The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, May 11, 1906, Image 4

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Heart Beat
Yes. 100,000 times each day.
Does it send out good blood
or bad blood ? You know, for
good blood is good health;
bad blood, bad health. And
you know precisely what to
take for bad blood Aycr's
Sarsaparilla. Doctors have
endorsed it for GO years.
Ono f rrmtent etimfi of lilnoil hn aliiRRhli
llvnr. Tliln iirnillicci rniMtlti.illoll. 1 Nil notlinm
mili.tntirpi uro tlit'ii nttftorlH-il lulu tlin tilmiil,
Itntriul or ImiIhu ri'iiiDvcil rum lliii iimiy tinny
a n.iliiri' Intciiilt'il. Ki'i-i' tlin lionoU nien
with AyutM 11118. liver jiiii. an vLV't'inuic
I fiiJinti-vrrrrT'rrrfmaixxvAnx iswjjimfmnrm
Mailo by o. C, A yfr Co., XioxMl, Haas. I
Alio inanu:agiur(iro uj
9 I! MR VIJfiR.
6i Aniin liibp.
Items of News Found in Tho
Chief of Twenty Years Ago
This Week v V
Men Ludlow has returned from his
California tour.
O. 12. Conrad killed thirteen prairie
wolves the other day.
Mnyor Tinker is rusticating among
X.I10 western eowboys.
I. M. Teaehworth is building an ad
vlilion to his residence.
The Helmet has passed into the
hands of (Jrant Ludlow.
.Sam Super of Walnut creek is going
in Oregon for his health.
The brother and family of L. II.
iForl are visiting in the city.
Mrs. II. l Kinsey was in the eily
'this week attending u lawsuit.
John Storey has moved to lied Cloud
mvhere he will live in the future.
Miss Shirey, sister of .lohn and II.
V. Shirey. is in the city this week.
.Mrs. (i. V. (Tine returned from a
visit to Clay county Saturday evening.
.Mrs. and her mother. Mrs.
). riummer, have returned from Chi
cago. 15. W. Hawley and family go to New
York state, via the wagon route, next
Mrs. W. P. Watson has returned
Yrom Ohio, where she has been several
weeks visiting.
Mrs. II. Weight sind daughter Pdnnoh
expect to start soon for a visit at
Webster City. Iowa.
It. V. Shirey, cashier of the Ued
Cloud National bank, has gone to Con
aicolicut for a visit.
'Watson's dray upset in front, of T.
2. J lacker's grocery store and spilled
tout things in general.
.7. A. Crawford, proprietor of the
-1th Avenue hotel, has opened house
. ml is ready for business.
Thus. Vaughn, of Walnut creek,
drew a splendid new Pniou sewing
snachine from the Omaha lice's prize
Mrs. Chase, sister of Mrs. A. .1. h'en
ney, who has been visiting here, re
anrmyl to her home in Atlantic, Iowa.
Pearl Smith, daughter of Deputy
'Sheriff Bd Smith, broke her arm in
livo places, by falling oft' the sewing
Uev. II. X. Pond of Ilubbell has
unnved his family to Ued Cloud, and
will assume the pastorate of the Pres
byterian church.
Miss Sadie Hart, sister of Mrs. 1 V.
Taylor, came in Tuesday evening, and
left Wednesday morning for her claim
in Cheyenne county, Kansas.
W. N. Uichardson's horse was fright
ened by a hog jumping from the
wagon, and ran away, managing to
fracture his skull in the melee.
A young child of W M. Visscher at
tempted to masticate a can of concen
trated lye Tuesday, but failed to im
bibe enough to cause serious results.
fiartlcld Posl No. 80 have guaran
teed 111 for the new Sons of Veterans
Iband. Some S.'ift or $ to additional lias
aUso been raised by subscription for
fche same purpose.
When ex-Treasurer Chnrlio llusehow
IwrrJvcrt lit his home in this city last
Monday, lie win. introduced to his
jfoimgefct daughter, wljose arrival oc-
ncpn'ud during his absence.
Cowmi-M. C. .JaekKoo inadohiB an
Tfl Tlidt to our town lal weok in the
ipwU-y of iiswwpv ,D. 1). HindoU
luoes i our
has made some improvements on Ills
elevator (I. W. Wells put up a
windmill last week for C. W. Fuller
' I. II. Shugart of (iiiidc Hock
was in Cowles this week 12. S.
, Ueed has sold his farm to Douglas
Terry T. .1. Ward's mother has
returned from her protracted visit in
Virginia, accompanied by a number of
relatives and old neighbors, who have
come to Nebraska to live .... A. II.
Llnebarger was in Ued Cloud on busi
ness Wednesday Mrs. 1). It. Huick
is home from her visit at Ashland.
I Deaths and Funerals.
Riitlolnli Scliultz.
Utiilolph Seh ul tx. '.as born in (ier
miiiiv. I ebruary ".'. M:ii5. anil died May
l. I'hm; nt parr lysis, being siek but one
ik. lie was married in (leiiiianv in Miss Henrietta Treeten. In
ssi th'-y moved to Webster county
anil resided on a farm three miles
south of lied Cloud until a short time
ago they moved to this city, Funeral
services wcrcjicld at the home in this
city Thursday afternoon conducted by
Uev. (!. V. llummell and the remains
laid to rest in the Martin cemetery.
Deceased is mourned for by a wife and
six children.
Mrs. Dell Wells.
Mrs. Dell Wells, wife of ex-Sheriff
"Wells of Webster county, died at her
home in Norton county, Kansas, Tues
day, May 8, and the funeral services
were conducted at her home Thursday
afternoon at three o'clock. Mrs. Wells
was a sister of Mrs. Charles Uobinson
of this city. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson of
JMue Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Wells of
Cowles and Mr. and Mrs. C. 1). Uobin
son of Ued Cloud departed Wednesday
for Norton to be present at the funeral.
Two Deaths In One Family.
Last week there occurred two very
sudden deaths in the family of Mr. and
Mrs. II. A. Howard, both caused by
heart disease. The was the death
of Mrs. L. P. .Indson, at ltenzona.
Mich., on Monday. April :i(). The de
ceased was a sister of Mr. Howard,
and visited here but a few weeks ago.
on her return from a trip to California.
Pour days later, on May J. at Coun
cil UlutV.s. Iowa, occurred the death of
Pred Howard, a younger brother of
II. A. Howard. Pred Howard lived in
Ued Cloud some twenty years ago. and
was employed in the harness shop or
.1. L. Miller.
Take the Census.
We would suggest to the Commercial
Club that it would not be a bad idea
to have a census of the city taken.
The secretary of the school board takes
the census of the school district each
year, and with a little extra work he
could take the complete census of the
eily. However, as there is no pay pro
vided for the extra work, it is up to
the club or the eily council to make
this provision. L. . Port, city clerk,
says he believes Ued Cloud now has a
population of over 2.000.
Jewelry Store Chanftcs Hands.
.Mm Mitchell, who is well-known to
nearly everyone in this vicinity, has
purchased the jewelry store of Harry
Bngels ami assumed control Tuesday,
lie is an experienced jeweler, ami was
for several years located in MeCook.
but more recently has been living at
(ilenwood, Iowa. Mr. Bngels went to
Pairbury Wednesday, where he expects
to engage in the jewelry business.
Mr. Lorin W. Sab'm and Miss Iva U.
Ilagan of (Juide Hock were married
Monday. May S, by Judge Bdson.
Horace 15. Dullleld. who is employed
at Albright Urns, furniture store, was
married last evening to Miss Laura It.
Hoemer of Abilene, Kansas. .Judge
Bdson performed the ceremony.
A Certain Cure for Achlnft Feet.
Shako into your shoes Allen's Foot
Ease, r powdor. It euros tired, aching,
callous, sweating, swollen feet. At all
I druggists and shoo stoies, l."i cents.
j Sample frro. Address, Allon S. Oltn
, stoad, LoKoy, N. Y.
Por Infants and Children.
The Kind You Havo Always Bought
Bears tho
Signature of
Tlio Old Time trie of Torture In I.crl
The constitution of the Untied Stales
and the constitutions of the various
states In prohibiting cruel and unusual
punishments were int fighttng an ab
surdity. The use of torture In logul
processes was not, when these Instru
ments were framed, so remote as It is
When Sir Thomas Dole came as high
marshal to Virginia he crushed a con
spiracy by killing the ringleaders by
torture. One had a bodkin thrust
through his tongue and was chained
to a tree until ho died. Others were
broken on the wheel. It is quaintly
stated that Sir Thomas was "a man
of good conscience and knowledge In
divinity." Dole's date was 1011.
The next notable Instance of tho use
of torture was in Ki!)2, In the Salem
witchcraft excitement, when Olios
Cory was pressed to death the "peine
dure ot forte," the most horrible of
Kxecutlons were In public through
out the east until comparatively recent
times. When Quelch, the pirate, and
six others wore-hanged In l'oston, Sew
all wrote in his diary, "When the scaf
fold was let to sink there was such a
screech of the women that my wifo
heard it, sitting In our entry next to
the orchard," though the gallows was
a mile away and the wind unfavorable.
The use of torture to wring tho truth
from witnesses Is said to have boon rec
ognized as legal in Austria until well
within the century.
Ther Keep Their Ekk In Nataral
Pocket In Their Moatlm.
In tho sea of Galilee, or Lake Tibe
rias, as it is also called, there is a
strange fish named the Chromls slino
nls, which Is more careful of Us youug
than flsh generally are. The male
takes the eggs in Ids mouth and keeps
them in his natural side pockets, where
they are regularly hatched and remain
until able to shift for themselves. By
this Ingenious arrangement the brood
is comparatively guarded against Its
natural enemies. It Is easily fed, too,
but It Is a puzzle how the little ones
escape being eaten alive. Awhile ago,
says a traveler writing to a religious
eoutpinnorury, I found In my net a
number of these tlsh without eyes.
Others of the species, when I lifted
them up, dropped a number of little
Hshes out of their mouths, which swam
away hastily. Tho natives explained
the phenomenon. The blind chromls
Is the victim of sea hawks. When
these birds have eaten their till they
begin to look out for tidbits. After
catching a flsh they hit its forehead
with their sharp beak, knocking out
tins middle part, in which their eyes arc
set. The bony structure Is dropped
into the water, but the eyes tire eaten
by tho birds with great relish.
Strangely enough, the tisli generally
survive tills rough treatment. The
wound heals up quickly In water, and
they continue to ply the lake for food
as If nothing had happened. London
Why Timothy Grass Is So Cnlleil.
The forage grass known to the farm
ers of the raited States as timothy Is
so called because first Introduced and
extensively cultivated in this country
by oue Timothy Hanson, a farmer of
Maryland. This species of grass is
well known In England and all over
western continental Europe, whore It
Is grown extensively by most farmers
between the Mediterranean and the
North seas. The botanical name of this
grass Is Phloum pratense. Timothy Is
known in the Hritish isles as cat's'tall
grass and' In several of our eastern
states as herd, or herd's, grass. It was
grown Jh large quantities In Maryland
and Pennsylvania long before a spear
of It had ever been seen In England,
the llrst seed of It ever seen In the last
named country being Imported from
The "If" In Ituther Ininorlniit.
Here's something that may save
your life when a bull gets after you:
When a bull charges, just before tho
final lurch he shuts his vyes, and If
you have the presence of mind to
stand stock still until he is about two
or three feet from you all you have to
do Is to step aside, and he misses you.
Any child with sufficient presence of
mind to do this can let a bull charge
all day with perfect safety. TLib is
not a new thing, as It Is one of tho se
crets of the bullfighter In tho coun
tries whore tho sport is practiced. Tho
bullfighters say that a cow does not
do this, and they would never try any
such tricks with a mad cow.
Their Annoyances.
Neighbor 1 called to say that you
must keep your dog from barking. Ho
won't let our baby sleep. Householder
I'm glad you called. 1 wanted to say
that If you don't keep your baby from
crying I shall havo to enter a com
plaint. It annoys my dog awfully.
AVorkw I.Ike MiikIc.
Caller Have you ever known any
euros effected by what they call sug
gestion? Mrs. Ilewjams Oh, yes; I
onco cured Willie of a violent tooth
ache by suggesting that lie go to tho
tlontlst'8 and Imvo tho tooth cxtractod,
-Chicago Tribune.
W f-rf alrtnk94- jrsx4
91 any more
to be well dressed than half
dressed. And it makes a lot
of difference sometimes.
I can sell you an outfit that
will get you a job, or keep
you in your position, or get
you married.
The SUITS I am selling at
$7.50, $8.50
and up to
are sure winners wherever
placed. All I ask is a chance
to shoA them to you. COME
V . .
Elcnhnntn Delight In Drvnn nml Gor-
Kcoim TrnppliiKH.
Elephants are passionately fond of
finery and delluht to see themselves
decked out with gorgeous trappings.
The native princes of India are very
particular In choosing their state cle
phants and will give fabulous sums for
an animal Unit exactly meets the some
what fanciful standards they have
Por these they have made cloths of
silk so heavily embroidered with gold
that two men are hardly able to lift
An amusing Instance of elephantine
pride is narrated: The elephant which
usually led the state procession of a
rajah being 111, the magnificent trap
pings were placed on one which had
up to that time occupied only a subor
dinate place.
The animal, delighted with Its finery,
showed its glee by so many little
squeaks and kicks of pleasure that gen
eral attention was attracted to it.
Not long after another state proces
sion was formed, and tho previous
wearer of the gold cloths, being re
stored to health, took his accustomed
place and trappings, when tho now de
graded beast, imagining, perhaps, that
he was being defrauded of his promo
tion, was with great dilllculty restrain
ed from attacking the leader of thu
Ho ml Mnrkcrx.
On some of the Yorkshire moors
white posts are to ho seen along tho
narrow tracks which serve as roads.
They are called "stoops" and are some
thing like boundary posts In appear
ance. A casual observer might Imag
ine that they really did denote a coun
ty or parish boundary, but such Is not
the case. When snow covers the
ground and the paths are Invisible
these posts point out where they He
and so save the wayfarer from beiug
lost. London Mail.
IIimv Not To.
"Fleaso read our paper," nnnotated
the editor In returning the manuscript.
"I do," wrote back the contributor,
"and my stuff Is designed to show that
I know what Is the matter with your
old paper." Philadelphia Ledger.
Tho trouble Willi people who lay
something by for a rainy day Is that
they seem to tako such delight in see
ing other people out In tho wet. New
York Times.
Letter List.
List of letters remaining uncalled
for at postofllco at Kod Cloud, N"'b.,
for th" weok ending May 10, 1900:
Alexander, Jos A Hirt. Tna
Crawford, Win Dickinson Graco
These will b- sent to tho doad lettor
otlico May 'Jl, lOOti, if not called for
i butoro. When calling for above pleaso
say "advertised.
T. C. Hackkk, Postmaster
Every Women Will 15c Interested.
If you have pains in tho back,
'urinary, bladder or kidney trouble,
and want n certain, pleasant hoi b euro
, for wonuin'h ills, fry Mother tJrny's
Australian Leaf. It is a, &afo and
nover fulling monthly regulator. At
i druggists or by mail 50 coots. Nimplo
I pmf J'ito. Address, The Mother Gray
Co., LvUoy, N. Y.
Miss Jessie Wert
Piano, Oigiin and Voice
Studio at Mrs. Josie Moran-ville'-,
two blocks east of
school house. Phono 'J01.
Steal Estate Transfers.
Transfer-, for week ending Wednes
day. May !. furnished by Walker A
liailey of Webster County Abstract
.lohn Sorgeiison to Yance Sor
genson net --Vi wd mh
Wilson II Uice to Albert W Itust
w:.' swt :;:i.-ll and wS nwt 4-;i-H
wd rG0U
Martha Kier tot'has lleigle part
block 'i S ,t M add lied Cloud
wd oon
() K StoJVrcgeii to Jacob Sclumk
lot block 7 (irusel sub liluo
Hill w.i j-,
Carl Seiieiding to E Church part
set lU-.Mi wd i
Mury Petrie to .1 S Hinigh lots
is and l.i block 20 S Ar M add
to lied Cloud wd c,r,
M C Fulton and wife to II M Pul
ton part mvl .swl 2-1-11 qcd... 101)
C 12 Perkins trustee to Joseph
Neuzlnger e'.' net D-U-H wd.... J 100
I no I! Creenhalgh to Adamson
& Wells lot 10 block It Cowles
wd mu
Polly A Smith to Hannah .Jen
sen no I 2!KI-1 1 qed j.
('has Spence to C D.Ienning.snwt
.sel 7-1-11 wd ;om
Henrietta Adler to Morris Adler
lots 1 and 2 block 2(larber2nd
add to Ued Cloud qcd yoo
B I! Smith to .1 T Binigli lots 11
and 12 block- 20 S t M add to
lied Cloud wd loo
Leu Wilmot and wife to B W An
derson part swl 2-1-11 qcd.... 1
hen Wilmot and wife to B W
Anderson lots 27 and 2rf Pat
nior sub Ued Cloud qcd 757
Harriet S Binigli to Susan It Me
Pride lots .) to 22 block 21) S &
M add to Hcd Cloud wd 120&
W M Cooper to P B Fairfield lots
17 IS and Ml block 2 lluidu
Uock wd ;ioo
Clarence llceves to Y II Parens
part nwt nwt H-ll-io wd pjoi)
C I) Uobinson Co Tresis to Donald
MeCallum lots t and ft block 13
(iuide Hock wd ir.00
I.loyd A Carpenter to lleo A
Shuck et al s2 17-2-10 wd 7000
Ttixl $318;iO
Mortgages tiled JOSOO
Mortgsigen released 0000
A Guaranteed Cure for Piles.
Itohiug, blind, blooding, protruding
pilos, Druggiwls nve authorized to
roCuud mouoy if Pno Ointment fails
to ouve in 0 to M dnys. 50 centfj.