It r i imiwm . 'cro DQ IGIRDLES The Two Vanrevels American Beauty M Every Pnlr Gtmrtxntcod By BOOTH TARKINGTON, Author of "The Gentletnnn From Indiana" and "Monsieur Deiuealre" Good grade American Beauty Corset, with hose supports, high or low bust goc Batiste American Beauty Corset, double hose supports, high or low bust $ i .oo Batiste Girdles 25c Tape Girldles 50c Summer Net, with hose supports 50c Copy rid lit. 1D02. by 5. S. McClure Co. 0(7 vV C MHHMnmMHI rnTi r tr n i bUl(15 W) I K I1 (CONTIHUED.) ""My Immortal soul!" lie gasped. "Is tills Crailey Gni.vV What's the trou Mo?" "Nothing," replied Gray quietly. "Only don't go; you've lost enough." "Well, you're a lieaullful one!" Jef ferson exclaimed, with an Incredulous laugh. "You're a master hand. You , to tnllc (iliotit losing enough!" j "I know, I know," Cruiley began, blinking his head, "but" "You've promised Fnuchon never to j:o again, ami you're afraid Miss Hetty -will see or hear us and tell her you were there." "I don't know Miss Curewo." "Then you needn't fear. Besides, fche'll he out when we come and asleep when we go. She will never know we've been in the house." "That has nothing to do with it," said Craliey impatiently, and he was the more earnest beeause he remember ed the dangerous geography of the Ca rewo house, which made It lmposiblo for any one to leave the cupola room except by the long hall which passed certain doors. "I will not go, and, what's more, I promised Fnuchon I'd try to keep you otit of it hereafter." "Lord, but we're virtuous!" hiughcd the incredulous Jefferson. "I'll come for you at a quarter to (J." "I will not go, I tell you." Jefferson roared. "Yes, you will. You couldn't keep from It if you tried!" And lie took himself off, laughing vlo lently, again promising to call for Cral iey on his way to the tryst and leaving him still warmly protesting that It would be n great folly for cither of them to go. Orailey looked after the lad's long, thin figure with an expression as near anger as ho ever wore. "He'll go," ho said to himself. "And-ah, well I'll have to risk It! I'll go with him, but only to try to bring 1dm away early that Is, as early is it's safe to be sure that they aro aisleep downstairs. And I won't play. Ko, I'll not play; I'll not play." He went out of the hotel, by a sldo loor. Some distance up the street Bareaud was still to be seen, lounging homeward in the pleasant afternoon sunshine. Ho stopped on a corner anil serenely poured another quinine pow der into himself and threw the paper to a couple of pigs that looked up from the gutter maliciously. "Confound hhn!" said Crailey, laugh ing ruefully. "lie makes me n mis sionaryfor I'll keep my word to Fan--chon in that, at least! I'll look after Jefferson tonight. Ah, I might aB well he old Tom Vanrevel, indeed!" Meanwhile Mr. Carewe had taken possession of his own again, nis -daughter ran to the door to meet him. Flic was trembling a little and, blush ing and smiling, held out both her hands to him, so that Mrs. Tanberry vowed this was the loveliest creature In the world, and the kindest. Mr. Carewe bowed slightly, as to an wqualntance, and disregarded the ex tended bauds. At that the blush faded froVti Miss Hetty's cheeks, she trembled no more, I ud a salutation as ley as her father's was returned to him. He bent his heavy hrows upon her and shot a black glance her way, being, of course, immediately enraged by her reflection of his own manner, but he did not speak to her. Nor did he once address her during the evening meal, preferring , to honor Mrs. Tanberry with his conversation, to that diplomatic lady's secret anger, hut outward amusement. She cheerful ly neglected to answer him nt times, Slaving not the slightest awe of him, and turned to tiic girl instead; indeed, she was only prevented from rating him soundly at his own table by the fear that she might make the situation more difilcult for her young charge. As soon as it was possible she made her escape with Miss Betty, and they drove nway in the twilight to pay visits of duty, leaving Mr. Carewe frowning at his coffee on the veranda. J When they came home three hours later Miss Betty noticed that a fringo of Illumination bordered each of tlio heavily curtained windows in the cu-1 pola, nud she uttered an exclamation, for she had never known that room to be lighted. "Lookl" she cried, touching Mrs. Tanberry's arm, as the horses trotted through the gates under a drizzle of rain. "I thought the room in the cupola i,ws empty. It's always locked, aud -when I camo from St. Mary's ho told ;xuo that old furnlturo was stored there." I r Mrs. Tanberry was grateful for tho 1 dnrkuoss. "Ho may have gono there to f .read," she answered In a queer voico. 'Lot us go quietly to bed, child, bo as not to disturb him." I Betty had as little desire to disturb her father as she hud to see him; there fore she obeyed her friend's Injunction and went to her room on tiptoe. The house was very silent as she lit the candles on her bureau. Outside the gentle drizzle and tho soothing tinkle from the eaves were the only sounds. Within there was hut the faint rustle of gut incuts from Mrs. Tanberry's room. Presently the latter ceased to bo Ilea rd, aud a wooden moan of protest from the four poster upon which the good lady reposed announced that she had drawn the curtains and wooed tho rulers of Nod. Although it was one of those night' of which they say, "It Is a good night to sleep," Miss Betty was not drowsy. Site had half unfastened one small san dal, but she tied the ribbons again aud seated herself by the open window. Pet ring out into the dismal night, she found her own future as black, and it seemed no wonder that the sisters loved the convent life; that the pale nuns forsook the world wherein there was so much useless unkindness, where women were petty and Jealous, like that cowardly Kanclion, and men who looked great were tricksters, like Fan clion's betrothed. Miss Betty clinched her delicate lingers. She would not re member that white, startled face again. Another face helped her to shut out the recollection that of the man who had come to mass to meet her yester day morning aud with whom she had taken a long walk afterward. Ho had shown her a quaint old English garden er who lived on tho bank of the river, had bought her a bouquet, and she had helped him to select another to send to a sick friend. How beautiful the llow crs were and how happy he had made the morning for her with his gayety, his lightness and his odd wisdom! Was It only yesterday? Her father's com ing had made yesterday a fortnight old. But the continuously pattering rain and the soft drip, drop from the roof, though as mournful us she chose to find them, began after awhile to weave their somnolent spells, and she slowly drifted from icveries of unhappy sorts Into half dreams, In which she was still aware she wus awake, yet slum ber, heavy eyed, stirring from the cur tains beside her with the small night breeze, breathed strange distortions upon familiar things, aud drowsy Im possibilities moved upon tho surface of her thoughts. Her chin, resting upon her hand, sank gently until her head almost lay upon her relaxed arms. "That is mine, Crailey Gray!" She sprang to her feet, immeasurably startled, one hand clutching the back of her chair, the other tremulously pressed to her cheek, convinced that her father had stooped over iier and shouted tho sentence In her ear. For it was his voice, and the house rang with tho words. All the rooms, halls, and even the walls, still seemed mur murous with the sudden sound, like the tinkling of a bell after it has been struck. And yet everything was quiet. She pressed her lingers to her fore head, trying to untangle the maze of dreams which had evolved this shock for her, the sudden clamor in her fa ther's voice of a name she hated and hoped never to hear again, a name siio was trying to forget, hut as she was unable to trace anything which had led to it there remained only the con clusion that her nerves were not what they should be. Tho vapors having be come obsoleto for young ladles as an explanation for all unpleasant sensa tions, they were Instructed to have "nerves." This was Miss Betty's first consciousness of her own, and, desir ing no greater acquaintance with them, she told herself It was unwholesome to fall asleep In a chair by an open win dow when the night wns as sad as she. Turning to a chair in front of tho small oval mirror of her bureau, she unclasped the brooch which held her lace collar and, seating herself, began to unfasten her hair. Suddenly she paused, her uplifted arms falling me chanically to her sides. Some ono was coming through the long hall with a soft, almost inaudible step, a step which was not her father's, phe knew at once, with Instinctive cer tainty, that it wns not ho. Nor was it Nelson, who would have shuliled; nor could it be tho vain Mamie, nor one of the other servants, for they did not sleep In tho house. It was a step more llko a woman's, though certainly It was not Mrs. Tanberry's. Betty rose, took a candle and stood silent for a moment, the heavy tresses of her hair, half unloosed, falling upon her neck and left shoulder llko tho folds of n dark drapery. At the slight rustic, of her rising tho Hardanger Cloth The NEWEST thing for white dresses and waists, 44 inches wide, $1.00 India Linon, 40 in. wide, 25c Infants' Wear Cashmere Vests, 35 to 60c Cashmere Band, 25c Cashmere Hose, 15, 25c i mm steps ceased instantly. Her heart set up a wild beating, and the candle shook in her hand. But she was brave and young, and, following an Irresisti ble Impulse, she ran across the room, Hung open the door and threw the light of the caudle into the hall, holding It at arm's length before her. She came almost face to face with Crailey Gray. The blood went from his cheeks as a swallow Hies down from a roof. He started back against the opposite wall with a stilled groan, while she stared at him blankly and grew as deathly pale as he. He was a man of great resource In all emergencies which required a quick tongue, but for the moment tills wa beyond him. He felt himself lost, top pllng backward into an abyss, and ll-r usolessness of his destruction made him physically sick. For he need not have been theio; he had not wished to come; he had well counted the danger to himself, and this one time in his lifo had gone to the cupola room out of good nature. But Hn rental had been obstinate, and Crailey had come away alone, hoping that Jefferson might fol low. And here he was, poor trapped rat, convicted and ruined because of a good action! At last he knew consist ency to be a jewel and that a greedy boy should never give a crust; that a fool should stick to his folly, a villain to his deviltry and each hold his own; for the man who thrusts a good deed Into a life of lies is wound about with perilous passes, and In his devious ways a thousand unexpected damna tions spring. Beaten, stunned, hnng-jawod with despair, ho returned her long, dum fouuded gaze hopelessly aud told tho truth like an Inspired dunce. "I came I came to bring another man away," ho whispered brokenly; I'acc to face xvlth Crallcjj Qrny. und, nt the very moment, several heavy, half suppre&aed voices broke In to eager talk overhead. Tho white hand that hold tho candle wavered, and tho shadows glided In a huge, grotesque dunce. Twice she es sayed to speak beforo she could do so, at tho samo moment motioning him back, for ho had mado a vague gesturo toward her. """wT" """" BELTS Gilt and Silver Belts, the very latest thing in this line, at 30c, 50c, 60c Also a full line of the Buster Brown belts in black, white and reel. Silk Belts at 25, 50 and Stockings Misses' Stockings, 1x1 rib, 10 and 15c Misses' fine black dress stocking, 25c OUSE, Dry Goods, Laces. "1 am not faint, from up there?" Do you mean, away She pointed to the cupola stairs. "Yes." "Have have you seen my father?" The question came out of such a depth of iucredulousness that it was more an articulation of the lips than a sound, but he caught It, and, with It, not hope, but the shadow of n shadow of hope, a hand waving from the far shore to the swimmer who has been down twice. Did she fear for his sake?" "No I have not seen him." He was groping blindly. "You did not come from that room?" "No." "I low did you enter tho house"?" The draft through the hall wns blow ing upon him; tho double doors upon tho verunda had been left open for cool ness. "There," ho said, pointing to them. "But I heard you come from tho other direction." He was breathing quickly. lie saw his chance If Jefferson Bnreaud did not come now. "You did not hear me come down the stairs." He leaned toward her, risking It all on that. "No." "All!" A sigh too like n gasp burst from Crailey. Ills head lifted a little, and his eyes were luminous with an eagerness that was almost anguish. He set his utmost will at work to col lect himself and to think hard and fast. "I came here resolved to take a man nway, come what would!" he said. "I found tho door open, went to the foot of Unit stairway, then I stopped. I re membered something. I turned and was going nway when you opened the door." "You remembered what?" Tho dicker of hope in his breast in creased prodigiously, and tho rush of It toolc the breath from his throat and choked him. Good God! Was sho going to believe him? "I remembered you!" "What?" she said wonderlugly. Art returned with a splendid bound, full pinioned, his beautiful and trench erous familiar who had deserted him nt the crucial instant, but she made up for it now, folding him in protectlvo wings and breathing through his spirit. In rapid and vehement whispers he poured out the words upon tho girl In tho doorway. "I have a friend, and I would lay down my lifo to mnko hhn what ho could be. lie has always thrown ev erything away, his life, his talents, nil his money and all of mine, for the sake of throwing them away! Some other must tell you about that room, but It has ruined my friend. Tonight 1 dis covered that ho had been summoned hero, and I made up my mind to como and take him away. Your father has sworn to shoot 1110 If I set foot In his house or on ground of his. Well, my duty was clear, and I came to do It. And yet I slopped at the foot of the stair because because I remembered that you were Bobert Carewo's daugh ter. What of you if I went up nnd harm camo to 1110 from your father? For I swear I would not havo touched him! You nslced mo not to speak of 'personal' things, nnd I havo obeyed you, but you seo I must tell you one tbjngjuoji', 1 have cored tor thu friend Knit Underwear Light weight, long sleeve Vest, 25c Light weight, long sleeve Pants, 25c Light weight union suits, long sleeves and close knit cuffs, 50c Corset Cover Embroid ery, 18 inches wide, from 25 to 55c Victoria Lawn, 36 in., 15c . of mine more than' for nlf efso under heaven, but I turned and left him to Ms ruin and would n thousand times rather than bring trouble upon yonl A thousand times?' All, I swear it slwcJil be a thousand times a thou sand!" He had paraded In ono speech from the prisoner's dock to Capulot's gar den, and her eyes were shining Into his like a great light when ho finished. "Go quickly!" she whispered. "Go quickly! Go quickly!" "But do you understand?" "Not yet, but I shall. Will you go? They might come my father might come nt any moment." "But" "Do you want to drive mo qulto mad? Please go!" She laid a trem bling, urgent hand upon his sleeve. "Never, until you tell me that you understand," replied Crailey firmly, lis tening keenly for the slightest sound from overhead. "Never until then!" "When I do I shall tell you; now I only know that you must go." "But tell me" "You must go!" There was u shutlllng of chairs on tho floor overhead, and Crailey went. Ho went even more hastily than might have been expected from tho adaman tine attitude he had Just previously as sumed, ltcullzing this as he reached the wet path, he risked stealing round to her window. "For your sake!" ho breathed, and, having thus forestalled any trilling Im perfection which might arise in her rec ollection of his exit from the house, ho disappeared, kissing ids hand to tho rain as lie ran down tho street. Miss Betty locked her door and pulled close tho curtains of her window. A numerous but careful sound of foot steps came from tho hall, wont ly her door and out across the veranda. Si lently sho waited until she heard her futher go alone to his room. She took tho candle nnd went in to Mrs. Tanberry. She set tho light upon a table, pulled a chair close to the bed side and placed her cool hand lightly on tho great lady's forehead. "Isn't It very late, child? Why aro you not asleep?" "Mrs. Tanberry, I want to know why there was a light In tho cupola room tonight?" "What?" Mrs. Tanberry rolled her self as upright as possible aud sat with blinking eyes. "I want to know what I nm sure you know and what I am sure everybody knows except me. What were they do ing there tonight, and what was tho quarrel between Mr. Vanrevel and my futher that had to do with Mr. Gray?" Mrs. Tanberry gazed earnestly Into tho girl's face. After a long thno slid said in a gentle voice: "Child, has it como to matter that much?" "Yes," said Miss Betty. (To be Continued ) Ask for Allen's Foot-Ease, a Powder. It makes wal Icing easy. Cures corns, bunions, Ingrowing nulls, swollen nud sweating foot. At all druggists and shoo stores, UDo. Don't accept any substitute Samplo froo. Address Alien S. Olmstoad, Lo Roy, N. Y. . n ft i R 3 f r i , l;l r.i h J1 -npr"" ;:w-vfBMK.r,s' rJjfe '!' .r :?pwwmmm3f$?zf