The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 13, 1906, Image 5

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is a line, tough, quick-drying,
durable finish for floors or
any woodwork. Comes in
"Natural" and twelve colors.
Our line of Paints, Varnishes,
Oils, etc., is complete. Try
us next time you need any
thing in our line.
Chas. L. Cotting
15)e Druggist
. i
Dr. E. A. Thomas, dentist, Damcrcll
J. O. Wiles was down from Orleans
S indny.
Miss Bernico Potter is homo from
Lit coin.
llev. Hill of Iunvalo whs in town
Guy Baikor was down from Inavalo
Uoy Snow was over from Lebanon
Jim Wiggs was over from Lebanon
Bert Harrison has gono to Exetor,
Neb., where he has a position in the
electric light works.
$$ ;-'::! .-; ,-,:J :-..- -..--..-..-
This department is now complete in every de
tail, and increasing in popularity, as it justly should.
jL$ We have spared neither
..( Millinery Emporium a credit to Red Cloud, and we
!$ are glad to know that the Ladies appreciate our
t4?:- efforts.
New Spring Goods
Our store is brimful and running over with new
Spring and Summer Goods consisting of all the new
fabrics and weaves in Silk, Silk and Wool, and Wool
Suitings; also Wash Goods in unlimited quantities.
Embroidered Waist Patterns and Waistings to
please everybody.
Ladies9 Tailor
Made Suits
Just received our new tailor-made Suits that
range in price from $10 up to $22. These Suits were
manufactured by Landcsman-Hirschheimer Co., rec
ognized leaders of fashionable Ladies' Suits and
Coats. We also have their line of Ladies', Misses'
and Children's Spring Coats and Jackets. They are
certainly the nobbiest we have ever seen. We can
save you money on these garments. Let us show you.
- i
;' .il-
U Ladies' and Misses"
W Tailored Skirts
j The new Spring Skirts are in. They will please
$. you in stole, workmanship, fit and price. We have no
fl competition in skirts. Buy your Skirt of us and be
ri$ in style.
ttitv B.ilos ri'tnrnod homo Wednes
day Illuming.
Clias. Bennett of Cowles was in the
city I'lifddnv.
G. W. Hutchison and family have
i returned homo
I G. Ohmstcdo was up from Guide
Hock Saturday.
S. C. Qiiiek of Hastings was in Bid
Cloud Tui'sitay.
John Schullz was up from Guide
Hook 'stcrday.
L. 11. Biackledgo was in Lincoln tho
first of tho A'ccK.
J. F Kd wards wont to Lincoln Wed
nesday morning.
Mis Hut tin ('loud was down from
Iuav.ilo Tuesday.
Mae Pulton wns down from Kiverton
WYdnuuday morning.
Miss Vernon Stnroy is homo from a
vMt in l'lattMiiouth.
G. J. Warren is treating his house to
' a fresh coat of paint.
alter Warren is having his houso
rcdiingled this week
I Will Ovorman eatno homo from Lin
' coin Thursday nioriiing.
Richard Kills is the now harness
j maker at J O. HuMor's.
J. P. Winters of Lincoln was in tho
city S'ltunluv and Sunday.
MissJcssio Wort of Lincoln is ex
ueeted in the city Saturday.
1 Kou Sam: A rubhiir tired baby
buggy 1 1 quire at this otlice.
I ,) P. Hale returned from El ilito,
New Mi'.xio), Monday morning.
j Mr. and Mrs. J 0. Saylor of Koar-
noy were in lied Cloud Wednesday.
Miss Waiglo went to Guide Keck
i Wednesday morning for a biief visit.
Sunday is Euster and all of tho
churches have prepared special ser
vices Alex Smelsor and Ellwood Shcpard
went to Not ton, Kun., tho tirst of tho
wet k.
Mr. and Mrs Geo. Hadell aro tho
parents of a baby girl, born last Friday
Mrs. Jennie llinpor of Lincoln is in
lied Cloud visiting Geo. J. Warren and
Mrs. Norman Morrison entertained
the Senior Whist club Wednesday
; .' .-;; 'vV' : ;-' ;,:.;:.,&
time or money to make this
it'? t
Mis. Ishih'- My h nml .vn. Nesb ti of
Leuuiion, K'UlMH, were in Ued Ulotid
Miss Mabel Howard returned to hor
school duties at StroiitHlMiig Saturday
Mi'ts Heitha !' titer eame homo liom
Lincoln Thursday morning for a short
Mrs J. D. Ciaus went to Kansas
City Tuesday morning to visit relative
and friends.
Governor Mickey ban Nhim his
proclamation naminu Montlav, April
2.'l, as Arbor i v.
Mrs M M. Messmore and little sou
ar visiting with relatives and friends
in Lcnora, K-uimm
D. C. Cat hor of Cheyenne, Wo .
was in lied Cloud the vl of last wet k
visiting his parents.
K. L lliuehari and family and Ora
Froy and family of Aurora, iVo., have
moved to lied C olid.
A. L Soderlieig, repnsenting the
National Cigar Co. of Ohio, was Immo
for a few itns this week
Wantkij position bv exporieueed
and competein stenographer. Address
Graco A. Winto'', Hastings, Nobr
Miss Juliet (iulusha of Lincoln ar
rived in Red Cloud Tuesday night for
a visit with relatives and friti ids.
Low Holms of 1'awnee Ci' v, Nob.,
.was in Red ('lnud yesterday looking
for ti location to open a cigar factory.
L. K Homier, of Imperial, Neb , was
in Il"d Cloud Tuesday anil W duosdny
visiting with O. S. Palmer and family.
Juno Kent is now a graudpi, a son
having been born to his son Luthei
and wife, at Sheridan, Wyo., March ill
Wade Koontz, living near Inavale,
has purchasod tliu resilience propirt
of Sam Dyer in tho east part of I iwn,
Tho repair work en Boron Bros, barn
is now completed and the building is
much stronger than it was originally.
Mrs. L. H Port is home from Oi
lcans, where alio has boon visiting her
daughters, Mrs. Wiles and Mis. Pergu
son. Mrs McArdlo and daughter Gladys
of Lebanon, Kansas, were in lied
Cloud Tuesday visiting Mrs. Charley
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Usher aro the
proud parents of a flno boy. The
event occurred Thursday. Superior
Post master Hacker wont to Omaha
Thursday. L II Port is assisting in
tho postoillco during Mr. Hacker's
Alf S-iladon, Soph Ilosencrans, Mr
Shepard and Allen Carpenter went to
Imperial Tuesday ovoning on a land
hunting trip.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Goth of McCook
aro in lied Cloud this week visiting
with Mrs. Goth'a parents, Mr. and Mrs
Wm. Eiigels.
Mr. and Mrs. J. II. Moreor wont to
Excelsior Spiinc, Mo., Wednesday
morning, for tho binelit of Mr. Mer
cer's health.
Miss Alico Popo rnturnod to Chicago
Tuesday morning, after a throo weeks
visit with hor parents, Mr. and Mi 8
George Popo
llev. Ward L. Austin will pi each tho
Easter sermon to the Knights Templar
Sunday morning at 11 o'oloi k, at the
M E. church.
Just now, whilo tho weather is nice,
would bo a good tiino to make that
"split log road drag" and got ready for
tho spring rains.
Misses Nollio Jones, who hns been
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Myers,
returned to her homo in Clay Center,
Neb,, today noon.
Miss Mary Sheldon closed a voty
successful term of school in district HI
last Thursday. An entertainment was
given in the ovoning.
"Bill" Brown has a now substitute
mail carrier on his route. Ho came to
town Tuesday morning and is of tho
usual Nebraska weight.
Tho Brunswick harbor shop is equip
ped with bath tubs and all modern ap
pliances. Under Tabor's billard hall.
Frank llenson, proprietor.
Mumps aro no respectors of ago.
Among tho victims recorded this week
aro Sam Poo's youngest sons, Will
Scrivner and James McGuiro.
Cards aro out announcing tho wed
ding of Miss Nellie Bull Warren of this
city to Mr. Edwaid Lynn Grimes of
Blue Hill, Wednesday, April 25.
C. II. Potior is having a grating
placed in the walk in front of his tht co
story brick building and tho basomont
windows will bo greatly onlargod.
Arthur Diotriek, brother of Paul S.
Diotrick, principal of tho business col
lege, will como to Hod Cloud in Juno
to assist in tho managemout of tho col-logo.
At this, the most joyous of all the seasons
of the year, we send to our patrons
Trusting that we will not be forgotten
when replenishing your wardrobe for
Easter Sunday, and reminding you that
we have the best of everything that's
made in
Men's Garments
and Toggery
Not only for the Easter Festival, but for
General Spring Wear.
Very Truly Yours,
Gbe Cowden-Haley Clothing Co.,
A First Door North of Rostofficc, Rod Cloud, Ncbr.
J C. Bogges went to Hastings yes
terday to meet his wife, en her return
home frmn Syracuse. Mrs. Boggiss is
now ahlo to walk with the aid of
Dr. Warrick, the specialist, will meet
eye, ear, noso and throat patients and
those needing glasses at Dr. Dttnerell's
nice, Wednesday April 18 Hours
10:30 to 5 p. m.
Mrs. II. D. Conover of Seward, who
has been hero visiting with her datigh
tor, Mrs. J. E. Brown, went to Pcank
lin Wednesday night. Mrs. Conover'a
little son went with hor.
Arthur McAithur returned from Al
liance laxt Saturday, whero ho had
gone to take n position in the railway
shops. He found that, ho was too
hoavy for such light work.
Editor Tait of tho Argus has his left
in a bandage, tho result of having
attempted to split some wood Inst Kri
day. Perhaps this will teach him to
"let the women do tho work.'
Ilobort A. Barlow, cashier of the
American Bank at Sidney, Nob , came
homo last Thursday for a visit with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barlow
He returned to Sidnoy Wednesday.
J. Buhmoyer, II. L, and H, C. Hawes
roturued to Bolvidoro, III , tho first of
tho week All of them expect to ro
turn to lied Cloud to locate as soon as
thoy can get their affairs in shapo to
do so.
Tho southwest division of tho Wob
ster County Sunday School Associa
tion will hold a convention next Mon
day, April 1G, at tho M. E church in
Inavale. A good program has bcon
This is tho season of listlossness,
headaches and spring disorders. Hoi
lister's Ilocky Mountain Tea is a sure
preventive. Makes you strong and
vigorous. 35 cents, tea or tablets. C.
L. Cotting.
Those who desire to take advantage
of Thk Ciiiek's froo rose bush offer
should call or send in ttioir numbois
before next Tuesday, as that is tho last
day upon which orders for roso bushes
will bo received.
Mr. and Mrs John Barber, who havo
boon spending their honeymoon iu lied
Cloud at the homo of Mr. and Mrs.
En McCuno, west of town, left Tues
day morning for thoir futuro homo in
Almena, Kansas.
You feel tho life giving current tho
minute you take it. A gentle soothing
warmth, tills tho norves and blood
with life. It's a real pleasure to take
Hollister's llncky Mountain Tea. !J5
cents, tea or tablets. C. L. Cotting.
There will bo a Sunday school rally
at Guido R'ick next Tuesday afternoon
and evening. E. J. Ovoiing, Jr., and
Dr E. A. Th nuns aro on tho program
for tho afternoon session, and llev.
Goo. H. Rico will deliver the principal
address in tho ovoning.
Tlios. Darnall, attorney for tho anti-
saloon league, was in lied Cloud Mon
day on his way homo to Lincoln from
Tnnvalo. whero he addressed a larco
crowd Sunday. Mr. Darnell's efforts
uro now directed toward giving tho
farmeis a hearing in the matter of
granting saloon licenses, the medium
which ho advocates being the county
option bill which was turned down by
tho Inst legislature.
Slioiiff Hedge is having the court
houso yard raked and cleaned up.
Wo hopo to seo the timo when tho
holes and ruts in tho park will bo
leveled and tilled iu. The cominis
sinners havo spent considerable money
for new walks and other improve
ments in tho past year, and aro now
planning to havo tho park graded.
Tho building also needs painting, and
doubtless this will also bo done this
To Mothers In This Town. '
Children who uro dolicato, fovorish
and cross will got immediate roliof
from Mother Gray's Sweet Powder for
children. Thoy cloanso tho stomach,
act on tho liver, making n slokly child
strong and healthy. A certain euro
for worms. Sold by ull druggists, 25
conts. Samplo froo, address Allen S.
Olmstoad, Lolloy, N. Y.
For Sale,
On account of poor health and too
miiell work fni- inn ntwl nrr vti T tlll
soil my rostauraut, stock, fixtures nnd
llll. JjOUIS SODtRDEJta.
the place where you now
trade don't just suit you,
come over and give me a
trial. I try to please.
There are customers
that have been trading
here for twenty-seven
years and still continue
to come. That is our
We never lose a cus
tomer unless he moves
I have the most com
plete and up-to-date
stock of Groceries in the
Come in and get a
Flour Scoop
for the asking. BEST
B. E. McFarland
I ti
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