The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 20, 1906, Image 7

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If you will eat more
Uneeda Biscuit
you can do more work, enabling you to earn
more money, so that you can buy more
Uneeda Biscuit
do more work and earn still more money.
4 6- !
1 Jlemsy flutes prom Neighboring Tomns
tin foreign lands. Mr. and Mrs. Fair
will probably return about the first of
September, but Mr. and Mrs. Isaae
will remain for an indefinite time for
a visit at his home in England.
(From the Review.)
Fred Taylor is contemplating the
eonstruction of a new residence.
Chas. Kelso and wife started over
land for Hitchcock county, Thursday,
where they expect to locate.
Last Sunday John Teitjen and Mrs.
partof town, of Chas. Harper, the eon-1 M'iy Douglas were out driving and
sideration being 8300. mnimged to turn the buggy over, and
10 II llllmnr... lh.. r,.tiri,, n.lltnr. "l th fttll located MrS. DoUghls'
does not expect to leave Campbell.
(From the Citizen.)
The five-year-old son of Mrs. Cloven
htein is very ill this week with blood
The whist club met Wednesday
night at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Chagnon.
On Sunday morning, April 8, Fred
"W. (it-ahum, aged S3 years, :) months
and 20 days, died of appendietis at his
home in Campbell.
Oliver Fairchild purchased a plot of
land l.'iO xl(0 feet, located in the east
He lias purchased a corner lot in the
About a dozen of the ladies of River-
southeast part of town and will soon , ton bombarded the newly married
erect a residence. couple and secured S2 from the fright
ened groom, after which they wended
their way to the busy part of town
(From the Leader.)
County Treasurer W. C. Frahm and
family were up from Red Cloud Sun
day. Mrs. (ieo. A. Martin royally enter
tained the ladies of the M. K. aid so
ciety at her home Thursday afternoon.
A stereoptican entertainment was
given at the Presbyterian church
Tuesday evening, and was quite well
The Degree of Honor lodge held a
splendid session Tuesday evening. It
-was their annual social meeting, and
an excellent program was rendered.
The members of the Rebekah lodge
of this city held a farewell reception
at the home of Mrs. Eggleston Monday
evening in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Kli
Morris, who soon leave for their new
liome in Denver.
and proceeded to treat themselves to
ice cream and candy.
Nancy A. Preston, was born in Os-
! wego county, New York, .July 12, 1854,
died in Riverton, Nebraska, April 0,
11)00. Aged ft I years, 8 monts and 2ft
days. Was left an orphan at the age
of eight and went to live with an
elder sister in Michigan. In 1877 she
married Alfred C. Tuers. They came
to Nebraska in 1879. The result of
this union was one boy and three girls
who are left to mourn the loss.
(From the Advertiser.)
L. Ilulse sent seven cars of stock
market this week.
(From the Messenger.)
Mrs. .1. A. Marker entertained the
R's at her home last Thursday evening.
Miss I rnm Church returned last Fri
day night from Manhattan, where she
has just completed a term in the Man
hattan Industrial school.
Mrs. Caddie Strawl came in from
Los Angeles, California, Monday
I morning, in answer to a telegram that
' her mother, Mrs. Abercombie, was
very sick.
Lester A. Stillman was married
p.,,.,... Tliin-k-stnii iiml Iloiirv Carter
went to Kansas City with stock the I Wednesday April 11. at 4 o'clock p. m
first of the week.
Levi Strickland and family will
leave in the morning for their new
home in Athol, Kansas.
Mr. Fred Diamond and Miss Anna
Wellet were united in marriage Tues
day at the home of the bride's parents.
.ludge Met Jehee returned last even
ing from his Oklahoma trip. The
.ludge says that the country looks
nourishing and every indication is for
a good crop.
Wednesday. April 11, 1H07, at the im(is nf ,t,.! Mr. .Inim.s. W
home of Mr. and Mrs. IIimi follter. j (Jnmerhol. uml .Mls. Khtollu (J. Rees,
near .lewel. Rev. Hartliel, united in ' llt the home of the bride's parents
marriage .Miss I'earl umter and .Mr.
Foster Kberharl.
P. O. and V). (). (Jreen went to Kan
sas City Friday with stock, going
from there Saturday evening to Fair
at the M. VI. church in Smith Center,
Kansas, to Miss Florence I. Winchell,
Rev. U. U. Itrown officiating.
A very pleasant social affair took
place at the Duer school house, dis
trict 7ft. last Friday, it being the last
day of a very successful term of
I school taught by Miss Amirah Kim-
! ball.
Rev. Chester M. Clark, pastor of the
Congregational church, performed the
! ceremony last Sunday, April 8, at 1
o'clock p. m., that united in the holy
(From the Journal.)
Carl It. Carman, age 20 and
Held, In., to see their father, who is i ulrlf W ' ' Hardy
in very poor health. ' .v county judge April '..
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Fair and Mr. and ' ''s' A,,oIu A- Adams, national presi
Mrs. W. II. Isaac expect to start Mon-' (,'nt of the Wmiuins' Relief Corps, is
day morning on a pleasure trip across ' "hlf? tour of the southern states,
the waters, where they will visit all I Hugh Wilson, who accidentally shot
his foot a few days ago, will not
lose the member, as was expected, and
is getting along nicely.
Frank Thompson and Miss Certie
Young, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. K.
It. Young, were united in marriage at
the Presbyterian parsonage by Rev.
Brooks. Friday, March 30.
A. C. Itradshaw has sold his resi
dence property in west Superior to
John Williams, and bought of Mr.
Williams his eighty acre farm seven
miles southeast of Superior.
F. J. Itrandt. Young .v Laird's
baker, met with an accident this
morning whereby he is likely to lose
the two first fingers on his right hand.
About 3 o'clock this morning he was
working the bread mixer and acci
dentally got his fingers caught and
badly mashed. The doctor thinks he
will have to amputate the index finger
at the first joint, and the second finger
at the second joint.
I'ccwAtnr niTrctn Proilurrtt lij- Wind,
Hiinllfdit mid Slinilovr.
An explorer describes a central Af
rica forest; "Ten miles west of the
hike begins the only piece of real vir
gin forest met with. It Is throughout
a dense virgin foiest and almost Im
penetrable. It consists of very large
trees of tunny varieties. The upper
parts are festooned with a light gray
ish green moss hanging In long stream
ers and giving to the forest a wry fan
tastic appearance. When these long
streamers are agitated by a storm they
make the whole forest, seen from one
of the hills near, look like a rough sea,
Again, when the sun Is vertical the
whole forest appears dark, but when
the sun Is low the general effect on
die sunny side Is curiously light.
"All the trees are bound together
with Innumerable lianas and creeping
plants, llctwccn the steins Is a dense
tangled mass of lesser vegetation. The
forest stands to a great extent In tho
"water and mud of the swamp. A
singular feature of It Is the abruptness
with which It begins and ceases on tho
plain. The grassy swamp or open
country reaches to the mighty wall of
trees, which continue in the same den
slty from one side to the other. There.
Is no smaller wood or ncrub outside
formtug a transition from the open
plain to the forest.
"Inside, the silence and gloom nro
accentuated by the apparent absence
of animal or bird life. There are some
herds of buffaloes that make It a head
quarters, elephants visit It occasional
ly, monkeys and parrots are somctlmca
seen, and a harnessed antelope now and
then appears at the edge, but the gen
eral impression left Is one of lifeless-nesB."
The Government
i II I ail THVasa
Gives Absolutely
to every stiller
160 Acres
of Land In
Lnml adjoining till cnn be rf
clum-il from mihwiy uml lnn.J
companies at from Jo 00 to $10 1
per acre.
On tills Inmt tills year hn mn
produced upwards of tmtity livo,
bushels of wheat to tin mro
It Is ntso the host of critlnclnnil '
mid for mixed funiilni: It bus no ,
superior on the contlnint.
Splendid climate, low taxes.!
ratlwa) s convenient, KhoaUand I
churches close at hand.
Wrllnfor "MXh tVntnrr Canul,"
ami low rnllwHjr rule to Hupt. nt lin.
miHruiHiii, uiuiwii. i'-auhuui nr 141 il
ioingBuinoriMHH.-4iD. uc
followlngauthoriKMl Cm. On?, An nl
W. V. Bennett, 801 N.Y. Life Bldg., Omaha, Nek
Mention tula paper.
I H HJJHHbbbbbbbbbH
Trade Mark
CopvmaHTS Ac.
Anyone lending a sketch and description mat
iifrklr nsrertnln our opinion frco whether an
Intention Is prohnbly pntenUhlo. Coniniunlrn.
(From the Advocate.)
Curt Caster returned from Omaha,
where he went for surgical treatment.
.Miss Clara Maliek, who is attending
the university at Lincoln, is home to
visit her parents.
On Wednesday, at the home of the
bride's parents, Miss .Mary Lantis to
Thomas Tomlin, llev. II. II. Meeker,
Otto Harris has begun the erection
of a new house on north Colorado ave
nue, that he no doubt will occupy
when completed.
A troupe of Indians held forth at the
court house last Wednesday night and
amused a large crowd with their sing
ing and dancing.
Last Friday evening the I'. E. ().
society of this place gave one of the
most pleasant social events of the sea
sou at the beautiful home of Mr. and
Mrs. It. V. MctJrew at the corner of
Chestnut street. Kvery one present
was dressed in costumes to represent
people of the various nationalities and
character, and some of the garbs worn
were very comical and caused consid
erable amusement.
A Certain Cure for Chilblains.
Shako into your shoes Allen's Font
Ease, a powder. It cures chilblains,
frostbites, damp, sweating, swollen
foot. At all druggists and shoo stores
23 cents. Snmplo freo. Address
Al'en S. Olmstod, LeRoy, N. Y.
To become a
Gordon Hat
wearer You
have only to
see Gordon
Hats. To stay
a Gordon Hat
wearer, you
have only to
wear a Gordon
tlonsstrlctlyoonficlontlrd. HANDBOOK on ramus
sent freo. oldest nirnncy for socurmir patents.
l'ninnia mien mrouun anion a ..
tptcbxliwtlte, without clinnto, lu tho
A Illrtl Thut ImprlMiinN III Mnte Dnr-
liiK (lie llroodliiic Sriixon.
A remarkable mode of Incarceration
Is practiced by the hornbllls, blrda
with Immense bills and horny crests,
which inhabit southern Asia, the Ma
layan Islands and central and southern
Africa. In most If not all species tho
brooding female Is walled up In a hol
low tree and fed by her mate.
She remains confined In her prison
until the eggs are hatched, and lu somo
species until the young birds are able to
fly. Meanwhile the mother has become
temporarily Incapable of flight, as sho
hns molted, or at lenst shed all her wing
feathers, during her captivity. But the
male is indefatigable in providing for
his family and Is said to work so hard
that he is reduced almost to'a skeleton
nt the end of the brooding season.
According to the theory of many na
tives, the female Is Imprisoned to pre
vent her neglecting her duty of brood
ing, and If she has been unfaithful ot
negligent her mate closes the little
window of her cell and abandons her
to n painful death by suffocation. Tho
time story, perhaps, Is this: The female
walls herself In so that she cannot fall
from the nest after losing her feathers
and also to protect herself from ene
mies. The building material Is her own
excrement. This version Is less poet
loul thnn the other, but It Is probably
nearer the truth. It Is supported by
the statement that the female liberates
herself as soon as tho young birds aro
well grown, so that her prison Is less
formldnhlc thnn It nppeara. Scientific
Scientific American.
I A hamlaomely IHnMrMed weekly. lrect clr
1 dilution .if any xrlonllUn Journal. Tcrum, III a
year: four mouths, L Bold by nil newsdealer.
MUNN&Co.3B'B'"A'' New York
Uraoct) Office. G v HU wainioiiton, u. J.
OrlKln of Italic.
Italic letters were first used about tho
year 1500 by Aldus Manutlus, n Vene
tian printer. lie observed the many
Inconveniences resulting from the vast
number of abbreviations which were
then so frequent among the printers
that a book was dltileult to understand.
A treatise was actually written on the
art of reading a printed book and thus
addressed to the learned. Hy Introduc
ing the italic letter he contrived an ex
pedient by which these abbreviations
might be entirely got rid of and yet
books suffer little increase in bulk. He
dedicated his Invention to the Italian
states; hence the name. It has ulso
been distinguished by the name of tho
Inventor and called the Aldlue. Tho
first book printed In Italics was an edi
tion of "Virgil" printed at Venice by
Aldus In ir.01.
Tlie Traitor Gate.
One of the most famous entrances In
the world Is doubtless the ancient
Traitors' gate, In tho Tower of Loudon.
It was through this portal for several
centuries that traitors were conducted
from the shores of tho river Thames
Into the tower. To Americans probably
the most familiar of these unfortunate
was Sir Walter KaleJgh. Today u path
way passes directly In front of the
gate, completely cutting It off, and from
this pathway the famous wicket gate
Is gazed upon by many thousands of
John R. Walsh May Be Free.
Chicago, April 18. District Attor
ney C. B. Morrison declared that if it
is found after investigation by the
government that tho railroads be
hoved hero to ho owned by John H.
WalBh were In reality owned by tho
Chicago Notional hank, of which ho
was president, tho charges ngalnst Mr.
Wnlsh of misappropriating $3,000,000
of tho fuuds of tho bank will bo nullified.
li'.ffilffifffil T,ME TABLE'
PMs Red Cloud, Nek.
91. JOE
32. LOUIS and
ill points cast untl
and nil jorU$
Mo, It. FaMfiiKtr dally for Obcrlln
Mid &t. Franclkbranchas.Oz
ford. McC'ook, Deuyerand all
)oltii TTe,t ...... T (Ka.m.
Na, 14, I'AMfiiKer dally for St. Joe,
Kftiifras City, Atchison. SI,
Louis. Lincoln via Wytnera
and all points east Hiid south l'OI a.i
Na 15, PufK'ncer. dally. Dearer, all
points lii Colorado, Utah and
California .. . .. ..... T-f.fl p.m.
tfo. 16, I'spfcnger. dally for St. Jot,
Kantaa City. Atchison, SI.
Louis and all points east and
outh . .... ..........H:io a. at.
.to. 174. Accommodation. Monday,
Wednesday and Krldny.HaM
Inns, Grand Island, blank
Hills and all points In tht
northwest , Vi I'l i ra.
Bleeping, dlnlnt;, and reclining chair ram
teats free) on through trains. Tickets sold ana!
iKggagc checked to any point In tht Unlu-4
states or Canada.
For Information, time tablet, maps or tlekua
:all on or address A. Connver. Ajrent. Hid
Oloud, Nebr. or I.. W. Wakeley, Oantral ran-
tengei Agent Omaha. Nebraska
From Kansas City Veterinary
College. Ofllco with O. l
Teel, Hist door north of brick
Country Rhone 36
At Bin Hill first Tuesday in &ob
Hw s?
! You want to HIT what you are alminr. ui
' be it bird, bcait or target. Mate onr
shots count by khooiiag the STKVE.NS.
For 41 years STEVENS ARMS )um
carried off PREMIER HONORS lor AC
CURACY. Our line:
RiflesShotguns, Pistols
Ml your Dealer In. Semi 41 Is. In mu.
littn tliehriiVllKh. fr I4u-ui;e C.1UI1 ir
If ki iminfl i.MjIii, of complete niilm, A
e tlili illrril, t. valujI.icl'.-iU ofrefrr
frtis frtf,ttJ, u.. ence for present mul Hie ircmlir UmoIits,
llcaiilifiil three-color Aluminum 1 1 jnucr will
lie torwarclcd lor 10 cinl in Maiii)!.
J, Stevens Arms & Tool Co,,
T. O. Uox 4096