The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 30, 1906, Image 6

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    m ifmmm lt'ti
Oil, HEARING EXI)EF),S:!"",r,iI l" ba"s "' l" '"'"
Citvficd Copies of the Testimony Are
Sent the Supreme Court of Missouri.
Charges of Sensationalism Mace.
Subpoena Server Testifies.
New York, March 28. The taking or
tCHliinotiy In this city In Uio proceed-iiii-s
In ought by the statu or Missouri
to ouril Irom thai commonwealth the
Wanda id Oil company of Indiana, the
VVnlorvl'iereo Oil company and the
lltipuhlic Oil company, on tho ground
Hint they constitute a combination In
ri'M'ii!iit of trade, wuh ended. Attor
ney General Hudley or Missouri, who
Jiuh been pieboiit during the moHt of
the time since the local Inquest bo
sun, announced that with the adjourn
ment the New York proceedings were
oudod. He hint i uctcd ConiiniHdlnner
Haiihorn, befoie whom (ho witnesses
tentlfb'd, to send a curtifleil copy of
tho testimony to tho supreme court
of Mhxourl, where It will become a
jiatl of the record In the stnto's case.
Practically the Inst move Mr. Had
ley made In the ease was to Introduce
tmdliuouy showing the dllllcultlcs un
der which most of the witnesses who
nre in any way connected with the
Hinndard Oil company were served.
Jle put In the record the fact that
ovory effort had been made to secure
the testimony of John I). Rockefeller,
but none hurl succeeded. He intro
duced copies of letters written to at
torneys of the Standard OH request
ing Hint oillceiH of the company ac
cept ficrvlce. Tho request applied to ,
.lolm I). Hoekefoller along with sev-1
oral others.
During the examination of the sub
poena server, counsel for the defend
ant companies brought out that the
man had received money from news
Iiaporn for stories or his experiences
In trying to serve some or the Stand
lird Oil men. Counsel declared these
f.itts were, brought out "to show there
lias been a lot or grand-standing and
advertising about this, and a lot of
"The only sensationalism there has
liecn In this caso has been the sen
sational attempts or those witnesses
to evade servlco of subpoenas," re
Idled Attorney General Hadley.
Magistrate Will Not Issue Process Un
less Probable Crime Is Shown.
Now York, March 28. District At
torney Jerome applied to Magistrate
Moss for warrants against several
persons In connection with tho recent
life Insurance investigation. Tho war
rants were not Issued, tho magistrate
taking the ground that It would bo
necessary first for the district attor
ney to present evidence that a crlmo
luil been committed. Mr. Jerome
theroupon agreed to present depo
sitions upon tho question totho mnglB
Irato later.
When news that tho warrants hail
linen naked for became public It re
tailed that tho names of Postmaster
(ienetal Cortelyou. chief of tho Uonub-
llcan national committee; Cornelius
N. Ullss. trensuror or that organiza
tion, and Georgo W. Perkins, formerly
vice president of the New York Life
Insurance company, had been men
tioned by Mr. Joromo bororo Judge
O'Sulllvan In connection with tho war
rants. Muglstrato Moss, however,
wild that no names whatever wore
mentioned during his conversation
with tho district nttornoy. As a re
wilt of Mr Jeromo's conversation
with tho magistrate. stuipoonns In
ldimk were Issued and It was art
nouncod Hint John nop proceedings
would bo begun at once In an effort
to procure evidence upon which the
.warrants might bo Issued.
Company Files Suit for $5,120,000 and
Sorno Men May Go to Jail.
Now York, Murch 27. Charges that
fraudulent ami corrupt conspiracy
oxIhIh between Richard A. McCurdy,
former president of the Mutual Mfo
Iniuirunco company; his son-in-law,
Louis A. Thobaud, and tho latter's
partner, Charles U. Raymond, are
made In tho formal complaints In two
BiiltH Undiluted by the company
ngalnst. tho men named lor the recov
ory of $1,750,000. These suits nre In
addition to I ho one brought lust week
by tho company against Richard A.
MrCuuly alone for the recovery of
$:i,:i70,lH'(l. Tho total now Biied Tor
iimouutB to $5,120,000. The suits, In I
tho opinion of lawyers, form the bash
for crlmltul prosecutions. J
One of the units Is directed against
' tho elder. McCurdy, Thobaud and
Raymond and the oilier against Thu
baud and Raymond nioue. Tho charge
in umUo that sunn aggregating the lm
mettso totul of $500,oiu wero paid
Kaymoud &. Co. for no reason what
ovor, excopt to enrich McCurdy's son-in-law
and his partner, and no scr
vlcen were lundered for this money, It
Is alleged, tho payments being purely
RratuitouH. Those gratuities and tho'
fnormoiiH sums paid Rnymond & Co.
as general agents for the metropolitan '
First of the Rebate Cases,
Philadelphia, March 28. The first
rcl ato caso to come to trial In tho
country, In which the defendants are
charged with giving and accepting
rebates In vlolntlon or the Klklns law,
began In the United States court hero
before Judge Holland. The Indict
nients to be presented to the jury are i
thoHo against tho Great Northern Rail I
wny company. j
Fatally Wounds Two, Sets Fire to1
House and Then Kills Self. I
Haltlmorc, March 24. Urooklyn,
Just across the Patapsco river from
this city, Is horrified over the deeds
and death of Walter Potee, an insane
man, who, entering his brother's
hoiiHO Just ns friends and relatives
wero gathering to attend tho funeral
of the brother's little child, opened
llro with a revolver and set lire to
tho house and himself died from gun
shot wounds. Potee entered the room
and began firing so unexpectedly that
several persons wero wounded before
they could escape. Potee then locked
himself In the house and Tor two hours
exchanged Binds with a crowd who
surrounded the place. Nine people
wero Injured more or less seriously
by Ids shots, or these, a brother,
John H. Potee, and William II. Miller,
a brother-in-law, nre likely to die.
The crazy man round time between
shots to sprinkle oil about tho bouse
and set fire to It. While It was burn
ing fiercely the front door was forced
and the body or tho child whoso fu
neral had been about to take place
saved from incineration. I
Relicts of Civil War Veterans May Ap
pear in Land Fraud Cases, j
New Ulm, Minn., March 21. Sub
poenas wero served on nine widows of
veterans of the civil war, commanding
them to appear in Sioux Kails, S. D ,
April R to testify In a land fraud trial. '
It Ib alleged that In 1001, Joseph
Wallace and Attorney Miller of Pierre, J
S. D., prevailed on tho women to go
to Stanley, S. D., and take up home
steads under tho federal law, granting
privileges to widows of veterans, witu
the understanding that when they had
proved their claims, each would bo
paid $200 for tho claims. The govern
ment chnrges that tho defendants then
hired men to live In shacks erected
on tho tract simply to create the im
pression that tho requirements of tho
law wero being compiled with.
Eighty-Five Lives Lost Last Season
Off Northeastern Coast.
Boston, March 24. Eighty-live Uvea
wero loBt and fifty-four ships wero
wrecked nlong tho coast or Now En
gland and the marltlmo provinces dur
ing tho last winter. Whllo tlio sen
son up to tho present month was com
paratively mild on shoro, at sea It
waB one of extreme severity, particu
larly in waters or tho provinces.
Of tho vessels wrecked, thirty-seven
wero Bnlllng craft. Nino steamships
and eight barges complete the list.
Ships Hying tho British ling lend those
or other nations, with a loss of twenty
seven craU, against flrteen or Amer
ican register. Thero Is also a sprink
ling of Norwegian, German and Swed
ish vessels.
Rogers Declares Rockefeller's Most
Serious Illness Is Nervousness.
New York Mnrch 2C Henry II.
Rogers mnde tho declaration Hint John
D. Rockefeller 1b a hypochondriac,
possessed by rears as to his physical
condition, on leaving the witness stand
at a hearing before United States
Commissioner Sanborn In the Missouri
Ho was asked: "Ib It truo that John
I). Rockefeller is as seriously 111 as
"Well, I haven't seen him for a
year or so," ho replied. "You know
he nlways was a hypochondriac. But
I guess there's nothing wrong with
him except nervousness."
Two Killed In Saloon Fight.
Agullar, Colo., March 2(1. Samuel
Vigil and Andres Martinez wero killed
In a light which started in u saloon
here and James Davis, town marshal,
and F. M. Vigil, justice or tho ponce,
wero severely wounded. Saniuol Vigil
anil Martinez were killed by Davie,
who says ho shot them In self derense.
A score or Mexicans attacked Davis
after the shooting and lie wns badly
cut about the head before he was res
cued. F. M. Vigil, father of Samuel
Vigil, stnrted out with a Bliotgun,
vowing to kill Davis, and was clubbed
Into unconsciousness by Deputy Sher
iff Shelby.
Offered to Plead Guilty, Acquitted.
St. Charles, Mo., March 20. Chris
tian FoIInor, whoso plea of guilty to a
chargo of murder was refused by
Judgo Bnrnett of tho circuit court,
was acquitted by a Jury. Feilner took
tho stand nnd related the circum
stances or tho killing. He told of
lylug In wait ror Hauff and then tak
ing his life. Feilner gave as his rea-
son self derense. Other testimony
told that there was Borne difficulty of
a domestic nature between them. No
arguments wero made by the attor-1
neys and the Jury brought In a verdict I
of not guilty within an hour.
Sanguinary O.uarrel.
Oklahoma City, Okla., March 2C
T. P. Mullens and G. W. Dean arc
dead and Mart Henderson and Will
iam Meeks are seriously Injured as a
result of a quarrel and shooting scrape
over entering a farm near Mnysville,
I. T. Jim Martin and his two sons,
Henry and Ed, have been arrested on
a chnrgo of having committed the
Newspapers Sustain Wood.
Manila. March 24. The American.
Spanish nnd native presB of this city, '
In commenting upon the recent battle '
of Mount Dajo, sustain Major General
Wood against the charge or killing
women and children or the Moro out
laws during the nctlon, which they i
claim was unavoidable. i
Tot Burns While Mother Shops.
Beatrice, Neb., March 2C While
the mother was out on a shopping ex
pedition, the little four-year-old daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Donebright,
living at Cortland, poured kerosene on
the cook atove und was burned to
Lucas Found Guilty of Murder.
Alma, Neb., March 2a. John R.
Lucas was found guilty of murd r in
the second degree. Tho jury was out
about six hours. Luuis killed Clyde
Lester, a farm hand, Dec. C, 11)01, In
Phelps county. Sentence has not
been passed and tho derense expects
to appeal.
Mayor Moores Is Dead.
Omaha, March 24. Mayor Frank B.
Moores died at his home here. The
mayor was Blxty-six years of age. Ho
had been 111 for months Willi a trouble
of the throat and general breaking
down of his naturally ruggeu constitu
tion. Ho waB ending the last year of
his third term.
Funeral of General Thayer.
Lincoln, March 24. Tho body of
General John M. Thayer was removed
from tho capltol, where it had rested
in state for twenty-four hours, to St.
Paul's Methodist church and the ru
neral services, participated in by all
the military organizations of the state,
wero thero conducted.
n Meiklejohn May Run.
Lincoln, March 24". Ex-Lieutenant
Governor G. D. Meiklejohn Is expected
to return to his home at Fullerton In
a few days and may enter tho sena
torial contest. Meiklejohn has been
interested in mining ventures in Mex
ico and in Nevnda for the last few
years and has met with much success.
Dr. Hunt Killed by Train.
O'Neill, Neb., March 24. Dr. S. F.
Htmt of Stuart, one of the most prom
inent pioneer physicians of northern
Nebraska, was run over and killed by
a rrelght train here last night. Ho
had been here as a witness In the Ir
win murder trial and in attempting to
board a rreight caboose going to
Stuart, slipped and was dragged un
der the wheels.
Draft of Football Rules.
Lincoln, March 20. Secretary W. T.
Reld of Harvard has sent Dr. James
T. Lees of the University or Nebraska
a rough drart or the rootball rules Tor
tho season of 1900, as compiled by
tho Intercolleglnto committee. An
open game Is practically compelled by
tho changes made in tho rules nnd
heavy penalties are laid down for any
unnecessary roughness.
Clark and Wain Plead Not Guilty.
Omaha, March 23. Cal Wain and
Harrison Clark, two of tho negro out
laws who shot and murdered Con
ductor Edwnrd Flury at tho Albright
terminal of the South Omaha car lino
on tho evening of March 8, wero ar
raigned In the criminal court and both
plondod not guilty to the dual chargo
of murder In tho first degree and mur
der whllo committing a robbery.
Judicial Bill Passes Senate.
Washington, March 24. Senntor
Burkett's bill for tho division of Ne
braska Into two judicial districts
was cnlled up by him In the sennto
and passed without opposition. Tho
same nieasuro was introduced early In
tho session in tho houso by Kennedy,
but had never been touched. Effort
will bo nindo to havo tho senate bill
taken up in tho house nt the earliest
possible date and passed.
Takes Her Own Life.
Ord, Neb., March 24. Mrs. Ernest
Orcutt committed splclde at her homo
I To Cure a Cold m Om) Day
I Take Laxative Bromo Qumme Tablets.?
I Sven MUHoa kats sold la put 12 months. This Signature,
"'J'- " '' ti ii tM ,.iiii ii ii ill ,nijnim'"l
1 ' ' "" ' '"' " " i in I 'in n Hi i il.
AVcgclabJcPrcparattonfor As
similating liieToodandRcgula
tirt live Stomachs aralBoweis of
Promotes Difeslion.Chccrful
ncss and Rcst.Contai ns neither
Opiurn.Morphine nor Mineral.
Not Narcotic.
fay oroidLrSWUnLPmnim
lunJrtn Stti'
Aniu Sttd.
flTptmunt ,
Ifi Cart onab Jala
f firm Seed -Ctnnfud
Hhbyrtn flarw.
Apcrfcct Remedy for Constipa
tion, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions Jcvcrisli
gcss and Loss OF SLEEP,
Facsimile Signature of
by drinking a viaf of carbolic acid
Mr. Orcutt had eaten his dinner, and
was ready to start to work again. Mrs.
Orcutt had eemed in good spirits and
had written a letter to her father,
Representative Burroughs of Merri"k
county, during tho forenoon. The
deceased had been subject to severe
headaches and hysteria, and it is
thought her mind was temporarily un
balanced. They Worked Together.
Lincoln, March 28. Systematic and
long-continued robbery of the llcrpol
shelmer department store Is charged
against W. A. Morroll and Miss Flor
ence Preston, who are under arrest.
Morrell has been night watchman at
the store. Miss Preston's room was
raided by the police and a ton of
goods identified as coming from Her
polsheimer's found. About a week
ago representatives of the store found
Morrell and the woman in the store at
midnight. Articles have been missing
for about two years.
Edwards Bound Over.
Kearney, Neb., Marcli 28. Everett
Edwards, who was arrested in Omaha
upon a chargo of manslaughter In
connection with tho death or Anna
Grosh, has been bound over to tho
district court in $5,000 bonds.
Referee in Fact Named.
Lincoln, March 23. Attorney Gen
eral Brown has nominated E. C. Cal
kins or Kearney, president or tho
State Bar association, as rerereo to
hear testimony of law and Tact in tho
caso or the state against tho Nebras
ka Grain Dealers' association.
Leo Angus Gets Life Term.
Omnha, March 28. Leo Angus, ono
of the three accomplices of Jny
O'llearn, who murdered Nels Lausten
Jan. 20, at tho latter's saloon nt
Twenty-first and Cuming streets,
was sentenced to Imprisonment for
lifo by Judgo Sutton or tho district
Food Commissioner Resigns.
Lincoln, March 28. Pure Food Com
missioner Thompson filed his resigna
tion with Governor Mickey. He will
go on ills farm near Wood River. No
ono has been selected for the place.
Although many applications nre ex
pected. Thompson will leave tho of
flco April 1.
President O'Neill on a Tour.
Lincoln, March 2:;. Noiris L.
O'Neill, president of the Western
Bnsoball league, Is In Lincoln on a
tour of the cities of the league. Presi
dent O'Neill said tho spring meeting
of the league, when a schedule Is to bo
adopted, will bo held the llrst woek of
next month, piobably Mouda, April
2, at Dos Moines.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
riUv.rrif2'(ft oU
, Ely's Cream Balm
( This Romedy Is a Specific,
wuiv ww UIYU ouumuuiion.
It cleanses, soothos, benla, and protects the
diseased zuonibruuo. It cures Catarrh and
drives away a Cold in tho Head quickly.
Restores tho Sonsos of Tasto nnd SmalL
Easy to uso. Contains no injurious drugs.
Applied into tho nostrils and absorbed.
LarKo Size, (50 conta at Druggist or by
mail ; Trial Sizo, 10 cents by mail.
ELY BROTHERS. 56 Warren St.. New York.
This Morning? I
A Gentle Laxative
And Appetizer
Kocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A Dnsy M&dlciaa for Busy People.
Brings Golden Health and Eeuowed Vigor.
, A. '3P1,f1c,no Jor Coirnirmtlon, IndlpoHtlon, I.lvo
m , 11" y,7rol,leV,,lnP,,i, HMtmn, Impure
"id Hadsarho. It'Q Kvky Mountain Tea In ton
in rortn, :t.i rontq ,i hot, nnuino nmUo by
'Tom.isteii I)nt-o Companv, Mmllhon. Wis.
M Alt? n Al CAim
eifntiioi mid tnuuunci fie hlr.
imiu.itci n luxuriant growth.
Vvpp Fjiiio to Jlpntoro Ory
rw.,r. x? Ml v'"hf Colon
Cuki i ioip iiiitain h j,alr laUlna. DniggUu v
Cures Grin
in Two Days.
oi overv
f &
rr&tri box. 25cl
Mbf nil
faX Use
" tV.'T. '