The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 30, 1906, Image 7

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Three crcnt pursuit
liavo iiKiiln Miown won
derful ri'.Mtills on II.
toll l III
vi . t. .
M , W
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flewsy Jlotes vm
(From the Loader.
Henry liupport ia still at the St
Elizihotli hospital in Lincoln.
While driving out to tho funeral
Tuesday Mr. Binder had tho misfor
tune to drive off a hank and up sot tho
fuiitut! car of P. Morteu's, breaking
ono of the side glasses.
A number of tho friends of Ruth Lo
gan surprised her at her homo Satur
day nvtnin in honor of her sixteenth
birthday and each woro a bow of
green in honor of St. Patrick.
Grandma Staub died Monday at the
home of J. It. Mattock, of old rige
The funeral sorvico was held at hor
late home Tuesday at 2 p. in. Bev.
Wilson of Bladen prenching the ser
mon. Inlormnnt whs made in Prairie
Gem remeteiy: Maria Krench was
brn i'i Washington c mnty, Maryland,
August S, l81o. Died March 10, 1000,
aged 1)0 yints, 7 months and 11 days.
(From the Review.)
Mr. Price has told his i evidence to
Al Holdrege, tho consideration being
W. .7. Clark is building a neat liltlo
citttige just west of tho rcsidenco of
his son, idis. Clark.
Billy Nolson, who operated our Up
land placo for lifteen years until we
sold it lust spring, bought a farm eight
miles north of here for 80000.
D. C. Shotler kil'ed a swnn Sunday
afternoon a short distance north of the
mill. There woro three in tho flock,
Too ono secured was a line specimen
weighed fourteen pounds, and
moasured over six feet from tip to tip
of wings.
Joo Davidson, who was well known
hero about a scoro of years ago, and
who has returned recently and has
boon stopping with Martin Kntitson,
accidentally struck his head on a
sharp bolt Tuesday, severing an artery,
and almost bleeding to death before ho
could get a doctor.
(From the Citizon.)
Mrs A. Townsond and children ar
rived Thursday evening for a visit with
her husband and many friends.
Alex Monroe is a now acquisition to
our business industries, having this
week purchased and taken possession
of the harbar business of Jos. Houlicr.
After arriving homo last Saturday
da Cracker
You have heard that some foods furnish fat,
other foods make muscle, and still others arc
tissue building and heat forming.
You know that most foods have one or more
of these elements, but do you know that no
food contains them all in such properly balanced
proportions as a good soda cracker? '
The United States Government report shows
that soda crackers contain less water, are richer
in the muscle and fat elements, and have a much
higher per cent of the tissue building and heat
forming properties than any article of food made
from flour.
That is why Uneeda Biscuit should
form an important part of every meal. They
represent the superlative of the soda cracker, all
their goodness and nourishment being brought
from the oven to you in a package that is proof
against air, moisture and dust the price being
too small to mention.
Neighboring Tomns
Miss Alphonsino Demurs missed her
watch. A diligent search in the buggy
and along tho routo from town failed
to divulge its hiding place.
Miss Gono Herrick was driven to
Kearney last wei k by hor father,
where sho enters tho State Normal for
a course of studies to preparo her as an
Rock Forest, who hns been traveling
in Oklahoma and Texas tho past win
ter in tho interests of the Northwestern
Yeast Co., camo in on Monday even
inn's train for a rest and a visit with
his parents.
(From tho Times.)
J. H. Wanamnkor of Mankato tins
leased tho Shorman house in Smiih
Centor and will take possession tho
first of April.
M C. Plank, a contractor of Topeka,
was here last week figuring with Ty
gart, Matito and Mays in regaro to
erecting their brick building.
Alex Christie of Webster townsliio
brought to inaikot six hoad of bogs
Tuesday, for which ho received $95.04.
Uo sold about $1400 worth of cattle
and hogs last week.
Last Friday evoning boing Mrs. A.
J. Forgoy'H birthday, she and Mr. For
gey invited the G. A. R and W, R. C
menibdrs and a few other friends to
help them celebrate and partako vt a
bean soup supper. E. W. Smith pio
sonted Mr. and Mrs. Porgoy each with
a nice rocking chair.
(From the Journal )
A. C. Bradshaw wont to Wobbor
Wednesday morning to make prepara
tions to open up a butcher shop in that
Mrs. Samuel Allon rocoixed word
Sunday of tho death of her brothtr at
Cambridge, Iowa, and left Monday
morning for that place.
Chub Johnson went to Milford, to
attend tho graduating exorches for
trained nurses at a private hospital
from which his sister Cora, receives a
Sheriff Jones returned last evening
from Lincoln, whero ho took to the
asylum L. T. McOorraack, formorly an
employe at the Superior Steam Laun
dry. McCormaok is a total wreck,
which condition was brought about by
oxcesslvo drinking. Ho is twonty-(ivo
yoars of age.
Two young men by tho names of
Lance and Payne, living at Burr Oak,
engaged a team in that town from
Win. Latimer, tho liveryman, Thurs
day for a six-mile drive in tho country,
but whon thoy got to tho six mile limit
thoy ovidontly wanted a furthor sleigh
ridtf, and thoy drovo to Superior. In
tho evening a phono messitge was re
ceived from Mr. Latimer at Mankato.
asking if that team had been driven to
Supeiior, who was informed that it
had been stabled at Phipp's liver
barn, but was taker; out and w u'd
soon return. Mr. Latimer onion d
Constable Phipps to arrest tho men
and said he would bo after the rig im
luidiately. Later ho sent annthei
mossage tilling tho constable to turn
tho b ys Inoso and let them drivo the
team to Burr Oak.
(From the Advooato.)
Mrs. M E.Gray has mado arrange
moots to opon a millinery store in the
building formerly occupied by Dr
Misses Bussio Dunn and Qteonu artived homo Monday night
from their pleasure trip through the
gulf states.
W. C. Dorsoy. R. V. McGrew and G.
W. Prathur were down to Lincoln tho
first of tho week to arguo a oaso befoio
the supreme court.
Kit Lanty, was ovor to Hastings lust
Wednesday looking for a harbor to
take tho placo of Loo Snee who ro
signed to go to Denvor.
(From the Sontinol.)
Mrs L. H. Kelso entertainod the
Adamless club in honor of Miss Pearl
F.tgor Wednesday evening.
Mrs. U. Kloon of Mioon prairio wont
to Wymoro Thursday morning to at-
toad tho funeral of a relative.
11, McGinloy wai taken before tl o
boant ol insanity last Saturday on tl o
charge of inobrieoy and sent to Lin
coln for treatment.
Mrs. B. J. Hilsabeck went to Lin
oin last week to bo present at the
marriage of her sistor, Miss Henrietta
Bloedorn to Mr. Christie of Pueblo.
Friends of tho family in this com
munity will griova with the bereaved
ones over the death of Mis G. C. New
ton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Ft
Murphy, of 'consumption, at their
homo in Forth Worth, Texas. Graco
Murphy was born noar Fairbury this
stato and at tho time of her death was
19 years, 9 months and 7 days.
(From the Messenger.)
Frank Burrow entertained a number
of tho young yeoplo at whist at his
rooMS last Friday night.
Dan Firming left Sunday morning
I ii " u 'JO. 10(10. Ml M .
Ilntln i.l lit. ! M . (t S l
Sim ' i ii ( , y ,j i. c mii o
in. ii Mli M ud H K Hi', h nit i I
lji-t aiiiin, von iii.itiii tn in ii i iitti ,
Ui'V. I V. Hiir-- illlciiilinif.
Abmil fni i of lliii iii'iuhlmi-i u-il
III) tli'H '! (I lll II nu iflll Ill-fill III tin
limiiii nt K t M I vm in 'I'lostliiv unii'iiitu!
I mitl Mint ifii tnf ii hie ilny'rt hunt 'I'll
cull ioil mi minx Inn wlion I hoy rniiinl
"il lip till) iIiiijs hull eiiplilit'd aboil
lifty in blii i h
(From the Advertiser.)
Clydo Buti'hur, who has been laid up
for several iln.n with a sprained hip, is
able to be around ignin.
Mr. nnil Mrs. L. llulso went to
Be'lville TucMlny to attend tho fuueriil
of her hriithcr-iii-lnw, A. M. Johncon.
I. M Sample ami MKs Bertlienn
Iuselio, both of Canker, were married
In this city Thursday afternoon by
Probate Judge McGehco.
V dnesdiiy, at. high nocn In tho city
of Washing'.on, Km., Miss Anna Jan
U'irv and Mr. 0-ear (in on woro united
in murri ge. Mr. Green ami wife are
well known lime.
Married, nt the homo of the hrideV
1 1.. .....I Mho 11.... I.'l. i .:,
lUIUIIir. Hill IIIMI III I .". WlUf. J .Itl I I1ILLU,
iii this city, Tliiuxlay evening, at 7
o'elock, Mis.- E lua TOIdridgo anil, Tame
SkeoiH, Rev D. K. Vance olliciaiing.
Friday being Phon Silt cliff's twenty
first birthday his classman s, the
j.mioiH ami high school leaclu rs drove
to his country Imni" in tin evening
and gave him a most royal surprise
The Word n Mnn I'nch it ml (In Word
Ho Mliflit i:nito'.
now many words are possible? Start
ing from tho four and twenty alpha
betic sounds, Leibnitz, calculated the
combinations nt l0,'l48,701,7a:j,2l)f
730,300,000. nut many of these combi
nations would be unpronounceable even
In Welsh. In Chinese every syllable Is
a separate word.
Does man's stock of words grow rich
er or poorer with time? M. Moncnlm
foresees nn ever higher Intellectual des
tiny for the race in tho future. "Our
fathers," he says, "did not know the
thousandth part of our vocabulary,
which Is very copious." Certainly the
Now Dictionary Is a much larger work
than Johnson's, ami we doubt not that
primitive man talked less than an M.
P. does, though even he hud Ills pala
vers and congresses. But If any one
were to take down tho talk of tin aver
age modern undergraduate or society
girl we doubt If It would bo found to
contain more tlinti li.'O vocables, where
an educated Elizabethan or Cnrolluu
would have employed several thousand.
Nothing Is more striking In the old
prose writers than tho rich variety and
Imaginative plelurescpieness of their
language. Not only are we lacking In
concrete Imagination and ashamed to
go aileld out of the beaten track of
speech, but phrases which were when
first devised forcible and strong have
through long currency lost their edge.
Three-fourths of the expressions wo use
have ceased to be effective metaphors
und become conventional and lifeless.
London Saturday Review.
Flood Damage at Lincoln.
Lincoln, March 2B. Following a fall
of rain, estimated at ovor two Inches
In less than an hour, Lincoln last
night suffered from a flood that did
much minor damage. Storm sewers,
clogged by remnants of recent heavy
snowB, were unnblo to enrry off the
water, which spread over the curbing
and into tho basements of business
buildings. Jn the residence districts
conditions were worse. Cellars were
flooded by the scoro and in some cases
the rush of water was so strong as to
carry away foundations. Street cars
were stalled and two of the city pump
ing stations were for a time out of
commission, due to water flooding tins
enno rooms. Water covered the
first floors of houses on bottom lands.
Trains reaching the city from the
south were ordered not to exceed Ave
miles an hour, water covering the
A Fa nny AllNiirint.
One of the most ludicrous announce
I ments that ever appeared perhaps was
f made by a London newspaper in the
I earlier half of the last century to the
' effect that Sir Robert Peel "and n par
ty of llends were shooting peasants In
Ireland." The words misprinted, of
course, woro "frlcndB" and "pheas
i ants."
Homestead Lands
Mucnlflrrnt Cllmati I'nrtni m i) .
Init in tlirjr ulilrt Mi'uwi In lk
miililltt of NutciiiUir.
"All ure liound to tic more thnn
plruAril. Mlth tlto Until mull of
the dcnr.on'.i Imrvcnlo."
CVinl, nootl, nMcr, linj In itl'iia
unco whoiiln, rliiir!m, ninrkrl in
Tcnlonl. 1 hi in tlm orucf tl ln nl.
Apply for infiirninllon In Kiirln
li'iiiiiint of Iminlurntlnii, Ollimn,
Cnnnilni nrtotlm following millinr
tied Canadian (Jofurnmunl Agunl:
W. V. Bennett, 801 N.Y. Llfo Blda., Omaha, Nek.
Montlon tbli paper.
TriADr Marks
Deoionb '
Copyrights Ac.
An?nnoen1lri(r ankrlrli mid description mar
quickly nicortnln our opinion fruo vrliclhrr an
liiTuntlnii Is prohntiljr patonlnliln, ('oinimmlcv
tlniMKtrlcllrronUileiitlnl. HANDDOllK on Pntrnti
out Iron. OliloKt nunncy for acruriiiK imtonta.
I'ntontii tnkon throuuli Miinti A Co. rccclTt
tpttutl notice, wltliouL cliarao, In tho
Scientific Jlmcrican.
A hnndnnmelr lltnalrnlml wrokly. l.rccut rlr
cnlntlon ,t nnr arliniltln loiirnnl. Tnrnia, f .1 n
yonr: four montliB, 1. Huld bynll tionsrtrnlrra.
MUNN & Co.3BB'oad New York
Unwell omco, U25 K St., WnahliiKtun. I). C.
time table.
Red Cloud, Neb.
31. JOE
31. LOUIS and
all points cast and
11 V TIE
and all point
Tiuixii lxavk ai rou.owi:
Va, IS. PannciiKer dally for Oberlla
hiiiI St. KranclK lirnnchoN. Ox
ford, McCook, Deliver mid all
poltitH wen 7 03 a.m.
5, 14. t'an'CHKer lHlly for 3t. Joe,
KniihiiR City, AlciilHOti. St.
I.oiiIb. Lincoln via Wymorf
and all polntN cant and nouth J '01 a.oa
Si 15. 1'nroiiKcr. dally. Denver, all
uolntH In Colorado, Utah and
California ... . 7:BB p.M.
S. 10, FftsneiiKer, dally for St. Jot,
KnnnaH City. Atchlnon, St.
LouIh and all points cait and
auulb ..... .... ............ 10:10 a.m.
Mo. 174. Accommodation, Al outlay,
Wedni'Mlny aud Frldny.Ilam
liiRi, Orand Inland, lllnck
IIIIU and all polma In tha
north went v.' l p m.
Sleeping, dlnlnic, and reclining chair rank
aeatu frou) on throiiKli tralnn. Ticket aold and
oskhrkc checked to any point In tlm UultoO
State or Canada.
Por Information, time tables, mann or ttck&tt
call nn or addrcih A. Cnnnvcr. Akuiii. Ked
Olnnd, Ncbr. or h. W. Wnknlcy, O'tnernl Pa"
anKUi Agont Omaha. Nohraaia
Prom Kansas City Veterinary
College. Olllco with O. t.
Tool, llrst door north of brick
Country Phone 36
At Blno Hill first Tuesday in each 1
r pc
jp a.
Yon want to HIT wlut yon are .-limine ai
I be it bird, bean or tarj;et. Male yonr
aliou count by tlmothi),' the STKVKNS.
For 41 years STEVENS AKMS liae
carried off l'REMIKR HONORS for AC
CURACY. Our line:
Rifles, Shotguns, Pistols
Mk )Mir Drain In. sii,t 41 in. In 1.1.11111 s
KUrillioSrrVUNS. fr ui Ui;e CiMI'i;
If )ou lannut ot.ljln, ifciiiiili-leni.tiiil. .1
e tlilp illitit, fj,. lu.ililcl"l.iifrcfcr-
tmt frtf.ttj, upon rim irrcnt ami
rfliti.fmtaliitf price iipwiiIib ln.lf-,
Deautifultlirce-colorAluiniiuiin Hauler il
be (orwurOed for lu cents in Maiu.
J 1 Stevens Arms & Tool Co,,
P. O. Ilox 4096 t