The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 20, 1906, Image 8

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r Itoms of News Found In The C
Chief of Twenty Years Ago J f s-s r r r- frnTo n C
Thiweok v . i UUR MOTTO: Satisfaction or f
The soason for "planting things" is now at
hand. I have the largest and finest as
sortment of Garden and Flower Seeds,
Plants and Shrubs ever seen here.
A Great Variety of Roses
Cannas, Lilies, and everything to be found
in an up-to-date greenhouse. You are in
vited to call and inspect my stock, whether
you buy or not.
Mrs. Henry Diederich
Interesting Items Gathered
by Our County Reporter
.Miss Alma Johnson returned from
Wilcox Monday.
, , ,, , , , , i .. i .,
Ida Widdershelm spent Sunday with
Mr. Itartlett was a passenger for
,, ., , . . ,
Hawtings last Tuesday. I
h J
vasn need drove up 10 Hastings
I ucsuay. returning Wednesday.
Miss Dollars went to Campbell Fri
day evening, returning Monday.
.Mrs. .1. W. McCoy and son Herbert
drove over to Mine Hill Wednesday.
Mrs. Strycker was a passenger for
Hastings Tuesday morning, returning making a great improvement in this
Wednesday. , little village, by the planting of trees
Miss Ilessiu Strycker returned to "king the streets and residences.
Kearney Tuesday, after spending a The district Sunday School eonven
few days with home folks. I tion was held at Inavale April III, A
Mrs. Kile was a passenger for Grand ! kirge crowd attended both afternoon
Island Tuesday, where she goes to . H,,rt evening and listened to an elo
visit her sister. Mrs. Litters. I quent address iriven bv Prof. Kteirilnv.
Mr. and Mrs. It. C. Chevalier were
passengers for Campbell Saturday
evening, returning Monday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. .lonas Williams drove
over to Campbell Saturday and spent
Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. I).
II. Clark.
Herbert McCoy has resigned his pos
ition in the butcher shop, and left
Thursday morning for Red Cloud,
where he has accepted a position.
Mr. and Mrs. Iteiher drove over to
Campbell Sunday to attend the funeral
of Mrs. Keiher's brother, who was
kicked by a horse, Friday evening,
and died Saturday.
W. P. Smith returned home from
Mil ford last week.
Grandma Heed, of Franklin, is visit
ing W. P. Smith, of this ploce.
Mrs. Fred Stoner of this place has
"been on the sick list the past week.
Miss l.elia Sturdevant, of Franklin
is visiting Dr. and Mrs. A. li. Phillips.
Grandma lloldrege has been quite
sick for some time, but is improving.
Mrs. Hiram lloldrege, who has been
h'riously ill, the past week, is improv
ing rapidly.
Miss Inez lloldrege, who hus been
visiting in Kansas for home time, ar
rived liome Tuesday.
The revival meetings at the M. K.
oliurcli, which were conducted by Kev.
Hill, closed last week.
.Miss itessie Hart, who has been vis
iting at A. C. Hale's, returned to her
home in Franklin Friday night.
Miss Ititui Hale returned to Frank
"" """iy iiigni, 10 tune up her
.,,,. ,, , tlli ..
lin MotldllV IllL'ht. to t:iki nn lu.r
vacation at home.
i.,.,... u.. i
haster Sunday was a very pleasant
,i.... i s .f . ,
day, being an except on to the rule.
services were held at the Christian
church in the afternoon.
Mrs. Myers, aged 7ft years, living six
miles north west of this place, dislo
cated her shoulder Easter Sunday.
Dr. Phillips was in attendance.
Some of the people of Inavale aro.
i - -- " . .
I me neui secretary of Sunday school
1 work. A large delegation was nres-
nt from Hed Cloud.
Thomas Darnall of Lincoln lectured
in the Christian and M. K. churche's on
Sunday, the 8th. He was greeted by
large and enthusiastic audiences. His
lecture was in the interest of the
Anti-Saloon League and about SI 2ft
was raised to carry on the work of
that organization. He also lectured
at 41 in the afternoon to 'a large and
attentive audience. In a rising vote
the people were unanimous in favor of
county option.
To Mothers In This Town.
Children who aro dolicato, feverish
nnd cross will ot immediate relief
from Mother Gray's Sweet Powder for
children. They cleanso the stomach,
act oil tho liver, making a sickly child
strong nnd healthy. A certain euro
for worms. Sold by all druggists, 25
eonts. Samplo tree, address Allou S.
Olmstead, Loiloy, N. V.
Mynilc Cure for Rheumatism and, Neuralgia
radically cures hi 1 to a days. Its notion upon
the system In remarkable and mysterious It
removes at once the cause nnd the disease Im
mediately disappears. The flrst dose greatly
boueflm. 7ft cents andll on. held by II K.
Once DntwiHt. Kcd Cloud
is the only
Grade Powder
offered to the
consumer at a
It should not he
confused with,
the cheap, low
grade powders
on the one hand,
nor the high priced
trust powders on
the other.
There was quito a fall of snow Mon
day morning.
Orango Taylor is now an omployo of
tho Wells, Fargo Express Co.
Al Ault, and Dick Forris wont out
hunting Monday aud bagged a wolf
Major Joo Swan will ru&ticulo in
California for a few weeks to come.
Mrs. Iligby and children aro visit
ing Mr. nnd Mrs. Davis of this city
John Young's team ran away tho
other day and upset tho delivery
(Joo. Valentine, of Wymote, engineer
ou tho 13. & M., paid a recent visit to
this city.
C. W. Kaloy and C. F. Cathpr will
soon commonco tho erection of two
lino residences.
Mrs. Day, mothor of Sylvostor Dav.
started for hor homo in Baltimoro
Tuesday evening.
Tho Faith doctress, Miss Bohahn is
In tho city and is treating a great
many of our citizens.
Frank Cowdon, of Seward, has taken
a position with C. Wiener, In tho
Golden Kaglo clothing store.
A. T. Bull and family mourn the loss
of their little child, Cora Blanche,
aged ouo yoar, eight momths and thir
teen days.
C. L. Miller, a brothor of Mrs. M. V.
Dickorson, was tho victim of a pleas
ant surprise party on Wednesday
Abbott Anderson, prescription clerk
for sometime past in Henry Cook's
drug store, has returned to his homo
in Virginia.
Goo. W. Harper and Miss Anna
Whltmore, both of Wobstor coiintv.
were united in tnarriago by llov. Goo.
O. Yeiser, April t2d.
Tho Farmers' and Merchants' Hank
ing Compruy mot on Monday ovoniug
and perfected an orginization as fol
lows: President Ex-Gov. Silas Garber.
VicePresideut-Geo. B. Holland.
Cashier W. S. Garbtr.
Diroctors- E. B. Smith, Geo. O. Yei
ser, Geo. B. Holland, Silas Garber, W.
S. Garber.
Monday evening two of J. L. Minor's
little children In company with a little
girl named Cropsey, started from
Miner Bros.' store for their homo, with
their pony nnd buckboard. Just after
crossing 3rd avenuo the littlo ones'
attontion was attracted elsewhere aud
tho pony was getting out of the road
and nearly overturned on the bank.
"Little Miss Cropsey was pitched over
tho dashboard and tossed about over
tho thills and wheels and finally
alighted on terra flrma, considerably
frightened aud suffering with a
sprained ankle. Aftr running a few
rods tho pony was caught and the bal
ance of tho party rescued uuinjurod.
Line Mr. and Mrs. Goblo have re
turned from thoir visit in Missouri
John lieauchamp was elected
director in tho Penny creek district
rote Mcintosh is working for J.
S. Rothrock Frank Shutts has
moved to his father's farm.
Cowlks-S. Gangbin is helping G.
W. Hager in tho blacksmith shop
Simon Brown of Kansas City, is visit
ing relatives and friends in Blue Hill
and Cowles Mr. and Mrs. R I.
Carrier started on Thursday evening
for Conrad, Iowa D. li. Bu.lck
shipped another car of hogs to Chicago
Thursday Mrs. W. T. Evans is
1 homo from hor visit in Humboldt
Mm. D. b. Buzick started Saturday for
a two week' visit in Ashland.
Kansas City, April 17. Receipts of
cattle thus far this week aro 22,100;
last wook, 12,!W)0; last year, 0800. Mon.
day's market was gonorally steady
wliilo today trade was slow with valuo
weak to 10 conts lower for all offerings
Tho following tablo glvot prices
now ruling.
Extra prime corn-fed steers. .?." 2."i-," 8,"i
Good corn fed steers -1 y,")-,"i 2.1
Ordinary corn fed steers..,. 1 23-1 IT)
Scott is building u now C. ' ?
k. w br tMiiratttt l w w w a n . mr
combined with plain figure
prices steadily adhered to,
has brought us a constantly
growing business. Quality
first, price next. Nothing but
standard made, reputable
goods at lowest profit prices.
Always willing to show our goods
and compare prices with either local
or Chicago houses.
Newhouse Bros.,
Jewelers and Opticians.
Choice corn fed heifers 4 5,1-5 00
Good corn fed heifers 4 10-4 CO
Medium corn fed heifers. ... .1 dO 3 00
Choice corn fed cows 4 25-4 50
Good 375-4 25
Medium 3 2,15.3 75
Cauuors 3 25 4 25
unoico stags 4 00-5 00
Choice fed bulls 375-4 25 '
Good . 335305
Bologna bulls 2 25-3 00
Veal calves 5 00-G 5( ,
Good to choico native or
western stockers 4 25-4 75
Fair 3 00-4 10
Common 3 23.3 no
Good to choice heavy native
feeders 4 23-4 75
Fair 3 75-4 23 1
Receipts of hogs thus far this week 1
aro 25,500; last week, 12,300; last year ,
1I.J00. Monday's market averaged
steady while today's trade opened
strong to a shade higher but closed
easy. Bulk of sales were from $0.45 to
6.55; top 8G.G0.
Receipts of sheep thus far thus week
are 10,400; last week, GI00; last year,
4800. Monday's market was stronu to
10 cents higher and today 10 to 20 (
cents up. Best woolod lambs today
sold at 8G.C0; shorn, fo.GO.
Morton I.. Hill, of Lebanon. Inrt.. nays; "Mj
wife bad Inflammatory Rheumatism in every
muscle and Joint: her snrTeriiiK waa terrible
aud tier body and face were molten almost bt
yond recognition: had been in bed lx weeki
aqrt had ulKht nhyMclans. but received no
t)6nofit until she tried tho Mystic Pure lor
Rheumatism. It Rare Immediate relief and
ahe was Bble to walk about In three dara. 1 am
aure It saved her life." Sold by II. 'E. Grice.
Druggist. Red Cloud. '
Application for License.
Notice Is hereby kIvcii thnt n petition sIriipU
by thirty or more resident freeholders of tho
First ward of tlu city of Red Cloud, Nebraska,
has been tiled wlili the city clerk of said city of
Red Cloud. nrayltiK that n license be unilited
by the city council of said city to John I'ol
nlcky for the Hitlo of malt, siiirltous nnd vIiiouh
liquor dm lot llvo (M block thlrt one (31), of
theorlk'Innl town, now city of Red I'loinl, Nc
braSkn. That action will be taken on said iet.
lion bytho mayor and city council on thu 2ml
day of May 100(1. or nt tin first meeting of the
council thereafter.
L. H. Foiit. City Clerk.
Dated at Red Cloud. Nebraska, this fith day of
April, 1IKW.
Application for License.
Notlc els hereby k1 en that u petition signed
by thirty or more rc-Ident freeholders of tho
Second ward of the city of Red Cloud, Nebras
ka, has been filed with the city clerk of said
city of Red Cloud, pruylUK that a license be
(trained by the city council of Mild city to F. 11.
Mnmlevlllo for tho sale of malt, splrltous and
vinous Honors ou lot threo (.1) block one Mi.
Williams' addition to the city of Red Cloud,
Nebraska. That action will bo taken on said
petition by the mayor and city council on the
ynddayof May 1900, or at the first meeting of
tho council thereafter.
L. II. Foiit. City Clerk.
Dated at Red Cloud. Nebraska, this nth day of
April, lCOtl.
Application for License.
Notice is hereby given that a petition signed
by thirty or more resident freeholders of the
Second ward of the city of Red Cloud, Nebras
ka, has been filed with the city clerk of said
city of Red Cloud, pricing that a license be
granted by tbo city council of said city to
Charles W. Husheo for thu sale of milt, spirit
and vinous liquors on lot one (1), block 0110 (I),
Williams' auuiiion to 1110 city of Red Cloud,
Nebraska, That action will be taken on said
petition by the mayor and city council 011 tho
yud day of May, 100(1, or at tho first meeting of
tho council thereafter.
L. II. Foiit. City Clerk.
Dated at Red Cloud, Nebraska, this nth dav of
April, IDifl.
B. 6, M. Watch Inspectors
A Great Fire
You will have if
you try some of
Good Coal
Sold by
Saunders Bros.
I The popular 'Lumber and
I SoaI .raen of Red Cloud.
I Te ephone GO w!ll get it.
Schmidt sWiseeatw
Fourth Avenue
IWeat Itoket
Wholesale and retail Fresh aud
Cured Meats, and everything kept
in a first class meat market. Man
ufacturers of hiKh grade Sausage
and Strictly Pure Lard. Highest
market prices paid for Livestock,
Poultry, Hides, Pelts and Tallow.
To the
Out of f0 Insurance Companies
doing business in Webster
County the Gocnmn of Free,
port pnys one-third of tho taxes
mid hiiM over 500 policies in
force. J'lie Farmers' Mutual of
Nebraska is the iargost Mutual
in the state, with over throe
quarters of a million dollars in
surance in Webster county.
for Good Insurance
Call on
Red Cloud.
Red Cloud, - Neb.