The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, March 09, 1906, Image 7

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The Backbone
of a
Mighty Nation
is good food food for brain, tood for orawn, food that is
strengthening, that gives energy and courage. Without a proper
appreciation of this great fundamental truth no nation can rise
to greatness.
As an article of food, soda crackers are being used more and
more every day, as is attested by the sale of nearly 400,000,000
packages of Unoed a Biscuit, which have come to be recog
nized as the most perfect soda cracker the world has ever known.
And so Uneeda Biscuit will soon be on every table at
every meal, giving life, health and strength to the American people,
thus in very truth becoming the backbone of the nation.
40,0((Aa(aaa(U(AkfcfcvkwAfcfcJbvkia(fca(kkfcU(fca(U(aaka(Uj(i(iu4jk. dinner.
lieaisy flotes prom Neighboring Touws ;
(From tho Atlvortiser.)
A iino young gentleman cnnie to tho
homo of Rev. anil Mrs. Moiloy in this
city Tuosilay.
O. . Fulmcr sold hia harbor shop on
tho oust siilu of Commercial street to
Mr. Woiser, who took posoession this
Mrs. Patrick Delany, of tho North
Branch county is horo being treated
for rheumatism, at tho Abrahams sun-
Wednesday, Fobruan 28, at tho
homo of tho bride's father, Eli Rich,
Mr. Lotis Thompson and Miss Iva
Rich wore united in marriage by Rev
D. . Vanco of this city.
Walter Dillon, of Whitemound, was
going through tho field after his cattle
Tuesday evening when bis horso,
which had neither saddlo nor bridle,
became frightened and ran away:
Walter wib thrown off and threo of his
ribs wero broken.
(From tho Citizen.)
The many friends of Dolor Roulier
mot at bis homo last Sunday evening
and celebrated his 34th birthday.
Jos. Gonoreux yesterdav closed n
deal whereby ho comes in ownership
of tho old P. A. Moroy farm. Consid
eration $5,000.
One of tho evontsof tho season was
consummated at tho Catholic church
in this city last Mondny morning when
Father Tastevin spoke tho words pro
nouncing Mr. Louise Derra and Mis
Anna Demurs man and wife.
While in town last Saturday a hired
man of P. C. Ouerg tarried too long at
tho flowing bowl and on the road
homo fell out of tho wagon and tho
team ran away. The team was found
by neighbors in a cornfield when a
search was instituted for tho driver,
and after much labor ho was found
in tho ditch besido tbo road, fortunate
ly uninjured.
(From tho Review.)
Bort llarwood camo in from Cali
fornia Monday morning to be present
at tho funeral of bis mother.
Isaac Duby, who recently hold a
public sale, is loading a car for Canada
and is about to depart for moro con
genial clime.
Mr. Rankin, who arrived bore from
Iowa last woek, has 'rented tho build
ing adjoining Dr. Myers oflice, and has
opened a barber shop. .
Al and Otto Seaborg roturned from
their westorn trip Monday, having
each purchased a quarter section of
land a short distance south of Bird
Oity, Kansas.
Passed to spirit life Saturday, Febr
uary 25, Vaughn E. Hunt, infant son of
Fred and Mabol Hunt. Tho bright
littlo fellow had only beon permittad
to stay a short poriod of six months.
Died, on Thursday, February 23, at
her homo in Rivet ton, Mrs. Mary Jon oa
Harwood, aged 05 years, 4 months and
0 days. Deceased had boon in failing
health for soma time, having suffered
two slight strokes of paralysis. Fun
eral took place Tuesday afternoon at 2
o'clock conducted by Rev. Knapp.
(From tho Times.)
The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. L.
E. Brown was buried Sunday.
Mrs. C B. Merry received a mos
stige of tho death of her sister in Il
linois Sunday.
Miss Dot MoNeico entertained a
number of her girl friends at a
George Washington hatchet party Fri
day evening.
Lust night an attempt wnp made to
rob tho First National bank of tho city
The burglars ontorod through the
back window after which thqy opened
tho back door and pried the lock off
the front door. They thon went to
tho door of tho safo when tho alarm
wont off which is supposed to havo
frightened then away.
Henry D. Farronp. who died very
suddenly at his farm home just north
of tho city about noon Tuesday, was
ono of tho oldest residents of Clarinda
nnd tho pioneer of tho county, coming
horo in 1842, tho first wbito man in
Pago county. Ho was boru Juno 3,
1814, and had he lived threo months
longer would havo boon 92 years old.
Mr. Austin Bennington and MNh
Lou Soruna wero united in tho holy
bunds of matiimony at. tho homo ot
tho bride's parents, in Cora township
Fobruary 28
At tho homo of tho bride's parents in
L')gnn township in tho pirsonco of a
host of rolatitives and friends on Wed
nesday, February 91, occurred the
wedding of Mr Elinor M. Frnzier and
Miss Bertha E. Smith Rev. W hippo of
Bellaiio officiating.
Mrs. Goorgo Wilholm, died at her
home in this city 'Ihursilay, 22, at 3
p in , after a brief illness of heart
trouble and rheumatism. DccoiimhI
was horn in Edgar county, III., in 1804
where sho lived until 1878, when the
same to Kansas with her parents.
(From tho Journal )
Mr. and Mrs. Brerzo aro tho parents
of a new girl.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Leo,
Wednesday, February 21, a son.
Dr. and Mrs. Wait onterained tho
Fivo Hundred card club Monday even
ing. G. W. Woolsoy is cutting tho Up
stairs of his bukery building into lodg
ing rooms,
R. Sutherland received tho sad nows
of tho death of his brother, at Scott's
Grove, Iowa.
Jamos Scnmmy died at his homo
eight miles south of town Tuesday
evening ovening at 11 o'clock, ago 72
Ira Gutshall loft Saturday morning
with thoir car of goods for Granada,
Colorodo, tho young'mon having pur
chased irrigated land.
Avery pretty' homo wedding was
solemnized Wednesday ovening at tho
homo of John Graham when his daugh
ter. Nellie, was united in marriago to
Mr. Roy M. Knapp, a prosperous
young farmor near Wobbor.
(From the Sontinel.) ,
1). G. Fnger has sold his quarter
section of land northwest of Macon to
Fred Adams for $0 000.
Norman Mead and Miss Cora Kelso
of near Riverbon wero married at
Bloomington on Tuesday.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Del
hauto of Macon last Friday, also a
daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Cap Custor
Saturday night.
Word comes to us of tho death of
Mrs, S. A. Beeson, formerly of this
city, at their homo noar Long Island,
Kan., last week.
Tho 42d anniversary of Pythianism
was celebrated by Franklin lodge No,
120 K. of P. 'in Conkiing's hall last
Friday night with several members of
the Bloomington lodge piosent.
John R. Millor of Reamsvillo was
hauled up in police court on complaint
of E. N. Fagor for being intoxicated
and lined $10 and costs, amounting in
to 810.15 by Judge Peck Wodnosday
(From tho Mensenger.)
It is roportod that many cattlo aro
dying up in Roamsvillo county, in the
stalk fields.
A goodly number of Andy Billings'
neighbors and friends gathered at his
old homo in Blaine township Monday,
with well filled baskets and gave
Andy and bis wife a grand farowoil
(From tho Advocato.)
Tho Fraternal Lifo association
initiated four now members Mondny
A ton-pound baby girl is roportod by
Dr. Sumnor at tbo homo of Mr. and
Mrs. Win, Lintis.
Chris Roupp is packing bis hard
waro stock preparatory to shipping it
to Hitchcock county.
Tho medal contest Friday evening
in tho court ho'uso was quito well at
tended and tho program was good.
I. V. Smith received a message
Friday announcing tho arrival of n
baby boy at the homo of his son, Dr
Mirshal Smith, Gallatin, Mo.
Tho Smith Centor Journal says that
Arthur Bashford of Franklin county,
and Miss Ascba Francisco of Kensing
ton, wore married last week.
Monday ovoning the order of the
Eastern Star hold a farowoil reception
in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Black,
who will soon moye to Hastings.
(From tho Lender.
Born, to A. Boettcher and wifo, on
Wednesday, a fine boy.
Mr. and Mrs. Fay royally entertain,
ed tho whist club at their borne Satur
day evening.
A pretty homo wedding occurred at
homo of J. Chaplin and wife Wednes
day, February 28, wbon thoir daughter
S"ii and I'll I Hciiiy wciii mil ol in
iii'iiii g-, 11. v IIm) thaucr speaking
the momI" tht.t matin ihcmoiic.
Dr Holes mi" culled to Iowa last
Siittiiilny l ii iueMg! announcing
the ileath of 1th giauiliiiolhci'.
The lire ilepnrliiient was called out
Friiln iifteiuoon io put out ii Hi o in a
h-iy utm k hint sheds belonging to
S II Bi.7..'inl.
Gciugii WilNnn and D ira Fussier
gave their friends a surprisn Mondny
by driving to Red Cloud, where tiny
weio happily miirried.
Philip C. Zimmerman and Mis
L'Miiso Clntte were united in marriage
at the Piesbyteiiiin parsonage Wed
nculay afteinion, Fob 98, Riv.
Attempt to Drive Standard Oil Com
pany From the State Abandoned.
Topolia, March C. Kansas will drop
its ouster proceedings against tho
Standard Oil company, which havo
been ponding In tho supremo court
for a year. An announcement to this
effect wns made by Attorney General
Coleman. He will move tho dismissal
of the suit whun tho supreme court
convenes for its March Hitting today.
Tho suit will bo dlKtuisHud with tho
knowledge and consent of the olllcora
and organizers of tho Kansas Oil Pro
ducers' association, tho body which
conducted tho anti-Standard crusado
during tho session of tho lcglslaturq
n year ago, according to tho statement
of Attorney General Coleman.
District Convention Adjourns Until
Final Action Is Taken by Union.
Dob Moines, March 7. -District No.
13, Iowa United Mlno Workers of
America, who havo been in joint con
ference with tho operators, adjourned
without taking action in regard to a
now scale of wages. It was decided
to await tho action of tho national as
sociation April 1 and abide by that
Iowa operators and minora are linn
In their opinions rclatlvo to a strike,
nnd nro unwilling to yield a point. Ad
journment wns taken until March 30,
when action will be taken on tho de
cision of tho nntional association and
tho operators.,
Andrew Hamilton Returns.
New York, March 7. Andrew Ham
ilton returned to New York on tho
steamer Deutschlund, on which ltu
was registered under tho name of W.
Milton. Mr. Hamilton was at the bead
of the legislative bureau of tho New
York Lifo Insurance company and had
charge of tho legislative work of sev
eral of the largo companies. Explain
ing his cause for his return to tho
United States, Mr. Hamilton said:
"I had heard something about crim
inal proceedings, and here I am."
Dr. Greene Goes to Washington.
Lincoln, March 7. Dr. James L.
Greene obtained from Governor Mick
ey leavo of absence from his duties
as superintendent of the Lincoln hos
pital for tho Insane, and will lenvo at
once for Washington for a conference
with President Roosevelt, Secretary
Hitchcock and members of tho Ne
braska congressional delegation in re
gard to an appointment to the nn
tional hospital for the Insane located
at Wa-jhlngton. Dr. Greene, who Is
considered by medical authorities ono
of tho greatest nllcnists of the coun
try, has unofficially been offered tho
appointment as superintendent of tho
government insane hospital, a post for
which ho was a candidate several
years ago. His Journey to Washing
ton Is mado on command of the president.
Many Children are Sickly.
Mother Gray's Sweet Powder for
childron, used by Mother Gray, a
nursn in Children's Homo, Now York,
break up colds in 24 hours, euro fovor
ishness, hcadnch, stomach troubles,
toothing disorders, nnd destroy worms.
At all druggists 25 cents. Sample
mailod free. Address Allen S. Olm
sted, LoRoy, N. Y.
A Certain Cure for Chilblains.
Shako into your shoes Allen's Foot
Ease, a powder. It cures chilblains,
frostbites, damp, sweating, swollen
foot At nit druggists and shoo stores
25 oonts. Snmplo free. Address
Allen S. Olmsted, LoRoy, N. Y.
To Cure Cold a In One Day.
Take Laxativo Bromo quinino tab
lets.' Druggists refund money if it
fails to cure. E. W. Grovo's sigunturo
s on each box. 20 couts.
Myatlo Cure for Khennntlaui and Neuralgia
radically cures In 1 to 8 days. Its action upon
tho system 1b remarkable and mysterious it
removes at onco the cause and the disease 1m
mediately disappears. The first dose greatly
benefits, 76 cents auditor. Mid by II B.
Once Drugtflst. lied Cloud
The Government
Gives Abolutrly
to every settler
160 Acres
of Land la
Lnml adjoining lliU can be per-'
clinscil from rnlhvav nnil land
companies ut from JGOO to fid ()0
per ucre.
On thW land this yenr hn br n '
ptodm.i-d upward ol twonty-lic
bushels of wheat to (be m.10.
It l nWo tbo losl of Krnini: land '
nnd for mixed furniinj; it bus no
superior on the continent.
Splendid climate, low fae,
ralluns convenient, schools and
churches close at hand.
Wrllnfor "VPth nliirj rnnaiti."
ami Ion railway rule 10 Hut ut Im.
I - J r 1
W. V. Bonnoll, 801 N.Y. Lite Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
Mention till impcr.
miwruttuii. Ottawa, ( .tnuilitt or to O.n
followliiKiiiilliorlrixICin Out Ayont
iBHll Red Cloud, Nok
32. JOE
S7. LOUIS and
all points east ami
and all points
So, 19. PatwciiRer dally for Obcrlln
and HU Francis branchcM)
ford, McOook, Duuvcrand all
poluls wont..-. .....-..... 7 09 a.m.
So, 14. PasscnRer dally for St, Jno,
Kansas City, Atchison. St.
I.onls. Lincoln via Wymore
and all K)lntH can and south 2-01 a. a
So 15. Passenger, dally. Denver, all
points in Colorado, Utah and
California. 7 SO p.m.
No. 16. 1'assotiKer. dally for St, Joe,
Kansas City. AtchUon, St.
Louis nnd all points CHst nnd
south ..... ...10'ld a.n.
Jo. 174. Accommodation. Mondny,
WediiCHdny nnd Krldny.llnsi
Ines, Grand Island, lIlHCh
Ullls and all points In th
northwest 1'.' ut r .
SloeptiiR. dining, nnd recllnlne chair earn.
scuts free) on thtotnxli trains. Ticket sold and
isKRaRO chocked to any point In tbo UiiIUmJ
Itntos or Canada.
Kor Information, tlmo tables, maps or tteUeta
call on or address A. Counter, Audit. Itcd
Claud, Nobr. or I.. W. WnVeley, (imiotul Pas.
seiiROi Avent Omaha, Nebraska
Prom Knusns City Votorinary1
College Ofilco with O. (
Tool, ilrst door north of brick '
Country Phone 39
At Bin Hill first Tuesday in enok
Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A Busy Medlolns for Busy Feoplf.
Brings QoldoQ Health and Ronowed Vigor.
A. specific for Constipation, lndlpostlon, Avv
and Kidney Troublos. rimples. Kczctm. Impure
Blood, Dad Drcath, BlUffRlsh DowelH, Ilonducliej
and Hadcorhe. It's Ilocky Mountain Ten In tao
let form, K centH a box. Ocnnlno nindo by
aoLLisTcrt Dnun Company, Mndlwin, Wis.
Cteaniw iml bcautines thr hair,
l'romotn liiiiirlitiil growth.
Nnver Fails to Itratoro a ray
Hnlr to Its Youthful Color.
Cuxci tralp dlirt ft hlr ulllr.
tOc.onrtlUtiat )ruprlrtt
IF' Trade Marks
Copyrights &c. 1
Anynno sending a sketch and description way
qulcklr ascertain our opinion freo whether an
liiTcntlmi is probably pntqntahlo. Communica
tions strictly confidential. HAUtiUOOK on Patents
sont free. Oldest aseucy for sucurlnfl patents.
Patents taken through Uunn A '0, receive
tptclal notto, without chargo, lu tbo
Scientific American, i
A bandsomclr Illustrated weekly. Tnrcst cir
culation at anr SPlentlUo Journal. Trnit $3 a
rear; four months, 9L bold by oil newsdealers.
Branch Office, C2S Y BU Washington, V. C.
against Fire, Lightning, Cy
clones and Windstorms, se
agent for the Farmers Union Insur
ance Co., Lincoln, Neb., the best in
surance company inth s4-te.
Isaac B. Colvin
Farm Loans and Insurancm.
Telephones: GUnwood
and Guide Rock lines. ,
Bo 28,' v GUIDE ROCK, NEB.
i r