The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, April 06, 1906, Image 1

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Eight Pages
Home Print
$1 a Year
in Advance
UMRER i-a.
Irrigated Land
Sunny El Rito Valley, New Mexico.
40,000 acres Finest Irrigated Land
Now only $40 per mere
Will soon be worth $WO
Remember, 810 pays for land tiud perpetual Water Right fully paid. No orop failures. No drowning
out of crops. No drouth. No cyclones. Titlo perfect. Warranty Deed at any time. You nro not
obliged to live on this land to obtain title. Remember this land is now only $10 per aero, one-fifth
ensh, balance live equal annual payments, interest (i percent per annum. You can buy 40 or more
acres. We also have 10 acre tracts adjoining town for fifty dollars por aero ou tho samo
terms. It is especially adapted to fruit raising. Thirty years without a failure. Also Alfalfa, Sugar
Boots, Potatoes ami Grains. Canal now completed which will irrigate over 8.000 acres. Noto extracts
from some of tho peoplo who have purchased laud:
Wm. Davis, Barclay, Kansas, says.
"I Und your proposition better than
represented in your prospectus."
S. Vau Whoeler, St. Francis, Kansas,
says: "The Innd is capablo of produc
ing largo crops of all kinds and is one
of tho best fruit districts in Now Mex
ico." M. P. Pitt, Winfleld, Kansas, says:
I liked it so much that I bought 50
acres more than I intended."
W. P. Hall, Golden City, Mo., says:
"I liked tho land so well that 1 took 40
acres more than I had intended."
Geo. Rex, Chorokee, Kansas, says:
"I did not suppose there was any such
tract of land in Now Mexico unoccu
pied. I think this tho finest valley 1
oversaw." (Ho was relieved of asth
ma within 18 hours.)
J. R. Ball, Golnon City, Mo.: "Thero
wero eight in our party and all bought
more than thop oxpectod.
Dr. T. II. Sutherland, prosldont Col
orado State Dental Association, Den
ver, says: "1 found tho land beauti
fully situated, soil rich and product
ive. I found all varieties of fruits
growing in great abundance. I can
not refrain from mentioning tho cli
mato air dry, pure and stimulating.
The locality is most delightful and
The Burlington railroad will make low rates during March and April.
Will refund car fare to all who buy land of us.
Or if you want a good farm, in this county, I can fit you out. I hae sold
over $40,000 worth ol property in this county within theJast few months. I
am "still in 'the ring" for business. If you have anything to sell or trade, no
matter where it is, I can ht you out.
on the best terms that can be made. Write or call on me at
once for full particulars. Address
J. P. HALE, the Real Estate
Light Bonds to
be Registered
Supreme Court Sustains Mr.
Blackledge's Views.
by State Secretary Hanlrastle nf the
I Christian Endeavor union, Superin
tendent Uross of the Homo Missionary
'society and Kov S. I. llauford nf
Weeping Water. Special inentioir
should bo made of tho excellent iiiumcs
furnished by the choir of the Congio
gational church, which was the lier
hoard in Red Cloud for a long timer
past. The association voted to hol3
its next meeting at Alma.
When tho electric light bonds re
cently voted by tho city of Rd Cloud
woro presouted to Stato Auditor
Soarlo for registration he refused,
upon tho advico of the nttornoy gen
eral, to register them on tho ground
that tho amount oxcoeded the legal
limit allowod for "electric light" pur-
IJUBun. ttifnrmiiMfiii t.n timlf n utinrt. ufiit '.
City Attoruoy Ulacklodgo thought mont of tho matter as follows. First.
differently and instituted mandamus thero is no Barker eabo now pending
proceedings in tho supremo court to "y court of tho state. Ho was con
victed and sontouced uy the district
County Attorney's Statement ? the
Marker Case.
Having recently received
letters inquiring about the
case, and suggesting that a hearing,
could bo had any tiruo on tho insanity
pro coodings, if Ijwonld ask for it, etc.
I doom it host for tho general public
compel tho auditor to rogistor thorn.
Through tho courtesy of tho attorney
general's oftlco tho caso was sot for
immodiato hearing and was argued
March 20.
Yesterday tho supremo court handed
down a decision sustaining Mr. Black
lodge's contention and issued a writ
ordering tho auditor to register tho
bonds. Tho auditor has waived his
right to (llo a motion for a rehearing,
and tho bonds aro now subject to rt g
The election called for next Monday
will probably not bo hold, as the do-
j cision of the supremo court renders it
court, and tho supromu court later
atllrmod tho sentence. Barker, by his-
attorney, instituted a now caso in the
Lancaster district court to establish.
his insanity, but this caso was dismis-
I sod two months ago. llo is under seu-
I tenco to bo hung June, HI07, by reason
1 of (Jov. Mickey's intorfenco in his be-
, half, and there is absolutely nothin
, which can bo done by myself or nnjr
one olse to hastou the day of his exe
cution. Tho govuinin inning llxed!
1 tho dato of his execution, has m
powor to change that day by shorten
lug tho time. He would havo power
to oxtoud tho time, but not shorten it..
A. M. Walteks, Co. Att'y.
Cenftreitttoiallsts In Sessta.
The Republican Volley Association
of Congregational Churches mot here
on Tuosdiiy and Wednesday, and in
spite of the rainy weather tho meet
ings wero well attended and profitable
Tho association consists of the
churches from Red Cloud wost to tho
Colorado line, and several north und
wost in Franklin und Phelps counties,
and nearly all of these churches wero
represented by pastors and dologates.
The business sessions showed a
healthy condition of all of those or
ganizations and tho discussions in
dulged in showed tho pastors to bo
keenly alivo to tho interests repre
sented by Congregationalism. Among
tho addresses deserving special men
tion woro those given on Wednesday
Didn't find the few.
They are telling a pretty good one
on Will Wolfe. One day last week re.
fanner came to his platto and Wniter 1
to buy n buggy, asking if Mr. Wolfe
would tako a cow as part pnymtriit.
Mr. Wolfo expressed his willingness, ten
do so, und said ho would drive otjfr
Suuduy to look at tho cow. Ho
thought ho knew the man to whom hv
was talking, and did not take the;
trouble to ask his nnmo. On Sunday
ho drove several miles into the coun
try, but was uuablo to locato either
tho man or tho cow. He is now wait
ing for his customer to call again.
! For Sale,
' On account of poor health and too
muuh work for mo and my wife 1 wilL
sell my restaurant, stock, llxtures owl!
I all. Louis Sodi:rhkiki.
Items of News Found in The
Chief of Twenty Years Ago
This Week V
R. V. Shirey was out west this week
W. N. Richardson is building a new
Miss Cnrrio NowhoiiRo has returned
Lawyer MoNony was in Lincoln last
week ou business.
Miss Georgie Blackmore has return
ed from Indiana.
S. T. VanHoin has startod a barber
shop at Blue Hill.
Tho Helmet, under the maungement
of Grant Ludlow, is much improvod.
Mrs. V. Josselyn startod Thursday
for Parsons, Kansas, to visit friouds.
Goo. Spanogle of Pennsylvania, a
cousin of D. B. Spanoglo, is in tho city.
A. Bailey of Bnrr Oak, Kansas, is in
tho city visiting his brother, J. H.
Mrs. A. L. Funk is enjoying a visit
from her friend, Mrs. T. S. Hushloy of
Tho B. & M. shipped an extra of 21
cars of sheep Saturday aud seven cars
Mrs. Wm. Lotson has purchasd tho
rosidonce, in which she now rosidos,
from Mrs. Holcomb.
Four hundred car loads of stock
woro .shipped from Red Cloud during
tho Inst twelve months.
C. M. Smith, tho handsome clerk iu
C. L. Cotting's drug store, will depart
towards the setting sun.
C. F. Chnso and wifo of Atlantic
City, Iowa, relatives of A. J. Kenuey,
aro visiting iu the city.
A now sidewalk has been ordered
laid from tho M. E. church to the
south end of Seward street.
Marshal Hutchison spent tho foro
part of tho week in notifying property
owners to repair defective sidewalks.
Geo. Young, brother of John Young,
of the Chicago store, was brought here
Thursday. Ho is now in u critical
condition with lung fever.
Nown reached Rod Cloud this week
of the deuth of John Nuvin of Boll
fontaino, Ohio, father of Mrs. A. H.
Brown of this city. It has been about
threo weoks since Mrs. Brown was ;
called to Ohio to attend the funeral of
her mother. 1
Walnut Cheek Mrs. H. Holdrege's
mother from the east has come to live 1
with her G. Topliff has rented
the Mitchell farm Mrs. Storey
has returned homo Tom Hon-
shaw and his sistor, Mrs. F. Pierce 1
havo gone to Iowu to attend their '
mother's funeral Mark Noble of
Blair, is hero visiting old friends.
Catheuton Miss L'.zio Lewis was
I thrown from her horse near tho post
oQlco Sunday Miss Scott of Iran
ians will tench tho Plainviow school
Rev. Davis of Rod Cloud will
preach at tho Highland school house
April 18 Miss Gibson is, on tho
sick list Mr. Grico is giving satis
faction as an as&ossor Al Rust
has purchased a farm iu Kansas.
Cowles D. B. Birick is shipping
wheat to tho Amboy mill Geo.
Gray started for Valentine Monday
night Frank Beers is plastering
tho Congregational church Mrs.
C. E. White of Garfield is visiting her
parents, Dr. and Mrs. Schenck
T.J.Ward left Tuesday of last
week for Omaha James Snod-
gruss was in Red Cloud Saturday
During the storm of last Friday ovou
iug the house of Thomas Lacey south
oast of Cowles was struck by lightning.
A Literary Effort.
This week, we mailed a largo number
of statements to delinquent subscib
ers. Below we submit a reply from
one of them who owes II on his sub
scription. We do not wonder that ho
does not appreciate tho pnpor, and is
uuablo to understand anything beyond
the display advertisements.
April 1 1900
Mr Chiof Sir
us i never Ast or suborlbo
for you or your paper
and dont pay for
Advertizing for some
one Elso i dont
Think i am indobt
, ToThoCheuf
yoa Can stop or send
but I wont pay for
The paper yours
MP cream
Good health depends mostly upon,
the food we eat.
We can't be healthy if we take alum
or other poison daily in our food.
Dr. Price's Baking Powder is abso
lutely free from alum. It is made from
pure cream of tartar and adds to the
healthfulness of the food.
Prioe Bakinq Powder Co.'
NoTn. Baking powders that are sold at
ten to thirty cents a pound, or a cent
an ounce are made from alum. Avoid
" -liir i. .'
y 8K3 rrTTOgrYTV3nr,