The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 06, 1906, Image 7

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    SI6.00 AN ACRE
' !
invested in a package of
teaches you many truths:
That soda crackers arc the best of all food made from flour.
That Uneeda Biscuit are by far the best of all soda crackers.
That Uneeda Biscuit are always fresh, always crisp, always
- C-
.a c
flemsy Jlotes prom Neighboring Touws I
(From tlio Times.)
James Crystal sold a tenm to Sum
Lowiy for $.'175 the first uf ihu wet k.
Mrs. Frank Timmons is in a critical
condition with c.mcer of tlio stomach.
01 In and Em nm Barcu, who have
been attending the Stuto Normal at
Kuiporin, enmo in Monday evening in
response to a telegram announcing thu
serious illness of their hrothur.
Enior Liwreneo Gilbert son of Mr
and Mrs. Oscar Gllber', was bom Doe.
19, 181)5, and died March 22. 1900, at the
hrh of 10 years, 3 months and 3 davs.
Ho was stricken with appendicitis and
only lived a few days.
(From the Sentinel.)
Miss Clarissa Parson at the Commer
cial hotgl, has appendicitis.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Beck, threo miles
northeast of town, are rejoicing over
the arrival of their tirst born, Tuesday.
Miss Virginia Bjrerly, who went to
Pierce last week in response to a mos
sage, was elected to thu principalship
of the city schools at that place.
At the new home of tho groom on
west Hiirlan street at 8 o'clock p. m
Wednesday, March 28, K.-v. A. A. King
oflicialing, Mns Mary E. (ioltle to
Hotn.u (t. Bain.
One of tlio etj;ablo events of the
social season was the Athena reception
lust Friday niirht at tho home of Mr
and Mrs. C. Ilildreth in honor of Mrs.
Fayette T. Owen of New V- rkand Mr..
Joel U. Fagor of Denver.
ing, where the latter will undergo
treatment in a hospital.
Miss May Eitor left Monday for
Granada, Colorado. John Gutshall
and Miss Kstor woro married in that
city Tuesdav.
Mrs. W. H Kirkpatrick received a
telegram Tuesday that her sister, Mrs
Wulbiirn, had died tit her home in
Biekway, Ohio.
Miss Pearl Thornton, who was for
several months seriously ill with
typhoid fever last fall, had a very seri
ous accident at her homo about 9:80
Thursday morning whilo building a
(ire. While in the act of putting fuel
in tho Btovo an explosion occurrod
fiom powder and the girl was badly
burned in the face.
th'ty hail been attending the funeral of
Joe's father. Mr. Bryne, it seems t
in, is having more than his sharo of
trouhlo and grief. lie has been called
to Chapman to attend the funerals ot
his mother, si tu- and father .since
moving to our city about four mouths
Norway Iv the I.ciinI Iutoitiirrn(c of
All ihi NuiIohn.
Americans are only modern to drink
ers compared with those of other coun
tries. Tho average citizen of tho 1'nlt
t.l States, counting in the women and
children (which Is not fair, but serves
fiir tho moment as a basis to figure
upon), consumes In tho course of n year
liquors which contain one ami a third
gallons of pure alcohol. Hut the French
man, who, though formerly one of tho
Kolicrost, has become tho worst drunk
ard In tlio world, absorbs annually
threo and a half gallons of alcohol.
Tho I'clghiti and tho Swiss como next,
with a consumption of two and four
Ilfths gallons. Thou follow tho Span
lard with two and a third gallons, tho
Italian with Just a trlllo less, tho Eng
lishman and Gorman with two and n
tenth, and tho Austro-lluugarlan with
about one and three-quarters gallons.
On the other hand, the American cltl- .
zeii by no moans stands at tho top of
the list In respect to sobriety. The .
Swede drinks only one and a sixth gal
lons of pure alcohol In a year; the Hol
lander drops considerably below him,
with one gallon even; the relatively vir
tuous Husslnn, notwithstanding IiIh
much advertised addiction to vodkn,
absorbs only a trlllo more than six
tenths of a gallon, and, tlnally, the Nor
wegian, who occupies a proud eminence
as the most abstemious man In the
...f.,.1.1 KtiMntt. ..VfWi.kflu ii .... Licit li.llr
. til iii, LMiii:ij i;!ia it uiwwi-ni unit
gallon of tho stuff In n twelvemonth's i
potations. It might ho added for the
sake of deflnltenoss that tho average ,
person In the United States annually
drinks one and a third gallons of proof
spirits (which are HO per cent alcohol),
one-third of a gallon of wine and six
teen and n quarter gallons of malt liq
uors, chiefly beer. Pea rson'H Magazine.
(From the Review.)
Hancock B:os. are enlarging their
lively barn by a largo addition on the
west side.
Wray O. Packard has been spending
several days in the city a guest at the
home of the Review editor.
By Shopherdson and tho Heview
editor were passengers on No. 1G Sun
day morning for K'insas City.
Tho Cottage Inn hotel which has
been conducted by Willis Morgan,
changed hands this week and W. S.
Durnoll is now iu ohargo.
The infant son of Mr. and Mis. Will
Irvin died Monday ovoning after a
sickness of a couplo of week. The
funeral occured Tuesday afternoon.
The Royal Neighbors gave a supper
in tho opera house Thursday ovoning.
Tho largo crowd present was enter
tained and amused by Rivortoii'a efliui
out orchestra, while culTo and light
lofreshmonts were dispensed in a man
ner characteristic of tho ladies of the
(From the Journal )
J. L. Campbell received word Wed
nesday of tho death of his mother at
Ft. Moigan, Colorado,
Mrs. Frank BioIcaw and daughter
Lona went to Omaha Thursday morn-
(From tho Leader.
Mr. and Mis C. F. Gund royally en
tertained the whist club at their home
Saturday night.
Mrs. Henigsn was called to her homo
at Rosoland Tuesday by tho serious
illness of her mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Slit rwood and Dr. and
Mis Crcightou were the guests of C.
F. Gund and wife last Sunday.
F. T. Hopka, Walter Scott, Art B ir
ens, and O. F. Ormsby were at the
Piatte this week goose hunting.
The relatives of Mrs. Jotham Martin
met at her home Wednonay to assist
her iu'oclebratiiijf her 87th birthday.
A tine dinner was served and all hnd a
good limn.
Mrs Maria M Stophani was born in
Gaxhardt, Wuertemheig, Gcrmanv.
January, 28, 183.', and died March 25,
1900, aged 73 year.0, 1 month and 27
days at the home of G. Sptt l'stoesser,
of Campbell, where she has been visit
ing since last November.
(From tho Messenger )
Walt Pattce received a telegiam
Tudsday evening that his sister, Luella
Watson, was dying at her homo in Iola.
Mr. Charles H. Miller and Miss
Clara H. Hoag, both of Jewell county
were married by Judge Black on
Thursday, March 29.
Tom Reed drove in twenty-right
head of fine young fat steers from his
faim last Saturday, that averaged over
eleven hundred pounds each.
Jesse Fran.mathes of Hummer age
21 and Miss Pearl Prowai.tof Lebanon
aire 18, wero united in mariiago at the
oflico of Probate Judge Black, Thurs
day morning, March 29.
Dr. Rolihan was called to tho homo
of Jeff Tompkins in Garfield township
last Saturday night to administer med
icine to his 13-year-old son who is suf
fering n relapse of pneumonia.
Mrs. Etta Yager, a sistor-in-law of
Frauk Yager, and Mrs. Rob Penning
ton, died at her homo in Goodland
Tuosday morning. Tho remains woro
shipped here Friday morning for inter
ment. Joo Bryno and wife returned Sunday
evening from Chapman, Kansas, where
Burlington Bulletin.
Into The Northwest :Now is the time
to go nt cheap rates on one of tho Bur
lington's two daily through trains to
Motitana.Pugol Round and Portland.
You don't know how cheaply you can
buy a ouo way Colonist ticket. Ask
tho agent.
Special Homeseokers' Rates: March
(1th and 20th very low round trip homo
seekers' rates into tho North Platte
Valley, the Big Horn Basin, also into
tho Southwest.
To the Sunny South: Very attractive
Winter Tourist rates daily until April
30th to a largo number of Southern
Irrigated Lands: Bettor 'get bold
of an irrigated farm for yourself or
your son while there is yot time; irr
igated lands have increased from 100
to 200 por-cont iu value in tho last feu
years. Send for our publications on
rrigatod lauds.
To California: Very cheap ono way
tickets daily to California until April
7th. '1 hrough tourist sleepers.
Pacific coast; Better make the
grandost tour in tho world tho tour
of tho coast this spring and summer.
First excursion April to May Gth
inclusive. There will bo very low,
daily, round trip California and
Puget Sound rates through the sum
Write mo just what trip you hnv in
mind and lot mo ndviso you tho least
cost nnd best way to make it.
J. F. Edwmids, Agent.
To Cure Cold a In One Day.
Take Laxative Bromo quinine tab
lots. Druggists refund money if it
fails to cure. E. W. Grovo's signature
is on each box. 20 couts.
In the nrnomit runny
limners will ti .iio
from llirlt wliuil itii
llils ycnr
25 Bushels to the Aero
will bo tho
Average Yield of Wheat
The html Hint tlils win crewn t n
cost many of tin furniin iiumi
llllcly lothlnc, while tlirrtr
whowMl to mid lo Hip lMncrt v
tlio (lovciiiini'iil k'r.itils. i nn liny
I nm! mlJolDlnir nt (ton) HitoJIB
an atro.
Climate jptcndld, ttchonli1 andr
diuretic convenient, rlrwj
close at hand, (axe.t low.
Send fnr pamphlet "?0th Century
Cnnntln" nnil full partlctilurs te
irnnllnK rate, etc , to Kuperlfiti wl
ent of Itninlgrntlnn, Otlnmi. Chu.S
or to the following author it
Canadian Government Ak'tiitt
W. V. Bonnoll, 801 N.Y. Life Bldg., Omaha, Ken.
aloullou ttiU llr
TriADE Marks.
Copyrights Ac
Anyono MiWltnu rmkctrh nnd ilenrrlntlnn nmy
mpkiT luu-nrtiiin nur nimnnn ireu wiieincr mi
Invention In prohnlily tmteiitntiln. C.itiumiiilrfi.
(From tho Advoc ite.) I
Tho girls gave ! Kttopp a fare
well pm ty last Wednesday night.
Chris liuopp and family departed
Thurmliy night for their new homo in '
Curt Caster has hocn in Omaha foi
ten day, where he has hail a surgical
operation poi formed. j
M-irtin Lano wont to Kansas City '
one day this week with a lot ot fat '
cattle of his own feeding.
Invitations have been issued for the
marriage Miss Martha Fischer to Emil
Ewald, of Chicago, April 3rd at her
Mr.". W. L. Hayden executed a gen
uino sut prise imoti her husband Fiiday
night, in honor of his thirty-ninth
Geo. Davidson last Saturday night
made an assault upon M D Griilla in
di cussing a personal matter between
them, quite badly disligui ing tho face
of Mr. Gritlin, who had Georgo arrest
ed. Clatido Ingram one day this wet k
mat kded the best bunch of hogs that
have eoni'i to town for a long time.
Ho fold ten hoes that were eleven
months old that averaged 350 pounds'
Scene nt tin- Amitiiil VlNllntlon of
Mnh n mined mi I'llKriiiiN.
Mecca, at the season of the annual
visitation of Mohammedan pilgrims, Is J
thus described In Everybody's In "With
the Pilgrims to Mecca," translated
from tho narrative of Ihu Jubtiyr All
of Bandar Adas:
"Like a gigantic catafalque, somber,
shrouded In mystery, the Knulm rises
out of the seething sea of white garbed
humanity that crowds the great sacred
square of Mecca. Its door Is covered
with plntcs of solid silver studded Avlth
silver nails. From the exterior of tho
roof, above a stone marking the sep
ulchcr of Ishmael, which lies at the
base of the northern wall, there pro
jects n horizontal, semicircular rain
Bpout live yards long, twenty-four Inch
es wide, made of miifislve gold. With
in the roof Is supported by three col
umns of nloe wood; the walls are hung
with red velvet alternating with white
squares in which nro written In Arabic
tho words, 'Allah-Jal-Jelalah' ('Praise
to God, the Almighty'). The building Is
packed with pilgrims, praying, weep
ing, beside themselves In an ecstasy
of pasBlouate devotion. Mingled with
their voices there rises from outside the
chant of the Talblh, the song of the
winding sheet, which every pilgrim
must sing on entering Mecca, on don
ning the sacred Ihram, on entering the
Haram, and on starting for Minn, tho
valley of desire, nnd Arafat, the moun
tain of compassion."
I her mi
tloiiHKtiictlyrnnUdotitUI. HANDBOOK onl'nunm
lent. iroo. omicm nconey lorocrurniK iimrnip.
I'litiMilH taken tbrnuuh Munn A Co. receive
rjwlulnotltf-, without clinruo. In Ibo
Scientific American.
A hanrtnomolr llltmtrntnd weekly.
l.ri.'et elr-
eiilntlun or nnr nrlonllllR Jmirnnl. Term. : it
ji'iir: four months, $1. Bold lijr nil ncniMleiilcr.
MUNN & Co.3B'Bd" New York
llrancli UDIco. C2S V St.. WfttliltiHlon, I). O.
PffffPl Red Cloud, Neli.
Subpoenas for Packers.
Chicago, April 2. The government
of tho United States, through IJIstrici
Attorney Morrison, caused tho issu
ance qf twelve subpoenas for as many
men who are prominent in the pack
ing Industry. The subpoenas cite the
men to appear at tho trial of the pack
ing corporations, which is sot for
Sept. 10. Thu men for whom they
wero Issued nro J. Ogden Armour,
Arthur Meeker, C. W. Armour, P. A.
Valentine, S. A. McRoborts, I,. A. Car
ton, Edward F. Swift, C. E. Swift, D.
Hnrtwell, A. II. Veedor, Robert Mc
Mantis and Arthur Evans.
thaino luib it For.t.nwr
So, 13. PaMH-iiKer dully for Otirrlln
mill St. FrnnclNurftuclicMlx
ford. MrCook. Denver anil all
lolutn if eat 7 05
Mo, 14. IWenxer dally for St. Joe,
KniiPHH City, AtidilMin. At.
I.oiiIh. Lincoln via Wymore
lid nil poliiM cunt anil ninth l-oi u.'M
Si IS. I'aKFPtiKcr. dally, Denver, nil
point Iu Colorado, Utah and
I'altrornla ..... ....... 7:fif)y.ur.
So, 10. I'HfM'iiKer. daily fur St. Joe,
Kniifta City. Alrhlon. Si.
LoiiIh mid nil points eaMnnil
koutli .. -10:10a.a.
So, 174. Accommodation. Monday,
WeilnuMlny and I'rldy.llnM
Iiirk, (Jriuid Inlnud, Hnr.l
HIIIn nnd all polniN In 111
north went .. r.'tl a.
Sleeping. dlnliiK, and mcllnliu; chulr rara.
tuutK free) on llirniiRh train. Ticket". o)d utirl
0hgKBi;o checked to auy point Iu the Untied
For Infoiiniwlnn. time tablei. maps or tlcii-l
rail on or mldret, . connvcr. A Kent. fjd
Oloud, Nclir. or I.. W. Wiikeley. General run-
ittigar Airen. Oumlm. Nclirnnka
Chlneae Boycott Is Dying Out.
San Francisco, March 31. The Bul
letin says that direct Information
from tho trade ports nnd centers of
China is to tho effect that the boy
cott against goods shipped from tho
United States Is rapidly dying out
and that there Is a prospect of an
early and full resumption of business.
From Ivausns City Voterinniy
Col leg.'. Oflico with O.
Tool, first door north of brick
Country Phone 38
AtBIuoHill first Tuesday in ck
Tillman Not Satisfied.
Washington, April 2. Senator Till-
man, who has chnrgo of the railway ,
rate bill In the senate, said that he .
was not satisfied with the court re
view amendment to tho measure
which was agreed to on Saturday nt
a conference between President .
Roosevelt, several Republican sena-
tors and members of tho Interstate j
commerce commission. Tho senator
said ho would opposo It on tho floor
of tho senate, and ho expressed the
opinion Hint not half a dozen or his
Democratic colleagues would support
tho amendment. !
Ohio River Above Danger Line.
Evansvllle, Ind., April 2. The Ohio ,
river here is rising rapidly and Is 2.3 .
feot nhovo the danger line. All side
streams continue to rise and many
landings between here and Cairo, 111.,
aro submerged. Farmers In the bot
toms are moving to the hills.
lip ure t t c rii fr' r ul-l oM.iln Idr h'l I V
HNS anil you (.ASM) I I.OWKOM.. emal.c
IUFLE3 . . . from $2.25 to $150,00
PISTOLS . . . Irom 2.60 to 50.00
SHOTGUNS . . from 7.50 to 35.00
Atkyotirilriiltr in llntltt Srml fir U'Pi:" lllno.
nniiur wml r iuuk. I f, tr-tlr.l'i;- Iflnlrl.
r.tnl In SlloilTIMl. vi
iiiik'litloliate It. Mjllnl
fur fmir irnH In Hin to
tucr jxiiai;c.
V'lll IIHH ti'litllll, UPllllll
illrrcl, fiirmrxf charxri
rtfaiJ, ii(.ii rcicl t uf
cnulo,' prlir.
Our attrartlte tlirc-rnl r Aliimlnimi llani;rr
trni mi) wnrrr I'T Iu lent, in kUmu,
i". o. tkn iys
Chlcopoe Falls, Man., TJ. S. A.
31. JOE 8 AM LAKH C'V f
81. LOUIS and S.M FH.WC1SV& .f
ill points east and and all point
wuth. wist. if,