The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 30, 1906, Image 8

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i i".xig:y!ws ,fnrfffvi'w -MMyifHif.umn
f iifrnurrti
Heal Estate
To Renters
Why work for others whou you win do ho much bettor by work
ing for yoursolves?
Can you rniso from 8500 to $2000?
' If you win do this, got a homo of your own while land is yot
within your roach.
and from now on laud is going to advance in valuo as never boforo
in your lives.
and got it within the rain bolt of Nebraska. Nobraska is good
onough for us.
You having money lying idlo in tho bank and earning you noth
ing, can invest it in lands that as a matter of speculation will not
you astonishing rosults. Boo Walker & Balloy for a farm horo, or
tako a trip with thorn tho first and third Tuesdays in each
month farthor wost, but within tho rain bolt, whoro lands aro choap,
choapor. cheapest, and you will probably buy, oithor for a homo or
for investment.
Our rARM LOAN DEPARTMENT offers rates and
terms especially attractive.
WALKER ft BAILEY, Red Cloud, Neb
s Interesting Items Gathered
by Our County Reporters
Wm. Anderson roturned from Gar
den City, Kansas, Tuesday.
Miss DoHsio Morriwoll returned from
a visit with friends in Ayr Tuesday.
Elins Locklnirt spent Sunday at tlm
homo of hi father, .). M Locklnirt, of
this city.
George Hnss is doing tho mason
work on Mr. Letnor's new residence
south of town.
Elinor Koons returned to North
Platto Friday. Mrs. Koons will re
main hero for awhile.
Mr. and Mrs. Austin arrived from
Kothwell, Mo , and are visiting at the
homo of 1). P. Hummel.
Mrs. HolTman relumed from Tron-1
ton Monday, whoro she has boon visit-'
ing her daughter, Mrs. B E. Bjwer-1
Rev. Farloy and wife have moved to !
Ohiowa and Mr. Farley will have
charge of the Baptist church at that
Ernest Rood, who was hurt in the
oluvator March ID, is still lying uncon
scious and there has been but very
little improvement in the past wet'k.
Mr. K. W. Tiittln wns a passenger
for Hastings Saturday and visitol with
her sister, Mrs Birtlett, over Sunday,
reluming homo Monday. Mrs. Bun
lett is at Hastings hiking treatment.
- -
Ernest Shipman is pushing his house
to completion,
N. U. Wagoner is having his new
farm foncod. It is known in tho Bry
ant farm.
Mrs. Pearl Ailes was visiting friends
in Red Cloud Tuesday night.
Mrs. Cora Reed was visiting her sis
ter, Miss Myrtle Smith, Sunday night.
Goorgo Warren has lately moved on
to tho Schultz farm vacated by D
Mrs. Alios and her daughter. Mrs
B adshaw, wore visiting friouds in the
country Monday.
Dm. Miirnli wtntnr urmniira to lint..
cm.,.1 to ,in end. Old Sol has mmln
appoired and seems to have conquered
tho gloom nnd now shines forth in as
resplendent boauty as if his rays were
never obscured by haze or cloud.
Grandma Holdrego is on tho sick list
thU week.
Mrs. Vanco McC.ill is reported to be
quito sick,
There was a danco in town Wednes
day ovoning.
Everybody is glad to welcome Miss
Spring back after hor long absonco.
Rev. E. L. Hutchison of Oowlos is
assisting Rov. Hill iu revival meotings,
Farm koan
and Others.
which bngun last Sunday in tho M. E.
Miss Loin Sturdovant of Franklin is
visiting her cousin, Mrs. Dr. Phillips.
Snwyer & Knight aro Rotting in a
big stock of implements for spring
Rtiv Hummel supplied tho M. E pul
pit last Sunday week and called on
some of his old friends and neighbor.
Kansas City, March 27 Receipts of
cattle Monday wore 9500. Prices for
beef steers were steady; good cows
firm; stockors and feeders 10 cents
higher. Receipts today wore 11,800
and tho market steady to 10 cents
Tho following table gives prlcos
now ruling.
Extra prime cor n-fod steers. .85 25-5 7f
Good corn fed steors 4 85-5 25
Ordinary corn fed steors. . . . 4 25-4 75
Good corn fed heifers. . . .
Medium corn fed heifers.
Choice corn fed cows
4 25-4 75
fl 75 1 25
4 25-4 75
a 75-4 25
Medium 25-11 75
fanners 2 25 3 00
Choice stilus 4 00-5 00
Choice fed bulls' i 50 -4 10
Good 3 25 1150
Bologna bulls 2 25-3 00
Veal calves 5 50-7 00
. Good to choico native or
western stockors 4 25-4 75
Pair 3 85-1 25
Common 3 25-JI 75
Good to choice heavy nativo
i feeders 4 25 -4 75
Pair 375-4 25
Good to choice heavy brand
ed horned feeders 3 75-4 50
i' air ...... f .i) tt ii
Common 2 75-3 00
Good to choico stock heifers 3 25-3 85
Fair 2 75-3 25
Good to choico stock calves,
steers 4 00-4 75
Fair 350-400
Good to choico stock calves,
hoifors 325-4 00
Pair 275-325
Receipts of hogs Monday wore 5000
and tho market 5 cents lower closing
bettor. Recoipts today wore 10,000
and valuo 5 cents higher with bulk of
8lUoS from 5C'25 to toP 5(U0'
Receipts of sheep Monday woro 10,-
500 and tho market 10 to 15 cents
lower. Receipts today woro G500 and
tho market mostly 10 cents highor.
Perfect In quality.
Moderate In prloe.
Items of News Found In Tho 3
Chief of Twenty Years Afjo
.This Wool v r y
Charley Roni.sborg has returned to
Now Mexico.
1 l. M. Piatt's little child has boon on
tho sick list.
I'ho B. & M. aro building now side
track for coaches
Mrs. P. V. Taylor lias arrived in tho
city from Chicago.
I Miss Ficddie Richardson has ro
i turned home again,
i Adnm Morhart is now engaged in
erecting a small mansion.
Jou Garbor is again tho, happy
father of a now Nebraska voter.
County Clerk Bailey's nowresidonco
has begun to assumo proportions.
Messrs. Calvort and Campboll, B. &
M. ollicials, woro iu tho city this week.
Jim Potter struck water on his pre
emption at Akron, Colo., a depth of 20
A now bridge has boon built over
dry crock, noar D. P. Trunkoy's resi
dence. Mr. Bockwith, rocontly from Michi
gan, has moved into Mr. Simons'
Low Clapp and Will Jackson went
to Akron, Colo., this week to tako up
Sheriff Scott is making tho neces
sary arrangements to build a now
Mrs. Delin M. Wnrnor, wifo of E. B.
Wuruor, died Thursday afternoon
agod G5 years.
Mrs. C. E: Ferguson has goue to
Iowa, called thoro by tho soirous ill
ness of a relative.
Assessor Forman is going the rounds
now, and will want to know all about
what you aro worth.
Married, at f,tho M. E. parsonage
March 20, 188G, by Rov. Goo. S. Davis,
W. H. Millor to Cora E. Daily.
Mrs. G. S. Aldou has roturned from
Chicago. Hor sister, Mrs. C. E. Bar
nard and son accompanied hor.
Earl Sherer, aged flvo years, tho
youngest son of Dr. Sherer and wifo,
died vory suddonly on Mouday morn
ing of scarlet fovor.
A. L. Mathews of Pennsylvania and
Mrs. M. J. Parkes, rolatives of our
Fourth avenue hotel man, J. A. Craw
ford, aro visiting in tho city.
Red Cloud's population is increas
ing fast, uud with tho now railroads
wo aro bound to bo a city. Tho latest
incroaso is an heir to Charley Palmer's
Mrs. W. P. Watson received a tele
gram from Ohio Sunday announcing
tho death of her father. Sho depart
ed for that place accompanied by Mr.
Watson's mother.
Tho young men of Red Cloud havo
.succeeded in establishing a lawn ten
nis club in tins city. Thi-. is docidely
one of the most fnscitatiug gamos
played and wo will miss our guess if it
does not proio interesting sport for
tho young people.
Cathkrton J. L. Frame will bo
our next supervisor Mr. Skinner
of Michigau and Mr. Clark of Missouri
are visiting with Lewis Clark.... Wil
bur Plumb lost a valuable horse last
week Sarah Fisher will teach tho
Gather school this spring .... Oscar
Ramey is in Kansas on a business trip.
lNAVAt.u L. C. Olmstoad has boon
sick Mr. Cloghorn, from Cass
county, is here for tho purpose of
building a house and othorwiso im
proving his land north of town
R R. Pitnoy and lady havo gone to
St Louis, Mo., to visit Mr. Van
Dvko is buildiug an addition to his
store A. J. Worthington has gono
to Council Bluffs with his pacing
horso Miss Goodyear, of Iowu,
who has boon visiting tho Holcombs,
has gono to David City to visit,
Cowles J. H. Brown has boen im
proving the hotel tho p9t week
Thos. Paul will soon bo ready to oc
cupy his now store building Tho
Congregational church is rapidly
nearing completion.. ....Mrs. Prank
Hager of Franklin is 'visiting with G.
W. Hagorand family Mrs. W. T.
Evans has been sick for tho lust wook,
Nollio Arnold returuod to hor school
at Guide Rock Monday Jamos
Clapp and slstor havo arrived from Il
linois and will make Cowles their fu
turo homo.
Burlington Bulletin.
Into Tho NorthwostiNow is the timo
to go at cheap rates on one of tho Bur
lington's two daily through trains to
Moutann,Pugot Souud and Portland.
for you to get a new WATCH
made some
Slashes in Prices
of Our Watches
and if you want
case, get it now,
money by doing
Newhouse Bros.,
Jewelers and Opticians. B. S, M. Watch InsDectora
You don't know how cheaply you can
buy a one way Colonist ticket. Ask
tho agont.
Special Homosookors' Rates: March
Oth and 20th vory low round trip home
seekers' rates into tuo North Platto
Valley, tho Big Horn Basin, also into
tho Southwest.
To the Sunny South: Very attractive
Winter Tourist rntos daily until April
30th to n largo number of Southern
Irrigated Lands: Better get hold
of an irrigated farm for yourself or
your son while there is yot time; irr
igated lands havo increased from 100
to 200 por-cont in valuo in the last few
yoars. Send for our publications on
rrigated lauds.
To California: Very cheap one way
tickets daily to California until April
7th. Through tourist sleepers.
Pacific coast: Better make tho
grandest tour in tho world tho tour
of tho coast this spring und summer.
First excursion April 25th to May Gth
inclusive. Thoro will be very low,
daily, round trip California and
Pugot Sound rates through tho sum
Write mo just what trip you have in
mind and lot mo ndviso you tho least
cost and best way to make it.
J. P. Edwards, Agent.
Thai six-letter
word has come
to mean more
Hat Quality
and more Hat
Style than
pages of type
could tell.
Road Notice.
State of Nebraska, ) In tin mattorof the Itoad
Petition of Wllllnm J.
Webster County. ) I.lpplncott, et nl.
To tVhom It May Concern:
Tlio Comraltico appointed by the Hoard of
County CominlKIouern. being three of tho
merab-rg of said board, to exHinlno Into tho
expediency of. nnd to locate n road proposed to
bo established under the petition llled bv
William J. I.lpplncott, ct. nl commcnclni! at tho
South West Corner of Section 20. Township 1,
Uange UUu Webster County. Nebraska,; run
ning thence cast on tho section line between
sections J0 and 29 In said TowiiHhlp nnd linnge
n dlhtance of 3iOi feet to a stako In center of
na!d lino; from Mild stakn In n Honthcatiierly
direction -137 feel to a stako which In l feet
loutli of the old quarter section corner between
sections 0 and i.9; thonco from said stake east
bearing slightly south OCA feet, to n stake in
center of line: then io In nu easterly direction
bearing slightly south from said Make lift) feet
to a stako In center of Hue; thence from Raid
smkocast bearing slightly bouth 010 feel to n
stake; thence In a southeasterly direction 00
feet ton stake; thence In rtn easterly direction
bearing Hhgbtly North from said Htako 000 feet
more or less Intersecting the section lino on tho
t'KKt side of said section 140 feel south of the
old suction corner of Bald section, has reported
In favor of tho establishment thereof, nnd all
objections thereto or claims for damages must
be Hied In the County Clerk's olllce on or
before noon of the lsi day of .lime. A, I), 190(1,
or such road will bo established without rojer
euro theroto.
Lkk DkTouh, County Clcik.
By J, E. Buown, Deputy.
(Sisal) April 13,
a watch or a new
for you will save
A Great Fire
will have if
try some of
Good Goal
Sold by
Saunders Bros.
The popular .'Lumber and
Coal men of Red Cloud.
Te ephone GO w 11 got it.
Schmidt iWiseeaFvep
Fourth Avenue
JHeat flteket
Wholesalo and retail Piosh and
Cured Meats, and everything kept
in a first class meat market. Man
ufacturers of high grade Sausage
and Strictly Puro Lard. Highest
market prices paid for Live Stock,
Poultry, Hides, Pelts and Tallow.
To the
Out of 50 Insurance Companies
doing business in Webster
County tho Gocman of Free
port pays one-third of tho taxes
and has ovor 500 policies in
force. Tho Parmors' Mutual of
Nobraska is tho largest Mutual
iu the state, with ovor throe
quarters of a million dollars in
surance in Webster county.
For Good Insurance
Call on
. c.
Red Cloud.
Red Cloud,
y., .i y,tt8HBaiE'" .sgwpg
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