The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 30, 1906, Image 4

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" -I
'- 'Wf-VWTifVtW - - v
and Colds
There is a remedy over sixty
years old Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral. Of course you have
heard of improbably have used
it. Once in the family, it stays;
the one household remedy for
coughs and hard colds on the
chest. Ask your doctorab'outit.
t he hail pneumonia thrl-e tlmci, and
Ait'4 Ulifrrr 1'ectoral hai Irrniicclit mniafplr
r rouh each lltnc. I harp lint rwnrcrrd
from my Ut attack, acH Mjtr-evrn. No
rrtwltr l prlfc IL" K. V. tlirl.Hj, Sterem
1'i.nt WU.
..n vm .i:nitt- 0mrmamm wm
luaaorj.v. Ayerco., bowen, mast.
&ito mnnuueiurera or
Aycr's Pills lncroa30 tho activity of
the liver, and thus aid recovery.
To the Sunny El Rlto Valley, New
Mexico, Will Leave Red Cloud
Tuesday, April 3, 7 A. M.
Are you one of tho party to viMtthis
frank!) spot of the world1" Do you
want to see the great Southwest
W e go by Denver, then take the Kio
Grande railroad throtnrh some of the
pranoest scenery in the world.
Irrigated lands now only -510 per
nere. will he worth clO) Remember,
?10 pay-, for land and perpetual water
right fully paid.
New towiiMto in the El Kito valley,
in the center of the fruit growing dis
trict. The laud is subdivided in 10
acre tracts for fruit growing, thereby
making a beautiful and delightful
place to live. These tracts go on the
same liberal terms as the larger tracts,
HttfOper acre. One-fifth cash, bal
ance iu five equal payments.
Grain and Vegetables Everything
common to tho south temperate zone
i raised, including corn, wheat, oats,
rye, barley, cloror, variety of vege
tables of the bost quality, potatoes,
Kvreet potatoes, beans, peas, beets, the
finest quality of sugar beets, turnips,
pumpkins, squash, melons, cante
lnupes. tomatoes, celery and other
Come join this party. Remember
the date, April 3, 7 a. m. Fare for the
round trip, 82955.
,J. P. Hale, The Heal Estate Man.
lie did not. wait to put on his clothe?,
i ut used Webster street for u dressing
room. The building is owned by E.
U. Overman.
: Overman fr Float Representative.
Tho following is taken from yester
day's Lincoln Star:
j "Some interest is being manifested
in tho coming legislative campaigns.
' Candidates aro being mentioned and
I soveral have annouueed their willing
ness to run. Among thoso already
spoken of is E. U Overman, n well
known lied Cloud attorney, who would
like to be float representative from
Veb9ter and Adams counties."
Wei!, why not? There is probably
i no man in tho two counties better
qualified than Mr. Overman. How
ever, this is our first intimation that
he had his eye on a seat iu tho Legis
lature. We have for some time had a
faint suspicion that he had loftier
aims a seat in Congress or tho dis
trict judgeship, either of which posi
tions he is competent to (111 with dig
nity and honor to his constituents.
tic.ii I Estate Transfers.
Transfers for week ending Wednes
day, March 28, furnished by Walker k
Hailey of Webster County Abstract
Margaret II Tarmau toT H Har
riugton n'2 nwi 'jn-'J-O wd .... .1100
John Croft fo Kd Amack part
net nwl .11 2-10 qed 1
G M Garner to W K Burwell part
set .11-2 12 w.l 100
Margaret F leehrt to K K
Hicks nwl S-.'l 0 wd 5000
Henry Schmit to Albert Gertseh
additional local a3aaa,a33,a,a36eeGeeeeee.
Dr. E. A. Thomas, dentist, Damcrcll
Ed McAllister was in Hiverton W(d
Lui-iim Kriubie in honm from Lincoln
for a visit.
Cha. I'm nam was over from Cowles
Mrs. Petrio i viaiting at tim home of
John K-lloir.
Mn. Frml timid wn down from Blue
Hill Thursday.
See F. P. Hadlny fur pmiuing and
papei hanging.
Kr. d Smith of Omaha is dav clerk at
the It. & M hntfi.
M". Lntii Miiiiihu was down from
Inavale yesterdav.
Dr. Asher made a professional visit
to Blue Hill Wednesday.
Aiimiit Btii'kinan ha accepted a
position at th B. & M. hole!.
Cha' ey (Jurney -tinned 100 head of
fa. cn"i' ii Ki s3 City M-tniav.
Mr "f.i M . iJf Br Miiw of
Superior were in KmI Cloud Snturday
The public schools will be closed
next week for the annual spring v:ica
Piumb the feed man will pay you the
highest niii'f for poultry, eggs and
Rev. !' wh exiled t Omaha
Tmirsday to conduct the funeral of a
e2nel.12 l-) wd 2G10
Lincoln Land Co to Bertha J
Holmes lot 2 block 2 R R add
to Red Cloud wd 15
K K Hicks to .Inlin A Swnnson
iiw.T S-'M) wd 5000
Amos Dillon to John II Crary
part lot "G" Resurvey add to
Guide Rock wd 300
State of Nebr to Henry McCor-
mol Jr lots 4 to 7 and sei ne4
7-1-9 qcd 3500
Lydia M Smith to Laura L Mo
ranville lots 19 to 24 block 2 S it
M add to Red Cloud wd COO
Augusta Schultz to Joseph Top
ham part ne4 ue4 35-2 11 wd. . 2350
Total 2380G
Mortgages filed SlOO
Mortgages released $3700
Building Collapses.
Thursday morning about half past
four a largo beam in tho front part of
I)oreus livery barn gave way and came
uoar causing tho collapse of the entire
f rout part of tho building. Tho front
of the building is built of brick, and
in the upper story thoro was stored
about CO tons of baled hay. Thoro
were no posts supporting
load, and a largo beam
Painful Accident.
Tho little daughter of County Clerk
Leo DoTour suffered a painful acci
dent which might have resulted very
seriously. As she was passing through
a doorway in their barn an ax which
was hanging over the doorway fell and
struck the little girl a glancing blow
on the head, cutting a severe gash.
The ax fell about four feet, and had
tho blade struck the child fairly tho
result would have been very serious.
Sullivan Has Not Sold Out.
Last week someone started a story
that Will Sullivan had sold his him-
this heavy UOr yard iuthis city and that it would
stretching bo consolidated with ouo of tile other
from east to west across tno center cut yards. A letter received by a friend
through the brick wall on tho east fori (rom Mr. Sullivan states that there is
pi diitAuce of about two feet. This1 uo truth iu tho report, and thatshould
cau-ed the west wall to bow out about, he sellat all it will h- to someone who
a foot, and it will bo necessary to tear will continue to run the yard as an in
down and rebuild tho west wall of the dependent concern.
building. There was no ono in tho , , ,
liuildin? at the time except tho night Seventy-five kini of candies at the
L(-tler, who was sleeping iu the ofilco. Soderberg Inn.
Fifty Years the Standard
The town talk is Mrs. M. E. Davis,
he leading milliner. Opening sum
day, March 31.
A new daughter was born to Mr.
nd Mrs Eu IIhi..ii, living r-.uli of
town, Tuesday.
C W. Hushen ha moved into the
h'Uiso recently purchased by him from
Mny r Die kenson.
Lnrew tl iron of wild ceesn went
north Sunday evening and hunters
were busy Monday
Mr and Mrp. H. B. Simons moved
into their new home Wednesday in the
north part of town.
That we lent ail competitors is prov
en by our rnfH bush offer tn this issue
Act t'Hia. It is for a limited timn
The ripiitv assessors met at the
court house Wiin-dty and Thursday
to receive tnir schedules and instruc
tions. Morgan Dtvis was down from
Cowles Wednesday. He U nut sing a
sore thumb which he mashed in a cog
Lhree little rules we all should keep
To make life happy and orient.
Smile in the morning, smile at noon,
Take Rocky Mountain Tea at night.
C. L.Cotling.
Itobt. ForiiiiiH is now engineer in
Starbuck' elevator. Mr. and Mrs
Foitune having decided to mnke mis
cuv their home, have moved into the
residence east of F. A. Powell's. He
bron Journal.
Keep the liitle ones hed'hy and hap
pV. Their tender, sensativo bodies re
quire gentle, healing remedies. Hollis
ter's Rocky Mountain Tea will keep
them strong and well. 35 cents, Tea
or lauiets. C. L. Cotting.
Frank Honson. the new proprietor
of the Brunswick barber shop, has
troubles of his own. H says he wishes
someone would devise ways and means
ny which ho could get ,'Ikny" Fred oui
of bed earlier in the morning.
Someone started a story that Dr
Cook would rearrange the second
story of the: Bentley block, which he
recently purchs-d, and use it for a
sanitarium. There is no truth in the
Btory. the doctor having merely fitted
up tho two front nanus over Turnure's
dry goods department for rental pur
poses, Kou hALK lots 1 and 2 block 4 city
Red Ulnud, situated on main street
and known as the Overing block. Two
story brick buihuig occupies tho en
tire frontage, has three stores below
am' thirteen living nnd officii rooms
above and well rented. This property
must be sold at anco and any reason,
able tdfer will b.i considered. Bids
and tei uh of paymnents will he re
ceived by the undcriignetl. E. J.
Overing, 723 Frank. iu ave. Sn Diego
It donft cost
any more
to be well dressed than half
dressed. And it makes a lot
of difference sometimes.
I can sell you an outfit that
will get you a job, or keep
you in your position, or get
you married.
The SUITS I am selling at
$7.50, $8.50
and up to
are sure winners wherever
placed. All I ask is a chance
to them to you. COME
rmTHirD i7irr?Mrcwrrro zizrrr r a vr Ui
5' "2" s?'. ar ' !: &". a?: ar: a a' s & 5- S- 51 ;St S &
A Cream of Tartar Powder
Made From Grapes
No Alum
The statement which has been got
ten out to the effect that I have sold'
my yard to my competitors is nbso-1
lutely untrue, as I have not sold my
lumber yard to them, neither do I iu
tend to sell to them. I wish to further
say to all of my customers, that I sin
cerely appreciate what they have done
for me aud hopo to receive a contin
uation of their patronage. While of
course you all realize that I have a
hard proposition to go up agaiust in
tho way of competition, inasmuch as I
have two yards to buck against, both
of whom are bending every effort to I
drive me out of business, .and the1
further fact that I am handicapped on
account of tho condition of my health, I
this fact alone makes it doubly hard,
for me to cope with tho situation.
You must remember that it is only
by the co-operation of thoso interested
in the eradication of trusts and com
binations and also the satisfaction of
knowing that when you buy a dollar's
worth ofmnterial you will get value
received that the desired result will
be obtained.
It will further bo remembered that
for nearly two aud one half years I
have been struggling against a double
handed deal aud during this time
I have saved the farmers aud consum
ers of Webster and ndjoiuing counties
thousands and thousands of dollars.
I have forced lumber and building
material of all kinds from the extreme
highest price down to a legitimate
profit. In other words, I brought the
price down and made it possible for
people to build and improve thoir
You mny restassured that I will bend
every effort to keep competition with
you. On the other hand, I will expect
you all to assist me in this work I
htrdly think it is fair for you to ex
pect mo to light two yards. I am wil
ling to meet any one of them, and
with your hearty co-operation in this
matter you can rely on a continuation
of competition. I wish to stnto that
as soon as my health permits I shall
be with you, aud you will find Sulli
van's lumber yard doing business in
the snme old place and iu the samo
old way.
Yours truly
Will Scli.ian
B. E. IWepaFland,
Staple Fancy
Red Cloud, Neb. ,
March 29, '06.
Statement to the People of Red
329 One
No Charge
NOTE This is not
a dun, but merely
inquiring whether
or not you are in
need of groceries
and fruit. I so
licit your orders,
whether large or
small, with a guar
antee of prompt
and careful execu
tion. Please let me hear
from you.
Yours Truly,
Rural Dhonc 35. Bell phone "'Q.
m mmmimti
To Mothers In This Ton.
Children who are delicate, feverish
and cross will get immediate relief
from Mother Gray's Sweet Powder for
children. They cleauso tho stomach,
act on tho liver, making a sickly child 1 Shade of the Old Apple
strong and healthy. A- certain cure 'sung by "Silas," aud which at
for worms. Sold Gy all druggists, 25 1 part of tho audience appeared to ap-
PAnta finmnlft fran iirlrtrnco Allmi C I nrnniitfa Mm nnf ..rtnlnmntit itno iam.
Olmstead, Loltoy, N. Y. 1 enjoyable.
"The Folks Up Willow Creek."
Frank S. Davidson aud his company
gavo a very creditable performance of
tho comedy-drama "Tho Folks Up
Willow Creek" at the opera house last
night. Mr. Davidson is versatile and
his portrayal of the various character
sketches which ho assumes was good,
his "Dr. Gregoiro' being exceptionally
fine. "Landers" the villinn, gavo ono
the impression that ho was hurrying
through his lines from fear that ho
would forget them. With tho excep
tion of tho weakness of tho villain and
a rather "Minitty ' parody ou "In the
least a
Do You
When you are hungry and
want somothig nice iu the
meat lino, drop into my
market. We havo the nicest
kind or
and meats, fish, and game
in season. We think, and
almost know, that wo can
please you. Give us a
Koon Bros.,
Successors to
Fon Salk two small show
Inquire at tho Chief uQlco.
1 Altfrfry'r'-V- M111"'