The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 23, 1906, Image 8

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    ?tA-?f SUl-.3 ft
SAtr-Tj''rr"?':n-STp1?,'5Jv,iftw' an.v:rjMi-".-
' I
Heal Estate
To Renters
Why work for others whon you can do ho muuh bettor by work
ing for yourselves?
Can you raise from tfiOO to $2000?
If you can do this, got a homo of your own whilo laud is yet
within your rouoh.
and from now on lund is going to advauco in valuo as uovor boforo
in your lives.
and got it within tho rain bolt of Nebraska. Nebraska is good
onough for us.
You having money lying idlo in tho bank and earning you noth
ing, can invest it in lands that as a mattor of speculation will not
you astonishing rosults. Hoo Wulkor &. Bailoy for a farm hero, or
tako a trip with them the first and third Tuesdays in each
month farther west, but within tho rain belt, where lands aro ohoap,
cheapor. cheapest, and you will probably buy, either for a homo or
for investment.
Our FARM LOAM DEPARTMENT otters rates and
terms especially attractive.
WALKER ft BAILEY, Red Cloud, Neb
Interesting Items Gathered
by Our County Reporters
Kinnm Martin is visiting at Kuarnoy,
Chas. Isom shipped his feoding
Ntoors last week.
Wallace Maynard is back from tho
west, whero he was looking after
Orel Stanloy and wife of near Leba
non, were visiting at Clark Stevens'
last week.
Win. Motintford and wifo wore visit
ing on our creek last week with rela
tives and friends.
I i'h boon too dry a winter for wheat,
and what littlo was sown on this creok
looks low and thin.
Jamos Keagle, one of our best boy
farmers, shipped his fat cattle to Kan
Ban City last week.
Sam Shuck has shipped two carloads
of his fat cittle ami will feed the
others until about May.
What's the rip with the phono lino?
The It, & L linen can talk with each
other as it all on the sainu lino.
Win. Itoenoinns will build a new
house on his faun and hn and Mr.
Hotitloy will both live on the faini
Mr. Fit.iornld, tho popular trustee
and accessor, is around making the
fanners swear thai they ate worth but
Oscar Snrivnor of Aliueua, Norton
county, Khii'k-, fm merlv one of oui
creek hoys, was down here on a visit
several days ago.
Wo are all right on our creek and
suvoritl of the young folks are enjoy
ing the winter weather in the way of
tiloigh-iidiug and labbil hunting.
B liB"fywT?lwMBPBB
o hnn.n1
- Farm Loans
and Others.
Thoro will bo moro acres of corn
plnnted in this part than usual, as th
small grain has not paid for a few
years and tho corn has been good.
Dan Grut'll and family, who were
visiting near Creto, Neb , aro home.
Mary, their oldest daughter, who has
been thero on n visit for some time,
emtio homo with them.
Many changes have taken ploco hero
iuco the first of the month. F. Wolfe
moved on to tho A H. Carpenter farm,
Alox Houtloy on to tho Uosoncrnns
farm, Scrivner to Lobanon and Dau
Gruell to Scrivnor'ti farm.
Only a few days beforo the) storm I
saw some farmers out cutting stalks
and one man was plowing. I now
wonder if they haven't forgotten where
they commenced, nnd if they had not
hotter wait until winter is over and
commeuco nnatii.
Miss Dortie Wootlsulo left Tuesday
for Republican City.
Mrs. O. Iverson wa9 a passenger foi
lied Cloud Wednesday.
Thos. McTigh spent Sunday at the
home of his sister, Mrs. Duffy.
Fred Andrews spent Sunday at tin
home of his uncle, II. B. Boyd,
Miss Ruth Householder was a pas
senger for Rosemont Monday.
Mr Fenstimnker of Pennsylvania i
visiting at the home of J. D. Travel
piece south of town.
Mrs Wm. McDonald, who has been
in Illinois the past two year?, returned
Friday ami is vis, ting friends and rela
tives hoie.
15 II. Reed of B dse, Idaho, came
I Wednesday to ho at the bedside of his
broil. or Urnest, who was hurt in the
elevator last week.
Ernest Reed, who was hurt last week
I in the (iund elevator, is still uneoii
' BointH an i thero is but very little
, hope for his recovery.
Mr Liickhart had the misfortune to
Calumet makes
light, digestible
wholesome food.!
Only one heap
ing teaspoonful
is needed for one
quart of flour.'
all down i . Sttinday. Shu
received a up li "! vo 'tad I
bruisi'R, which vi I tint allow wv in n !
U'lHl In IH'I h U li II tlnii'M I' I' DIM
(tcoikc h- iii
iiii vvci k,
N li D mm
HmiimH 1 M
i -Hi' i k li-1
iMi-.l of H .
i i i"'
Pu'iii Al v..
lisii'r M fill S li '
i- i lug w i h h i
i Siitiudiix
Vuiiiiird M-Um i U nulii W I)
K I ho u to his .eh ml ih-i M'imlu linn li
Wni. FNhi-r wiii In S'. ! M nnii
with iwii inndi ( mule ami o i i f
M rlo Fisher anil her sister in amno
way wnmtlcu with tho cupboard but
iiiiforttinntoly they got the underside
in the fall ami worn badly bniNcd
Wo hud nnother severe atta"k of
ground hog weather Inst Sunday In
conscquunco of it, there is a thick coat
of snow over tho entire surface of tho
East Garfield Telephone Co. held a
mooting Tuesday night and admitted
two more membors as stockholders.
They also filled tho vacant offices.
Some of their oflioors had removed
since the annual election.
Editor A. H. Smith Dead.
Lyons, Neb., March 17. A. H.
Smith, editor of the Oakland Repub
lican and a well known Nebraska
newspaper man, Is dead at Oakland,
Neb., of paralysis, aged seventy-eight
Great Northern Passenger Trains.
Oakland, Neb., March 1C The first
passenger service on tho Great North
ern was inaugurated hero when an
ongino and a passenger coach came In
from Ashland. It is understood an ir
rogular servfce will be continued to
enablo tho company to handle what
through freight may bo billed from
the east to points along the line and
passengers will also be carried.
Campen Goes to the Isthmus.
Lincoln, March 19. City Engineer
Goorgo Campen has decided definitely
to accept the position of water com
missioner of tho Panama canal zone.
Mr. Campen was proffered the place
by Governor Magoon last fall and vis
ited tho Isthmus, remaining several
weeks. Mr. Campon says ho will re
sign as city engineer to take effect
April 1, and will sail from New York
April 14.
Anti-Trust Law Decision Not Explicit.
Lincoln, March 19. The supremo
court has been asked to express itself
unequivocally on the legality of the Ne
braska anti-trust laws, or, in other
words, explain the opinion It handed
down In the "grain case" some weeks
ago. The attorneys for the state, At
torney General Brown, John J. Sulli
van and Jefferls & Howell, mado this
request In a brief filed In the case.
Tho attorneys hold the opinion was
not definite in its decision nnd fur
ther, the syllabus and the body of the
opinion were at variance.
Exploding Shells Give Alarm.
Grand Island, Neb., March 20. The
farm home of Jacob Pahl was com
pletely destroyed by lire. The Uames
ovldently originated on tho second
floor from a chimney, as the first
knowledge of anything wrong the fam
ily had was tho discharge of some
gun shells upstairs. Whon Mr. Pahl
rushed up ho found tho whola room
allatno. Part of the household goods
on the first floor only wero saved.
Mrs. Pahl was confined to her bed
with sickness and had to he removed
to the barn for shelter and thence to
Distinguished Ncbrasknn Passes Away
at Age of Eighty-Six.
Lincoln, March 20. General John
M. Thayer, civil war veteran, former
United States senator and governor
of Nebraska, died shortly before 8
o'clock last night, afler an illness
which became serious only last Sat
urday. For a man of his age eighty
six years General Thayer was un
usually robust and active until a
month ago. lie was United States
senator from Nebraska for the incom
plete four-year term from 18G7 to
1871, territorial governor of Wyoming
In 1875 and governor of Nebraska for
four years, beginning In 1887. Ho
gained renown as an Indian fighter In
the territorial days of this stale. Gen
oral Thayer Is survived by two sons,
neither of whom was present at tho
time of Ids (lonth, though both are on
the way to Lincoln. Funeral arrange
ments await the arrival of his sous.
Holt County Supervisors Desire Bank
Wrecker's Arrest.
Norfolk, Neb., March 19. Patrick
Hagorty, the fugitive cashier of tho
defunct Blkhorn Valley bank at
O'Neill, Neb., will ho worth $1,000 tn
cash to his cantor. Tho reward was
for you to get a new WATCH
made some
Slashes in Prices
of Our Watches
and if you want
case, get it now,
money by doing
Newhouse Bros.,
Jewelers and Opticians. B. & M. Watch Inspectors
Increased from $500 to $1,000 by tho
supervisors of Holt county at a meet
ing held In O'Neill. Hagerty Is tho
man charged with wrecking the bank,
which left scores of widows and
orphans In the lur'' for a total of
$00,000 a year ago 1-. t Thanksgiving.
The day after Thanksgiving carao
without of.enlng the doors of the bank
and investigation proved that the
president, Bernard McGreevy, and the
cashier, Patrick Hagerty, had both
fled. McGreevy was captured at Phoe
nix, Ariz., and brought back to stand
trial, but his trial has not yet come
up, though he was captured a year
ago. Hagerty Is eighty years of age,
with snow white hair and beard. Noth
ing has been heard of him since ho
fled, though detectives are said to
have scoured the country for him.
Marlon I,. Hill, or Lebanon Ind.. says; "Mj
wlfi had Inflammatory Itbeumatism In every
muscle mid joint; her suffering wm terrible
ml her body and face were swollen almost be
yond recognition: had been In bed nix wteki
and bnd eight physicians, but received
boneflt until the tried the Mystic Cure for
Rheumatism. It gave Immediate relief and
she was able to walk about In three davs. 1 am
sure It sated her life." Sold by H. 'E. Qrlce.
DruKKltt. Red Cloud.
you find a
Gordon Hat
you're pretty
sure to be in
good Company
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars tho
Signaturo of
Road Netlce.
Statu of Nebraska, ) In the inntternf the lload
Petition of William .1.
WobHter County. ) I.lpplncott. ct al.
To A'hnm It May Concern:
The Committee appointed by the Hoard of
County Commlsloncrs. being three of tho
rocmbtrs of Mild board, to examine Into the
pxtcdleiipyof, nnd to locate a rond proposed to
be ehtnbllibed undt-r tho petition filed by
William .1 I.lpplncott, et, al rommonrliur at the
South WeM Corner of Section 20. Tnwimhlp 1,
limine id, lu Webster County. Nebraska ; run
Hint; thence east on the section line between
HcctloiiH '-"0 and 2D In Mild Townxhlp nnd Itange
b dlhtniiceof 'J20I feet to n btnke In rente' of
HHld Hue: from Mild MaU In a nonthcHnterly
direction -tlT feet to a Htake which Is r0 feet
smith of the old quarter section corner between
section? 10 tind su;Uionre from said stake east
bearlnc lightly soiih M0 feet, to a stake in
center of line: ilichfc In an easterly direction
beiirliiRsllKhtlT south from said slake UG(i feot
to a stake In center of line; thence from said
sakucast hearing slightly south 616 feet to a
stake; thence in it southeasterly direction IKS
feet to n stake; thence tn mi easterly direction
bearing slightly North fro n said stake 600 feet
more or less Intersecting the section Hue on tho
end side of said section M0 feot south of the
old section corner of snld section, has reported
In favor of the eHtabiishmont thereof, and all
objections thereto or claims for damages must
be tiled In the County Clerk's otllce on or
before noon of the 1st day of .June. A. I). 1000,
or such road will bo established without refer
ence thereto.
Leu DkTouii, County Cletk.
ily .1. K. Hrown, Deputy.
(Seal) April 13.
a watch or a new
for you will save
A Great Fire
You will have if
you try some of
Good Coal
Sold by
Saunders Bros.
The popular 'Lumber and
Coal men of Red Cloud.
Te epbone GO will get it.
Fourth Avervvie
Jffeat Jfeket
Wholesale and retail Fresh and
Cured Meats, and everything kept
in a first class meat market. Man
ufacturers of high grado Sausage
and Strictly Pure Lard. Highest
market prices paid for Livo Stock,
Poultry, Hides, Pelts and Tallow.
To the
Out of 50 Insurauco Companies
doing business in Wobstor
County tho Gocmuu of Free
port pays ono-third of tho taxes
and has ovor 500 policies in
force. Tho Farmers' Mutual of
Nebraska is tho largost Mutual
in the state, with ovor three
quarters of u million dollars in
surance in Webstor couuty.
For Good Insurance
Call on
Red Cloud.
Red Cloud,
yjftiw '-t"j&mr4wf 9'Wtm.,t-fitr:Vm ?& t'Hg, i'
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enprsttnr mrrtw v-f"T,'.gy' '