A k Gold Coin Stock Foods beat the record of all Stock Foods sold in this market. Eighteen months' sales and not a sin gle complaint, but many warm words of praise. A different food for each animal Horse, Cattle, Hogs and Chickens. Try them. You can lose nothing, for they are guaranteed. Chas. L. Cotting 13he Druggist i LOCALETTES (to to Fred Plttmb'ri for Hour or feud J. P. Hiilo is in Ini'olu this week. Or. K. A. Thouirtt dentist, D unorul block. Chester Cox was iu Guide Rock Sat urday. G. W. Liudsey went to Chicago Sat urday. J. II. Bailey was in Guide Hock Wtd iiesduy, Burt Dickey is quite siik with the measles. John Rutledgo returned to Hebron Tuesday. Mabel Winfrey has beon sick with tonsilitis. Kev. Hill of Inavalo wns in town on Saturday. W. E. Rife of Beatrice is in the city this week. Riy Frame was in Franklin the first of the wot-k, Ned Grimes was down from B u Hil! Tuesday. Seventy-five kin Is of candies at the Soderbeig Inn. Lent began on Wednesday. Are you keeping it? Orval Watson is tho new cleik at tho Royal hotel. Omor Doling wont to Lincoln Wed nesday morning. Troy Mills and wife wore down from Bowies Tuesday. Gus Sndorburg roturned to Lincoln Saturday morning. Rev. Biites returned from North Pintle Tuesday noon. Mrs. Adam Morhart has beon sick during the past week. A. E. Schmidt is in Hiawatha, Kan., this week on business. Hiimptnn Wisecarver has moved to tlto Sctunmou prooerty. Take your poultry and hides to Plumb. Top prices paid. Mrs. J. A. Tulloys returned to her home in Naponee Tnursday. A great many of the farmers are at woik in tho Holds this wook. 1). It. Whittakor was on tho Kinsas City market with stock Monday. Your boy wants to come to business college. Why don't you send him? Mrs. J. A. Gardner returned to hor home in Wymore Tuesday morning. Uoy MiConaughy is visiting his patents iu Nebraska City this woek. Walter Means is building a dwelling Jiouso on his farm northwest of town. Mrs. E. B Smith and son Vaughn wont to Beatrice Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moans aro tho parents of a girl baby, bom Tuesday. Not a rich corporation but just plain J. O Caldwell, for.hardland soft oal. Plumb tho feod man will pay you tho highest prico for poultry, eggs and hides. Kennoth Williams has accepted a position in the McFarland grocory store. Chas. Whittakor shipped his house hold goods to Holly, Colorado, this week. E. U. Overman was attending to legal businoss in Smith Center this woek. , Miss Nello Sliormin is home from Lincoln, whore sho has boon ftr threo weeks. Mis. Simons of Hastings is lying ill at tho home of hor sister, Mrs. J. O. Butler. Mm. S. F Sp tkoslield went to Hebron Wednesday morning to visit relatives M's Noll Mitrtiiidnln Is homo fro.n Blue HM, where sho has beon visiting her -ister. Educate lh' mind and heart at tho business college and leave tho pocket tin Ml later. Have you any claims against estates or notes to soil? A. H. Koenoy, Att'y, Dntiieroll Block. John J. Gurnet has resigned his pos ition as teacher of penmanship at tho business college. An addiii tn will bo built on 'to tho rear of tho McFarland store next woek for a ware room. Numbers of houses in town are being ri'-iiiiigled this week iu anticipation of the spring rains. Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Skeon have re turned from an extended visit in Kit reki Springs, Aik. Mi.ss M iry Nicholson of Omaha is in R'd Cloud vMting with her brothers, the Nicholson boys. I am now prepared to supply my customers with all grades of new wall paper. II. E. Giice. Mr and Mrs. Ed McAlisler are tho proud parents of a baby boy born Wednosday morning. Frank Abbey has moved from the VauPotton farm on Indian Creek to a farm roar Blue Hill. El Walters departed for Lincoln Saturday for a short visit beforo going to the City of Mexico. George Mi Cniry is head pencil pusher on the Nation this week during the absence of J P. Halo. The Ladies Aid society of tho M E church will hold their annual Easter bazar, Saturday, April 14. Rev A E Tiehnor of Milton, Iowa, oflieiited as clergyman at tho Iiitlo Emick wedding last woek. Alf McCall has ronted tho Hampton house in tho northeast, part of town and will move into it at onco. Mrs. C. H. Jonos and children were in tho city Tuesday enroute from Franklin to Gothenburg, Neb. Dr. M. U. Tbnmas reports tho ar rival of a son at the homo of Mt. and M's. Elmer Fogg, Wednesday. Ed Seaton lost about fifteen tons of bA.f'XVr'-! Now Is the Time To set the "wooden hen" if you want to get early chickens. More important is the kind of an incuba tor you use. "HIAWATHA" Incubators aro "Honest Injun" Hutchors HEATS EVENLY U REGULATES PERFECTLY HATCHES SURELY fL They are hot air In cubators. No cold corners, no leaky tanks, no sudden changes of tempera ture. Positively the easiest operated and the most satisfactory Incubator on the mar ket. "NOT HOW CHEAP, BUT HOW GOOD." On exhibition aud sold exclusively by MORHART BROS. Hardware Co. t WWWWJ rT"" -A rin ' -q . ... 0 ' hay b) a lire winch wns t-iiied by a iiiirilngtuii fiigino last Saimday. E b'l". has eloped a contract to elect a bank building in llermloii, Kmiihus, and will commence it in two weeks. L. A. H'iskins returned from Elroy, Wisconsin, Fiiday night, where he had been to see his mother, who is sick. Chas. Busheo purchased tint 1) cken soii house and will inovo into it at an early date Consideration was $1,200 J. It. Mircer and wife retimed from Lincoln this week, wheio Mr. Mercer has been taking treatment of a t-picinl-ist. Goorge Coon is undergoing tha ashes of mumps this week lie is just leant' ing how much joy lie missed when a boy. Mrs M. Neil and children of Liw reneo arrived in the city Tuesday night and will niiilc) this place their futuic home. Lew Sodorborg returned from Kar noy Saturday, where he had been called by tho sickness and death of his sister Geo. J Wiirrm represented tho Cm-Ad at thoStu'o press association or the h. e. appointed him a delegate, at least. Remember tho Slavton Jubilee Sing ers at the opera houso next Tuesday evening. Get your tickets at Grice's drug store. Methtisala was all right, you bet For a good old soul wns he, Thev say lie would be living yet. II nil betaken ltocky Mountain T a. C. L. Cotting Mrs. Georgo Bridshaw, who has been visiting relatives in Iteil Cloud roturned to her homo in Superior Wed nesday morning. Jus. Peterson" has been decorating tho interior of his vacant storo build' ing this woik propnratoiy to renting it for a billiard hall. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wright roturned to their homo in Hebron Wednesday, after a few days visit at tho homo of D. M. Abol and family. During tho absenco of tho editor in Lincoln this week Kev. Georgo H. Rice kindly took chargo of tho editor ial and reportorial wotk. Jas. Bogenrief is planning tho erec tion of a now dwelling houso in tho near future. Ho will move into town from his farm in Garfield. L. A. Haskins roturi.ed from Elroy, Wisconsin, to see his nged mother, who has been dangerously sick. He reports her to be no better. Whilo our two local contemporaries aro handing bouquots to each other in such a beautiful way they might at least allow tho rest of us a smell. Don't forgtt E B. Goble's big sale of 210 head of stock on the Moon ranch threo miles west of town, Thursday, March 8, at 10 a. m. Everybody come. Tho businoss college is organizing a baseball team which will bo hoard from in tho future. Several of tho regular Red Cloud ball team will play in it. Bev. E. C. Davis left on Thursday for Edgar to help in n seios of special meetings. His pulpit, will bo supplied on Sunday by Rev. Coonrodt of that place. Walter Warren is planning to move his family hero from Chariton, Iowa, as soon as he can securo a house. He expects to make Bed Cloud his f tit tiro homo. Drs. Weirick & Iliddilo, oculists and aurists of Hnuings, will meet oye. ear, noso and throat patients and thope needing gltsses tilted in Dr. Greigh ton's oflice in Bed Cloud, Friday. March 9 ' Tho fAdios of tho W. K. C. will give a dinner in tho Damerell block Satur day, March 3 They will also have a few aprons, sunbonnets, and a couplo of quilts. Mr. and Mrs. L. E Tait and Mr. nnd Mrs P. C Pharos and wife woro east bound passengers Monday enroute to tho State Press Association mooting at Lincoln. . Mrs. Ed McCunOj-who has. been" sick for the past threo weeks is so much improved that the family has been ablo to move into their new houso in the west part of town. Mrs. J. R. Harrington went to Superior Wednesday morning to visit her daughter, Mrs. Arthur Bradshaw, Sho was accompanied by hor daughter, Mrs. F. A. Smith. Ed Gillard is planning to give up his business in Naponeo and go on the road as traveling salesman. If he does bo hi) family will ninko Red Cloud their homo in tho futuro. Tho Odd Fellows lodgo of Guide Rock havo lixed April 20 as tho date for the dedication of their now hall and have invited tho Rod Cloud lodgo to participate in tho ceremonies. I A good, big bunch of ojtr SPRING SUITS are in and are attractive enough for you to spare a few minutes to look at them. Nothing like them in this part of the country, and we certainly are entitled to the careful consideration of Clothing buyers who want to dress right for Spring and Summer. Selz Shoes in all Styles and Qual ities. Prices always right. ?5be Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co., ALWAYS RELIABLE First Door North of PostofHcc, Rod Cloud, Nobr. I Tho building on Webster street oc cupied by Fred Plumb as a feed store was sold at sheriff's salo on Wedneseay and purchased by C II. Potter for $494.00. It, formerly belonged to John O. Yf isor. Georgo Reed has decided to return to the tilling of tho soil in the spring, and will give up his position with John Griffuth as soon as the farming season opens. Ho will move ou to a firm on Elm cteck. David Davis, who has boon sick with pneumonia, died at his home in Bladen on Wedndosday and was buried Thursday at 11 o'clock in Plainviow cemetery. Ho leaves a fam ily to mourn his loss. For an exclusive claim to tho right to produce tho drama it advertised tho "True Kentuekian" which hold forth at tho opera houso Tuesday evening was pronounced by those who saw it as "unspeakably rotten." Robert McBrido is moving his cot tage twenty feet north of its present location and will put it on to a now foundation. Ho is making his newly acquired proporty as homolike as any in that section of tho city. A. A. Frame and fnmily expect to movo on to their farm near Blue Hill this week, and last Saturday evening tho friends in their part of town ten dered thorn a surpriso party and spent tho evening in social pleasantry. Threo indications of spring aro abroad in tho land: The robin and tho meadow laik, tho small boy with bis marbles and the housewife with her carpets on tho lino in tho back yard. Men aro scarce around homo as result. Mrs. Henry McCuno and Miss Kttinl McKeighan were at Inavale during the past week caring for tho sick children of Claronco Jonos and wife. Tho en tiro family havo been wiestling with tho mumps. Frank Boat's colt Indulged in a lively runaway last Thursday evening in tho north end of town, and Frank was considerably shaken up as a result. Fortunately nothing serious resulted from tho incident. Naponoo has organizod a law and order loaguo and is preparing to make war upon joints and bootleggers. We may expect interesting developments if tho nerve of tho law abiding part of tho hamlet does not fail. Morhart Bros, aro busy this week preparing their new stororoom for use, and havo cut through the dividing par tition in two places. They will bo in much bettor position to display their immense stock when this work is finished. Noil Lindsoy took advantage of his father's absenco on Monday to disap pear from his homo for tho second time. Mrs. Lindsoy roportod tho faot to Sheriff Hedgo and someone inform ed him that tbo boy had gono to Bladen. Whilo Mr. Hodgo was searching for him, howovor, John Crans discovered tho boy wandering n limit in tbo vards near the Burlinaton ' station and took care of him until his 1 mother could be notified. George Baylor will movo to town next week and take possession of tho rural telepliouo oillco as "central " Ho will undertake the running of tho switchboard with the assistance of his family and will caro for tho linen over tho system. When tho bridge has beon repaired the people on tho south side of tho river would greatly approclato having soini strong railing! placed at points on tho west road whore tho rivor has forced It up against tho bluff and made it. dangerous. P. C. Pharos has boon with his paper, tho Red Cloud Ciiikf for tho last twenty-two years. "Wo havo tho files of our paper complete for the past thiity-four years," he said last night. "I run n column called "Twonty Years Ago,' which is reud with as much in terest as tho Into news." Lincoln Star. Mrs. Hannah Garbor will return Boulder, Colo , next woek bringing Anson Garbor with hor. E. S. Garbor says that if his son's health will por mit ho will probably movo back on to tho farm near Guide Rock, whero they can livo out of doors and lot nature do her work in healing Anson of his sick noss. A Few Leaders Dill Pickles, each IC Sour Pickles, doz 5c XXXX Coffee, lb. .. 15c Lion Coffee, lb 15c Arbuckle's Coffee, lb. 15c Bell Coffee, lb 20, 30 and 35c Barrington Hall, the steel cut Coffee, lb. .35c Large Mackerel, ea. . 10c Whole -Codfish, lb... 8c The supply is unlimit ed. I can save you money on Groceries. Give mca. trial. Highest Price for Good COUNTRY BUTTER Z?e Bee Hive Grocery B. L McFarland PROPPRIETOR. Rural plim 35. Sell 79. i i i M H i t I J II ! W m t S