The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 27, 1906, Image 4

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1 rtn,
You can trust n medicine
tested 60 years ! Sixty years
of experience, think of that!
f. Experience with Ayer's Sar- g
V ?u. ... .. ... -i - B
sapanun; uie original oarsn
parilla; the strongest Sarsapa
rilln ; the Sarsaparilla the doc
tors endorse for thin blood,
weak nerves, general debility.
l!it pynn Mill pmril 'il inr 'IIMno rnniint 1I0
I It in l work 11 ilm IHit i- n irilvi" mill iin
1 liowrl'. cnlnlii'iliMl, I ur tin- lii-t ii -Ilil Hi- i
! 'l I , ) nllllIlM Itl'Cf .MX IIIVP t'iiH' (.f Aift'i 1
(1 i I'lt ,iti'n LiKIiiu tlii,Siriiirilli T'm lUcr i
. vriiluirkly icviuiiil, niiil so Mill llir lovuU. i
lA Also nmiiuUoturors of 1
-it 5 HAIRVIOSK. j
W HOVQ. aihiecuki:. S
(Sv -JA.lif'iw' O CHY.KRY I'fcCTOKAL. 5
r-rrn3bi rsvK07n7KnsTiiiR;3:riuai7U'n3XSSfl
Red Cloud Cnnturcs the Wlstrict
union Without Opposition.
This Kansas and Nebraska Reunion
Association hold its annual oncump
muni in Hod Cloud Wednesday aftor
noon and by a unanimous voto decid
ed to hold tho annual louuiou in Rod
Cloud this fall. Tho nicotine was
vory harmonious. Superior was tho
only other city which inado a bid for
tho reunion, but as she sent no ropro
sottativo to look after her interests
tod Cloud had a. walk-away.
Following aro tho olllcors of tho as
sociation elected for tho ensuing yoar:
Commaudor D. G. Whitukor, Kod
Senior Vico Comnmndor Harry
Jtornley, Bloomington.
Junior Vico U. C. McConkoy, Rod
Quartormastor J. W. Warron, Rod
Adjutant F. N. Richardson, Rod
Council of Administration J. V.
Warren and W. A. Brown of Rod
Cloud, John McCullum of Bladen.
The Ladies' Auxiliary also hold its
annual meeting. All tho old olllcors
wore ro-oleotod with tho exception
that iMrs. Henry Remloy of Blooming
ton was elected senior vico president.
Tho following is a list of tho dele
gates in attendance at thecucamp-mont:
Franklin county John H. David
son and mother, H. M. Warrinor aud
Ii. It. Edwards and wife, S. II. Williams
aud wife, Mr. Burton, John Sawyer
and wife, O. W. Prathor and wife,
Harry Rom ley and wifo, Goorgo Clapp
suul wifo, John Ess, Eli Brown, Chas.
Ityckman, Mrs. Joseph Williams,
Itobort Van Stenburg, W. II. Coultrlu,
John Patterson.
Adams county A. E. Reynolds,
Osborne county Morrick Davis.
' Webster county Curtis Boat aud
Thomas Paul, Cowles; Josso Brooks,
Illadou; J. W. Warron, D. Francis aud
D. Ij. Groat Red Cloud.
Tho ladies of tho Red Cloud Relief
Corps cnl(Mla'ned tho visitors at din
ner in tho hall mid, while the attend
ancu was large, there was plenty and to
spare for tho hungry delegates n well
us the home people who nil ended.
The ladies aro especially grateful to
Mr. Henry Diederieh for the hand
some flowers which she donated to
mlmii the tables.
The d.ito for the reunion will not bo
set until after the meeting of the state
encampment at Lincoln next month,
though it will undoubtedly bo hold
some time in September.
1 The next encampment will bo held
in Franklin in May 11107.
1 The Red Cloud Commercial club
1 bore a part of tho burden of tho ox
ponse of tho encampment, paying tho
transportation charges of tho visitors
to and from tho depot aud otherwise
agisting in their entertainment.
Credit should also bo given to Joo
Warron for his work in securing sub
sciiptions to tho guarantee fund, ho
I having pledges amounting to over $700,
and there will be no lack of funds with
which to furnish entertainment aud
amusement for tho lingo crowd which
, will attend tho reunion this fall.
- -
Swindled His Employer.
Editor Tail of tho Argus is just now
paying for a litll eexperienco ho had
in trusting a stranger. A few weeks
ago a printer by tho iiiiinu of Ray C.
Packard came to Rod Cloud and so
cured a position on tho Argus. Mr.
Tait stood good for a $-.'$ clothing bill
for him at Cowdon-Knloy's, which was
to bo paid for in installments. Pack
ard paid ten dollars on tho account.
Monday evening ho borrowed S3 from
Mr. Tait, ostensibly to pay his board
bill at tho I'ionoor hotel. Instead of
using tho money for this purpose ho
gave Mr. Tcnunut a draft on tho
Omaha Electric Co. for $7, receiving a
balance in cash. It has not yot been
loarnod whether or not tho draft is
good. He also succeeded in borrow
ing S2 from Art Mc Arthur, "devil" in
tho Argus ollico. Tuesday morning
early ho hired a livery rig and drove
to Guido Rock, whoro ho boarded tho
train for tho oast without buying a
ticket. As a cousuquouco Mr. Tait is
out about $20.
r Items of News Found In Tho c
Items of News Found In Tho
Chief of Twenty Years Ago
This Week "
Mrs. U. V.
Shirey is visiting in Don-
Honeywell as a Preacher.
The Princeton Republican gave a
comparison of Evangelists Sunday and
Honeywell in a recent issue which
will be of interest to those interested
in the coming evangelistic meetings.
It said that in vigorous evangelistic
attributes Mr. Honeywell is a good
second to Mr. Sunday. As a preacher
he is in some respects superipr to Mr.
Sunday, which no one is more willing
to admit than the latter. His ellle-
iency as a leader has been demonstrat
ed and he has won the admiration and
esteem of the Princeton people in the
sermons he has delivered. The out
come of the meetings of these men
will be watched with interest by all
because of the different lines along
which they will be conducted. Mr.
Honeywell will omit from his sermons
the slang, rough words and unpleas
ant descriptions used so forcibly by Mr
m m m
A Guaranteed Cure for Piles.
Itching, blind, blooding, protruding
piles. Druggists aro authorized to
refund nionoy if Pazo Ointment fails
lo cure in C to 14 days. 50 conts.
Fifty Yass the Sf&mtard
Ml if! 111
Charley Potter is building an addi
tion to his residence1.
Mrs. , lames Potter has gone back to
her claim in Colorado.
Frank Jonoi of Scott, has moved his
family to Republican City.
J. I-. Kuley aud 0. C. Cuso were in
Nuckolls county last week.
Howard Cather is building a resi
dence west of C. W. Kaley's.
I. 13. Stansor, who has been on tho
sick list for many weeks, is bettor.
John Storey, of Wolls, Henry Cook's
favorite clerk, will live in Red Cloud.
A now Knights of Pythias lodge will
bo instituted in Blue Hill in a few
Attorney Yoisor has moved his law
ollico to tho Webster county abstract
J Q. Potter and wifo have roturned
from tho state of Missouii to Webster
C. B. Crono is building a barn'and
otherwise improving his residence
F. Bradbrook has purchased threo
lots near tho M. E. church, twhoro ho
will soon build.
Mrs. Warron Davis died at hor homo
in Harmony precinct, Wednesday, at
tho ago of 23 years.
.lake Sellers, city marshal of Or
leans, and wifo, havo boon visiting in
Red Cloud this wcok.
Mr. Titus, a prominent farmer of
Iowa, has located in Webster county,
on A F. Lockhart's farm.
Miss Kate Reiglo is wielding tho
birch over tho future groat men aud
maidens in Lino township.
Judgo McKoighan now wears his
loft hand in a sling from tho fact that
ho has his second finger brokeu in two
Married, at tho M. E. parsouago by
Geo. S. Davis, Mr. M. F. Howard of
McCook, Nob., and Miss Alice Stroud
of Illinois.
At tho mooting of tho board of edu
cation on Monday night D. B. Span
oglo was elected president and A. J.
Konuoy clork.
Row G. S. Davis, of tho M. E. church
has boon roaming around in tho west
ern country looking after his claim
and playing cowboy.
J. L. Frame was taken suddenly ill
Wednesday, whilo in attendance at
tho meeting of tho Webster county
congress, but has since recovered and
roturned to his homo.
Mr. Moon, who lately bought tho
Elliott and Tomlinson farms west of
tho city, has about 200,000 feet of lum
ber on the farms which ho proposes to
mako sheds of, aud other improve
Tho indies aid society mot
Wallace's and tho following
were elected:
President Mrs. Wallace
First Vico Mrs. Smith.
Second Vico Mrs. Pope.
Third Vico-Mrs. Strohm.
Secrotary Mrs. M. W. Dickorson.
Tho following oflicors were elected
nt tho last convocation of Cyrano Com
nmndory at thoir Asylum:
E. C.-J. A.Tulloy,
G.-R. D. Jones.
C. G.-D. M. Piatt.
P. R. B. Fulton.
S. W.-J. L. Mlllor.
J. W. R. L. Tinker.
Treas.-G. W. Lindsey.
Rocordor M. Bimoy.
Cowles Miss Lou Wright is teach
ing tho Cowles school successfully ....
T. A. Waggonor received on Wednes
day tho sewing machine ho drew in
tho Omaha Beo's distribution of
prizes Miss Nollio Arnold, of
Guide Rock, spent Suuday hero visit
ing hor parents Marsh Hurd
shipped his household goods to Ina-
valo Wednesday Mrs. S. W. Foo
visited in Cowles last week Ed
Pratt spent Saturday in Cowles
G. A.Latta is tho happy father of a
baby boy; Ed Keonoy ditto.
at Mrs.
5W p W V W4M " ' H Mm fn
Jg It don t cost
m any more
to be well dressed than half
dressed. And it makes a lot
of difference sometimes.
1 can sell you an outfit that
will jet you a job, or Ueep
you in your position, or yet
you married.
The SUITS I am selling at
$7.50, S8.50
? ?;"' r '"' ?
and up to
are sure winners wherever
placed. All I ask is a chance
to sho-w them to vou. COME
ntms city.
I'Jthol Globe and soino one elso had
hor. Ho had a vory bad habit and it
bothered him very much but ho could
not find ony way to cure it. Tho
young lady that wont with Ethol Globo
went away aud of coarco ho got in with
hero and when thov wont touothnr
' awhile they got niaried and then tho
bad habit was cured."
Kansas City. April 24. Receipts of
cattle thus far this week aro 21.400;
Monday's market was slow but prices
generally steady on all classos, and i
today ruled quite active with rates
ilrm. 20 lots of beof stoors sold at $5
and over.
Mrs. Zarybnlcky.
Mrs. Anna Zarybnicky, mother of
Mrs. Joseph Polnicky and sister of
Mrs. Joseph Pavlicek, Sr., died Tues
day at Oketo, Kan. Mrs. Polnicky
..,! n. 1.1... SI l-ri. ni . .
i iinu ouu ciuiii mil lor uitoio wounos-
day morning to attend tho
Besides Mrs. Polnicky, two sons aud
Tho following tablo givo
now ruling.
Extra prime corn-fed stoors. .?
Good corn fed steers
Ordinary corn fed stoors ....
Choico corn fed heifers. . .
Good corn fed heifors. . . .
Medium corn fed heifers.
Choico corn fod cows
:.jt n -f 70
l So-r. is
1 ffii-1 7u
4 cr.-f) oo
4 10-1 00
.T riO :i 00
4 25-4 50
Good .175-4 25
Medium '! 25-3 75
("minors 2 25 .') 00
Choico staes 4 00-4 85
Choice fod bulls 3 75 4 25
IjrOOCl t iSo -$ UO
Bologna bulls 2 25-3 00
Veal calves 5 00-C f('
Good to choice native or
western stockors 4 25-4 75
Pair 3G0-4 10
Common 3 25-3 50
Good to choico heavy native
feodors 4 25-4 85
Fair 3 75-4 25
Good to choico heavy brand
ed horned feeders 3 75-4 50
Fair 3 25-3 75
Common 2 75-3 00
Good to choico stock heifors 3 25-3 50
Pair 275-325
Good to choico stock calves.
stoors 4 00-4 75
Fair 3504 00
Good to choico stock calves,
hoifors .J .-4 uu
Fair 275-325
llocoipts of hogs thus far this week
aro 20,800. Monday's market was 5 to
10 conts lower, and today while trad
ing opened active at firm rates, the
closo was woak to 5 cents lower. Bulk
of sales wore from 0.33 to bV12; top
Receipts of shoop thus far this wook
aro 5100. Monday's market was firm
aud today 10 to 20 conts higher. Price
aro now tho highest that they havo
boon sinco tho nilddlo of February.
Top woolod lambs today 87.05.
j two daughters, residing at Odoll, Nob.,
prices nn,i oketo, Kan., aro loft to mourn hor
ientn. Mrs. Zarybnicky formerly
lived hero, but moved to Oketo twonty
lwo years ago.
Switchman Injured.
James Amick, switchman in tho Bur
lington yards hero, had a nnrrow os
capo from death Tuesday noon. Whilo
making a coupling ho got caught bo
tween tho engine aud a freight car and
was badly crushed nbout tho hips, and
will be laid up for a long time to come.
Had tho bumpers caught him a few
iuches highor tho result would havo
boon much moro serious and might
havo proved fatal.
'20 of TsiFt&B Powder
No Asun
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought I
Boars tho TJr SJtTTM s -"
Slgnaturo of W&J AW
A Boy's Essay.
Tho following is a. verbatim copy of
a composition written by a 13-year-old
boy in tho Second ward school ono day
last wook. Tho subject of tho allusion
is "How Samuel Alexander Persim
mons Was Cured of a Bad Habit."
Hero it is:
"Samuel Alexander Persimmous was
bornod Tonkin Asia ho was a vory good
looking man liko some in Kod Cloud.
"Tho dioripison is this ho has yollow
curly hair with brown oyos dark eyes
pink lips weighing nbout ono hundred
sovon pounds aud about 21
years om. iNoariy an tno gins was
stuck on him but ho did not liko only
ono girl iu tho bunoh.
"But ho did not liko ouyono only
Letter List.
List of letters remnining uncalled
for at postolllco at Red Cloud, Neb.,
for tho wook ouding April 20, 1000:
Fibber, Wm. Fuller, Harry
Jassmau, J. B. Martin W. A.
Rotchol, Mrs. Herbert
Theso will bo sont to tho dead letter
ollico May 10, J()G, if not called for
before. When calling for abovo ploaso
say "advortisod."
T. C. Hackkk, Postmaster.
Meat Market Changes Hands.
A. E. Schmidt, who has boon asso
ciated in tho moat business with Jack
Wisecarvor for several months, has
sold his interest to tho latter gontlo
man, who is now the solo proprietor.
Wo havo not loarnod what business
Mr. Schmidt intends engaging iu.
Has just received a
complete line of
Also liDndles
Flovir $ Feed
Tolophono 51.