'ft. s V jrnrr C , J t im iX-tiSi Chas. JL Coiling, 5 L0GAIETTES jjj Itounion August yo to September 1. J. P. Crans was in St. Joe Saturday. Joe lUair was in the oity over Sun day. A. T. Walker was in Franklin Mon day. Dr. E. A. Thomas, Dentist, Damerell l)lock. There was a slight freeze Saturday night. Roy Palmer was down from Inavale Sunday. Paul Pope went to Lincoln Friday morning. Lee Snee is working in Sheard's bar her shop. II. 10. Tolin of St. Joe is cook at the eating house. John Rjttlcdge is re.shingling his house this week. Ity .shephordson was down from TCiverton Monday. Herb I.udlow left the first of the week for Chicago. Mrs. F.tigene Hunter was down from ll'.vortoti Tuesday. j .sam Temple of Kansas City was in ( S'.W"-' '. '" .! . ! .! .! jSU?;aVo 3.C0 .,&::.&::; ,.:. ;.: $3 ;; il '.V o 1BTTT I TIlFoTr jflMIfl EH Y . This department is now complete in every de tail, and increasing in popularity, as it justly should. We have spared neither time or money to make this Millinery Emporium a credit to Red Cloud, and we are glad to know that the Ladies appreciate our efforts. New Spring Goods Our store is brimful and running over with new Spring and Summer Goods consisting of all the new fabrics and weaves in Silk, Silk and Wool, and Wool Suitings; also Wash Goods in unlimited quantities. Embroidered Waist Patterns and Waistings to please everybody. Ladies' Tailor Made Suits -. -.v 1iH m F.r Just received our new tailor-made Suits that $ it"" range in price froirL$io up to $22. These Suits were ;" manufactured by Landesman-Hirschheimer Co., rec- ognized leaders of fashionable Ladies' Suits and $ m Coats. We also have their and Children's Spring Coats and Jackets. I hey are certainly the nobbiest we have ever seen. We can save you money on these garments. Let us show you. 'I'll m : ?4 Ladies' and Misses' Tailored Skirts The new Spring Skirts are in. They will please you in stole, workmanship, fit and price. We have no competition in skirts. Buy your Skirt of us and be in style. W $H.'W'W'$ H M Se Druggist. R (1 rli.llii this Hi'!' . For. .nvii: Two small showc -. Inquire at this olliee. Dr. K. A. Crcighton was in Omaha the llrst of the week. Harry Letson left this morning for a business trip to Idaho. Ralph Hunter and wife were down from Inavale Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Jones were tip from Guide Hock Sunday. Sheriff Hedge went to Guide Rock this morning on business. Foit Sai.k A baby buggy, rubber tired. Inquire at this oillce. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Myers of Leba non, Kansas, are in the city this week. It. II. Morgan and wife went to Republican City Wednesday evening. Mrs. R. K. Foe of Herndon, Ivan., is visiting her mother, Mrs. L. MoFar laud. Robert Fortune of Hebron was in Red Cloud the llrst of the week on business. Regular preaching service at the Raptist church next Sunday at the usual hour. Mrs. Verlinda Lilt, was down from Inavale Monday and made this ofiiee a pleasant call, ;ij.ss m.z Holdrege. trimmer, at the Romford A Hays millinery store, was ' ..,:; ,! , ' . ,:' ; vim ,&. .;'. -x-,. ArX.'Xi'-i-wS $& y-t i . .':? line of Ladies', Misses' jjj$ ls? f ?.f m ft; IJ"T. 1 r, .' mm ilDRKgtaiuyi 'JJ u '" v i isit in t w id fririn's in islii nuingti'ii Mimtiu . .las. I'i'tersiiu is hariitr an iuip'o inent Ihm'sc built at the n-nr of his havdwari' slmv. MbiTt Knutson, who lives four miles west of town, brought In nine wolf scalps Saturday. Alison (iarber came up from Guide Rock the llrst of the week to spend a few days at home, Rev. ,1. M. Rates will preach next Sunday night on ".Marriage and the Marriage Service." Miss Myrtle Morrison Is home from Spencer, Nebraska, where she has been for some time past. George Fentress returned Saturday from Long Island, Kansas, and will make his home here. Mr. ami Mrs. Dave hickey and child ren were visiting with C. T. Dickon son and family Sunday. Mr. ami Mrs. James Amick have mown into .iirs. romiuisoti s prnpeily in the south part of town. Wami.h cattle for summer pasture. Plenty of shade and water. 10 cents per mouth. ). M. Ilr.txii:. Harry Moranville and family went to Fairbury Monday morning, where they will make their home. Mrs. Schelfcr and little baby of Superior were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Warren Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Grant MeFarland of Omaha were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. George Warren Saturday. Hamp Wisecarver had the misfortune to fall from his cream wagon Monday and was rather badly used up. Dr. Thomas gives special attention to diseases of women and children. Olliee over Cotting's drug store. The members of the Junior whist club were royally entertained at the It. t M. hotel Thursday evening. Mrs. II. A Howard had the misfor tune to fall down stairs last Friday and received some severe bruises. About twenty of the young friends of Miss Delia Morrison gave her a surprise party last Friday evening. Miss Lvu Mann, who has been in Red Cloud for sonic time, returned to her home in Oxford Wednesday night. Marion Mercer is due to arrive from McPherson, Kan., and will be found at his old place in llenson's barber shop. Dr. .1. W. Moranville went to St. Louis. Mo., last Friday on business, lie returned home, the llrst of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Ned Grimes returned last Friday from their wedding trip, and to l.lue Hill Monday, their future home. Mrs. Alice Griggs of Denver, Colo., an rived in Red Cloud Tuesday morn ing and is visiting with Mrs. Wicker sham. For rent, 10 acres plowed land 1 l- miles north east of Inavale. Inquire of I'M Grossman or C. L. Cutting, Red Cloud. Lou Hohbs and George Miller both have their new cigar factories in opera tion and indications point to a good business. Mr. and Mrs. I. .1. Wehrman of Nel son, brother-in-law and sister of Dr. M. I'. Thomas, were Red Cloud visitors this week. Mrs. S. R. Meltride has purchased the property of Mrs. Harriet Fmigh in the north part of town, Considera tion Sl-'OO. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Porter of Day ton, Ohio, arrived in Red Cloud last Wednesday and arc visiting with Mrs. A. A. Pope. Miss lOmma Iterglield, who has been living in Denver for several years, has returned, and is visiting relatives near Guide Rock. It. F. Muntz, who went to Norton, Kansas, a few weeks ago, returned home Sunday and is again working for Albright Itros. Mrs. Martha Overman and Air. and Mrs. Alex Waggoner, mother and sis ter of Mrs. Damerell and B. U. Over man, of Ft. Madison, Iowa, are visit ing in Red Cloud. Mrs. Dr. Rogers and two children from Cuba, 111., arrived in Red Cloud yesterday and are visiting at the home of George ltaylor. Friends of .1. II. Reinsberg, who now lives in Denver, will be sorry to hear that he Is losing his eyesight and is now almost blind. Red Cloud's young people enjoyed a social dance Wednesday evening: ut the Masonic hull. The Italian orchofctra furnished the musio. Have you pains in tho back, inllnm mation of any kind, rJioimmtUui, faintingf spoils, iiuligosUou or floimti- PHtlonV llollUUr's Rooky Mountain m ffi&Bmgm rbojssok km ch (fS l& 0 &W Ofw Men's Blue Serge Suits All Woo!. Fast Color . mtm The ('.rental SUIT BARGAIN ever offered in Red Cloud. Equal to any $10 Suit on the Market I IM IIIIWIIIMWlimil nil I I I MM in i mil i tlMM MMMIIWI IWWWIMi Ml MIMM SKK THIS GREAT SPECIAL Gbe Cowden-Haley Clothing Co., ALWAYS RELIABLE tt First Door North of PostolTtcc, Rod Cloud, Nobr. tea makes you well, keeps you well, lift cents. C. L. Cutting. ' Miss Jessie Ditcher went to Lincoln Tuesday evening to attend the wed ding of a friend, which took place ! Wednesday evening. i Mr. and Mrs. .1. A. Waskom, who have been living in South Dakota, ar-' rived in Red Cloud Thursday nooll for a visit with relatives. Last Sunday the annual collection for home missions was taken at the Congregational church. I he amount i collected was about SO.". Mr. Krause, brother-in-law of Mrs. Krnest Welsch. arrived in Red Cloud Monday evening from Germany, lie left Hamburg on the IHtli. The Rruiiswick barbershop is lltted with bath tubs and all modern appli ances. Tiidcr Tuber's billiard parlor. Frank llenson, proprietor. About half the population of Inavale precinct were in Red Cloud Thursday to hear the Strolun liquor case, which was continued to the September term. Foil Sam: Iron beds-, 81. .10; springs. SI. .".(); mattresses, S1..M). and other household goods in proportion. In quire of Mrs. D. F. Tennaut. at Pio neer hotel. The Memorial Sunday sermon to the members of the G. A. I!, will be de livered Sunday morning. May :.'7, by Rev. Davis. The services will be held at the M. K. church. Ralph Foe was iij town the llrst of the week, lie has resigned as station agent at. Herndon, ICansas. and will soon be given a much higher position with the company. .1. W. Warren, F. Newhou.se. D. L. Groat, Mesdaiues Warren, Ducker and Kizer go to Lincoln next Tuesday to attend the state encampment of the (J. A. It. and W. R. C. The following sermon themes will be presented at the Congregational church Sunday: Morning, "The Rower of Vision;" evening "Whom to Know Aright is Life Fternal." It pours the oil of life into your sys tem. It warms you up and starts the life blood circulating. That's what Hollister Rocky Mountain tea does. :5 cents, tea or tablets. C. L. Cutting: At the regular meeting of the G. A. R. Saturday evening the dates for the reunson were chosen August 'JO to September 1, Inclusive. This brings the reunion just ahead of the state fair and before school opens. Roy Tarr, salesman at Miner's store, received a telegram Wednesday morn ing, announcing the death of his father at Sabetha, Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Tarr went to Sabetha Wednesdny to be present at the funeral. Mrs. Arthur Myers, living four miles west of Red Cloud,, was taken to Omaha Sunday morning, where she underwent u surgical operation. She was accompanied by her husband and Iter father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. George Matkin. The Red Cloud Holl phono lino is now cqunuetod with tho Guide Rook exchange and siibnoribers to either ex I -.3 5 JJTC Copyrlflht 1900 D. Kupponholmor& Co. Chicago I change can now talk with each other for the nominal fee of ft cents. The time Is not far distant when subscrib ers to the Hell phones will be entitled to talk to each other in tho country free of charge. S. Dyer of Denver stopped oil' in Red Cloud last evening on his way home from Missouri, where he had been to see his aged mother, who is very 111. Mr. Dyer while here will either sell his lots on north Webster street or make arrangements to build a residence on them, lie thinks Den ver is the llnest place in the world and has no intention of over returning to Red Cloud to live. There is a law on the statute books of Nebraska which If enforced would make every town in the state a beau tiful place in which to live. The law provides that the city council may compel property owners to grade and H.v up the parkings in front of their property, even going so far as permit ting the city to employ a landscape, garnener or forester to see that tho work is done right, charging the ex pense against the property. John O. Veiser, formerly of this city, secured the passage of the law when he was a member of the legislature from Doug las county. Some of the Mottoes at MAINLAND'S rocery Store are as follows: QUICK DELIVERY. COURTEOUS TREATMENT. GOOD GOODS. CLEAN STORE. LOW PRICES. GOOD BUTTER. FRESH EGGS. And tho host Hour room in tho county. Bvery sack of Hour you got from this store is warranted, tho sumo us everything olso. If tho goods do not give satisfac tion, YOUR MONEY BACK. L MGFarland PHONES: I Rural. 3S. FtnI. 7fi. i ' " ' : ;" ! 1 i I ! -" "r-f -rr-nr nr Wiw w m, ZLgy- t r-r -v-- vHtmiyKrstiamttiiatieMUii9