The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 27, 1906, Image 6

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Resolution Increasing Second Appro
propriation for 'Frisco Relief is
Passed Senator LaFollette Finish
es His Speech on the Rate Bill.
Washington, April 24. The senate
increased to $1,500,000 tho second np
jroirlutioii of funds in behalf of tho
BitlTiTOfrt from the California earth
intake, and this legislation, liko all of
Iho same character tliat has preceded
ft, was enacted without comment of
any kind. Tho day marked tho con-j
illusion of LaKolletto's speech on tho
railroad rate hill. Ho occupied tho '
greater part of the time, as ho had i
done on Saturday, rendering It one or I
tho longost speeches In recent years
in tho senate. Tho hill providing for'
tho organization of a dental corps in
the army was passed. ;
Without dehato the houso concurred
in tho senate Joint resolution appro
priating $1,500,000 for tho relief of
tho San 1-Yanclseo sufferers. The '
bouso had under consideration tho hill
Uxlng and Increasing the salaries forj
tho school teachers in tho District of ,
Columbia and reorganizing tho hoard
of education. I
Representative Madden (111.) offered
resolution removing tho tariff on j
(structural steel for one year whero ,
such steel Is intended for rebuilding
in the area affected by tho recent
earthquake and Are. A similar reso
lution was Introduced in the senate
by Cullam. '
Boy Crushed to Death by Auto.
Omaha, April 25. Running in front '
of an automoblla driven by Dr. W. O. '
llridges at Twenty-third and Leaven
worth streets John Hartley, tho nine-'
year-old son of Victor Hartley was
crushed under tho wheels, sustaining
injuries from which ho died.
Fire Destroys Burlington Depot.
Lincoln. April 24. The Byrlington
depot buildings at Alliance, which la
division headquarters of tho road from
Itavcnna, Nob., to Billings, Mont.,
turned. Part of tho railroad records
were saved. No estimate of the loss
lias been made. Tho Burlington depot
at Thedford, Neb. east or Alliance,
burned Sunday night.
Decision In Platte Bridge Case.
Schuyler, Neb., April 23. Judgo
Sullivan has tendered his decision In
tho bridge case, holding tho commis
sioners aro not liable for the bridge.
The decision wnj a surprise, as the
Iteoplo expected the bridge would have
to be put In. Probably a suit will bo
atarted against Butler county to com
el It to stand for half of the ex
penses of repairing.
Boy Hunter Shoots Companion.
Beatrice, Neb., April 23. Harry
Beckwith, sixteen years old, while
lishlug near Hoag, was shot In tho
bnck by the accidental discharge of a
iriflo in the hands or his companion,
Merl Sprlnk. Young Beckwith had
stooped down to bait his hook, when
Sprlnk pulled up tho weapon to shoot
tt a duck Tho gun was discharged
and tho ball struck Beckwith In tho
(back, Inflicting a dangerous wound.
Help for Fruit Growers.
Washington, April 21. As a result
r Congressman Pollard's persistent
ilfort with tho department of ngi cul
ture to have experts of tho bureau of
plant industry sent tuto Nebraska and
other states in the Missouri valley to
instruct the fruit growers how to earn
Xor scab fungus and bitter rot, two ex
verts are now In the field. W. M.
Scott has entire charge of the work
iu tho Missouri valley, while James
Jtorer has been nsslgnen to tho First
Nebraska district, whero demonstra
tions will bo held.
(Nebraska Debaters Lose to Wisconsin.
Madison, Wis., April 21. Wisconsin
debaters secured a unanimous decis
ion over Nebraska university repre
sentatives in the first ioint debate
ever hold between tho two Institu
ting. Nebraska came with a record of
nine strnlght victories in debate, but
iu spito of that fact, Wisconsin's rep
resentatives clearly outclassed tho vis'
itors Iu every way. The question was:
"That In some Industries, at least In
railroading nnd mining, it would bo
ood policy to pay compensation to
employes for industrial accidents."
Grain Hearing.
Lincoln, April 23. Itefereo Pember
ton, appointed by tho supremo court
to hear tho testimony ln tho . grain
ases, lias announced ho will begin
taking testimony Thursday morning.
Just how long it will take to get all
tho ovidenco in, no ono seoms to
know, but It is tho wish of tho logal
department of tho stato and tho ref
reo to rush matters as rapidly as
possible. After tho ovidenco has all
been compiled, It, with tho recom
xnondattou of the referee, will bo sub
anltted to tho supremo court for final
Five Cars of Provisions on Way to
California by Fast Train.
Omaha, April 21. Five baggage
cars of meats, groceries, provisions
and clothing lclt Omauu for tho relief
of tho stricken people of Sun Fran-
! clsco and vicinity.
Two cars nro loaded to their capac
ity with ments, about 50,000 pounds;
two cars with canned soup, condensed
milk, rice, Hour, beans, coffee, bacon
and corned beef and one car with mis
cellaneous eatables, Including canned
goods and clothing sent to relief head
quarters by tho people of tho city.
With tho exception of the last car
tho donations represent tho work of
the organized relief committee, which
at tho beginning of tho day had $10,-! 100.000 " $2,000,000 over tho flg
000 at Its dlsnosal. Transnortntlon is "rcs of ,ast year- AU th railway ro-
free by tho Union Pacific.
nozon nr mm, wnrkmi with mifriit
and main all day packing tho goods,
delivering them at tho Union station,
whore they wore placed ln the cars
set usldo by Ocnorul Manuger Alohler.
Theso cars were attached to the Over
land Limited passenger train. They
will reach Oakland in sixty hours, '
whereas at least five days would bo
required for haulage vy freight trains,
The train that is carrying them is tho bad faith in the prosecutions, Judge
finest thing In the Union Pacific's pas- Wostover dismissed eight cases of tho
senger schedule. The measures were ' stato of Nebraska against Bernard
takon to get tho supplies to the strick- , McGreoy, which were transferred from
en district without an hour's unneces-1 Holt county to this county on a
snry dcluy. j change of venue. A jury was empan-
Omaha realizes it is to this city as eled in one of the cases and when tho
one of tho great natural foodstuff eon- , trial was about to be commenced a
ters and storehouses of tho country , recess was requested and tho day was
that California is looking for tho first ' consumed by complnlnlng witnesses
receipts that will maintain life in the and counsel or defendant in trying to
homeless and famine-bound populace. t effect a settlement. Theso cases grew
It is proposed rrom now on to send out or tho failure or tlio Elkhom Val
lresh supplies on nearly every through loy bank or O'Neill, or which the d
passenger train, and by tho first or fondant was president. At tho time of
the week to send a freight train of at the f allure McGreevy, with Patrick
least nrteen cars loaded to capacity Hagorty. tho cashier, lied and Mc
with things to oat and to wear. Grcevy was later captured In Arizona
A tram of forty cars left Lincoln and brought back. It appears that
over tho Burlington, loaded witli sup- tho complaining witnesses were una
plies Tor tho Snn Francisco sufferers. ' bio to agree among themselves on
Supplies are pouring Into the cities terms of settlement. The attempt at
and towns from nil over Nebraska nnd settlement was wholly between the
the cash subscriptions aro largo. The i complaining witnesses and counsel for
NebrasKa National Guard has sent its ,
touts and blankets to San Francisco.
ehootlng at Lynch.
Norfolk, Neb., April 23. Jeff Hallott
was bound over at Lynch for shooting
his neighbor, Collins, who was shot in
the brain and may die.
Democrats to Meet Aug. 15.
Lincoln, April 25. Ofilcers of tho
lrt nIMrlt In ..4 . 1 ... ... A u 111 ..
uuiiiwiuiw, aiiuu uumrui commuieo i
. m,mesa-, ab, ,. j
ii men n nu f iw titvm ntw ninnn - i
holding the Democratic stato conven
-- t.4tv tunu utiu iJicm; iui
Silas Wood Is Acquitted.
Pender, Neb., April 25. Tho jury in
tho Silas Wood murder case returned
a verdict or not guilty nrter being out
all night. Wood killed George Phil
lips. Both were prominent Omaha In
dinus. Traveling Men Urged to Contribute.
Hastings, Neb., April 24. Supremo
Councillor C. .1. Miles or tho United
Order or Commercial Travelers issued
an appeal to tho commercial travelers
or the country to contribute immedi
ately nnd generously to tho relief of
California traveling men and their
families made destitute by the recent
earthquake and fire.
Al But Corn Contests Closed.
Lincoln, April 25. Deputy Stato Su
perintendent Bishop announced that
all contests, except tho corn contest,
had been closed. Ho desires this an
nouncement made so others will not
send in their names with the expecta
tion of being accepted. Ho can still
accept 200 moro entries ln the corn
growing contest, but ln the sugar beet,,
tho wheat and potato growing con
tests the entries aro all in.
Talbot Issues Appeal.
Lincoln, April 24. A. 11. Talbot of
this city, head consul of tho Modem
Woodmen of America, Issued his offi
cial appeal for aid from tho members
of the order for tho suITerers ln Sun
Francisco. Mr. Talbot received a dis
patch rrom J. O. Davis, California
stato deputy at Holllster, Cal saying
that no word has been received rrom
Reese and Peck, oillclals or tho Wood
men In San Francisco, but ho thinks
they are safe. Ho says roller is badly
Train Kills Young Woman.
Omaha, April 24. An evening driv
ing party, in which wero four young
men and women, came to n sad end
when the two-seated buggy containing
tho young people was struck by a fast
moving freight train on tho North
western railroad at tho Florenco
crossing, killing ono' of tho party, in
juring tho others, demolishing tho
buggy and also killing ono of tho
horses. Almost instant death Was tho
lot of Anna Helslng, aged about twenty-two
Big School Apportionment.
Lincoln, April 24. Tho semi-annual
apportionment of school money to bo
mndo ln May promises to bo much
larger than tho apportionment mado
at tho samo tlmo last year. At tho
cIosq of busiiieaa yesterday there, was.
In this fund $334,000, or some $30,000
moro than at tho samo tlmo last year.
Tho distribution of tho money Is to bo
made on tho third Monday In May.
Treasurer Mortensen received $50,000
of Tennessee bonds, which pay tho
state 3.45 per cent. These bonds run
only for seven years.
Will Increaso Valuation.
Lincoln, April 25. At tho first meet
ing of tho state board of equalization
to bo held May 7, innny complaints
concerning assessments will be takon
up. Tho assessment of railroads will
bo one of the most Important Items of
business to bo considered. It is esti
mated that tho railway assessment
this year will bo Increased between
portH aro now ln ecert that of tho
. Great Northern, which is now building
th Uncoln-Ashlnnil line. Its report I
w,n bo lUcd within-n few days. I
Judge Charges Prosecution With Bad
, Faith and Dismisses Cases.
Dassott, Neb., April 23. Expressing
his disapproval of tho action of tho
complaining witnesses and hinting at
defendant and the prosecuting attor-
ney, nnd the court was in no way con
nected with It.
Judgo Westover expressed his dis
approval of the action of the con
plaining witnesses and stated that it
was his opinion no convictions could '
bo secured in tho cases on account of
the fact that it had become known
that tho cases were not seemingly be-
ing prosecuted in good fnitli. He de-
ni,,-.wi , ., ,..,, . .
, . . rt X '"'. !
.. .. -
ecuting these cases and ho thereupon
summarily dismissed all of tho cases
nnd discharged tho defendant.
Describes Scenes Which Followed the
First Earthquake Shock.
St. LouIb, April 21. A special tele
gram from Adolph Busch, tho million
aire, gives an account of his experi
ences in the San Francisco earth
quake: "The earthquake which shook
'Frisco, made all frantic and was
undoubtedly tho severest ever exper
ienced in tho United States. Tho
beautirul hotel, St. Francis, swayed
rrom south to north, like a tall poplar
In a storm, furniture, even pianos,
wero overturned and people thrown
from their beds. I quickly summoned
my family and friends, and urged
thorn to escape to Jefferson square,
which wo promptly did. An awful
sight met our eyes. Every building
was either partly or wholly wrecked,
roofs and cornices railing from sky
scrapers on lower houses, crushing
and burying tho inmates. Fires start
ed in all parts of tho city, tho main
wnter pipes bursted and Hooded tho
street, one earthquake followed tho
other, tho people became terrified, but
nil behaved wonderfully calm. Over
100,000 persons aro without shelter,
camping on the hills. There is no
light, water nor food. Fortunately,
martini law was declared at onco and
the regulars and militia maintained
order and discipline. Then the worst
happened. The fire spread over
three-fourths or tho city and could not
bo controlled, no water to fight It, no
light and tho earth still trembling.
Building after building was disman
tled to check tho progress or warring,
seething flames, but nil to no avail.
Wo were fortunate In secure two con
veyances and Hod .o Nob hill, from
which wo witnessed tho indescribable
drama. Block after block was devas
tated, tho fires blazed like volcanoes
nnd all business houses, hotels, the
aters, In fnct, tho entire business por
tion lay in ruins nnd two-thirds of tho
residences. After a night of horrors,
wo bonrdctl tho ferry for Oakland,
whero my private car had been slnco
Tuesday. Wo aro now en route home,
with nothing saved but what Is on our
Tav Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. e
Seven MQloa boxes soM la pest 12 months. ThlS siffnatlETG. &
iih mm. ii i.nin. mi
AVcgclablcPrcparationfor As
similating ihcPoodflndRcgula
ting the Stumaxhs ondBowels of
Promotes DifesUon.ChcerfuI
nessandltest.Contains neither
Opium,Morphine norMini'jaL
Not Narcotic.
AV aroidJk-SAMUELEnxmM
IKonphn Srti'
Saodr .
A perfect nemedy forConstioa-
tton, SourStomach.Diarrhoea,
ncss and Loss OF Sleee
Tac Simile Signature of
backs, but extremely hannv at havinc
escaped unharmed."
Iowa Woman Becomes Insane.
Ogden, Utah, April 25. Six hundred
and forty-four refugees reached Og
den. The mental strain of the lleclng,
terror-stricken people is best lllus-
trated in the misfortune of Mrs. Ida
Reod' Sho nrrlvel m Oakland appar
ently of sound mind, but when tho
tension of the scene was relieved by a
realization that she was safely located
on tho refugee train bound east her
mind gave way and sho is now do
tnlned In the city jail. Her destina
tion was Waverly, la. Her ten-year-old
son Is being cared for by the wom
en of tho relief committee.
Money for York College.
York, Neb., April 25. Andrew Car
negie has promised to give York col
lege $10,000 to Increase its endow
ment fund, on condition that Its
friends collect ?40,O0O more in cash
and realizable securities for the samo
purpose. Tho executive board has ac
cepted tho proposition and will strivo
to moot tho conditions.
City Marshal Wounded by Robber.
Horrington, Kan., April 24. City
Marshal Jesse Carey exchanged shotB
with robbers who had wrecked tho
saro In a drug store. Carey received
II wmillf In tlin 1n, nnil no lilnml wrn-
found on tho walk whore tho robbers '
made a stand, it is believed one of I
them was shot. The robbers escaped.
Call for Statement of Losses.
Albany, N. Y., April 24. Stato Su-'
perlntendent of Insurance Hendricks '
announced his Intention of calling up
on every fire Insurance company do
ing business in this stato for a sworn
statement of their losses In tho re
cent California cntastrophe.
Features of the Day's Trading and
Closing Quotations.
Chicago, April -'1, Hi-poita of dumitKe to
tho crop by dry wcatlii'r Iu tho southwest
uniiHvd an iirivuuco today of over lu per
bushi'l In tho prleo of whoat here. At the
clone tho .luly option wan precisely lc
nliovo yestonlny'a quotations. July corn J
mill outs wore each tip Ac I'nnlslotu
were a shade higher to 7'jC lower. CIos
liiK prices:
Wheat-May, 71t;o; July, 70ig70te;
Sept., 78c.
Corn-May, 17c; July, -M'jo; Sept., -t(t4.
Oats-May, .Tjyio; July, :S0!'he; Sept.. i!S.
l'ork-May, $ 1 5. ill! Vy, July, $l."!.t'tjiri.8.-i.
Lard May, ?8.47'8.0O; July, sja.GOtfj
CldciiKo Cash I'rlres No. 2 lmnl wheat,
7IKclKle; No. ;t hard wheat, 7.VH70e; No. J
corn, 47-7JI8o; No. 2 oats, .'Hftc.
Earthquake in Oregon.
Modfard, Oro April 21. A slight
but distinct GarthqunlvQ shock was felt
horo about a a. in. No damage was
?or3iBliJ' !'
To Cure a Cold in Oi-
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
rrUY.irnicWV MyuA
to?" ""
Ely's Cream Balm
This Remedy is a Specific,
Suro to Give Satisfaction.
It elennses, soothos, bonis, and protects the
diseased membrimo. It cures Cutnrrh nud
drives away n Cold in tho Head quickly.
Restores tho Senses of Tiwto nnd Smoll.
Easy to use. Contains no injurious drags.
Applied into tho nostrils and absorbed.
Largo Size, fJO conts at Druggists or by
mail; Trial Sizo, 10 conts by mail.
ELY BROTHERS. 56 Warren St.. New York.
This Morning?
MMtUalki ii I lira
A Gentle Laxative
And Appetizer
Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A Bust Modlolna for Dim Ponni.
Brings Goldn Hoalth and Rouewod Vigor.
A spt'ClflO for Conatlnntlnn. Tnr1ltntlnn. JAvn
?J.CIryrou?,e,,l,imP,ea- l-czenw. Impure
Bloofl, Uad Breath, SluffRlsh Howels, IIoiulocUu
nml Itadcnche. It's Kooky Mountain Tea In tao-
lfr. fftrm. fl r,ju . k. - .... .
UOI.L18TEn Dnurj C'OVPANV, MltillflOII, Wis.
ClMtiiri ami bfaulillrt tho lilr.
rrDiiintMB luviilant Rrowlh.
Ntver Fmlo to Jlcntore Qry
Curvi iiclp dl-fiuci & Iialr (alllnt
aOc.amljl.'Mftt Dnnrliu "
Cures Crip
la Two Days.
on every
BOX. 25C
fr iu
i T