The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 27, 1906, Image 8

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m shuuhs
The season for "planting things" is now at
hand. I have the largest and finest as
sortment of Garden and Flower Seeds,
Plants and Shrubs ever seen here.
A Great Variety of Roses
Cannas, Lilies, and everything to be found
in an up-to-date greenhouse. You are in
vited to call and inspect my stock, whether
you buy or not.
v rrrjrvJj.rfjyj-fr v rjtjrr
i :
Interesting Itoms Gnthorcd
s by Our County Reporters
.1. W. McCoy finished husking corn
Mrs. Win. McDonald left Wednesday
for Trenton.
It. C. Chevalier returned from Cul
liertson Monday.
II. Keis moved his slaughter house a
mile east of town.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Wattle returned
from lied Cloud Tuesday.
Mr. Neil, agent for the Maker medi
cine, is in town this week.
Hoy liurden of Campbell is assisting
II. Keis in the butcher shop.
Mr. and Mrs. P. I). Ivimmel were
passengers for Red Cloud Wednesday.
Joe Denton and family visited with
his brother (Jeorge, near Cowles .Sun
day. Mrs. (Jeorge Soloman left Wednes
day for Atlanta. Mrs. K. J. Soloman
accompanied her.
Mrs. Crawford left Tuesday for Illi
nois, where she goes to visit her
fT mother, who is ipiite sick.
' t. 10. Spence returned the first of
.the week from Hitchcock county. He
'purchased some land while there.
Mrs. (Jeorge Newhouse and children
returned to Red Cloud Sunday, after
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Wash Reed.
.loe KraU and family were passen
gers for Ueatrice Tuesday, where
they went to attend the wedding of
their son (Jeorge at that place. They
returned Wednesday evening. Mr.
and Mrs. (Jeorge Krn.ll accompanied
them for a short visit.
Real Estate Transfers.
Transfers for week ending Wednes
day, April 18, furnishod by Walker &
Bailey of Webster County Abstract
John R Wilcox and wifo to Min
nio Ilenson part block till
Smith & Moore add to Red
Cloud qcd $ i
Stato of Neb to Jane E Stansor
part v2 swl 21-1-10 deed 51G
Jane E Stansor to S G Stansor
same wd 2000
Ed II Funko to C'laas Roso part
sod nwl 20-1-1) and lots 2-!) 1
block 12 Rosomont wd )qo
Robt Mercer and wifo to II P
Johnson s2 nwl aud swl and 2-
W2 W(1 108C0
W S Garbor to Con'g church Hod
Cloud lots 1(5 to !0 blocl 7 Rod
Cloud qcd j
II 13 Boyd and wifo to Jamos
Richison part uo4 nwl nol
18-1-1 1 wd jjqq
Chas W Cowley to Wm Hoffman
lot 7 block 11 Bladen wd 000
A P Johnson to Fred Wornor lot
1 block 1 1st add to Bladen wd 05
V S Hall and wifo to J O Hall
part nol sw-1 8-411 wd icoo
C B Caster to Henry Hanfold
pnrt 8 3-9 wd qqqq
Jarvia N Burr to Honry Obor-
bido nol 31-2-0 0 wd .jooo
Frank J Uldrioh to Fred Hup.
port swl 4 3-10 wd 2000
Nellie W Paco to E E Burr lots
10-11-12 block 0 Vanco add to
GuidoRook wd 200
Aaron Fry et al Trustoos to T F
Chile ot al part no4 swl 2-1-11
n.od !
A A Renkol to W II lllotul n2 n2
20 2 1'Jwil 2S00
David Rickard to John S Rick
ard part 31-2!) wd 11000
Win II Vondy mid wifo to Loon
ard Wilmot nwl 17-1-11 wd .... MOO
Melissa A Scott and husband to
Elmer K Simons lots 15 and 10
block 15 S & M add to Red
Cloud wd 200
Thomas Clark to Chas II Bohrer
nwl 10-2-12 wd .'J200
J M Dorioty and wifo to Wm
Bornwoyo nol 4-1 11 wd 8G00
Jos Pavlicok to Frank Pavlicek
uo43.'!.:Mlwd 7000
II B Boyd to W D Wnymnn part
nwl ne-1 18-1-11 wd 250
Total tGGGfli
Mortgages filed $13200
Mortgages roloasod $0700
For tho wook ending April 25.
Lura Ovorson to J N Brown n2
swl and swl nol 20 1-12 wd..S 2500
OPSawyorand wifo to John
Wiegol lots 3 and 4 14-1-9 qcd. . 25
Em nui Wodnes and husband to
.Mary E Simpson lot 3 and part
2 block 3 Bohror add to Bluo
Hill wd 2100
Janna Roso and husband to An
drew Hubloiu lots G to 10
block 11 Rosomont wd 710
J It Mercer to Mary V Mercer
lots 17 and 18 block 1G Red
Cloud qcd 100
Edna Smolsor and husband
to Mary E Arneson lots 4 5
G and u 7 block 3 Radclitt'
"dd wd or,o
Boston Inv Co to Wm Poiutor
n2 nw4 13-2 0 wd 2.100
II Oborbido to Al Masolngor s2
nwl and n2 swl 28 1 -9 wd 3000
Chas Spence and wifo to T J
Riggins lots 13 and 14 block 2
Sponconddto Bladou wd 150
A M McAllister to Laura D Fox
lots 13 nnd 14 block 5 S & M
add to Rod Cloud wd GOO
Janna Roso to Ray McBeth lot
10 block Rosomont wd 20
Houry Arends nnd wifo to Ray
McBoth lot G block 4 Roso
mont wd ic
Janna Roso and husband to Ray
McBoth lot H block 1 Rosemont
wd 20
E A Doylo aud wifo to John Ro
doll lot 14 block 4 Swoezy add
to Bladen wd 75
Chas Sponco to E A Doylo somo
W1 75
Wm II Vondy and wifo to Mary
S Croighton sol 10-1-11 wd. . . . 4700
Totl1 3317811
Mortgages filed $11800
Mortgages roloasod $3100
To Cure Coltl a In One Day.
Take Laxativo Bromo quiniuo tab
lots. Druggists refund money if it
tails to euro. E. W. Grove's signature
Is on each box. 25 conts.
Men who wear
Gordon Hals
are of the class
that would
wear better
ha Is were
belter hats to
be had.
It coord of in ti.ilit.
Only on one occasion a British
force offered toriiw amounting to Hiir
render before the eommcneeni'iit of an
net Ion, but this 1.4 what the Black
Prince fell himself ohliged to do by the
overwhelming forces of the French be
fore the battle of Poltleis. So certain
did he consldei defeat to be that he
actually offered to give up all the plun
der he had taken, disband the greater
part of hla force and give an under
taking not to fight the French
for seven years, and so coulldent were
the French that they refused thew
tonus. The result was one of fl'.- u,'t
brilliant victories that adorn im Brit
hli arms.
In 1110 lorn times the victory of An
buern. In the peninsular war, Is another
Instance of apparent defeat being turn
ed Into victory. After the charge of the
Freii'Ii hua.-ai-.i and Polish lancers all
seemed lod. Ammunition wan falling,
a deep gully prevented the use of ih,'
bayoin-t, and Berosford wa-i preparing
fjr redvat when tho valor of Colonel .-avod the day. The battle,
which la:bd only four hours, was the
scene of terrible carnage, and when it
was over the so far victorious French
were driven headlong down the hill, on
th' summit of which 1,50(1 unwouuded
men. the remnant of 7,500 unconquer
able British soldiers, stood triumphant.
London Spectator.
Women Iluvu Often Koiif-lit In Ile
fcnM of Their Xutlw Towim,
During the oppression of the Nether
lands by the Spaniards In the sixteenth
century It was no uncommon event for
women to fight In defense of their na
tive town. When in 1572 Don Frederic
at the head of n large army besieged
Hanrlem, among tho garrison that de
feuded the town were 300 women.
Their chief was a widow of distin
guished family, about forty-seven years
of age, who, at the head of her ama
zons, participated In many of the most
fiercely contested actions of the siege.
Seven years later, at the siege of
Maestrlcht, tho women were of great
assistance In making mines, enrolling
themselves into companies under tho
direction of officers, or "mine mis
tresses," as they were called. The serv
ice they rendered was inestimable.
At the repulse of the Spaniards from
tho wnlls of Alkmaar women and even
children showed a like courage, assist
ing tholr husbands aud fathers In the
desperate defense. History, Indeed,
gives many examples of such heroism,
among which may be mentioned the
brave conduct of the women at tho de
feline of Sarragossa In 1808, when they
took the place of their slain husbands
or brothers at the camion side. Black
wood's Magazine.
Their Game Secmn to De a Pretty
Ilnril One to Heat.
It Is hard to beat the beggar game in
Italy. A fleet footed urchin and his
maiden fell into a fox trot by the side
of the carriage.
"Look, noble gentleman," he began;
"look, beautiful lady I See the little ra
gazza the poor girl have pity on her!
See, noble slgnor you cannot refuse
to give her something your heart Is
too good you are too generous, too no
ble, too handsome, to refuse. Have pity
on her dreadful state, for look she has
one gray eye and one black one'."
We stopped the carriage. It wns true.
The maiden had indeed particolored
eyes, In addition to which she rejoiced
In a most appalling squint. I gave her
one copper. Hereupon her escort set
up a howl at being ignored.
"But why should you have anything?"
I asked.
"You ought to give me two coppers,"
he replied, with n twinkle, "for 1 have
two blacks eyes, and she has only one."
I was vanquished. I gave him his
two coppers. I don't believe In beg
gars, but I think he earned them. "A
Levantine I)g Book," by Jerome Hart.
Hired Mourner.
"It pays to bo a mourner In St. Pe
tersburg, nnd there are agencies which
employ great numbers of vagrants and
tramps for the purpose," says a writer.
"These agencies supply suitable cloth
lug nnd pocket handkerchiefs every
thing, In fact, except boots, which the
tramp must show on his feet, or ho
will not be hired. When there Is a
more or loss Important funeral the
tramps gather at the Nlkolskl market
and are selected by an eraployeo of the
agency. Tho wage for the occasion,
with tips, generally equals about 3
shllllugs." London Mail.
Their Quarrels.
Mrs. Edgerton Blunt But why did
you leave your last place? Applicant
I couldn't stand the way the mistress
and master used to quarrel, mum.
Mrs. Edgerton Blunt (shocked) Dear
me! Did they quarrel much, then? Ap
plicantYes, mum; when It wasn't
mo nn' 'lm It was me an' 'or.
"Warned In Time.
Kadloy Why didn't you Introduce
me to that stunning Miss Pechos when
you wore with her on tho avenue yes
terday? Didn't you see mo speak to
you as I passed? Kandor Yes, but
Tno Xotulilc ilie
i. , i
OUR MOTTO: "Satisfaction or
your money back"
combined with plain figure
prices steadily adhered to,
has brought us a constantly
growing business. Quality
first, price next. Nothing but
standard made, reputable
goods at lowest profit prices.
A ways willing to shoio our pwcs
compare prices with either local
or Chicago houses.
Newhouse Bros.,
Jewelers and Opticians. B. & M. Watch Inspectors
Miss Peches saw you nnd spoke fo me
first. Philadelphia Tress.
Very Different.
Merchant I thought you told me he
was a man of very good character?
Qulbbel You must have mlsunder-'
stood me. I said he was a man of
good reputation. Exchange.
The attachments of more mirth are
but tho shadows of that true friendship
of which the sincere affections of tho
heart are the substance. Burton.
The Ilmnlt.
"Women are naturally more artistic
than men."
"Yes," unswered Uie matter of fact
person; "that's why so many of us '
iook runny wnen we -wear our Christ
mas neckties and smoking jackets.
Our wives want us to look artistic."
Washington Star.
For Iiiimeillitte Uae.
Little Girl I want to get a mitten,
please, an' charge It to me mother.
Shopkeeper A mitten? You mean a
pair of mittens, sissy. Little Glrl-Xo;
jest only one; one that's suitable for a
boy that's goln' to propose an be re
jected. Philadelphia Ledger.
A friend of the homa
A foa of tho Trust
Compile with the Pure Food Laws
of all states.
Notice for Bids for Sidewalk Construc
tion. Notice Ih hereby Riven thnt the Mayor nnd
Council of the City of Hed (Jlouil, Nebraska,
will receive Healed bids until noon of Mny 2,
11)00. to bo (lied the City Clerk, for the con
structlon of 11 sidewalk In frout'f lot 21 In
block 31. original town of Ited Cloud, In accord
ance with the statutes, city ordinances nnd pro
ceedings, and the estimate of the City Engineer
on tile with said Clerk, The amount of said
esiimato Inns follows:
For walk of brick with cement curb
"or walk of brick with stone cuib ...
For walk of cement with curb
For walk of stone with curb
. till 1)2
. muv
HIIk will be acted upon at the rcRtilar meet
ing of the Council on Mny a. WW, the council
reserving tne llKht to reject any and all bids.
Dated, April 23, 1000.
L. II. Tout, City Clerk.
Notice for Bids for Sidewalk Construc
tion. Notice Ih hereby given thnt the Mayor and
Council of the City of Ited Cloud, Nebraskn.
will receive senUd bids until noon of Mny 8,
1006, to be filed with the City Clerk, for the con
struction of a sidewalk in front of lot 10 In
block Si. original town of Ited Cloud, in accord
ance with the fttntutos, city ordinances and pro
ceedings, and theeMimnte of the City Engineer
on fllo with said Clerk, Tho amount of said esti
mate In an follows;
For walk of brick, with cement curb fit) :.
For walk of brick, with stone curb ffil.TU
"or walk of cement, with curb Jl-2,tvi
For walk of stone, with curb jil.-l'.
IlldH will bo octcd upon nt the regular meet
Ins of tho Council on May 2, KM, the council
retervlng tho Jlht to nject nny and all bids.
Dated, Apr! - 23, llCS.
U II. Four, City Clerk.
A Great Fire
You will have if
you try some of
Good Coal
Sold by
Saunders Bros.
Tho popular 'Lumber nnd
Coal men of Red Cloud.
To ephone GO w 11 get it.
Fourth Aveiwie
JWeat (Hafket
Wholesale and retail Fresh and
Cured .Meats, and everything kept
in a Urst class meat market. Man
ufacturers of high grade Sausage
and Strictly Pure Lard. Highest,
market prices paid for Livestock,
Poultry, Hides, Pelts aud Tallow.
To the
Out of 50 Insurance Companios
doing business in Webster
Couuty tho Gecman of Froo
port pays oiio-third of the taxos
and lias over 500 policies in
force. Tho Farmers' Mutual of
Nebraska is tho largest Mutual
in the state, with over tliroo
quarters of a million dollars in
suranco in Webster couuty.
for Good Insurance
Call on
Hod Cloud.
Red Cloud,
I wx