The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 23, 1906, Image 6

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'Msny Cremated In Burning Wreckage.
Twenty-Two Injured in Addition to
Dead Operator's Failure to Deliver
Orders Reuponslble for Disaster.
I'uclilo, Colo., March 17. A wreck,
tic com pan It'll with horrors exceeded
cinly by the Mtlon dlsuHtor, which oc
curred Auk. 7, 1004, on. tho lino of tho
aini iiillioiul, resulted from a hoiul-on
o11IbIoii of two piiHHenger tralim on
1w Denver and KIo Grande rallioatl,
four mlb'H went of Florence, Colo., at
.20 n. in. The trnliiH were the Utah
Oilloinlu express No. 3, westbound
from Denver, and tho Colorado-New
Moxho uxpross No. 10, iiHlhound
from liPadvlllo and Grand Junction.
'J'hey met on u Hliarp curve and wore
less than 200 yards apart when the en
3;inpors discovered that a collision was
Imminent. It Ik known that the engi
neer of the westbound train put forth
every possible effort to lirltiK his train
to a stop, but his efforts were fruit
less, and ultbouKh he succeeded In
cheekliu; (ho. spued of hi3 train, the
trash that followed was beyond his
jtowor to pi event, and ho went to his
death with his hand on the throttle,
faithful to his charge. This much !s
vouched for by Ills fireman, who, see
ing the ueslessneas or remaining in
tho face of sure death, Jumped and
fiaved himself. Of tho conduct of the
cuKiuc crow of tho eastbouud train It
hii only bo said that they died at
their post, for no one lives to tell the
j.tory of their heroism.
Many Victims Incinerated.
The disaster was made more liorrl
Me by the manner of the death of
many of tho passengers, variously es
timated ftom twenty to thirty-five.
J'lre swept over the wreck, engulfing
the victims In a caldron of Ilame and
leaving only charred and blackened
Jtones to tell the tale of slaughter.
A llBt of tho Injured given out by
olllelals of the railroad company com
prises twenty-two names. None of
tho injured aro dangerously hurt nnd
Jt is believed all will recover. A list
of the dead, made up from close In
vestigation by responsible persona
(the railroad officials refusing o make
.. list for publication), follows: Will
iam HoIIls, engineer No. 1C, Puoblo;
AValler Cosslott, engineer No. 3, Pueb
lo; If. D. Sudduth, fireman No. 10, Pu
cblo; Edward E. Balrd, deputy sher
iff. Dinvor; Archibald Whitney, pris
oner, on way to penitentiary at Canon
City, in charge of Balrd, Denver;
IMrn. Vllllam Burnsidc, daughter nnd
daujhtor'a child, nil of Kansas; A. N.
flarulow, Sallda, Colo.; Miss Grace
llarklow, Sallda, Colo.; Enas McPar
land, express messenger, Denver; Tny
Jor Howltt, Lebo, Kan.; Mrs. Lillian
Hewitt, Lcbo, Kan.; Mrs. Cnthorlno
Hewitt and baby boy, Lcbo, Kan.; Ed
-Cowley, Lebo, Kan.; Fred Jones, Lebo,
Knn.; Fred Lcmecooley, Denver; Mrs.
Kd Cowley, Lebo, Kan.; Mrs. Winona
Hewitt, Lebo, Kan.
Oporator Lively at Swallows Is snld
to bu responsible for tho wreck. Ho
liad three days and nights without
rest In order to permit the night oper
ator to lio absent without leave. Ho
confessed that ho fell asleep and
-failed to deliver orders.
Andrew Hamilton Bitterly Arraigns
New York Life Trustees.
Albany, March 10. Andrew Ham
ilton appeared before the Insuranco
"investigating committee nnd broke
the silence which he has mnintnlncd,
except lor his statement brought from
I'arJs by John C. McCnll, ever since
3iis nanio was first mentioned In tho
Invest igat Ion in connection with tho
ureal sums or money shown to have
Jii'on paid to him during the past ten
years mi account of his legal and
Joglslatlvo work for tho New York
I-lfo and othor Insurance companies.
It would bo difficult to exaggerate
ttfcu hiMihutiaii produced by his unex
pected uppcdrnnco and by the speech
which ho made or tho intensely dra
sunt lo character of the whole episode.
"With bin face flushed and his voice
-trembling with passion, bis arms up
raised and bis tlsts clinched, Judge
Hamilton poured forth a Hood or rtc
Tiuiicl.'ttiou and invective upon the
numbers of tint board or trustees of
lh Now York Life Insurance com
.ivtny, of whom were present,
designating them "curs and traitors"
4ind paying especial attention to one
-unnnnied. whom ho described us "tho
Pnel.s'.niir or three administrations,
ilio mntidiint ot tho Hours scandal
and author oi tho fleers pension who
roliili'H through one administration
nnd auothor and thinks that ho is
.solug to Id an ludlspon&ablo member
iDf yet a not I or "
Traveling Man Kills Himself.
'St. Piuil, March 17. Paul Undberg
of Stniinisberg, Neb., shot nnd Instant
3y killed himself at the Merchants ho
;tcj nt noon. IIo wns employed ns it
rtruvullng salesman by McKlbben,
DrJucnlj & Dorsoy. Llndborg was to
'Jmvo married Mrs, MolIIo Stevenson
of' tills city ...toduy Both wero to-
I nether until 11:30. when sho left to
nomo shopping and buy her wedding
down. On returning an hour Inter sho
found tho door locked nnd called a
bellboy, who gained entrance through
tho transom and found the dead body,
fuce downward.
Two Men Killed In Ohio Mine.
Mnsslllon, O., March 19. A heavy
fall of stone In the Pocock mine killed
Fred Zett and Robert Booth. A num
ber of other miners had narrow es
capes from death.
Winter Weather Has Delayed Opening
of Spring Business.
Now York, March 17. Uradstreet's
says: Tho widespread winter storm
has delaed the opening of spring
tin do at retail, causing some com
plaint of bad roads and Interruption to
personal buying at lending Jobbing
centers. On tho other hnnd tho bene
fits of accompanying heavy snows or
rains to the crops probably fur out
weigh tho damage duo to this causu
or Injury caused to small fruit and
truck Interests by the freezing weath
er. Wholesalo trade and industry
shows no signs of hesitation and even
the building trades have given little
heed to tho temporary weather set
back, in view of the immense busi
ness for spring and summer offering.
Th 3 coal Btrlke situation Is still n
flaw in the situation, but signs of the
conlllct being localized are seen and
a general suspension of all work Js
scouted. Jobbing trade at leading
centers Is largo, and re-orders for
spring delivery aro already reported
at western centers. Railway cm rings
for Febiuary and tho first half of
March break all records for this sea
son, collections are classed as fair to
good, export trade Is of a largo mid
winter volume, nnd thero are signs
that loweied prices of cereals have
found response in improved foreign
buying. Additional favorable features
nro reports of Improvement in tho
flour trade, of heavy sales of leather
for homo and foreign consumption and
of higher prices for wools. Tho Iron
and steel mills aro busily employed,
and while new business is smaller In
volumo thero Is a marked undertone
of strength to this ns to other metals,
such as copper. Prices generally show
strength, cereals aro certainly firmer,
but cotton Is lower than a week ago.
Altogether, thero is everything to In
dicate that tho spring trade, present
and prospective, will break all past
years' records.
Failures for the week number 187.
Wheat exports for tho week arc 2,
010,237 bushels. Corn exports for tho
week are 2,335,282 bushels.
Prosecution Charged With Conspiracy
by Miners' Union Officials.
Caldwell, Ida., March 17. President
Charles H. Moyer, Secretary-Treasurer
William D. Haywood and George A.
Pottlbone, tho ofilcers of tho Western
Federation of Minors who are charged
with the murder of former Governor
Frank Steunenberg, wero before Dls
trlct Judge Frank Smith for arraign
ment. Their attorneys filed a motion
to qunsh tho indictments and submit
ted voluminous allldavlts alleging con
spiracy between Governor Frank It.
Gooding and others Identified with tho
prosecution to doprlvo the defendants
or tholr liberty. Theso aflldavlts al
lege further that A. B. Moss, the fore
man of the grand jury, talked with tho
governor, with James II. Hawloy, sen
ior counsel for tho prosecution, and
had expressed opinions prejudicial to
tho prisoners whllo the charges woro
under consideration. Testimony bear
ing ou theso affidavits, counter-affidavits
and nrguments will bo made
before Judge Smith this artemoon.
Attorneys ror the derendants also
petitioned tho court to admit tho ac
cused men to ball.
Tammany Hall's Platform.
New York, March 20. What Is re
garded as a declaration of Tammany
Hall's principles Tor the state cam
paign next fall was mndo at a specinl
meeting of tho organization, which
wns addressed by Representative W.
Bourke Cockran, grand snenem or tho
Tnmniany society. Mr. Cockran In
troduced a lengthy series or resolu
tions, which wero unanimously adopt
ed. Their tone throughout Is one or
opposition to so-called "Latter Day So
cialism" and It wns asserted that on
this platform Tnmniany will ranko this
year's light.
Sheepmen to Invade Idaho.
Suit Lake, March 10. Tho Tribune
says thnt tho leading sheepmen or
Utnh and Nevada will gather with
their flocks at Tecoma, Nev., March 27
and cioss tho Idaho lino In defianco
of tho orders of Governor Gooding.
This decision is tho result or an opln
Ion secured from Secretary Wilson of
tho department of ngrlculturo, In
which the secretary upholds tho right
of ilockmastora to go from ono stato
Into another when their flocks nro freo
from disease.
Train Kills Three Men.
Sutherland, Nob., March 1C Threo
young men met death In tho local rail
road yards whllo attempting to cross
tho track In front of eastbound train
No. 10. They woro Joe Leach, Will
Ho bb nnd Alonzo Mntthewson. AH
were mangled and death wus Instantaneous.
Schwab Denies Rumor.
New York, March 20. A rumor,
originating In Omaha, that Charles M.
Schwab had senatorial aspirations
and to attain his end has established
a residence In Nevada was denied by
him. "It la merely an idle rumor, and
there Is not a word of truth in It," he
Mob Attacks Warsaw Prison.
! Warsaw Russian Poland, March 19.
i An armed crowd attacked tho prison
at Pawln street, Tdlled a warden and
J mortally wounded two others nnd lib-
. prated a political prisoner numed
j Alleged Briber Is Arrested. I
i Chicago, March 20. Charles M.
Carpenter of Hnclne, Wis., ugent for
tho Barber Asphalt company, was ar
rested here on a charge of bribery
and was released on bonds of $1,000. ,
Death Sentence for Jay O'Heam.
Omaha, March If). After deliberat
ing less than three hours, tho jury fn
tho O'lleam murder case brought In
a verdict finding him guilty of tho
murder of Nels Lausten on the night
of Jan. 20 and fixing tho penalty at
North Loup's Bad Blaze.
North Loup, Neb., March 21. A dis
astrous fire broke out at 7:30 a. in. on
the second floor of Babcock & Gowen's
department storo and entirely con
sumed tho building nnd most of the
dry goods stock. Tho fire then sprend
to tho postofllco nnd to II. E. Davis'
furniture storeburning both buildings
to tho ground. The total damago is
estimated ut about $35,000, partially
covered by insurance.
Instruct County Assessors.
1 Lincoln, March 16. Tho state board
of equalization and assessment has
adopted resolutions of instruction to
tho county assessors as prepared by
Secretary Bennett. In regard to tho
fact that all property not especially
o.:empt must be assessed the assess
ors are Instructed when In doubt to
list nil property. Tho assessors must
assess saloon licenses as valuable
franchises, and unless tho supreme
I court should hand down a decision to
tho contrary before April 1 the re
serve funds of fraternal insurance ,
companies must bo assessed. i
Discourages Appeals for Murderers.
Lincoln, March 20. Governor Mick
ey declared that verdicts of juries
should not bo tampered with when
men commit murder. It Is thought
that ho means to discourage appeals
for mercy for Jay O'Heam. He said:
"Where the evidence Is concluslvo
that a man has committed a cold
blooded murder in an attempt to com
mit robbery and a jury finds a verdict
against tho defendant, I do not be
llovo anyone should Interfere. Tho
law Bhould bo upheld In every partic
ular and It Is the duty of an executive
to see that tho law Is enforced rather
than to hinder."
Washington Makes Inquiry.
Beatrice, March 21'. Captain J. C.
Ponrod, commanding company C, First
regiment, Nebraska National Guard,
has received a query trom the dis
bursing officer of tho subsistence de
partment In Washington, asking him
how long It would take to recruit tho
company to Its full strength and hnvo
everything In readiness to leave for
tho nearest army post. Similar cir
culars have been sent to all company
commanders In tho stato. Anticipa
tion of trouble between this country
nnd China has put the soldier boys in
high spirits over tho prospects of a
trip to tho Orient.
Judge Frost Sustains Validity of Ordi
nance Giving RIght-of-Way.
Lincoln, March 17. Tho Omaha,
Lincoln and Beatrice railway has won
a signal victory In tho district court
of Lancaster county. Judgo Frost
sustained tho validity of the city ordi
nance granting tho lntorurbnn a rran
chlso as a commercial railway, and de
nied tho injunction asked for by tho
North Fourteenth street property own
ers. In denying It Judge Frost said:
"Under tho first ordlnanco It was
mado to appear that the defendant!
sought to bo a street railway. It was
to havo a G-cent faro. Its cars woro
to stop at every street and It was giv
en tho privilege of traversing many
of tho city streets which would not
havo been necessnry bad it boon mere
ly a commerciul railway. But the sec
ond ordinance eliminated theso pro
visions. Ordinarily it is use rather
than motive power that determines
whether a road Is a street railway or
a cpmmerclal railway. By Its charter
I To Cure a Cold in Ooo Day
LTflk Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets.
Sevan MDBoa fcoxes soH la put 1 2 months. This Signature, '
"" " ' """ iiiiimiiimiiiiniiiiHi Hininnmii, niinnnil
' '' ' " " " ' ' ' ' ii'u.illlil Hi
AVeectablcPrcnarationior As
similating thcToodandReguIa
ling the Stomachs and Bowels of
Promotes Digeslion,CheerFul
ncss and Rcst.Contalns neither
OpiumMorphine nor Mineral.
Not Narcotic.
Rtafit of Old nrSAMUELPJIUim
luvphn Seti"
IXrptrmint ,
InCarionakStia t
flamSctii -Ctmfud&iodr
Hhtuyr-n tlarar.
Ancrfcct nemedy forConsUoa
lion. Sour Stomach.Diarrhoca,
ness and Loss OF SLEEP.
facsimile Signature of
Klj je2gTvi1 i iToC! f jjjjjj
-''" .'M
the lntorurbnn Is to have terminals In
Lincoln nnd Omaha. It Is also to car
ry freight, baggage, express and mail,
which comes within tho province of a
commercial railway. The fact that it.
Incidentally does the work of a street
railway In reaching its terminals In
the city does not make it one."
Determined Effort is Made to Lynch
Omaha, March 16. A determined at
tempt was made at 1 o'clock this
morning to secure a number of men
charged with murder, who were sup
posed to bo confined In the county
Jail, for the purpose of lynching tnem. i
Twelve men are now awaiting trial'
on charges of murder, most or them
committed in connection with holdups. '
Last evening Edward Flury, a street
car conductor who wus shot when his
car was held up a few days ago, died
and tho newspapers announced that
three negroes, Clarence Gathrlght, Cab'
vln Wain and Harry Clark, had con
fessed to tho holdup and shooting. It
began to be stated quite openly that
a mob, headed by street car employes, i
would assault the jail during tho night
and that every man charged with
murder would be lynched. '
Sheriff McDonald gave out the state
ment that none of the alleged mur
derers was In tho jail, but at mid
night a crowd began to gather nt tho
jnll, and by 12:30 probably 2,000 per
sons surrounded the place. It was
evident thnt most or them wero mere-1
ly spectators, as not more than 200 I
or 300 approached the building. A de
mand was mado Tor the prisoners, nnd
when tho sherirr refused to admit tho
mob to the jail, a telephone polo was
brought and used as a battering ram.
The outer door soon gave way, but at
this moment a squad of about forty
policemen came upon tho sceno nnd
the mob was quickly dispersed. Tho
police used their clubs pretty freely,
but noiio of tho mob wub serlouly in
jured nnd no arrests were made.
Sheldon Out for Governor.
Lincoln, March 19. A telegram
was received hero staling Senator
George Sheldon of Cass county had '
wired Trom Mississippi that he would ,
bo n enndidnto Tor tho Republican (
nomination for governor and stating j
Judge Paul Jesson would not enter
the ince. '
Charivarist Is Shot. '
Loup City, Neb., March 20. Follx
Koweleweskl, who was ono of n
chnrlvarl party on a oung couplo
named Johnson, about seven miles
west or town, had an arm Ladly
wounded by tho dlschargo or a shot-
gun. The wound Is serious, thougr
not necessnrily ratal.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have
Always Bought
Bears the
For Over
Thirty Years
jj V
w7JFI llllLIll
Ely's Cream Balm
This Remedy Is a Specific,
Sure to Civo Satisfaction.
It cleanses, soothes, hunls, nnd protects the
diseased mombrnno. It cures Catarrh anil
drives away a Cold in tho Head quickly.
Kestorcs tho Souses of Tasto nnd Smell.
Easy to use. Contains no injurious drugs.
Applied into tho nostrils and absorbed.
Largo Sizo, CO cents at Druggiata or by
mail; Triul Sizo, 10 cents by mail.
ELY BROTHERS. 56 Warren St.. Nw York.
This Morning?
A Gentle Laxative
And Appetizer
Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A Busy Modlolne for Busy Feoplt.
BrlnjjB Golden Ilonlth and Renewed Vigor.
A RnccMo for Constipation, InrltROitlon, Ltvo
nnd Klilnov Troubles, i'lmples. Eczema. Impure
Blood, nad Drenth, KhiRclsh Howols, Headache
and IlitcJcic tie. It's Rocky Mountain Tea in tno
J;t form, :r fonts a box. Oonulno mado by
HoixiSTEn Dnva Covpany, Madison, Wis.
nifatm mill Ix-muinct the hlr.
Nvcr Fails to Jiritoro Ory
a,r ? Jl? Youthful Color
Cure, icalp .ll.f..,, t hair filling.
Cures Crfo
in Two Days.
( vA
?r?nri Ikmc. 25c
T iu