The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 20, 1906, Image 5

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Jap -A-Lac
is a fine, tough, quick-drying,
durable finish for floors or
any woodwork. Comes in
""Natural" and twelve colors.
im u ii 1 1 1 iMJ"i g- AMI!! 1 1 ml,
Our line of Paints, Varnishes,
Oils, etc., is complete. Try
us next time you need any
thing in our line.
Chas. L. Cotting
J5he Druggist
Mrs. W. S. Reuse is on the sick list.
W. It. Parker was in Superior Tues
day. Charley Crahill is home from Lin
coln. Andy llort has returned from Me
Cook. Dr. K. A. Thomas, Dentist, Damerell
Dr. Hall of Cowles was in town Sat
urday. Win, Holsworth is building a new
Will West was down from Naponee
Foil Sai.i: A baby buggy, rubber
tired. Inquire at this ollice.
W. 0. Hlack of Alma was in town
Al Strohm of Inavale was in town
Dr. Asher was in Hlue Hill the first
of the week.
John Rutledge was home from
Hebron Sunday.
George Overlng returned home yes
terday morning.
.1. M. Chailln went to Lincoln Wed
nesday morning.
Charley Hogate was down from IHue
II ill Wednesday.
L. H. Uust was in Heaver City this
week on business.
Mrs. Lulu Matthews was down from
Inavale Saturday.
Will Edson went to (iuide Hock
Monday morning.
I. K. Chancy of Superior was in
Red Cloud Tuesday.
Foil Sai.i: Two small showcases.
Inquire at this ollice.
Kd Hilton of Hlue Hill was in town
the first of the week.
M. M. Messmore is quite sick this
week with the mumps.
Charley Uossiter came up from Wy
more to upend Faster.
Mr. and Mrs. .lohn Harkley were vis
iting in Inavale Sunday.
County Attorney Walters was down
from Hlue Hill Tuesday.
Lew McClintoc of Franklin is assist
ing at the depot this week.
Ralph Hunter and Win. Uenkel were
down from Inavale Saturday.
Dr. and Mrs. Gardner were up from
Wymore the first of the week.
Postmaster T. C. Hacker returned
from Omaha Saturday evening.
Charles (iodsey of Alma was visiting
with Red Cloud friends Sunday.
R. It. Fulton went to Fairbury Mon
day morning on a business trip.
Richard Turner was transacting
business in (.iuide Rock Monday.
Mrs. A. T. Reed is improving her
residence in the south part of town.
Dr. R. S. Mitchell of Chicago is in
Red Cloud visiting relatives and friends.
.las. Kidd'and family of Scdalia, Mo.,
are visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hesse.
A. II. Keeney was in Norton, Kan.,
the first of the week on legal business.
Ward Hayes went to Neligh, South
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This department is now complete in every de
tail, and increasing in popularity, as it justly should.
We have spared neither time or money to make this
Millinery Emporium a credit to Red Cloud, and we
are glad to know that the Ladies appreciate our
New Spring Goods
Our store is brimful and running over with new
Spring and Summer Goods consisting of all the new
fabrics and weaves in Silk, Silk and Wool, and Wool
Suitings; also Wash Goods in unlimited quantities.
Embroidered Waist Patterns and Waistings to
please everybody.
Ladies9 Tailor
Made Suits
Just received our new tailor-made Suits that
range in price from $io up to $22. These Suits were
manufactured by Landesman-Hirschheimer Co., rec
ognized leaders of fashionable Ladies' Suits and
Coats. We also have their line of Ladies', Misses'
and Children's Spring Coats and Jackets. They are
certainly the nobbiest we have ever seen. We can
save you money on these garments. Let us show you.
Ladies9 and Misses9
Tailored Skirts
The new Spring Skirts are in. They will please
rn SB
you in stole, workmanship, fit and price. We have no ?
competition in skirts. Buy your Skirt of us and be $
in style.
Dakota, Sunday, to look for a loca
tion. Miss Hlaueh 1'ope is the new clerk in
the dry goods department at Miner's
lames Mcintosh is having an addi
tion built to his house on Indian
Mrs. Steve Taylor and Mrs. Fred
Taylor of Riverton were in town Sat
urday. Miss Hertha Potter returned to her
school duties in Lincoln Tuesday
Mrs. (leorge Newhouse and children
went to Hladcn today noon, to visit
with relatives.
Mrs. S. I. DeWitt and little daugh
ter are in Ravenna this weelc visiting
with relatives.
Mrs. Hert Holdregc and children
of Inavale were in town this week vis
iting relatives.
Miss Mamie Kills, principal of the
high school, is out of school on ac
count of mumps.
I. O. Walker and family of Inavale
were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A.
Walker Sunday.
Mrs. Mary Arneson and daughter
Sara of Inavale are moving to Red
Cloud this week.
Mrs. 'S. West went to Naponee Sun
day night to visit with her son, Win.
West and family.
Ancil Crahill is home from Lincoln
for a visit with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Win. Crahill.
(leorge Rowson has received word of
the death of his sister-in-law, in
Chicago last week.
Win. R. I'arker is home from Nor
man, Oklahoma, where he has been
for suveral months.
Mrs. I). F. Scaminon went to Aurora,
Illinois, Tuesday morning, to visit
during the summer.
Mrs. Thos. Thompson of (3 rand Is
land is visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. (.110. W. Lindsey.
Alf Saladen and Seph Roscncrans
each bought a half section of land in
Chase county last week.
Mrs. Wickstrom, Mrs. P. A. Williams
and Miss Hernlce Hunter of Riverton
were in town Saturday.
Mrs. F. A. Hartwell and daughter
and Mrs. True and children of Inavale
were in town Saturday.
Frank Mercer of Harvard, Neb., was
here this week to attend the funeral
of his brother, .1. R. Mercer.
The city council held a session Tues
day evening to discuss matters per
taining to the water supply.
Mrs. Shepardson, Mrs. Wilcox and
Mrs. Hunter of Riverton were shop
ping in Red Cloud Saturday.
A marriage license was Issued Mon
day to .lames S. Mitchell and Sadie
Arrants, both of (Iuide Rock.
I. C. Wolfe received word the close
of last week of the death of his broth
er, W. I. Wolfe, of Alvo, Neb.
0. C. Teel went to Lincoln Monday
to attend a meeting of the directors of
the Farmers' Mutual Insurance Co.
Miss Cecil Taylor went toMaryville,
Mo., Thursday morning, and will visit
with relatives during the summer.
II . C. Scott moved Wednesday into
the old Murphy place, west of the
cemetery, which he recently bought.
A whole week has passed and then:
has been reported no move to obstruct
the building of the electric light plant
Mrs. .lohn McCune returned home
from Kearney, Thursday noon, where
she has been visiting with her parents.
Win. Sullivan arrived in the city
Tuesday morning, from Roulder, Colo.,
to look after his business interests
Several of the young folks from Red
Cloud attended the basket supper at
the Lester school house Wednesday
Mrs. Josephine .lackman of Lincoln
was in Red Cloud Tuesday, called here
by the death of her brother, .lames It.
Election of oillcers of Charity Chap
ter No. 47, O. E. S. Monday evening,
April 211. All are requested to be
Guide Rock Is just at present enjoy
ing a building boom, several new
stores and residences being in course
of construction,
Mrs. Newton Cook arrived Monday
from Sandy Creek, N. V., for a visit
with her brother-in-law, Dr. Henry
I Cook, and family.
Miss Juliet (lalusha returned to her
home In Lincoln Tuesday morning,
I after a pleasant visit here with rela
tives and friends.
Mrs. Frank Smelser of Keystone,
South Dakota, Is visiting her daugh
ter, Mis. John Q. Wolfe and other rel
atives In Red Cloud.
j Say, FellocuT
Wouldn't you like to get acquainted
with one of our handsome
Spring Sqits at
$10, $12, 15 of $20?
Well, come in. We'll introduce you to
one. The introduction will be naturally
beneficial. We are the Leading Cloth
iers of Southern Nebraska, as our rec
ord of eight years success proves. We
want your trade and your good will.
Our methods entitle us to it.
INGS are right. Come and get ac
quainted with these lines of wearing
3? Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co.,
First Door North of RostoHfco, Red Cloud, Nobr.
Anson Hasklns of Klroy, Wisconsin,
arrived in Jted Cloud Wednesday night,
and is visiting with his brother, L. A.
Haskins, and family.
Miss (lertrude Coon, who is teaching
school in Oxford, came home Saturday
to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John
Coon, for a few days.
The Hrunswick barber shop Is fitted
with bath tubs and all modern appli
ances. Under Tuber's billiard parlor.
Frank Henson, proprietor.
Mrs. J. 1). Crans returned from Kan
sas City Sunday morning, where she
had been for a few days visiting her
father and other relatives.
Hen Ludlow has moved into the
property on South Cedar street recent
ly occupied by Pete Hansen, who has
moved to the laundry building.
The cellar for J. W. Hogenrief's new
residence has been dug. It will be
located just across the street north
from Mrs. 0. C. Case's residence.
J. C. Saylor and wife of Chicago are
in the city. Mr. Saylor is a graduate
of a Chicago law school and expects to
locate here and practice his profes
sion. Jack Harper, who has been foreman
of the bridge gang at the river, has
been called Into Omaha by the firm
and his place will be taken by a new
Clarence Reiselt, the 18-year-old son
of Lewis Reiselt, living north of (Snide
Rock, was adjudged insane Monday
and taken to Lincoln by Sheriff
Seph Roscncrans left Thursday for
his home in Helvidere, 111. He expects
to come back here In about three
weeks with another party of land
The Commercial Club is making
preparations to capture the reunion
for Red Cloud, when the district (J. A.
It. encampment meets here next Wed
nesday. H. F. Muntz went to Norton, Kan.,
Monday morning, where he has a posi
tion in a large furniture store. He
will move his family to Norton in a
few weeks.
Mrs. A. P. Ely of McCook, who has
been In Heatrice caring for her broth
er, Vaughn Smith, arrived in Red
Cloud Saturday night, in company
with her brother.
Mrs. Roachman and son Marshal of
Denver, Colo., arrived in Red Cloud
Saturday, and spent Easter Sunday
with John Foster and daughters.
They returned home Tuesday morning.
This is the season of llstlessness,
headaches and spring disorders. Hol
llsters Rocky Mountain Tea Is a sure
preventive. Makes you strong and vig
orous. .15 cents, tea or tablets. C. L.
Mrs. MeFarland, who has been visit
ing with her daughter, Mrs. It. E.
Foe, for several months at Herndon,
Kansas, returned home Wednesday
morning. Mrs. Foe accompanied 'her
for a short visit.
Mrs. Jane Hoon, who suffered a par
alytic stroke about six weeks ago, is
able to be out, but was too feeble to
attend the funeral of her brother, Wil
liam Williams, which was held at
(irceley, Col., last, Sunday.
Henry Funk, father of Mrs. (1. W.
Hummel, died at Muscatine, la., Sun
day evening at the age of 80 years.
Mrs. Hummel left Monday morning to
attend the funeral. Mr. Funk was
one of the pinners of eastern Iowa,
You feel the life-giving current the
minute you take it. A gentle, soothing
warmth fills the nerves and blood
with life. It's a real pleasure to take.
Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. 115
cents, tea or tablets. C. L. Cotting.
Lew llobbs of Pawnee City lias
rented two rooms over Spokesfleld's
feed store and will start a cigar
factory here as soon as he can make
arrangements with the revenue oillcers.
.Mr. llobbs' family is here and will
occupy the residence on North Web
ster street opposite the Advent church.
Conductor T. F. Enright ami sons,
Earl and Leo came down from Mc
Cook Friday to buy clothing of the
Red Cloud merchants. Mr. Enright
said he could do better in Red Cloud
than either .McCook or Denver. ' We
believe Red Cloud has two as good
clothing stores as there are in tho
the place where you now
trade don't just suit you,
come over and give me a
trial. I try to please.
There are customers
that have been trading
here for twenty-seven
years and still continue
to come. That is our
We never lose a cus
tomer unless he moves
I have the most com
plete and up-to-date
stock of Groceries in the
Come in and get a
Flour Scoop
for the asking. BEST
B. E. MeFarland
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