DQ ? - CORSET GIRDLES The Two Vanrevels American Beauty Every Prtlr Giirn.ntoed By BOOTH TARKINGTON, Author of "The Gentleman From Indiann" nnd "Monsieur Beaucilre" Good grade American Beauty Corset, with hose supports, , high or low bust 90c Batiste American Beauty Corset, double hose supports, high or low bust $ 1 .00 Batiste Girdles 25c Tape Girdles 50c Summer Net, with hose supports 50c Copyrltfht. 1002, by S. 5. McClure Co. )Cf MMBMIMniHm -T& W V k k it (CONTINUED.) CHAPTER XIII. 0M VANREVEL always wont to the postolllce soon after tlio morning distribution of the mail; that Is to Hay, about ID , Ml o clock, and returned with the letters for the ilrm of Gray & Vanrevol, both personal and ofllclal. Cralley and ho shared everything, even a box at the postolllce, and In front of this box one uiorulng, after a night of rain, Tom stood staring at a white envelope bear ing a small black seal. The address was In a writing he had never seen be fore, but the Instant it fell under his eye he was struck with u distinctly pleasurable excitement. Suddenly and without reason ho know that it came from Elizabeth Cu rewe. He walked back quickly to his oflice with the letter in the left pocket of his :ont, threw the bundle of general cor respondence upon his desk, went up to tin; lloor above and paused at his own door to listen. Deep breathing from across the hall Indicated that Mr. Gray's soul was still Incased iu slum ber. Vunrevel went to ids own room, lock ed the door nnd took the letter from his pocket. At last, after examining all the blades of his poeketknlfe, he select ed one brighter than the others and loosened the Hap of the envelope as gently ami carefully as If it had been the petal of a rosebud that he was opening. Dear Air. Vunrevel I believed you last nUtit. though I did not understand. But I understand now everything and, bitter to me ns the truth Is, I must show you plainly that I know all of It, nor can I rent until I do show you. I want you to -utiMwer this letter though I must not boo you nf-aln for a long time and In your annwer you must set mo right If I am anvwhere mistaken in what 1 have learn ed. At first, and until-after the second time we met, I did not bcllevo In your heart, though I did lit your mind and humor. Evvu since then there have come strange, small, Inexplicable mlstrustlngs of you, but now I throw them nil away and trust you wholly, aionsieur citizen ucorgea M-I'liie! I shall always think of you In tlnwo Impossible garnishments of my poor tej.t-unclc, and I persuade myself that lie must have been a little like oti. 1 trust you bccmiso I have heard the story of your profound goodness. The ilrst leason for my father's dislike wus your belief In freedom as the right of all men. Ah, It Is not your pretty exaggera tions and flatteries (I laugh at them!) that apeak for you, but your career Itself and tho bravo things you have done! My fa ther's dlsllko tlared Into hatred becauso you worsted him when ho discovered that ho could not successfully defend tho wrong against you and fell back upon jshcer Insult. lie Is a man whom I do not know atrango ns that seems ns I write It. It Is only to you, who have taught mo so much, that I could write It. I have tried to know him nnd to realize that I am his daughter, but wo uro tho coldest acqualnt ances, that Is all, and I cannot see how a change could come. I do not understand him; least of all do I understand why he Is a gambler. It has been explained to mo that It Is his great passion, but all I com prehend In these words Is thut they uro full of nlmmo for his daughter. This Is what was told me: He has al ways played heavily and skillfully, adding much to his estato In that way, and In Rouen always with a certain coterie, which was joined several years ago by tho man you canto to save last night. Your devotion to Mr. Gray has been the most beautiful thing In your life. I know all thnt the town knows of that, ex cept tho thousand hidden sacrifices you ha. i- muda for him, those things which no ono will vjr know. (And yet, you seo, 1 know them if tor all.) For our bake, liecauso you love him, I will not even call liltn unworthy. I have heard from one who told unwill ingly tho story of tho night two years go when tho play ran so terribly high, and how In the morning when they went away nil were poorer except one their host; how Mr. Gray had nothing left In the world and owed my father a great sum, which was to be paid In twenty-four hours; how you took everything you had saved in the years of hard work at your profession nnd borrowed the rest on your word and brought It to my father that Afternoon; how, when you had paid your friend's debt, you asked my father not to play with Mr. Gray again, nnd my father mado that his excuso to send you a chal lenge. You laughed at tho challenge and you could afford to laugh at it. But this Is nil shame, shame for Robert Carowo's daughter. It seems to mo that I ehould liltlo and not lift my head; that I, being of my father's blood, could never look you In tho faco again. It is so un spcakably painful and ugly. I think of my father's stiff prldo and his look of tho caglo-and ho still plays with your friend, almost always "successfully I" And your friend still comes to play! But I will not speak of that sldo of It. Mr. Gray has mado you poor, but I know it was not that which mado you como seeking him last night, when I found you thero In tho hall. It was for Ills sako you came and you went away for mine. Now that I know, at last now that I havo heard what your llfo has been (and, oh, I heard so much mora than I havo written!) now that my eyes havo been opened to soo you as you are, I am proud and glad and humble that I can bollovo that you felt a friendship for mo strong enough to havo mado you go "for my sake." You will write to mo Just onco won't you?-and tell mo If .here was any error In'what 1 listened to, but you must not como to tho garden. Now that I know you I cannot meet you clandestine- ! n-rllll If tvillllil liurf llio illirnllv wlllf'll I fe;l 111 you now and my own poor dig nity such ns It Is I 1 have been earnestly ' warned of tho danger to you. Besides, you must let me test myself. I am all Muttering and frightened and excited. You will obey me, won't you? Do not como until I send for you. ELIZABETH CAKE WE. . Mr. Gray, occupied with his toilet l about noon, hoard his partner descend-1 ing to the ollice with a heavy step, and ' issued from his room to call a hearty , greeting. Tom looked back over his shoulder and replied cheerily, though ' with a certain embarrassment, but , Cralley, catching sight of his face, ut tered a sharp ejaculation and came down to him. "Why, what's the matter, Tom? You're not going to be sick?" "I'm all right, never fear!" Tom laughed, evading the other's eye. "I'm glng out In the country on some busi ness, anil I dare say I shall not be back for a couple of days. It will be all up and down the county." "Can't I go for you? You don't look able" "No, no. It's something I'll have to attend to myself." "Ah, I suppose," said Cralley gently, "I suppose It's important and you couldn't trust me to handle it. Well God knows you're right! I've shown you often enough how Incompetent I nm to do anything but write Jingles!" "You do some more of them without tho whisky, Cralley. They're worth more than all the lawlng that Gray & Vanrevel have ever done or ever will do. Goodby nnd be kind to your self." He descended to the tlrst lauding, nnd then, "Oil, Cralley," ho called with the air of having forgotten something he had meant to say. "Yes, Tom?" "This morning at the postolllce I found a letter addressed to me. I open ed it and" He hesitated, and un easily shifted his weight from one foot to the other with a feeble, deprecatory laugh. "Yes. what of It?" "Well, there seemed to be a mistake. I think It must have boon meant for you. Somehow, she she's picked up a good many wrong impressions, and, Lord knows how, but she's mixed our names up and nnd I've left tho letter for you. It's on my table." He turned and, calling n final good by over his shoulder, went cluttering noisily down to tho street nnd vanish ed from Cralley's sight. Noon found Tom far out on the Na tional road, creaking along over tho yellow dust in a light wagon. He stopped at every farmhouse nnd cabin, and where the young men work- "Why, what's the matter, Tovit" ed in the fields hailed them from the road or hitched his horse to tho fenco nnd crossed the soft furrows to tnlk with them. At such times he stood erect ngaln nnd spoke stirringly, find ing eager listeners. There was ono question they asked him over nnd over: "But aro you sure tho call will come?" "As sure as that wo stand here. And It will come before tho week is out. We must bo ready!" Often when ho loft them they would turn from tho work In hand, leaving It as It wns to He unfinished in the fields, nnd mnko their way slowly and thoughtfully to their homes, while Tom climbed Into his creaking little wagon onco more, only to fall into tho snino dull, hunched over attitude. lie had many things to think out before ho faced Rouen nnd Cralley Gray ngaln, nad more to fljjht throughto tho end rrrm 1 j s u , i , I?5 e a 0 lit t&sfr w$ V ftfflliiKoW X. mm rlftDvv AX lis fsNSaJ majK Jf Hardanger Cloth The NEWEST thing for white dresses and waists, 44 inches wide, $1.00 India Linon, 40 in. wide, 25c Infants' Wear Cashmere Vests,35 to 60c Cashmere Band, 25c Cashmere Hose, 15, 25c F 1 ir NEW Yfiih himself. Three days he tool; for ' It, three days driving through the soft May weather bohlud the kind old jog trottiug horse. But on the evening of the third day he drove into town, with tho stoop out 1 of his Bhoulders nnd tho luster back J In his eyes. He was haggard, gray, dusty, but lie had solved his puzzle, and one thing was clear In his mind as the thing thnt he would do. He patted the old horse a hearty farewell as he left him with the liveryman from whom he had hired him and strode up Main street with tho air of a man who Is going somewhere. It was late, bul there were more lights than usual In the window and inure people on the streets. An old man. a cobbler, win had left a leg at Tippecanoe a. id re placed it with a wooden one, chastely decorated with designs of his own carvings, came stumping excitedly down tho middle of the street, where he walked for fear of the cracks in the wooden pavement, which were danger ous to his art leg when lie came from the Rouen House bar, as on the present occasion. He hailed Tom by name. "You're the lad, Tom Vanrevel!" ho shouted. "You're tho man to lead tho boys out for the glory of the state! You git the whole blame lire depart ment out and enlist 'em before morn ing. Take 'em down to tho Itlo Grande, you hear me? And you needn't bo afraid of their puttln It out, If it ketches artre, neither!" Tom waved his hand and pnssed on, but at the open doors of the Catholic church he stopped and looked up and down the street, and then, unnoticed, entered to the dim Interior, where the few candles showed only a bent old woman In black kneeling at the altar. Tom knew where Elizabeth Carewe knelt each morning. He stepped softly through the shadowy silence to her place, knelt and rested his head upon the rail of the bench before him. The street was quiet when he emerged from that lorn vigil. Tho corner groups had dissolved. Shouting youths no longer patrolled the sidewalks. Only one quarter showed signs of life tho little clubhouse, where the windows still shone brightly and. whence eamo the sound of many voices settling tho destinies of the United States of Amer ica. Thither Tom bent ids steps thoughtfully and with n quiet mind. There was a small veranda at the side of tho house. Here ho stood unob served to look in upon his noisy und agitated friends. They were all there, from tho old general und Mr. Bareaud to tho latter's son, Jefferson, und young Frank Chen oweth. Trumblo was proposing a health to tho president In a voice of fury. . "In spite of all the Cralley Grays and traitors this side of hades!" he finished politely. Cralley emerged instantaneously from the general throng and mounted a chair, tossing his light hair back from his forehead, his eyes sparkling and happy. "You find your own friends al ready occupying the place you men tioned, do you, general?" he asked. General Trumble stumped and shook his list. "You're u spawn of Aaron Burr!" ho vociferated. "There's not a man hero to stand by your infernal doctrines. You sneer at your own state, you sneer at your own country, you defllo tlio. saored ground! JVha.t BELTS Gilt and Silver Belts, the very latest thing in this line, at 30c, 50c, 60c Also a full line of the Buster Brown belts in black, white and red. Silk Belts at 25, 50 and 75C Stockings Misses' Stockings, 1x1 rib, 10 and 15c Misses' fine black dress stocking, 25c OUSE, Dry (M are you, by the Almighty, who attack your native laud In this her hour of peril?" "Peril to my native land!" laughed Cralley. "From Santa Anna?" "The general's right, sir," exclaimed the elder Chcnowcth indignantly, and most of the listeners appeared to agree with him. "It's a poor time to abuse the president when he's called for vol unteers and our country is in danger, sir!" "Who is in danger?" answered Cral ley, lifting his hand to still the clamor of approbation that arose. "Is Polk iu danger, or congress? But that would be too much to hope! Do you expect to see the greasers in Washington? No, you Idiots, you don't! Vet there'll be plenty of men to suffer and die, and the llrst should be those who thrust this war 011 us and poor little Mexico. But it won't be they. The men wlio'll do the lighting and dying will be tho country boys and the like of us from the towns, while Mr. Polk sits planning how lie can get elected again. And you ask me to drink the health of the politician who sits at home and sends his fellow men to die to fix his rotten Jobs for him!" Cralley had persuaded himself Into such earnestness that tho deptii of his own feeling almost choked him, but he finished roundly In his beautiful, strong voice: "I'll drink for the good punch's sake. But that health I'll see General Trumblo In heaven before I'll drink It!" Thero rose at once a roar of anger nnd disapproval, and Cralley became u more storm center amid tho upraised hands gesticulating madly at him as he stood, smiling again, upon his chair. "Tliis comes of living with Tom Van revel!" shouted the general furiously. "This Is his cursed abolition teaching! You're only his echo. You spend half your life playing at being Vanrevel!" "Where Is Vanrevel?" said Tapping ham Marsh. "Aye, whore Is ho?" raged Trumble, hammering the table till the glasses rang. "Let him come and answer for his own teaching. It's wasted time to talk to tills one. He's only the pupil. Where Is the traitor?" "Here," answered a voice from the doorway; and, though the word was spoken quietly, It was nevertheless fit that Juncture silencing. Every ono turned toward the door as Vanrevel entered. But the apoplectic general, whom Crniioy's speech had stirred to a fury beyond control, almost leaped at Tom's throat. "Here's the tea sipping old granny!" he bellowed hoarsely. (Ho was ordi narily very fond of Tom.) "Here's the master! Here's tho man whose exam ple teaches Cralley Gray to throw mud at this Hag. He'll stay here at homo with Cralley, of course, and throw more, while tho other boys march out to die under It!" "On the contrary, general," answer ed Tom, raising his voice, "I think you'll find Cralley Gray tho first to en list, and, as for myself, I've raised sixty men iu tho country, nnd I want forty moro from Ilouen in order to offer tlio governor n full company. So It's come to 'the king, not the man.' Polk is a pitiful trickster, but the country needs her sous; that's enough for us to know. And, while I won't drink to James Polk'.' ho plunged a cup In tho bowl Knit Underwear Light weight, long sleeve Vest, 25c Light weight Pants, 25c Light weight union suits, long sleeves and close knit cuffs, 50c Corset Cover Embroid ery, 18 inches wide, from 25 to 55c Victoria Lawn, 36 in., 15c und drew It out brlmmlng--'Tll empty this to tho .president!" It was then that from llfty throats the long, wild shout went up thut stirred Ilouen and- woke tho pcoplo from their midnight beds for half a mile around. CHAPTER XIV. OB the ilrst time It wns Crnlley who 1mt waiting for Tom to MS come home. In a chair drawn 0 his partner's desk iu U10 dusty ollice lie half reclined, arms on the desk, his chin on his clinched fists. Tom took ills own time iu coming. He had stayed at the club to go over his lists so he had told Cralley with the general and old Bareaud. His com pany was almost complete, and Cralley had been tho first to volunteer, to tho dunifoundlng of Trumble, who had pro ceeded to drink his health again and again. But the lists could not detain Tom two hours, Cralley knew, and It was two hours since, tho new volun teers had sung "Tho Star Spnugled Banner" over the last of the punch and had left the club to Tom and the two old men. Only once or twice In that time had Cralley shifted his position or altered the direction of his set gaze nt nothing. But at last he rose, went to the window nnd, leaning far out, look ed down the street toward tho llttlo clubhouse. Its lights were extinguish ed, and all was dark up and down tho street. Abruptly Crnlley went back to the desk and blew out the candle, after which he sat down again in tho sumo position. Twenty minutes later ho heard Tom's step on the stnlr, coming up very softly. Crnlley waited In si lence until his partner reached tho lauding, then relit the candle. "Tom," he called, "come In, please. I've been waiting for you." Thero was a pause before Tom an swered from the hall: "I'm very tired, Cralley. I think I'll go up to bed." "No," said Cralley; "come in." The door was already open, but Torn turned toward It reluctantly. He stop ed at the threshold, and the two looked nt each other. "I thought you wouldn't come ns long ns you believed I was up," said Cral ley, "so I blew out the light. I'm sorry I kept you outside so long." "Cralley, I'm going away tomorrow," tho other began. "I am to go over and see the governor and offer him this company, and tonight I need sleep, so please" "No," Interrupted Crnlley quietly; "I want to know what you're going to do." , "To do about what?" "About me." "Oh!" Tom's eyes fell at onco from his friend's face and rested upon tho lloor. Slowly he walked to tho desk and stood In embarrassed contempla tion of the littered books and papers, while the other waited. (To l)o Continued ) 1 Ask for Allen's Foot-Ease, a Powder. i It makes walking easy. Cures corns, bunions, ingrowing nails, swollen nnd sweating feet. At nil druggists and shoo Btoros, '..'5c. Don't nccept any substitute. Samplo freo. Address Allou S. Olmstoad, Lo Roy, N. Y. Laces. i m T3rrvq v? 1 f. jLnxatmeMymmmm