The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 23, 1906, Image 5

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"You want the best Oil you
can get.
Diamond Blach
Leather Oil
meets all requirements,
rendering the leather soft
and pliable, restores the
color and makes it water
proof. We sell it in
pints, quarts and gallons
at one dollar per gallon,
and guarantee satisfac
tion. Chas. L. Cotting
15he Druggist
'Folks up Willo.v Oieek."
Go to Fred Plumb's for Hour or food
Dr. K. A. Tlioini-, dentist, D tmeroll
Charley Foit wis in town the lirst of
tin woik
Ethel McKeighan is on tiio sick list
this week
W. K. Goer was down to Superior
W. E. Ilifo of Beatrice was in town
Dr. Ashor made a trip to Blue Hill
Sovonty-five kiu Is of candies at tho
Soderborg Inn.
Bernard McNony wont to Lincoln
Monday night
Mrs. J.L Miner is home from her
visit at Blue Hill.
Adair Galusha returned to Lincoln
IMonday morning.
Born, March 20th, a son tn Mr. and
Mrs. Alex Bentley.
Mrs. Isaac Mvers returned from
Chicago Sunday evening, where sho
has been visiting relatives.
Mrs. J. A. Ttilloya la down from
N.iponoo litis week
A. H Kmioy mul Dr. Smith wore in
Cowluw Wcilnc-day.
Attontov Bheklodgo was in Lincoln
the first of tint w.'tk
Mr. anil Mrs. Gooigo Morhart spoilt
Sunday in Guide Hock.
Go to sen "folks up Willow Creek"
Opera linuso, March ,'lOllt.
Takoyour poultry mid hides to
Plumb. Top prices paid.
Jitnoi Thomas is clerking in B. E.
Mi-Piirland's grocery store
For Sai.k two huihII show casta.
Inquire at the Chief olllco.
Ht'V Putnam of Lincoln was in Hod
Cloud the fit at. of the wo k
Mr. anil Mrs Isaac Myem moved to
Lcbiuon, KttiHis, Thursday.
Citsieuud Will Kimsiv wero over
from Lebanon Sum-day niolit .
(Jrovor Si'Mtf Kmihms City, Mo, is
tlio new waiter at the 1$ m Tun.
Charles G'niit went to Almoin, Kin-sa-,
Monday morning to vMt inlntivH.
I'lumb the feed man will pay you the
highest pi ice for poultry, eggs and
IIouh's tor rent aro now very scareo,
and ih i demand for them is on the 111
ci ease
II. C. Scott has sold his residence in
he inn th put of town to H. B
The district encampment of the
G A 11. will bu held in Bed Cloud
April i5
Mis P D. Yfiser ariived from
Bnaver City this morning for a visit
.vith fiiouiis.
Have you any claims against estates
or notes to sell? A. II. Keetiey, Att'y.
Damerell Block.
Gai field post has changed Us meet
ing plucc from tho Woodman hall to
the Masonic hall.
Miss Jennio Cotting returned to
Lincoln Monday, after a short visit
with her parents.
A ponsion of t8 por month has been
granted Harriet C. Brown, widow of
Alpbeus D. Brown.
Tho Junior Whist club was enter
tained at the homo of Mrs. N. H. Mor
rison Tuesday evening.
The Evening Whist club wero enter
tain od at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O.
H Miner Thursday evening
J. It M r r leturiied Monday etcn
ing from Lincoln, when h imi ..,.,. tj
receiving medical heatm-nt.
Overing Br . lum removed the
south pier of tho rivr htlilgn. Thoy
got tho stono for t teir troub e.
i t . . . ...
"Hiiyu ii'im ii'tx ixmifneii hi pool
tion as delivery boy at rurnuro Bros.
Lonnio Lvlo has tiiken his place
L. L Boron is p inii'.y in huilit a
residence on Vmt, Fifth avenue, just
wostofij S l'mrN residence.
Cy Norrls and Hf liave resigned
their pii.jiiMtm it Jj ..,. H ntll (jv jH
now wo kiiie at M A. A height's.
"The K-i k no W uivC'Hi'k" como
highly .n, Oiiera house,
one night n y, I'lniriHuv the 29 h.
Hugh Bnal was in tovn Sunday, and
left Monilny for hi iiic. N , wlu-to
he will he employed in a diugi-to'o.
The niMiihers of the Fnioriiai Aid
enj y.-il mim)m I ami lit ill
after 'heir biHini'w ni"i t"-g last, night.
I'm' infant ehild ( M . and Mr E.
E Iv "in do! Tlmr-iiny moruing and
vat buried this afiernoon at '2 o'cloi k.
1) iv iiml B ri K'dey are home fiom
iini uiih tiii'ii simciN, Mr- Anna
(!tithet and Miss B""ii Kaluv, in Ln
Mr. Walsh of Stockholm, Neb , ar
lived in It'll (Jl md Thuisday evening
and is vsitiiig at the homo of J. A
It -ill.
Lwt a pair of gold rimmed noo
glases wi'h chain anil hnir pin.
Finder ph ue leave at this office and
reci'ive icwatd.
Mrt C mover came home from Me
Cook the fust of tho week. She was
iieeompatiieil by hur granddaiighler,
Ms Ilo Z ut.
On k iisnii & Son liiive discarded
lit it- gasoline, engine and placed a new
8 horse power siontn engine in their
blacksmith sh ip.
Mies Alice Pope is homo from Chi
cago for a threo woeks visit. Miss
Pope is now a nurse in the Mercy hos
pital at Chicago.
Frank Hutchison and littlo brother
Charley departed Monday night for a
threo weeks visit with relatives in
Welcome, Minnesota
Agent Johnson of Brush, Colo., who
was said to havn been partially respon-
'- WWa,llll,WI,IWI"lwwllW"W''WWBMBWWWM
I j'A
I i a -fiM
' Ml
0. Kupponholmerd. Co.
Spring SuitB nro now
on the bill anil wo'vo a
Inrgo varioty of luinil
somo styles for your
Aro you n follower of
Fashion's latest fads
and faucioBY Or nro
you included in tho
ranks of tho more con
Borvutivo dressors?
In oithor case, you'll
find your preferences
fully anticipated in our
splendid stock of new
I Soring Suits
$11, $12 to $25
Shoes and Hats all in. See them.
i5he Cowden-Haley Clothing Co.,
First Door North of Postolffco, Red Cloud, Ncbr.
pliances. Under Tahors billard hall.
Frank llenson, proprietor.
Ei nest Ro id, who was seriously in
jured at Bladen ovor a week ago, is
still unconscious and no hopes are
entertained for bis recovery.
Win Sullivan, who has been in Red
Cloud for two weeks looking after
his business intoio'ts, returned to
Boulder, Colorado, Monday night.
John Healo;, night yard-master at
Hastings, was run over and killed by
the switch ontrino Monday night. It is
siblo for tho Akron wreck, was in Red not known how tho accident occurred.
Cloud the first of tho week.
The Brunswick barber shop is equip
ped with hath tubs and all modern ap-
r ' V
' t
ml '
Grand lUiHiDeny Sbocuing
Tharsday, tttareh 29th
The Millinery season of 1906 is full upon us and such a season ! The
most beautiful combinations of colorings conceivable to the eye. The color
schemes are indeed elaborate. We have many exclusive patterns that are original
with our expert milliner, Miss Elizabeth Letts. She is indeed an artist, and will
be pleased to meet all the ladies on March 29th at our store, whether you expect
to wear a Hat or a Sunbonnet. We will take pleasure in showing you all the
newest ideas in Spring Millinery, consisting of a choice line of smart, up-to-date
patterns, Tailored Hats and Street Hat Shapes. Variety enough in designing to
please all. Also a nice line of Children's Hats and Caps.
New Spring Goods
Our ct-nre k hrtmfiil rind ninnino- over with new Snrinnr nnrl Rummer CnnAa v'
consisting of all the New Fabrics and weaves in Silk, Silk and Wool, and Wool ?$
Suitings; also Wash Goods in unlimited quantities. Embroidered Waist Patterns
and Waistings to please everybody.
Ladies9 Tailor
Made Suits
Just received our new tailor-made Suits that
range in price from $10 'up to $22. These Suits
were manufactured by Landesman-Hirschheimer
Co., recognized leaders of fashionable Ladies'
Suits and Coats. We also have their line of
Ladies', Misses and Children's Spring Coats and
Jackets. They are certainly the nobbiest we have
ever seen. We can save you money on these gar
ments. Let us show you.
Ladies and
Tailored Skirts
The new Spring Skirts are
in. They will please you in
ftyle, workmanship, fit and
price. We have no competi
tion in Skirts. Buy your Skirt
of us and be in style.
a. '
Three littlo rules wo all should kocp
To mako life happy nnd bright,
Smile in the morning, unfile at noon,
Take Kocky Mountain Tea at night.
C. L.Cotting.
Joo Yapp was down from Franklin
Tuesday and took homo with him a
big bunch of Edison phonograph
records, purchased ut Newhouse Bros'.
Will Burr of tho Itivorton Review
was in lied Cloud Monday on his way
homo from Bluo Hill, where ho wont
to seo about buying tho plant of tho
Will Holmes, living six miles north
west of Red Cloud wont to Norton,
Kansas, Thursday morning, called
there by tbo doath of his sister, Mis,
Low Kellogg.
Next Sunday morning at tho Con
giogational church the pastor will
speak upon tbo thomo, "Thoroughly
Furnished unto Every Gjod Work."
Evening theme, ''Salvation."
Dallas Sheard, formerly of Burr
Oak, who rocontly bought Ward
Hays' barber shop, is now in full pos
session. Mr. Hays has not yet decided
what business bo will engngo in.
Wanted S ilosmon to soil our guar
anteed Oils and Paints. Exporionco
unnecessary. Extromoly profitable
offer to tho right party. Tho Glen
Itufininir Company, Cievolund, Ohio.
W. M. McLonoro will havo a big sale
of Shorthorn cattlo at tho Star barn in
this city, Saturday, March 31. Tho
cittlo aro from tho very beet bunch in
this country, at Wost Liberty, Iowa.
Seo "ad" olsowhere.
County Clork Loo DoTour wont
down to Superior tho first of tho week
intending to go with tho Santa Fo
oxcursioniBts to soa the burning gas
well atCanoy, Kan., but tho excursion
had boon cancelled.
It. C. Packard, formorly of Minden
and nioro recently with tho Concordia,
(Kan.) Press, was in Kd C'oud Tues
day on bis way to Uiverton, where be
expects to assume tho management of
tho Itivorton Itoviow.
Jonn Yuplo, who has been employed
at Turiiiiro Bros', for about threo
years, has loigned bis position and, in
company with his sisters, will leavo in
a short timn for California, whero thoy
will mako their home.
Our party will leave Hod Cloud for
El Itito, Now Mexico, Tuosday, April
8. All who wish to mako this trip lot
mo know as soon as possible Tho faro
for tho round trip will bo one faro plu3
83." This will bo credited on your land
if you buy.-J. P. Hale. m30
Keep tho littlo ones hoiltliy und hap
py. Their tender, "onsativo bodies re
quiro gentle, healing remedies, llollis
tor's Itocky Mountain Tea will keep
them strong and well 35 cents, Tea
or tablets. C. L. Cotting.
Tho death of ox-Governor Thayor
rocalls to tho minds of many his lirst
trip to Hcd Cloud, over twenty years
go, whop ho was dopartmont com
nnmiler of the G. A. It. and tho stato
encampment was hold hero.
Wesloy Anshuto, living across tho
lino in Smith county, Kanoas, suffered
an attack of ptomaine poisoning Sun
day nigbr, from citing somo canned
rhubarb. Medical aid was summoned
and ho is now reported out of danger.
Marion Mercer loft the first of tho
week for McPhorson, Kan., whoro ho
has a position in a barber shop and
will play in tho MuPhwrsoD band, ono
of tho finest musical organizations in
Kansas. Mrs. Mercor will remain in
lied Cloud until thoy disposo of thoir
Leopold Herburger has decided to
stay at Itosolund, ho having formed a
partnership with Wm. AMucoubrie.
Mr. Horburgor's interest will consist)
of tho Holstoin News, which will bo
published in connection with tho Hoso
land Guzotte. "Lafo" is a good printer
and an industrious worker, and wo
predict that ho will mako a success in
his new field.
All that is required to mako a "King
rond drag" is a heavy pieoo of timber
about eight foot long, with a sharp
edge, and a few feet of log chain.
Now is tho time to maku ono and get
ready to smooth down tho muddy
road along your farm. A littlo time
and energy spent in this direction will
savo you and your neighbors and your
horsos lots of worry and strain.
Tho Nebraska supremo court has
decidod that, so far as the antl-ciga
lotto law is concerned, the word
"manufacturing," means to "engage
in manufacturing," and cigaretto
smokers can roll tbo "pills" and smoko
them without fear of prosecution, pro
vided thoy can got tho material. Tho
clause prohibiting tho sale or giving
nway'of cigarettes or papors was sus
tained. Tho Junior dopartraont of tbo M. E.
Sunday School will givo a social in tho
church parlor on tho evening of April
0. Ono of tho foituros of tho enter
tainment will be "A War of Ilocs.1'
A good program will bo given and
every thing bo douo to makexho occas
ion ono of onjoymont and ontertain
mont. All aro invitedj to como and
have a good timo. An admission of 1G
cents will bo charged. Refreshments
Tho groit rural riomanco "Tho
Folks up Willow Creek" is shortly to
appear at tho Opera houso for ono
night only. This attraction brings au
elaborate cquipmont of special sconory,
mechanical effects, ,iuusio gaud other
details nocossary to a porfoot produc
tion. Tho well-known comedian
Frank Davidson bonds the organiza
tion, which comprises "a nutubor of
gilt-odgod artists. Tho fl'dato set is
March 2l.