The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 23, 1906, Image 1

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frf. "
$1 a Year
in Advance
Eight Pages
Home Print
Sunny El Rlto Valley, New Mexico.
409000 acres Finest Irrigated Land
Now only $40 per more
Will soon be worth $100
Remember, 840 pays for land and porpotual Water Right fully paid. No crop failures. No drowning
out of crops. No drouth. No cyclones. Titlo perfect. Warranty Deed at any time. You aro not
obliged to live on this land to obtain title. Remember this land is now only $10 per aero, ono-flfth
cash, balanco five equal annual payments, intorostO por cent per annum. You can buy 40 or moro
acres. It is especially adapted to fruit raising. Thirty years without a failure Also Alfalfa, Sugar
Beets, Potatoes and Grains. Canal now comploted which will irrigate over 8.000 acres. Noto extracts
from some of the people who have purchased land:
Wm. Davis, Barclay, Kansas, says.
"I And your proposition bettor than
represented in your prospectus."
S. Van Whoelor, St. Francis, Kansas,
says: "The land is capablo of produc
ing largo crops of all kinds and is ono
of the best fruit districts in Now Mex
ico." M. P. Pitt, Winflold, Kansas, says:
I liked it so much that I bought CO
acres more than I intended."
W. P. Hall, Golden City, Mo., says:
"I liked the land so well that I took 40
acres more than I had intended."
Geo. Rex, Cherokee, Kansas, Rays:
"I did not supposo thoro was any such
tract of land in New Mexico unoccu
pied. I think this tho ilnost valley I
ever saw." (Ho was roliovod of asthma-
within 18 hours.)
J. R. Ball, Golnon City, Mo.: "Thoro
woro eight in our party and all bought
more than thop oxpoctod.
Dr. T. H. Sutherland, president Col
orado Stato Dontal Association, Den
ver, says: "1 found the laud beauti
fully situated, soil rich and product
ive. I found all varieties of fruits
growing in great abundance. I can
not refrain from mentioning tho cli
mate air dry, pure and stimulating.
Tho locality is most delightful and
The Burlington railroad will make low rates during March and April.
Will refund car fare to all who buy land ot us.
We also have 10 acre tracts adjoing town for $50 per acre on same terms.
Or if you want a good farm in this county, I can fit you out. I have sold
over $40,000 worth ot property in this county within the last few months. I
am "still in the ring" for business. If you have anything to sell or trade, no
matter where it is, I can ht you out.
on the best terms that can be made. Write or call on me at
once for full particulars. Address
J. P. HALE, the Real Estate Man
Both Republican and "Pceplc's" Tickets
Nominated last Friday.
Tho Republicans met in convention
at tho court houso last Friday after
noon and nominated tho following
For Mayor Charlos F. Cathor.
For Troasuror J. O. Butlor.
For City Clerk L. II. Fort.
For Police Judgo Claronco Reed.
For City Enginoor Goo. H. Overing.
For Councilmon First ward, L. A.
Raskins; Second ward, C. D. Robin
son. For Members of School Board L.
H. Fort and R. F. Raines.
For tho mayoralty, no better soloo
tlou could havo boon mado. Mr.
Cathor's rocord as a membor of tho
council 1b ono of which ho and his
friands may well bo proud, and thoro
is no moro houorablo or upright man
in tho city than tho Republican nomi
nee uor ono who takes a doopor inter
est in tho city's welfare
J. O. Butlor and L. II. Fort both
earned ronomination by tho careful
and conscientious manner in which
they havo discharged tho duties of
their respective otllces.
Claronco Reed's duties aro not very
onerous, as Red Cloud has littlo or no
police court busiuoss, and ho has
shown himself competent to handle all
cases that como before him.
Georgo Overing is capablo of hand
ling all tho survoying nocossary to bo
dono, and has somo advanced ideas
about improving tho appearance of
tho streets.
Dr. Raines, the now nominee for
member of tho school board, is popu
lar with all who know him. Ho is in
terested in school work and will be a
valuable addition to tho board. L. H.
Fort's good work on tho school board
is all tho recommendation ho needs.
C. D. Robinson, nominoo for couccil
man in tho Second ward, is a business
man of ability, has beon a life long
Republican, and will make a good suc
cessor to Mr. Cathor.
As in tho case of tho wasp, tho
"sting" of tho ticket lies pretty close
to its tail. L A. Haskins has been a
"Pop" candidate so often that it is
hard to convince us that ho has re
formed, and it looks as though tho
First warders havo perpetrated a sorry
kind of a joko upon well, somooue.
following candidates:
For Mayor Chus. R. Hosho.
For City Clork-Ward Hayes.
For Councilmon First ward, Hmiry
Diodorioh;Stcond ward, V. B Cra
mer. J. O. Butlor, Republican nominee
for city treasurer, was indorsed by tho
Wo did not loam who wero the nom
inees for mombors of tho school board
S 1 -T .L
$ ocnooi moies
Hastings, instead of maintaining a
grammar grado in each ward, has one
entral departmental grammar school lonborgor aud G. W. Borgo,
the enrollment is ono hun-
hnmo aud attoud to stay business.
Nevertheless tho eyes of many aro
upon them. Probably no Nebraskan,
at present, would be hoard moro glad
ly than Norris Brown. We woro very
sorry to receive the lottor in which ho
doclines to accopt the date. Others
with whom we aro corresponding aro
Senator Burkott, Congressman Shal-
in wmoii
dred and twenty. If Red Cloud had
rooms suitable wo could very well do
likowiso. A dopartmontal grammar
school follows closely tho plan of the
high Bchool. Tho advantages aro
many. In a grammar school of iwo
toachors the number in tho Rod
Cloud grammar grades tho work
could bo so arranged that each
toachor could instruct in those
branches for which she is particularly
fitted. For instance, one might teach
mathemitics and science, while tho
thor might teach English, Reading
aud History. lu this way tho break
betweon tho high school and grammar
school would bo loss abrupt. In
creased attendance in tho high school
would undoubtedly result from this
Attorney General Norris Brown was
invited to dolivor our commencement
address. Owing to tho press of busi
ness, ho has declined, feeling that ho
ought not to accept a date so far
ahead as tho last of May. Norris
Brown and Treasurer Potor Martonson
are known as men "who do things."
They aro men who have Uttle time for
political bulfoouery. They stato at
Geneva recently dedicated a $30,000
school building.
Spring vacntion will begin March
30th and extends to April 0th.
Paul Johnston has returned to
school after a long siege of tho mumps
Miss Orr, an eighth grade toachor in
tho Hastings schools, has been com
pelled to resign on account of poor
health. She was threatened with
nervous collapse. To All the vacancy
thus caused tho board oloctod D.' M.
Ball, president of tho board, notwith
standing his ropoatod refusal. Mr.
' Ball was mado principal of tho Gram
mar school. Ho is an old school man,
' iti) in 3fitt7Arl 4 tmci no nnnnt'tf nnnnH
intondont in Adams county.
Mystic Core for Rhenmntlim and Neuralgia
radically cares In 1 to 3 dayi. Its action upon
lbs system Is remarkablo and mysterious. It
removes at onrn tbe cause and tbe disease In
mediately disappears. The first dose greatly
benefits, 76 cents andfl or. Sold by II B.
Once Druggist. Red Cloud
Prohibitionists to Make Campaign.
A number of tho Prohibitionists of
Webbter county got together Friday
afternoon, March 1G, in Bladen nnd
hold a conference. It was decided to
thoroughly organize tho county and
procood to mako a rousing campaign
this summor and fall. Chas. Ful
widor was elected chairman, A. V.
Wilson of Bludon, Secretary; S. L.
Whito of Bluo Hill, Troasuror; D. O.
Bennett and S. W. Hogate of Bladen,
mombors of the executive committor.
Township central committeemen have
beon selected in part as follows:
Harmony, J. L. Riggins; Glouwood,
S. J. Boomer; Potsdam, Mr. Roland;
Oak Crook, John Jamps; Stillwater,
Harry Curtis; Batin, A. E. Thomas;
Cathor ton, E. M. Grubb; Elm Creek,
H. J. Saunders; Rod Cloud, W. L.
Austin; Pleasant Hill, W. H. Thomas;
Guide Rook; C.Chrlsty.
A neat sum was subscribed by
those present to begin the campaign.
It is purposed to hold a county con
vention In Juno in Red Cloud and put
out a full county ticket.
Mr. Taylor made a very able address
in tho evening on "Christian Citizen
ship." Letter List.
List of lottors remaining uncalled
for thu week ending March 22, 190(5,
! Miller; M. B. Phelps. Thos.
MoCuUooh Jack
Those will bo sent to tho dead lottor
otll co April 5, 1900, if not called for
beforo. Whon calling for abovo please
say "auvortiseu."
j T. C. Hackbk, Postmabter.
A mass (V) meeting of citizens was
held Friday night and nominated tho
HrilnitM lulled!.
Into Tho NorthwostiNow is the timo
to go at cheap rates on ono of the Bur
lington's two dally through trains to
Montana,Pugot Sound and Portland.
You don't know how cheaply you can
buy a ono way Colonist ticket. Auk
tho agout.
Special Homoscekors1 Ratos: March
Oth and 20th vory low round trip homo
sookors' ratos into tho North Platto
Valley, tho Big Horn Basin, also into
tho Southwest.
To tho Sunny South: Vory nttractlvo
Winter Tourist ratos daily until April
80th to a largo number of Southern
Irrigated Lands:- Bettor get hold
of an irrigated farm for yohrsolf or
your son whllo thero is yet time; Irr
igated lands havo increased from 100
to 200 por-cont In valuo in tho last fow
years. Sond for our publications on
rrigated lauds.
To California:-Vory cheap ono way
tickets daily to California until April
7th. Through tourist sleepers.
Pacific coast: Bettor make tho
grandost tour in tho world tho tor
of tho coast this spring and summer.
First excursion April 25th to May Oth
inclusive. Thoro will bo ery low,
daily, round trip California and
Puget Sound ratos through the bum
Write me just what trip you have in
mind and lt mo udviso you the leawt
cost and best way to mako it.
J. F. Edwaiids, Agent.
Maiy Children arc Sickly.
Mother Gray's Sweet Powder for
children, used by Mother Gray, a
nurse in Children's Homo, Now York,
break up colds in 24 hours, cure fever
ishnoss, headacb, stomach troubles,
toothing disorders, and destroy worms.
At all druggists 25 cents. Sample
mailed free. Address Allen S. Olm
sted, LeRoy, N. Y.
T Cart fold a In Ote Day.
Take Laxativo Bromo quinine tab
lots. Druggists refund money if it
fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature
is on each box. 25 conts.
Made from pore, grape cream of tartar
Makes home baking easy. Nothing
can be substituted for it in making,
quickly and perfectly, delicate hot
biscuit, hot-breads, muffins, cake and
pastry. Insures the food against alum.
Price Baking Powder Co., Chicago.