ft n I , 7Ae ar of Coughing Hammer blows, steadily ap plied, break the hardest rock. Coughing, day after day, jars and tears the throat and lungs until the healthy tissues give way. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral stops the coughing, and heals the torn membranes. "I :i1w.i)r li-p Avor' Cherry rectnrnl In flic liwiuv It kIvm imrfi'd ruliuf wlieiwwr P .. . I - I.I ... I... ...I n..1.1- f I. .!. u oil li for .1 nri-nl many vein n it ml to loiotv I nl ii'iont It." Miis.Mahv fiiiiJUTKAN.Viiry- J Miri'i N. V. 4 Mir.TitrwtiuwMiwitPwoKnrnMytwrviiTg MadobyJ.C Aynr Co , l.owull, Main Alto uuiiuuoiurorn or 11 .ijers 7 SAKSAPAPJLLA. PILLS. IIA!K VIGOR. Biliousness, constipation rotnrd ro covcr". Curo thoso with Avor's Plllo. TWENTY YEARS AGO Items of News Found In Tho Chlof of Twenty Yours Ago This ,Wcok v V Goo. Young wus in Rivortou this woolt. Miss Carrio Brakofiold has roturnod Itomo. Mrs. J. A. Tulleys has boon vory sick (his wook. Palmor Way was in tho city this voek on busiuoss., C. L. Cutting has purchased J. P. Hayha's residence. Mr. Hiiylm, ex-county clork, oxpocts to ko to California noxt. wook. Ed Kellogg shl a part of his farm to Myers Bros , of Rivorton this woek lor fi50. Simmons, tho night telegraph opora tor, got his linger maahod handling baggage. John Tomlinson has just flnishdd some ologaut pulpit furmturo for tho M. B. church iu this city. A. .J. Armstrong, formorly of Rod Cloud, but now located iu Froutior county, was horo this wook. A. Coleman and William Clark loft for Los Angolos, Cul., on Tuesday, vhoro thoy oxpoct to rosido in tho future. Married, February 9, tit Rod Cloud, Rov. Geo. O. Yoiscr ofliciatlng, Jamos D. Frazior and Mary E. Kaylor of Jewell county. Married, February 3, nt tho rosl donoe of Carl Gust, Mr. Ridgway B. liOggett to Miss Ellon Hilton of Smith county, Kansas. Died. February fi, 1880, Francis M. daughter of J. W. and Julia A. Davis, after n short illnoH. Her ago was f years, 11 months and 10 days. Tho invitations are out for tho grand entertainment and banquet to bo given by Calantho Lodgo No. 29 Knights of Pythias, on tho 10th. On Tuesday evening, February 10, Mr. W. N. Richardson and Miss Bosslo Tangil wero united in tho holy bonds of matrimony, Rov. Goo. O. Yoiscr, oillciating. L. II. Wallace received word from his relatives iu Omaha tiiis week that his brother was vory sick. His mother, Mrs. Anna Wallace, left on Monday for Omaha. Married, February 0, 1880, at tho residence of Wm, Cather in Rod Cloud, ly Rev. C. W. Springer, Mr. William.). Mat liony and Miss Nannie V. Andrews of Cathcrton. G. W. Hawley is building an addi tion to his building, corner Codar and Fourth avenue. When completed it will bo known as tho Fourth aveuuo hotel, with J. C. Crawford us "mine host." .Tim Potter lost every dollar's wortli of goods, clothing and money that he had iu the depot tiro Sunday morning, and his wifo and baby just escaped with their lives from tho burning building. It is rumored that tho B. & M. will proceed to erect a now freight house 150 feot long at this place. Tho pas souger depot is also to bo remodeled so as to huvo two waiting rooms, in stead of one. Between throe and four o'clock Sun day morning tiro was discovered in tho old B. & M. freight depot by some of tho yard men. Tho ilamos spread so rapidly that all efforts to quell them wore unavailing. An unusually largo amount of freight and merchandise had been received from tho oast Sat urday night and stored in the freight room. Tho total loss is hard to esti mate, but it will probably exceod $20,000, nono of which was insured. Guide Hock Jack Hayos has pur chased tho Moorman property E. M. J, Cooloy delivered a tempor auco locturo bore last wook An other dauco in Talbot's hall this week Tompkins, tho bricklayer, has roturnod from Kansas W. Sawyer lost twenty dollars recently W. Vance is homo again Miss Alice Kaloy, who has been sick for so long a tlmo, is ablo to bo out again. MARRIAGES. 1k . mm Noblc-Arneson. At tho homo of Walter Noblo sixteen miles southwest of Rod Cloud in Walnut Croek precinct, occurred tho marriage of Miss Minnio M Landers to Mr. Fayotto L. Arneson, Wednes day, February 11, promptly at 12 o'clock. At tho appointed hour tho young couple marched into tho parlor to tho music of tho wodding march played by Miss Sara Arneson. and t ok thoir places bonoath a beautiful floral arch, where tho solemn words wero spoken by Rov. Hummel which j lined them for life. After congratu lations the company repaired to tho dining room, whero a bountiful re past was served. Tho bride is tho daughter of Mrs Noblo and tho groom is tho son of Mrs. Mary Arneson, and is a prosperous young farmer. They iiro two of Webster county's best young people and will live on Mrs. A meson's farm in Walnut Creek. Many beautiful and useful presents wero presented by thoir many friends. Fltz Bllckcnstaff. Married, Sunday, February 11, at tho homo of tho brido's parents, Miss Emma B. Fit, to Mr. B. B. Bllckon statr. Promptly at 12 o'clock, Rov. N. Wagoner entered tho parlor followed by tho brido and groom. Tho coro mony was simple iu form but impros sivo and witnessed by seventy invited guosts. Two uncles of tho brido woro present, J. H. Worshek of Bagley, Iowa, and J. W. Worshek of Yale, la., After congratulations wero offered by all present, tho guosts were usher ed to u table which was heavily ladon with tho dainties of a wedding feast. Many beautiful and useful presents woro loft for tho young couplo by thoir many friends. Tho brido was tho eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Fitz. Tho groom, Mr. Blickonstaff, is an indus trious young man. Mr. and Mrs. Blickoustaif will commence house keeping on tho Sherman Bossloy farm in Kansas. Reltcr-OImstcad. Miss Louiso Reitor of Republican City and Mr. Glen Olmstoad of Ina vttlo wore married in this city, Wed nesday, February 14, by County Judge Edson. tVllson-Blalr. Mrs. Ida Baker Wilson and Bert Blair, both woll known horo, were marriod at Council Bluffs, Iowa, lust weok. They will liro in Lincoln. Many Children are Sickly. Mother Gray's Sweet Powder for children, used by Mother Gray, a nurso iu Children's Homo, Now York, break up colds iu 24 hours, cure fevor ishness, headach, stomach troubles, toothing disordors, and destroy worms. At all druggists 25 cents. Samplo mailed froo. Address Allen S. Olm sted, LoRoy, N. Y. atfAttbh. tr. tjvtth vB7 fe SP8&&i jduulimf i trowniei Absolutely .Pure Made from Vure Grape Cream of Tartar In baking powder Royal is the standard, the powder of highest reputation ; found by the United States Government tests of greatest strength and purity. It renders the food more healthful and palat able and is most economical in practical use. Housekeepers are sometimes importuned to buy alum powders because they are " cheap." Yet some of the cheapest made powders are sold to consumers at the highest price. Housekeepers should stop and think. Is it not better to buy the Royal and take no chances ( the powder whose goodness and honesty are never questioned ? Is it economy to spoil your digestion by an alum-phosphate or other adultered powder to save jl few pennies? ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK m m (t m If you've been Looking for Bargains in Men's Glothes Here They Are Wo'vo just had time to catch our breath after tho vigorous soiling dur ing tho holiday season and wo wont to work immediately cleaning up our stock. Where there wero only two or three suits or overcoats of a kind -where sizes wero badly broken -whero an overcoat lingered hero and there, wo huvo sorted thorn out, and when wo came to mark tho now prieos on these floods wo forgot all about tho profit part of it. $20 Overcoats at $10 10 18 Overcoats at 14 49 15 Overcoats at 12 00 12 Overcoats at 9 40 19 Overcoats at 8 00 G Overcoats at 4 80 While thoro may bo only one or two or threo overcoats of a kind, yet there are so many different kinds that you will find vory rich choosing indeed. Wo can fit almost any build of man out of thoso reduced clothes and givo him u bargain that will send him away smiling. PAUL STOREY, JShe CLOTHIER r i BUSINESS COLLEGE NOTES. Tho dobato was decided in favor of tho affirmative. Noil Lindsoy returned to school after a short absence. Two of our boys had a woman's fight one day this week. Don't forgot tho spelling school March 1, and don't forget to come early. If thoro is any one who thinks they are rapid calculators, just como up and wo will show you something Farms for Sale. Three, of KiO acres each, all alfalfa laud, best in tho Prairio Dog Valloy, each of them woll improved, two of them adjoining tho town of Long Is land, Kansas, Two upland farms, one of 280 acres and one of 1100 acres, rent ed lor one third delivered in market. One creek farm, forty acros alfalfa, timber, possession given on this. Prices right on all these until March 1,1006. Como an'd see thorn or write to C. A. Bahnaud, Long Island, Kan. feb. 10. LADIES, WE WISH TO CALL YOUR AT TENTION TO OUR NEW LINE OF Dress Skirts I We guarantee every garment to be of super ior workmanship, perfect fitting and of the VERY LATEST STYLE. Call in and inspect them. j M. A. ALBRIGHT I I Avmm'w . Injured In Runaway. f As Will Mackoy was rounding tho corner at Grlco's drug store with one of Al Slaby's toams, lust night, tho buggy tipped and thiow him out, cut ting his fuco and hoad severely. Tho team ran as far as Charley Gurnoy's place, north of town, where they woro found a couple of hours later backed up against a bank. Tho buggy was slightly injured. A Certain Cure for Chilblains. Shako into your shoos Allen's Foot Ease, a powder. It cures chilblains, frostbites, damp, sweating, swollen feot. At all druggists and shoo stores 25 cents. Samplo freo. Address Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. fMkf i WtoS&WSK I . .j.t;. ..':. i ';iyf.s hi w ,';r zjw aw -yj' . ii i--" 4P.S-.ni'4-imfiJ? Wm"m W mmmm S mm 7c JL-lf r. v'.m'.M Frank Hlncald Injured. Frank Kincoid of Walnut Crook town-hip, met with quito a sorious accidont last Monday, being thrown ' from tho hoiso which ho was riding, and recoived a broken leg and tho bono fraoturod in tho other. " '77s not birth, rank or state, fTla 'get up and glV that makes men great. " Learn how it is done at the Business College. V. (ft fa m. i r? A i i 'c - i')-'-miviiilntiwim","n""rr;""""mi"J"" 'tWWWWMBrtwWWWtW jumssttwn