The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 16, 1906, Image 1

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Eight Pages
Homo Print
$1 a Year
in Advance
Sunny El Rlto Valley, New Mexico.
40,000 acres Finest Irrigated Land
Now only $40 per acre
Will soon be worth 100
Romembor, $10 pays for land and perpetual Water Right fully paid. No crop failures. No drowning
out of crops. No drouth. No cyclones. Titlo perfect. Warranty Deed at uny time. You are not
obliged to livo on this laud to obtain titlo. Romembor this land is now onlv 810 per aero, one-fifth
cash, balance five equal annual payments, intorost (5 por cent per annum. You can buy -10 or tnoro
acres. It is especially adapted to fruit raising. Thirty years without a failure Also Alfalfa, Sugar
Beets, Potatoes and Grains. Canal now completed which will irrigato over 8.000 acres. Noto extracts
from somo of tho people who have purchased land:
tract of land in Now Mexico unoccu-
Wm. Davis, Barclay, Kansas, says.
"I find your proposition bettor than
represented in your prospectus."
S. Van Wheeler. St. Francis, Kansas,
says: "Tho laud is capablo of produc
ing largo crops of all kinds and is ouo
of tho best fruit districts in Now Mex
ico." M. F. Pitt, Winflold, Kansas, says:
I liked it so much that I bought 50
acres more than I intended."
W. P. Hall, Golden City, Mo., says:
"I liked tho land so well that I took 40
acres moro than I had intended."
Goo. Rex, Cherokee, Kansas, says:
"I did not suppose thoro was any such
pied. I think this tho finest valley I
oversaw." (Ho was relieved of ""asth
ma within 18 hours.)
J. R. Ball, Golnon City, Mo.: "Thoro
woro eight in our party and all bought
moro than thep oxpectod.
Dr. T. II. Sutherland, president Col
orado Stato Dental Association, Den
ver, says: "1 found tho land beauti
fully situated, soil rich and product
ive' I found all varieties of fruits
growing in great abundance. I can
not refrain from mentioning tho cli
mato air dry, puro and stimulating.
Tho locality is most delightful und
The Burlington railroad will make low rates
Will refund car fare to all who buy land ot us.
during March and April.
We also have io acre tracts adjoing town for $50 per acre on same terms.
Or if you want a good farm in this county, I can fit you out. I have sold
over $40,000 worth ot property in this county within the last few months. I
am "still in the ring" for business. If you have anything to sell or trade, no
matter where it is, I can ht you out.
on the best terms that can be made. Write or call on me at
once for full particulars. Address
J. P. HALE, the Real Estate Man
Another Election Necessary Before We
Can Have Electric Lights.
Tho Lincoln Star of Tuesday has tho
following disappointing bit of news:
"Lighting bonds issued by tho city
of Rod Cloud will not bo registered by
Auditor Soarlc. Tho bonds, amounting
to $10,000, wero offered for registration
yesterday evening but refused bocauBO
tho amount exceeds tho '!) por cent
valuation olauso of tho statute. Tho
bouds woro voted as "olootrin light"
bonds, when, if thoy only had boon de
scribed as "light" bonds, thoy would
havo come within tho statutory limita
tion. Tho city will mako anothor ef
fort to voto bonds, as a lighting plant
is much desired by tho eltizons."
idealities of tho law, this looks like a
very Hue distinction. Just why a city
should bo allowed to voto a larger
issuo of bonds for common, ovory-day
"lights" than for an up-to-date "elec
tric light" plant is beyond tho compre
hension of tho averago man and most
lawyers, as woll.
However, wo do not propose to bo
cheated out or our electric lighting
plant by those hair-splitters at Lin
coln. An election will immediately
bo called to voto bouds for a "light
and heat" plaut and, siuco tho city has
won a final verdict in tho F.& M. bank
case, there should be oven loss oppo
sition to tho bonds than at the previ
ous election.
Real Estate Transfers.
Transfers for week ending Wednes
day, March 11, furnished by Walker &
Bailey of Wobstor County Abstract
U S to Honry Connelly, patent,
sel nol and net sw 21 1 9
Samuel Miller to R L Coopor,wd
s2 nwl and w2 sw4 34 2 10 . . . .1 5100
Mary E Damoroll to E U Over
man, wd, nol 21 and sol sol 10
lll,wd 3000
J L Kaloy to E U Overman, wd,
part sol and part sw J 35 2 1 1 . . 2200
L II Fort ot al, roforees, to W A
Howard, deed, pt bo! and pt
31 9 1150
E L Haskins to Lois L Wright,
wd, lots 7 and 8 blk 3 R R add
to Red Cloud, wd 150
Maggie M Crono and husband to
Matoj Vavricka, sw4 3 2 11, wd G400
J F Richardson to Sarah C Rich
ardson, lots 15 1G and 17 blk 23
Red Cloud, wd TOO
O L Duubar to John Ferguson,
part lot 20 Roberts add to
Guide Rock, wd 2000
Henry R Bashor to Harry Reeve
ne4 31 3 9, wd 5000
C W McDonald to Robert Mor
cor, sw4 and s2 nwl 2 4 12, wd . . 9G0O
Jno T Cougor to G W Hasobrook
n2 swl and s2 nwl 14 2 9, wd. . G100
II P Cobba to Emll Imhoff, s2
swl and e2 nwl 20 2 9, wd 5000
EDMcCuno to W H Thomas,
w2 sw2 31 2 11, wd 4000
E C Brotthauer to Androw Er-
iedson, se4 25 3 12, q o d 520
E U Overmau to E O Brotthauor'
Bw4253 12,wd 3200
E C Christy to Alexander Sides,
pt lots 2 3 3 and 8 Talbofs add I
to Guide Rock, wd 1800 j
Laura A Prentice to John Bos
took, lots 1 to 8 blk 17 Blue
Hill, wd 800
Lostor C Cone to Floyd D Crow,
pt swl swl 3 1 9, wd 300
Floyd D Crow to Goo A Crow,pt
swl swl 3 1 9, wd 250
James B'Murray to Chas C Hos
kott, e2 swl 5 3 9, wd 1800
Alexander Monia to Wm N Ty-
lor, 82 sw4 21 and pt nwl 3 2 9 G0OO
John Dunbar to Chas M McMur-
dy, sel and s2 nol 17 1 9. wd. . . 7200
Abby M Baldwin to Andy Guy,
lots 2 and 3 in 9 1 10, wd 5125
Lincoln Land Co to Leonard D
Roso, lot 5 blk 13 Rosomont,wd
Frank S Spurck to Goo A Spurck
lot 10 blk 1 Vance's add to G
R, qcd 1
C Roso to Otto Johnson, lot 2
blk 2 Uosomont, wd
Anna L Griffeth to E W Ross, pt
lots 1 and 2, blk A, R C, wd. . .
Frank M Reed ot al to Cather
ine Hood, lots 1 and 2 blk 11 R
R add to Rod Cloud, qcd
Geo W Spurck to Ira L Paco, lot
10 blk 1 Vance's add to Guido
Rook, wd 1500
E P Denton to Edward Roth, pt
noll34 12, wd 1800
E P Donton ot al to Peter N
Long, pt nol 13 4 12, wd 3750
Jno M Emerson to Jos A Donton
no413412, wd 4000
Leonard C Mungor to A B Wig
gins, swl bwl 101 10, wd 1750
Stato of Nebraska to Bernard
McNeny, so4 10 4 12, deed 1000
Jno Hnsselbackor to Robt Math
owson, n2 swl 29-1 10, wd 5000
Wm N Richardson to John Has
selbackor, pt sel 31 2 11, wd. . . CG00
M R Bontloy to Wilolla Payne,
pt312 12, wd 1G0O
Frank E McClintio to Willio J
Matheny, nol G 2 12, qcd 1
Maggie E Hollistor to Willio J
Mathony. same, wd 4000
Wm A Bunuoll ot al to Lizzie
Errot, w2 swl 1G 3 9, wd 30G5
E H Koou to John R Greenhalgh
lot 10 blk 3 Cowles, wd 100
Thea Arnoson to Annio M Loo,
8W1183 12, wd 1
J L Cornell & Co to D C Brad
ford, lots 13 11 15 blk 3 Roll
er's add to Blue Hill, wd 2000
Nelson R Simpson to Goorgo W
Simpson, w2 sw4 27 1 10, wd. . . 1000
Emelino B Knight to G M Gar
ner, w2 sw4 27 1 10, wd 3300
Mary J Tyler to Efllo D Strick
land, sw4 9 1 12, wd 3500
Lyra C Garbor to Congregational
church, lots 10 to 20 blk 7 Rod
Cloud, qcd 1
W O Frahm Co Troas to B Mc
Neny, lots 20 and 21 blk 1 Gul-
liford's add, deed 11
Susan R MoBrido to Minnie
Henson, lots 12 3 and w2 1 blk
23 Rod Cloud, wd 850
Jno L Zeiglor to Louanna Steo-
ley, pt swl sw4 3 1 9, wd 1500
Conftrefiatlenal Association Meetlnft.
The 2Gth semi-annual meeting of tho
Republican Valley Association of Con
gregational churches will bo hold in
tho local church on April 3 and 4.
These meetings aro hold in tho spring
and fall, and aro attondod by pastors
and delegates from all of the churches
in the southwestern part of tho state.
Tho following will bo tho program of
tho mooting:
10:30 Devotional.
11:00 Organization and Business.
1:30 Song and Devotional mooting.
Rov. Samuel Deakin, Cowles.
1.45 Paper. Tho Church and tho
Rov. G. T. Noyce, Trenton.
2:15 Tho Church as an Organization.
Rov. D. II. Piatt, Alma.
2:45 Discussion of Papers. Led by
Rov. A. H. Simpson, Cambridge
3:00 Papor. Congregationalism.
Rev. Goo. A. Conrad, MoCook
3:30 Discussion.
Rov. C. W. Duncan, Holdrogo.
4:00-Tho Church and the Sunday
E. J. Ovoring Jr., Red Cloud.
4:2(-Tho Sunday School and Publish
ing Society. Supt. Stewart.
Song Sorvlco, Rod Cloud Choir.
Uovotloual Mooting, Moderator.
Association Sermon.
Rev. G. B. llawkes, McCook.
Sacramental Service
Supt. Bross and Rov. G. W. Knapp.
0.00 Dovotional and Song Service
Rov. Fred Hall, Danbury.
0:30 Tho Church and Spiritual Cul
ture , I
Rov. N. II. Hawkins, Indianola.
Prin. A. C. Hart, Franklin,
Tho Homo.
Mrs. N. B. Portor, Franklin.
11:00 Business.
2.00 Dovotional Mooting.
Rov. Ellis, Campbell.
2:15 Tho Church Evangelistic.
Rev. T. O. Douglass Jr., Franklin.
2:40 Discussion.
Rov J. II. Boltel, Napouee.
3:00 Woman's Hour.
4:00 "For Christ and tho Church."
C. E. Hour.
Rov. Win. Hardcastlo, Lincoln.
Song Service Rod Cloud Choir.
Devotional Meeting
. Lou by Moderator.
Address What It Means.
Supt. Bross.
Address Self Support for Homo Mis
sions in Nebraska.
Rov. S. I. Hanford, Weeping Water.
Firemen Elect Officers.
The following aro tho new ntlicorfl of
the Rod Cloud Fin Department na
elected at at. a recent meeting:
Chief J. O. Butler.
1st Assistant Tress Harwooil.
2nd Assistant Cloyd Gumming?.
Soorotary Honry Diedorich.
Trosuror Frank Stmlobaker.
Hone Company No. 1
Foreman -Jas. Lusloy.
1st Assistant Fred Foarn.
Nozzlcinan Ward Hays.
1st Assistant Harry Brown.
Hose Company No. 3
Foreman Ed Frn.
1st Assistant Bandi Robortst 11.
N zzlenmn Henry Deidorleh.
1st Assistant Bttt'ch Robertson.
Hook anil Luliler Company
Foreman W K. Genr.
1st Assistant Homir Biker.
L uloer-man Win Tabor.
A Guaranteed Cure for Piles.
Itching, blind, blooding, protruding
piles. Druggists aro authorized to
refund money if Pazo Ointment faila
10 euro in 0 to 14 days. 50 cnts.
made with Royal
Bafcfag Powcfesr
Total ei39,00O
Mortgages tiled, $13,000.
Mortgages roloasod, 92,500.
Are delicious and wholesome a perfect
cold weather breakfast food.
Made in the morning; no yeast, no "set
ting" over night; never sour, never cause in
digestion. To make a perfect buckwheat cake, and
a thousand other dainty dishes, see the
"Royal Baker and Pastry Cook.'V Mailed
free to any address.
n '