f ff ! f A Food to Work On Work! Work!! Work!!! Lots of energy is needed to keep up the pace. In the struggle, the man with the strong body and clear brain wins out every time. The man of to-day needs something more than mere food ; he needs a food that makes energy a food to work on. Although some people may not realize it, yet it is a fact, proved and established beyond doubt, that soda crackers and this means Uneeda Biscuit arc richer in muscle and fat-making elements and have a much higher per cent, of tissue-building properties than any other article of food made from flour. That this is becoming known more and more every day is attested by the sale of nearly 400,000,000 pack ages of Uneeda B faculty the finest soda cracker ever baked. An energy-giving food of surpassing value sold in a package which brings it to you with all the original flavor and nutriment perfectly pre served. Truly the food to Ivork on. Whoever you arc whatever you arc wherever you work Uneeda Biscuit. NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY m . rrv'-yjf - i" 1 Jleuisy Notes prom Neighboring Tomns I GATHERED FROM OUR EXCHANGES I 9 S f MANKATO. I viciously. striking the boy in the stomach. At first little was thought (From the Advertiser.) of the jnc,loilti the l)OV hong . Miss (Jeortfia (Sard of lied Cloud, , parontly only slightly injured and it was not until Friday night that alarm ing symptoms developed and a physi- Ni'lir.. is spending the week here Hruce White paid his $100 line Mon day as he had served out his term in jail. Klmt-r True. .McCarthy's tinner, went to Lincoln last week and took unto himself a wife. Mrs. John (Jregory. who underwent a serious surgical operation in a hos pital in Lincoln, Neb., four weeks ago, returned home Tuesday evening. It. W. Thorn, who has been practic ing law in Colorado for the past two years, Iuih returned to Jewell county and will probably locate in llurr Oak. Friday afternoon, from 1:30 to o:.'IO, JIrs. Joe Trump entertained thirty two friends of her little niece, Ruth Hall, the occasion being her ninth j birthday. . j Miss .Maud K. Hill, the only daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Hill of this city, died Monday night. Maud B. Hill was born in Jewell county, Kan., November '2i, 1882. She died in Man kato, Kan.. April 1(1. 15100. She united with the M. B. church when nine years of age. CAMPBELL (r'rom the Citizen.) Bd Woodworth, recently in the em ploy of II. (iaudreault, departed fordil eago Friday, to take a two months' course in the study of embalming. Don Firkin, the 12-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. (i. A. Firkins, in jump ing from a wagon near his home Mon day, accidentally slipped and fell under the wheel, which passed over liis body. While Henry Mercier. living nine miles southwest of here, was coming to town Saturday in company with his wife and child, his horses became frightened and ran away. Mrs. Mer eier, grasping the baby, jumped, and eseaped without injury. Her husband wius not so fortunate. Hefore the horses were stopped the buggy had been wrecked and Mr, Mercier's leg badly bruised. A shocking and fatal accident oc curred at the home of Jacob Quirin, four miles southeast of town, Wednes day, resulting in the death of Louis, the 13-year-old adopted son of Mr. and Mrs. (Juirin. The lad had gone to Un stable for some purpose, and desiring to enter one of the stalls struck the horse with a strap. chin was summoned. It was then as certained that he had sustained inter nal injuries, and from that time on he rapidly grew worse and died Sunday morning, April 1.1th. LEBANON. (From the Times.) A. Ij. Topliff is confined to his room again with rheumatism, which was caused by a fall on the sidewalk some time ago. Lester A. Stillman and Miss Florence I. Winchell were united in marriage at the M. E. church Thursday evening, Uev. Brown oflleiating. Lester Honecutter resigned his posi tion in Cole's store and will accompany his parents to California, where they will spend the summer. .1. B. Hrodmarkle and family were called to (Ireenfield. 111., Sunday night by a telegram announcing the serious illness of Mr. Hrodmarkle's sister. Sunday, at 5:30 o'clock, at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Charles An derson, occurred the marriage of Miss (iertie Srader to Charles Cruin, Rev. '('remain officiating. m FRANKLIN (From the Sentinel.) C. N. Ilenedict died at his home in this city at 8 o'clock this morning as the result of a broken leg received several weeks ago. At the home of the bride, four miles northeast of Franklin, Thursday, at high noon. Miss Blanche A. Heeson to Mr. Harry C. (Irout. Rev. A. A. King officiating. Miss Hessie (irout was bridesmaid and Walter Heeson grooms man. W. II. Chancy and A. Hayden ac companied a shipment of fat cattle to St. Joseph Sunday. Mr. Chaney's shipment included the largest steer ever shipped from this place. It was perhaps six or seven years old, weigh ing 15)25 pounds and sold for Sill. The 88th anniversary of the birth of (I. W. (iarrett was celebrated at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. .1. Lynch in this city Monday. A number of the children, grand-children and great-grand-children and a few friends were present to make the occasion pleasant. Mrs. Ethel Lowe Winehtnd died at The animal kicked her home in Franklin county, on the 13th of April 15)011. Mrs. Wineland was the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 11. W. Lowe of Custer county. She was born February 5)th. 1873, and married to Fred L. Wineland February 15). 185)2. BLUE HILL (From the Leader.) Mrs. C. F. Ound and sisters visited in Lincoln last Friday. A social dance was held at the llogott hotel Monday evening. F. C. Ruschow shipped some of his fine Polled cattle to Oxford and Reaver City this week. Ned Grimes had the misfortune to fall down the cellar steps in the drug store Sunday night and was badly in jured about the head and shoulders. Ed Rowlands and Helen Walters surprised their friends last Thursday by going to Hastings, where they were united in marriage by Judge Dungan. Geo. Huppert was at Lincoln the first of the week and brought his brother Henry, who has been so sick, home with him, he having recovered sufficiently to be moved. SUPERIOR (From the Journal.) Mrs. Saulsbury was in the acl of chopping kindling this afternoon and accidentally cut a finger off. A. M. McDaniel, who has been very bick for sometime with cancer, died at his home Thursday noon, aged 50 years. The home of Jens Rubjerg, who lives between here and Abdal, was burned down about 3 o'clock Thurs day morning. Isaac Wyscarver continues making trouble for the sheriff of Nuckolls county. Last Wednesday he stole two of his father's horses. A very appropriate home wedding occurred Wednesday afternoon nt the home of Mrs. Vestal, when her daugh ter, Eva, was married-to Mr. Ralph Clelland. J. R. Dishman, who lives on the Folk place, had a terrible misfortune last night. His barn and sheds were burned; also seven head of horses, two cows and several dozen chickens. SMITH CENTER (From the Messenger.) John Swift died at his home near Kensington, Tuesday, April 17, of pneumonia. A special stock train was sent out of here Monday with twenty-five ear loads of stock for Kansas City. Grandma Manchester, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank I 'ark, near Stuart. Tuesday, April 17. She has been a resident of the county for about thirty years, and was nearly ninety-five years old. Charlie Adams was down toMankato yesterday, attending the funeral of Shelby Hill's daughter, who died Tues day. Clyde Wyhind and Tillie Jacobs, two of Haulier's young people, were mar ried in this city Tuesday, April 17, by Probate Judge Hlaek. .lames Collier, who has been very side for several weeks with appendi- eitis. will he taken to Topeka in a feu days, to undergo a surgical operation. Henry Wilson, one of the old settlers of the county, who has been sick for the past three years with cancer, died ' Sunday morning, April 15, at Ids home live miles east of I'eamsville. ' BLOOM INGTON (From the Advocate.) I Miss Daisy Montgomery, who has been attending the Keister dress mak ing college in Lincoln the past winter, returned home Saturday night. The Republican Valley Telephone Company sent two load of poles east of Franklin by Len Holmes on Mon day of this week. The poles were used for the company's line to River ton. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Kirkbride gave a whist party last Tucsdaj' night that was a most pleasant affair. Mrs. 0. II. Waldo and W. ('. Horsey won the prives. This was the fifth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Kirk bride. One day this week while D. B. Thompson was breaking some colts they ran away and he was badly in jured, one of hisiuikles being sprained, causing him to take a forced rest. The old adage that accidents come in succession proves true in this case, for while John Aman was driving one of Mr. Thompson's buggy teams to a seeder on the farm of his son Brnest, a bolt come out letting the tongue drop and throwing the boy under the seeder, Tpiite badly bruising him. The horses ran away and one of them broke a leg and had to be killed. R1VERTON (From the Review.) The Riverton string band went Un rounds Sunday night seranding nearly the entire town. Seth Shepherdson's family is quar antined at present, having diphtheria in the household. Roy Rife and Miss Zoo Sanson of Red Cloud spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taylor. The Hancock Hros. have their new barn practically completed, having It all enclosed and ready to paint. Rev. Samuel Williams departed Sat urday morning for DeWitt, Neb., his present home, after a few days visit with friends here. Married at high noon, Mr. Pliny, L. Martin and Miss Mary E. Gray, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Gray, Wednesday, April 18, Rev. G. W. Owen, oflleiating. Burlington Bulletin. Special Ilomcseckers, Ratos 1st and 3rd Tuesdays, low excursion rates otho North Plntto Valley, the- Dig II orn Iiasin and other frontier terri tory. Personally conducted excursion on 1st nnd 3rd Tuesdays of each month for those seeking freo home steads of (M0 acres of mixed farming and dairying. Write D. Clem Doavor, Agent IIomcsoekerH1 Information Bu ronu, 1004 Fnruiim St., Oumhn, Nebr. Irrigated Lands If you have- any surplus money, you can do nothing better with it than to got hold of an irrigated farm now. If this appeals to you, send for irrigation litoraturo. Low Vacation Tours to Colorado, California nnd Pugot Sound Tho smnmor or 190(5 will bring u groat va riety of attractive low rate excursion tours. TIio greatest railroad journey in the world to California and Pugot Sound is within your reach at about half rates dally from April 2oth to May 5, also after Juno 1st. Ask about excursion rates to San Francisco for tho teachers' big mooting; also about the cheap rates to Colorado for the Elks' great gathering early in July. To Western Resorts- Low rato ex cursion tickoss to the Black Hills, Hot Springg, South Dakota, Shorldon, Wyoming, (Eaton's Ranch, Big Horn Mountains) nnd Yellowstone Park; nsk about special camping tour of 21 days from Cody through the Yollow stone Park. Go Somowhoro Life is short; soo America. Think over the kind of a trip you would liko to make, and ask the undersigned to help you plan the most interesting trip at tho lowest possible cost. J. F. Emvuw.s, Agont. Do You Eat Meat? When you are hungry and want soniothig nice in tho meat, line, drop into my market. Wo have tho nicest kind of Home-made Sausages and meats, fish, nnd game in season. Wo think, and almost know, that we t an please you. Give us a trial. Koon Bros., Successors to KOBINSON A BURDEN. BBBKtfVyWjp-?:BBBBBBBBBBBi BV'Ztflv 7 JBBBBBBBJ SjrnHP ON YOUR HUNTING TRIP lie vue I" l ifi'"-ily r ul1" I 'l.ilti I'rSI'V I NS anl y.'ii l ASM)! i.ii UknHi., Wrm.ilr RIFI.K3 . . . from $2.25 to $100.00 PISTOLS . . . iroin 2.00 to 60.00 SUOTCHJNH . . from 7.00 to 30.00 AV M.i.r.leiler an HntUli nn .nit pnptil.ir mukr. 1(1 von . ntmi.t nt I iln, r Oil iHrt'i I. tttrrittgt ri.irifx f"ff1hft lNitl leiclpt nf tnuK.t!Kc. 'rii. f, r iti fV llliit liktnl f iiiliy U Intrr r ti I In MUHiriN'S, vni melt In Imtr It MaOril for fut ciiUliiMftiiitti oner M.i,e. Our attrvtlir llitrr n.lnr Aluminum lltnitr nil lc trnt nil) where f,r loitl.U In t.in. J. STEVENS ARMS AND TOOL CO., I'.ll. llu4 Culcopeo Falls, Mass., U. S. A. 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE 1 iJS i alkIM Tram: Marks Dcsichs " Copyrights Ac. ' Anyone sending nkotelind description may qulrkly ascertain our opinion free whether an Intention la probably niilcntnhl. Comiunntr. tlons strictly conodcntlii. HANDBOOK onl'stema ent true. Oldnit nuoncy for Kocurmtr patenlm 1'iitonta tnknn throuuh tlunn A Co. recclrt tptelal notice, without, clunryo. In tbo Scientific American. A handsomely lllnrrtrnterl weekly. T-rrff t cir culation of nny acientltla Journal. Tcrma. f 3 a year: four montht, fl. Hold bynll ncwKVvtfern. MUNtUCo.38B'r. New York firancli Otlco. 675 V Bt., Washington, ft. C RffiSi TiME TABLE. Red Cloud, Neb. LINCOLN IMA HA CniOAQO SI. JOE KAN BAB CITY 81. LOUIS and all points east ami touth. DKNrEH HELENA BUT'JE BALI LAKE C? PORTLAND SAX FRA.YC1&C$ and all points west. TnaiMs liatb At roM.owa: 3o, IS. Paiuiengfr dally for Obrrlln and St. Prniiclhbraiithi. Ox ford, McCook, Derutraml all pOllllH VrrU... 7 03 l.m. So, 14. I'atKeiiKcr dally for t. Joe, Kuiikah City. .Atclileoi). St. I.oiiIh. Lincoln tIh Wyniort and all point cust mid hjiiiIi 101 a.a S'o 15. I'ahKCUKCr. drillf. Denier, all poltitH In Colorado, Utah and California . . 7. Ml p.n. to. 16. PaKMiiiKrr. dally for St. .Toe, KaiikBH City, AtchlMin, 31. Louln and all points enM and oiitb ....... 10:ia a.KU Mo, 174. Accommodation. Moniliiy. WcdiiCMlny anil I'rldny.llapt. lncs, Grand It-land, mack IIIIIn and nil polntu tn lb noMhvrciit 1!! I'l p.m. Hlcoplnir. dining, and reclining chair cans eats freo) on through tralni. Ticket hold and oaggago checked to any point In th Unlie4 taton or Canada. For Information, time tables, map or tickets oall on or nddrcwN A. Connvor, Agent. Ked Oloud, Nebr. or L. V. Wakcloy, Oonatal Ta- ssngei Agent Omaha. NinrmtK A Certain Cure for Chilblains. Shako into your shoes Allen's Foot Easo, u powder. It cures chilblains frostbites, damp, sweating, swollen foot. At all drugtfisf.s and shot stoia 2.' cents. Samplo free. Address Aloa S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. j HHKUMATI8M OUHKD IN A DAY. Mystic Cure for IUicnmntlum mid Neuralgia r radically cures in 1 to Hdays, Ha action upon . the rijHtem Ih remurkriblo and rujotcrlous It 1 removes nt onco thu cutn-o nnd the dUcae Im medlatoly disappears. The Unt doe greatly honeulH. 75 runts nndtl l)r tela by II K. I Onco Drnub'lHt. Ked Cloud j il H 15 m i 1 1 !! 8 w J I m .v w I U9l -j -- VV7ffl9a3E3Rr,7"'