v YOU OIL HARNESS "You want the best Oil you can get. Diamond Black Leather Oil meets all requirements, rendering the leather soft and pliable, restores the color and makes it water proof. We sell it in pints, quarts and gallons at one dollar per gallon, and guarantee satisfac tion. Chas. L. Cotting 15he Druggist L0CALETTES Farm for runt. J. l little. Go to Fred Piumb's for Hour or feed Sheriff Hedge wunt to Bmdcii yeator by. Dr. K. A. Thomas, doutist, U.imcroll block. W. G Bluek of Alum is in town on business. Di-hwusher wanted at tho Burling ton hotel. A. Code is laid up with an attack of pneumonia. Dr. Ashor wits in Hustings tho lit at -of tho week Sovonty-five kinds of candies at tho Soderberg Inn. Charley Ludlow is in tho city visit ing his parents. Row C. Fitz of Boulder, Col., is in the city thU week. Mrs. Lulu Mtitthows was down from 1'iavalo Saturday. A T. Walker returned from M Cook Saturday morning. Take your poultry and hides to Plumb. Top prices paid. Art Sodorberg expects to go on tho road next week us a cigar salesman. Tomorrow is St Patrick's day. Got out your shamrocks and green bunt ing. Mrs. Homer Morgan is very ill at tho homo of her mother, Mrs. 8. L. Ander son. Sam Dyer of Denver was shaking hands with Red Cloud friends tu s woek. Dr. A. Townsond and .brother Harry worn over from Beatrice the tirstof tho week. Plumb tho feed man will pay you tho higho8t prico for poultry, eggs and hides. N. S. Hints is very ill with pleurisy, which threatens to develop into pneu monia. The Republican city convention is being held at tho court houHO this aft ernoon. Tho transfers of roal estate in Web ster county for tho past week foot up 9,000. Havo you any claims against estates or notes to sell? A. H. Keenoy, Att'y, Damorcll Block. Will Kent's team took a littlo spin in the north end of towu Monday, but noi damage resulted I am now prepircd to supply my customer with nil grades of now wall paper. II E. Grion Mrs. S. Fmjc returned to Table Uoek Suiidut after a visit with her mother,' Mrs. Will Prices, Jr. I Mrs Hannah Girbor and grand-, daughter, Miss Ethel, arrived from' Boulder, Col , Tuesday. I Bert Dickey is slowly recovering, from a servo illness resulting from a j complication of diseases. Yesterday afternoon and evening tho Royul rch Masons initiated a toam of otit-ot town candidates, Adair Gilushu came down from tho state capital Wednesday for a visit with relatives and friends. George Itoed has moved to tho Mrs. Cox farm, north of Atnboy, and will try raising onions this season. Mi, and Mr. John Marsh of Guide Heck visiteit at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs Frank Cowden this weok. Mrs. Jamos Mitoholl of Glonwo'id, Iowa, is in Red Cloud visiting her par oats, Mr. and Mrs. O. L, Cotting. Mrs M. Finch of Wray, Colo., ar WHEN YOUR rived in uiMoity Saturday morning ti visit tier parents, C. S. Palmer and wife Il-ij M 'Conattghy returned Friday from a vi it with his parents near Seni'cn, Kin. His mother is Mill very sii k. N tilling morn has been heard of tho prospective "aliim & Northwestern" railway not ov n ruuiius of surveying part if h. J F K-iser of Williams county, Ohio, is the guot, (if his cousin, Mrs. S. B. Riser Ilk- is on his way home from a wt"-t"rn nip, Mrs. James Mitchell arrived from Gleiiwond, la , the first of tho week for n visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C L Cotting K A Shook, representing Doild, Mi-mi & Company, who i.s making his heailqiitiit"rs in Red Cloud, went to Franklin Wednesday. Gorge Fentress has moved bank to Red Cloud after uu absence of n enr and a half, having sold his barber shop at L mg Island, Kan. Dive Kaley shipped four cars of cat tle 1 1 Kansas City Sunday. Ho was assisted in caring for them on their journey bt A. U. Kaley. The Brunswick barbershop is (quip ped with bath tubs and all modern ap pliaiices Under Tabor's billard hall. Frank llensin, proprietor. C. G. Peterson moved this weok from his former home in Pleasant Hill to the Jttd White fai m in Garfield precinct, which he recently purchased. Three little rules wo all should k"ep To make life happy ami hrignt, Smile in the morning, smile at noon, Take Rocky Mountain Tea at night. C. L.Cottiug. Ten-inch ico was not good O'lough for Red Cloud folks, and now they aro buying machinery to mako ice as the only way to escape passing a summer of untempered heat. S'aie Journal. Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Garbor and son Anson arrived from Boulder, Colorado, Wednesday morning, Anson stood tho trip Well despite his weakened condi tion, and was mighty glad to get home. Leopold Herburger, who went o Roseland the first of this weok to lake charge of a newspaper plant, found tho town too small to hold him and will return next week to assume tho fore niansbip of The Chief. Keep the littlo ones heilthy and hap pv. Their tender, sonsativo bodies re quire gentle, healing remedies. Mollis tor's Rocky Mountain Tea will keep them strong and well 85 cents, Tea or tablets. C. L. Cotting. The Burlington railway is preparing for the impending strike in the bitu tnious coal region by completing ar rangements for tho conversion of nil its engines on the McCook division to "lignite burners." Tho company owns a string of lignito mines. In tho spring time you renovate your house. Why not your body? Hollistor's Rocky Mountain Tea drives out impurities, cleanses and en riches tho blood and purifies tho en tire system. 35 cents. O. L. Cotting. C. C Cowden returned tho lirst of tho week from St. Joseph, Mo He said that hv climbing to tho dome of tho postoflico building at that place the light from tho burning gas well at Canoy, Kan., 190 miles to tho south west, was plainly visible. Georgo Johnson, manager of M. A. Albright's dry goods, department, re ceived the sad news Saturday of the death of his father, J.M.Johnson, at Lakfl Mills, la., after an illness of about threo months with stomach trouble. Deceased was about 61 yours of age. The supreme court hits handed down a decision refusiug John O. YeiBr's motion for a new trial in the F. & M hank case. There is nothing now re maining to ho dnno except to executo tho order of sain issued by t'ho district court and tho long, hard fight will bo at an end. Owing to tho bad weather on Snuday which kept many from attending church, Rev. Rico has boon requested to repeat the sermon on Personal Work given at that limo. Ho will do this next Sunday morning. Evening theme ''Tho Homo that was Emnty." Aitnrnoon meeting at Indian Creek A letter from S P. Martin, a former resident of this county, who now lives nt Pearland, Texas, says tho weather there is fine. Ho stated that he had just returned from Houston, wliorn ho underwent an operation for cancer, and ()u line his ahsenco one of his sons had tho misfortuno to fall and break his arm, Wilt. Mason of Boitrico, publisher of Walt Mason's Monthly, was in town this week soliciting advertisements and subscriptions for an illustrated write up of Red Cloud in his publication. Mason is one of tho most fluont and graphic wtiter in Neluuka anil whs for main jenr n miittibiitur of special articles to the Nebraska State Journal. Postmaster HiukT conducted an ex amination for rural carriers Saturday, at which time the following appiicauta took the ex'tuiintilioii: Claude ('. Con ley, Frederick J S'oncr and William P Weaver of ImivhIc; Mis Laura TO Buzzud and !! nrv Aiends, B ue Mil-; Albert T Smith, Ooar V Kmick, Janus E. Dickson and Henry W. ig gins. The Junior departiment of tho M. E Sunday School will give a social in the Cntirch parloi on tie morning of April 0. One of the features itf the entertain ment' will be "A War of Roses." A good program will be given and every thing be done tu make the occasion one of enjoyment and entertainment All arc invited ti conio and have a good time, An admi-si'Mi of 15 cents will be charg ed Refreshments extra. Burlingioii trains Nos. M and I had a disastrous bead-hi collision in a deep out two miles west of Akron, C dorado, Sundnv evening in which Unman Bud King of N i It mid George S oi wood of Oxford, a mail weighor, vveio killo i and tho enuineer of No. M probably fa. tally scaldod, besides injuiiiig a mini her of passengers The accident was caused by the oporator at Akion fail ing to deliver a "passing" older to the engineer of No. 1. Foil Sai.k Io'h 1 imd 2 block -1 city Red Cloud, situated on mini street and known as the Overing block. Two story brick buildi ig occupies tho en tiro frontage, has tluoe stores below and thirteen living and llicc iohiiim above and well rented. This propcrti mustne sold at mice unit any tcio-on able (drcr will be considered. Kids and terms of paytnnonts will be re ceived hv the undtrsigiied. E.J. Overing, 728 Frank in ave. San Diego Cal. A few weeks ago tho wifo of ono of our subscribers came into tho idlice and ordered the paper discontinued, bocauso there "was nothing in it but a lot of items from Red Cloud and sur rounding towns," or words to tho same effect. This week tho man himsolf camo into the oflice and, laying a cou ple of papers upon our desk, remarked: "My wifo sent these down; she said you might be able to iind fomothing interesting in them." One of tho pa pers was tho Appeal to Reason, that rabid socialist shoot published at Girard, Kan., than which thoro is no more lying nor misleading publication anywhere. The other paper was tho Chicago Socialist, an almost equally pernicious publication. Queer what peculiar tastes and ideas some pooplo have, isn't it? According to an Eik Creek dispatch in tho State Journal, Elmer Kaley has branched out. as an inventor. Tho dis patch says: "E. W. Kiloy of tho Kaley Mercantile company of this place, has solved a problem that has caused coun try merchants no end of worry over the lo49 of trade from rural patrons McFarland, she Grocer wants YOUR grocery business. Givo tho other follow your Dry Goods, Shoes and Clothing, but save your grocer business for mo. I am here to stay nnd will pro tect you on Staple and Fancy Groceries. I carry tho best goods nil tho timo and do not ask any more monoy than tho other fellow. No Old Goods on my shelves, nnd new ones arriving daily. ' Special attention given to Tea and Coffee customers. I WANT YOUR TRADE. If you don't fool like buying Grocorios of mo, como iu and look around anyway. You aro olwuys wolcomo. B. E. McFarland PROPPRIETOR. Rural phone 35. Bell phene 79. Spring Suits aro now on the bill and wo'vo a largo variety of hand sotno styles for your choosing. Aro you a follower of Fashion's lit est fads and fancies? Or are you included lit tho ranks of tho more con servative dressers? In either case, you'll find your preferences I C CopyriQhti906 fully anticipated In our 0. Kupponhelmor &. Co. Chicago splendid stock of new I Spring Suits Shoes and Hats 5'6e Cowden-Haley Clothing Co., ALWAYS RELIABLE First Door North of Post office, Red Cloud, Ncbr. i who drive up to the store and go else where fiam lack of attention from the clerks within. Mr. Kalej's in volition is an electric alarm. Two posts have been erected, one in front of tho store at tho curb line and nuoiher at the alley in the rear of the building. To tbese pn-ts an electric wire is fastenou with a push button, so that all a far mer has to do in to drive up, ptirdi n button and the ring of a bell iu the store indicates from which direction the call is made and causes a clot k to respond to it " FATAL ACCIDENT AT BLADEN. Ernest Reed Caught In Elevator Belt and Receives Fatal Injuries. A telephone mossago was received from Bladen Tuesday morning stating that Ernest Rood,', an omployo at Koohlor's elevator, had rocolvod Injur ies which would undoubtedly provo fatal. No one saw the accident, and up to tho time of writing this arti cle Mr. Reed hud not sufficiently re vived to toll how tho accident occur red. It is supposed, howovor, that ho became ontuugled in tho belting and his heud struck some object with such force us to cause a sovero fructuro of tho skull near tho temple uud another at the buso of tho bruin. Mr. Reed is a cousin of Mrs. Georgo NowhoiiBO of this city uud a brothor of Wayuo Reed of the Chevalier Im plement company of Bludon. REAL ESTATE SALES Made by J. P. Hale In Webster County Within the Past Few Months. Halo and Mct'rary to W. Bain bridge, 2-10 acres 85500 Mrs. Lucy Gillett to E. E. Fogg, 100 acres 8200 L. C. Bloom to W. F. Crowoll, 100 acres 4200 W. 11. Van Pot ten to L. C. Bloom 100 acres 4500 Goo. A. Lutta to Frank Abboy, 53 acres 2000 A. Moniu to W. M Tyler, 140 a . 0000 Wm. Holsworth to Win. Kent, 100 acres 0000 O J. Satt.loy to Lida Paschal, 80a 1C00 Lidu Paschal to Arthur Stiviuo, 80 acres 2000 O. Pitas to R. B Crowell, 250 a. . . 10000 Beck with mid Halo to O. M. En yourt,4W acres 9000 C. T. Dickenson to Charles Bu slice, city proporty 1200 Total m acres, f 50, 40U Bad Fire at Orleans. A flro which broko out at Orleans Monday morning destroyed five frame buildings uud cuusod a proporty loss of sovoml thousand dollars. Tho losses aro: F. M. Hull, building and stock; August Malm, building and stock; Louis Cramor, building and fixtures; J. M. Ambler's barber shop and O. W. ' Willoy's billiard and pool hall. J. O. Wiles, formerly of Red Cloud, narrow- J ly escaped losing his restaurant, tho ' flro having destroyed tho adjoining1 building. I mmmmmmmmmmm Our Patrons I Always I Wear I a I Satisfied I Look I $7.50, $8, $10, $11, $12 to $25 all in. See them. Special Election. Tho city council mot yesterday aft ernoon and In response to a petition signed by tho required numbor of freeholders issuod a call for a special election Monday, April 9, for tho pur poso of voting upon a proposition to issue bonds for a lighting plant, to ro pluco tho bonds recently voted and which Auditor Soarlo rofusod to regis tor owing to u legal technicality. Contributed. Over tho doorway of a prominont publishing houso in Rod Cloud thoro is tho following sigu: WALK IN! This absolutely doflnito way of ex tending an invitation Is especially pleasing to a strangor, In whoso homo town it is tho custom to slido in, or go in by a series of handsprings, or by way of a bucking broncho. How much misery might be saved if this exact ness as to language woro gouorally ob served 1 . Walt Mason. BUSINESS COLLEGE NOTES. A vocal class has boon organized. Tho dobato last Friday ovoulug was decided in favor of tho negative. Tho question for dobato this evening Is: "Resolved, That labor Is justillod lu organizing against capital." Tho next spoiling match is to bo hold March 29. Evoryono wishing to bo enrolled must come boforo 7:15. Ono of our boys chullongod a sent mute to a duel, and hoaccopted. When everything had been miido ready for tho affair tho chullongod purty got "cold foot." Do You Eat Meat? When you are hungry nnd want somethig nice in the moat lino, drop into my market. Wo have the nicest kind of Home-made Sausages and moats, fish, and game In season. Wo think, and almost know, that wo can plouso you. Give as a trial. Koon Bros., Successors to ROBINSON A'.BURDEN. TM m H. W9UIH.I.I! BtzAiitfmr &mxmxsmmrtimvimmmim'!'x