill Sunday. II. B. Boyd aud wife drove to Red Cloud Monday. R. U. Chevalier and wife drove to Campbell Suuday. Miss Jossio McDonald spent Sunday with Miss Rella Snyder. Miss Erma Hall spent Sunday with Miss Grace Woodside. A. Wnufle and son roturned from Red Cloud Wednesday. Miss Pearl McCallum is visiting hor annt, Mrs. J. M. Lockhort, this week. Col. Bonnott is treating J. V. Mc Coy's house to a fresh coat of puiut. Erma Hall is visiting at tho homo of hor undo, John Hall, south of town. Miss Domars was a passenger for Campbell last Friday, returning' Mon day. Fred Andrews has routed tho front room of tho Alexander building and will have his barber simp there. A. MoCord and Mr. Johnson return ed from Kansas City Wednesday, whero thoy went with thoir cattlo. Fred Kaufman was called to Mineral Springs, Mo., to .-eo his son John, who is quite sick with rhouinatisin. Robert Donton and family drove to Cowlos Saturday aud visitod over Sunday with his brother Goorgo. Bladen was again visited by a fire. Tuesday night about 11 o'clock flro in somo way caught in Morey Bros, blacksmith shop, and before it wasdis covored was under such headway that it was impossible to extinguish it. Tho L. E. Sponco building, in which Fred Andrews had his barber shop was also burned. Burlington Bulletin. Low rato tour to California aud Pugot Sound To Pugot Sound and Portland, direct or via Colifornia very low rato excursion tickotson tale Juno 18 to 22, inclusive. To California, Portland and Pugot Sound Daily low excursion rates commencing Juno 1 applying via vari able routos embracing all western scenery und attractions. To California and return Still lowor rates Juno 25 to July 7 inclusive; only 812.50 additional to include tho Shasta route and Pugot Sound. To Colorado and return-daily aftor Juuo 1. About half rates. Still lowor rates for tho Elk'g groat mooting at Denver. Tickets sold July 10 to July 15 inclusive. To Eastern Resorts Daily low sum mer tourist rates commencing Juno 1 to Chicago, St. Louis, St. Paul, Wiscon slu mid Michigan reports, also to Nl iigrrn bills, Whi to mountains and .Ytnliio resorts. Special llomeu'ekers rates 1st and .'5rd Tuesdays, low excursion rates to tho North Platte Valley, tho llig Horn Jlasin and oth r frontier territory. Personally conducted excursion on l and .'Id Tuesdays of each month for those seeking free homesteads of 010 acres for mixed farming and dairying. Vrito I). Clem Denver, Agent Homo seekers Information Bureau, 1001, Far iiain St., Omaha, Nob. Desoribo your trip to mo and let mo advise you how to make it at tho least cost. J. V. Riiwuius, A Kent. LIVE STOGK MARKETS Al KANSAS CITY. TTME WEEK'S TRADE REPORTED BY C1.AY, ROBINSON A COMPANY, GJVC STOCK COMMISSION MEROHANTS. OPFIOGB AT OHIOAOO, KAN8A8 OITY, OMAHA, SIOUX OITY. ST. JOSEPH AND DENVER. Kansas Citx, May 0. Rocoipts of cattlo thus far this week aro 21,000; last week, 22,300; last year, 10,700. Monday's market was strong to 10 cents higher for all classes except stockors and feeders, those latter rul ing rather dull at steady to weak rates. Today's trade opened slow but closed firm for all grades but stockors and foodors, theso latter showing easy to 10 cents lowor. Tho following tabio gives prices now ruling. Extra primo corn-fed steers. .55 .T -fi 80 Good corn fed steers 1 !)0-f :i." Ordinary corn fed stoors.... 4 55-1 00 Choice corn fed heifors 1 05-5 00 (lood corn fed heifors 4 10-1 G5 Medium corn fed heifers.... '. t!0 i 10 Clioico corn fed cows -1 25-1 75 Good :i 75-1 25 Medium II 25-3 75 ("minors 225 300 Clioico stags -1 00-1 85 Choicofod bulls 375-1 10 Good 335-3G5 Bologna bulls 2 25-3 00 Veal calves 5 00-5 75 Good to clioico native or westorn stockors 4 25-4 75 Fair 300-4 10 Common 3 25-3 50 Good to choice heavy nativo feeders 4 25-4 85 Fair 375-425 Good to choice heavy brand ed horned feeders 3 75-150 Fair 325-375 Common 2 75-3 00 Good to clioico stock heifors 3 25-3 75 Fair 2 75-3 25 Good to choice stock calves, steers 4 00-4 75 Fair 350-400 Good to choico stock calves, heifors 325-4 00 Fair 275-325 Rocoipts of hogs thus far this week aro 25.400; last week, 27,400; last year, 27,200. Monday's market strong to 5 cents higher, closing weak; today steady to strong and again closing weak. Bulk of sales woro from 80.20 to 0.30; top Sti.35. Receipts of .sheop thus far this week 11,100; last week. 15.8(H); last year 13,- 100. Mondaj's market was .strong and active aud Tuesday again strong. Wc (pnitechoieo lambs, 47.25 to 7.35; choii'u yearlings, $0.50 to 0.75; choico wethers, .'15.35 to 0.50; choico owes .J5.75 to 0.00. To Cure Cold a In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo quinino tab lots. Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. E. V. Grove's signaturo i . on each box. 25 cents. SSH Ordinance No. 56. An ordinance for the construction of a bIUo walk In front of lot 111 and In front of lot 21. both Iu bloi:k .'It of tlio orlKlnnl town of Hed Cloud, mid for the aceelniico of tho hid of Studelmkcr A. l'lnkenblmlcr therefor, nnd the nmkliiB of contract with Mild Studeunker A: Klnkenblnder for tlio uoiiMrnctlon of said walks, expense (hereon to he churned nynliifct wild property. Ho It ordained by the mayor and council of the city of Ited Cloud: section 1. That a ildeuAlk 12 ftet. whlu of cement and with cement curb, be constructed in iiuiu oi enea ot tne loti ir inhered l and 21 In block III of the original town of Hed cloud, In accordance with the provMuiiN of ordlnanco No. in of Mild city and of tlu proceedings hero tofoie had iu reference (o said particular walks and the estimate of the ulty engineer and the hid of said Studelmkcr & Klnkenblnder there' for. Section a. That tho mayor and city clerk bo aud they hereby are authorized and directed to enter Into a contract with (lip said Studelmkcr fc FlnkonblndcrforthcfurnlihliiB f (ho neccs sary material and labor for the construction of nald walkb hereinbefore mentioned, for (ha sum of Fifty Dollart for ac1i walk so construct ed tho same (o be paid upon (ho completion and acceptance of said woik, (he said walks to bo built upon tho established giado and the cost thereof to bo assessed against tho said respec tive lots as provided by law. Section 3. This ordlnnnco shall tako effect and be In foreo from and after Its passage, ap. proval and publication. Passed aud unproved May f), joon, (') C. F, CATitun, Mayor. Alton: L. 11. Furt, City Clerk. TRIP TO A FIXf.D STAR. Would lit n laoi'ir .Journey Uvci WHS 'J'rntiHtiiirt..(lon J'tifllltl". Ther !-a peiji.-i-i '1 f .i, ;!. . :i'" !)i ,'-:;tr siinl Hie ii!i .i".i ii"i ; . uli. Hi they lie iroiii o:.e mio-h r ir f.'fini t.s. To demonstrate the t.i.. t.i.iec of Oiihiuri from this planet i popular scientist gives the lol'rv!i Ulustr.itlou In London Answers: " shall suppose that .some wealthy dlre-t ors, for want of outlet for their eu orgy and capital, construct a railway t Ceiitaurl. We shall neglect for tli--present the engineering dlfliettltlei, i. mere detail, and suppose them over come and the railway open for trail We shall go further and suppose i'.w the diredos have found the ci : tlou of such a railway to have : , cullarly easy and that the prvi..'.;r-. of Interstellar space had not been e orliitaut in their terms for right of way. "Therefore, with a view to encourage tralHc, the directors have made the fare exceedingly moderate viz, first class nt 1 penny per hundred miles. Desir ing to take advantage of these facili ties, a gentleman, by way of providing himself with small change for the jour ney, buys up tho national debt of Brit ain and a few other countries and, pre senting himself at the ollice, demands a first class single fare to Centaur!. "For this he tenders In payment tho price of tho ticket, 1,100,000.000. "Having taken his seat, It occurs to hi in to ask: " 'At what rate do you travel?' " 'Sixty miles an hour, sir, Including stoppages,' Is the answer. '"Then when shall wo reach Ceutnu rl?' " 'In 'IS.003,000 years, sir!' " HENRY BELL'S COMET. The I'M r. si Stcmiier That Piled For Hire In C.rvnt Ilrltuln. Among tho curiosities of advertising may surely be placed the first ad vertisement of the first steamer that plied for hire In Great Britain namely, Henry Bell's Comet. Thus ran tho ad vertisement In the Glasgow Courier of 1812: "Steam passage boat, the Comet, be tween Glasgow, Greenock and Helens burg. For passengers only. The sub scriber having at much expense fitted up a handsome vessel to ply upon tho river Clyde between Glasgow and Greenock to sail by the power of wind, air and steam he intends that the vessel shall leave the Broomlelaw on Tuesdays, Thursdays aud Satur days about midday or at such time thereafter as may answer from the stute of tho tldo and to leave Greenock on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays lu the morning to suit the tld,e. The elegance, comfort, safety and speed of this vessel require only to be proved to meet the approbation of tho public, and the proprietor Is determined to do everything In his power to merit public encouragement. The terms are for the present 4 shillings for tho best cabin and .". shillings for the second, but be yond these rates nothing Is to be al lowed to servants or any other person employed about the vessel." What would poor neglected Henry Bell have said could he have seen his humble little Comet, of whose elegance, comfort and speed ho was so proud, alongside a modern ocean racer or one of the latest palatial river steamers of the Clyde or Thames, all so well ad vertised? Chambers' Journal. THE CUPEY TREE. One of (Iu Most Curinuii Ci-owtliN of the Wfht Ii'.iUum. The cupey, or, as It is sarcastically called in tlio Kngllsli possessions, "the attorney' is one of the most curious, as It Is one of the most picturesque, denizens of the virgin forests of the West Indian Islands. It belongs to the parasitical family of trees or plants; but, terrible to relate, It Invariably, with the basest Ingratitude, destroys all life In tho unfortunate tree that cherishes It In its early growth. The seeds are borne on the wings of the wind and deposited on the branches of other tites, when they burst into roots, which are dropped toward tho ground all around the "nurse" tree. In time these roots reach the ground and strike Into the soil. From this moment tho roots grow stronger and stronger until thoy resem ble a lot of rope ladders thrown over tho tree. Next tho parasite sends down a great cord, which twines around the trunk of the supporting tree, at first as though lu loving embrace, but It grows tighter and tighter, eventually stran gling Its benefactor out of existence. The nurse tree thus killed rots to de cay, and from the immense fibrous roots of the destroyer now springs a great trunk, which rises high Into tho air. When a cupey Is full grown it presents a magnificent spectacle, for tho cordlike root rises often to fifty or Blxty feet and supports In midair tho vast treo Itself. MARIE ANTOINETTE. Two Drmntlo and Contrasting Epl odcn In Her Life. Thlstelton-Dyor, In his "Royalty In All Ages," describes two dramatic and tragically contrasted episodes In tho life of Mario Antoinette, tho lovely and 111 fnted queen of France. Once, In the days of her greatest popularity, -a v'v v'tv'w,vr OUR MOTTO: "Satisfaction your money 6a ck" combined with plain figure prices steadily adhered to, hiss brought us a constantly growing business. Quality iirst, price next. Nothing but standard made, reputable goods at lowest profit prices. Always willing to sww our goods and compare prices with cither local or Chicago houses. Newhouse Bros., Jewelers and Opticians. when she" we'nf to the opera of "fpfii genla," when Achilles came to the lino "Let us sing and celebrate tho queen," he turned toward tho radiant young sovereign and sang two additional Im promptu lines of charming compliment. This graceful aud unexpected homage so delighted tho audience that "all was shouting aud clapping of hands, and what never happened at the opera be-' fore the chorus was encored, and there were cries of 'Long live tho queen!' at which expression of feeling ' her majesty was so affected that she j shed tears." On the next occasion, when Marie Anioinetios sun or popular lavor nau set and she was nearlug the tragic close of her life, one of the actresses lu "Unforeseen Events" bowed to her as she sang the words "Ah, how I love my mistress!" In a moment all was In uproar, and the theater was full of hoarse, angry cries of "No mistress! No master! Liberty!" and "No master! No queen!" nnd it was some minutes before the tumult quieted down and it was possible to proceed with the play. Card Etiquette. "Hand in a lot of cards," Bald the elder woman. "Why?" was the hurried Inquiry. "Well, If you don't hand In enough," she said, as her companion dived deep Into her case, "they will say you don't know what Is right. If you give too many, however, they will think that you know better than they do and that there is some new style they have heard nothing about. Hand him a lot.' Kansas City Independent. At (In- llotfl. Mr. Verdant-Let's try this here domltassy at the end of the pro gramme. Say, waiter, bring us some demltassy. Mrs. Verdant Now, par. you promised mo you wouldn't take nothln' stronger'n tea or coffee. Haiti more American. UiinpprcclnteU l.lhrrnllty. "You are going to be tried before a very liberal Judge." said a lawyer to his client. "I am glad of that." "You needn't be. If you are found polity he'll give you all the penalty the law allows." A friend of tho homo-") A foe of the Trust Calumet Baking & Powder tCompllea with the Fure Food Laws of all states. Hat Comparison Good Hat Better Hat Gordon Hat $3.oo S s s or s s s B. S M. Watch Inspectors J A Great Fire You will have if you try some of that Good Coal Sold by Saunders Bros. The popular 'Lumber nnd Coal men of Red Cloud. Telephone 60 will get it. To the Farmers Out of ofl Insurance Companies doing business in Webster County the Gecman of Free port pays one-third of tho taxes and lun over 500 policies in force. The Fanners' Mutual of Nebraska is tlio largest Mutual in the state, with over three quarters of a million dollars in Miranee in Webster county. For Good Insurance Call on o. c. Red Cloud. DE. W. S. SMITH OSTEOPATH LINDSEY BLOCK Red Cloud, Neb. FEED PLUMB Mas just received a complete line of FRESH Bulk Garden Seeds Also handles Flovir I Feed Telephone 51.