TIHL&, CHJril RED OLOUD, NEBRASKA. FUBLISHEDKVERY FRIDAY. Tkvi. C. Phares Giokoi Nbwiousk Editor Manager BUnsOHlrTION HATES. oe year II oo SU month , BnUrid t (da po RailCloud, Neh.u ootid olau null matter. ADVKIITI81NO KATK8: furnished on application. 'BLEPTIONE, SEVEN TWO FATAL CJIUJtCII RIOT ANGRY LITHUANIANS ATTACK RESIDENCE OF PRIEST. Or.e Man Fatally Shot and a Number of Others Wounded Rev. Stafano-. wlcz Besieged for More Than an Hour in Parconage. Chicago, Fob. 12. An attack by a j crowd of angry Lithuanians upon tho , residence of tho Rev. Edward Stafan-1 owlcz, a Catholic priest, resulted In the fatnl shooting of one man and tho scrloiiB Injury of a number of others. The assailants wcro all members of the church over which tho Rev. Stafanowlcz presided. Dissension among the members of the congrega tion over tho control of the church fundB culminated In violence during the Sunday services. Women are said to have opened hostilities by hurling a missile at tho pastor. Pursued by tho i worshipers, the priest retreated to his I residence. Thero he wns besieged for more than an hour in splto of effortt ! of n squad of police, which was hur ried to the scene. Tho police repeat edly charged the attackers, who had armed themselves with clubs and stones and only succeeded in dispers ing them by firing Into the crowd. John Tamalls, a member or the con gregation, was shot in tho groin nnd fatally Injured. Alex narglu3, another of the attacking pnrty, received a bul let in the head. A score of others erc Injured by flying bricks and stones. Fifteen of the ringleaders were arrested. RIOT IN ST. PAUL CHURCH. Pastor Knocks Down TruBtee and Is Himself Sent to the Floor. St. Paul, Fob. 12. Efforts which tho congregation of tho St. James Af rican Methodist Episcopal church in thiB city have made to oust their past or, Rev. Seymour, culminated In a riot during the services, during which Rev. Seymour planted his fist on the eye of Trustee R. C. Miner, knocking hlro down, and was himself sent to the lloor In front of the altar by Trustee Robert Ixwe. A free-for-all fight was prevented by tho arrival of a patrol wagon full of policemen. The trustees or the church recently voted to reduce Rev. Seymour's salary from $80 to $10, but notwithstanding this Rev. Seymour refused to give un his church. After preaching a sermon on "Brotherly lxvo," Rev. Seymour announced tho collection and at tempted to take charge or one of the contribution boxes, when R. C. Minor, a trustee, who was holding it, object ed. Rev. Seymour promptly swung his fist to Minor's eye and tho lntter went down. Robert Lowe, who was holding the other contribution lmx. ! Immediately went nfter the pastor and felled him before his own altar. Ry this time tho entire congregation wa in nn uproar and taking sides. The women rushed In between the combat nnts and tried to soothe them, but it looked as If a free-ror-all fight would result, when the arrival or the pollco and their threats of wholesale aireats brought an end to tho affair. Scores Both Capital and Labor. Dubuque, Feb. 12. From the pulpit of St. Raphael's cathedral, Archbishop Keano, metropolitan of tho Dubuquol nrchdloceso, hit tho principle of union-1 Ism by declnrlng that It is a school! for thievery. Tho speaker then took organized capital to tnBk and said that tho efforts of tho big financiers to do j prlvo man of his natural rights is wrong. "Such organized capital is a school of thlovory," ho said In conclu sion. 'Tho employer who does not pay his employe for tho amount of his hlro Is a thief. The employe who does not glvo to his employer tho labor ho is paid for is also a thief." Ho made an appeal to men to tako an active inter est in, politics. Johnson Talks to Duluth Y. M. C. A.! Duluth, Minn., Feb. 12. "I do not believe that any man should have more than $10,000 a year, for If ho lives right ho does not need any more," declared Governor John A.t Johnson In an address to the Y. M. C. j A. Continuing, he said: "The most vicious standard of success in the world Is that which sets up dollars mid cents aa the height of human nm hltloii. There Is a man In Now York who hns net his nmbitlon at one bil lion dollars and If ho over lives to ac quire it he will be sorry that It Is not two billion. The men who makes money the be-all and the end-all of his career Is the moat miserable man In the world." Three Killed by Train. York, Pa., Feb. 12. Three men were struck and killed by nn accommoda tion train on tho Northern Central near Scltzland. Tho men who were killed comprised part of the crow of n fist northbound freight train. One of Iho tires on tho driving wheel of tho locomotive had burst and tho men were repairing It when the train struck them. They were blinded and deafened by tho escaping steam and did not notice tho approach of tho accommodation. FAVORS LAND LEASE LAW. Governor Mickey Signs Petition to Be Sent to Washington. Lincoln, Feb. 10. Petitions favor able to the land leasing law, pending in tho house at Washington, were cir culated at tho state houso by western Nebraska cattlemen, and were signed by several state ofllcers. The petition will bo sent to Washington. Governor Mickey, who signed tho potltlon, said: "I am in favor of the bill as I under stand it, and hope it will be passed by congress. It seeks to provide for tho lease of tho grazing lands to any ono who desires to lease them, and tho lease will not lnterfero with a set tier who wants to take up a homo stead." INITIATED INTO WRONG LODGE. Peculiar Position In Which Lincoln Man Is Placed. Lincoln, Feb. 9. Initiated by mis take into the wrong lodge Is the pe culiar predicament of Daniel fl. Hol land of Lincoln. Now ho wants to know whether ho Is really a member of the Fraternal Union. Mr. Holland was a candidate for Initiation into tho Boilermakers' lodge at Havelock. Both the lodges met on tho samo night, in the same hall, tho Fraternal Union using the lnrge room and the boi.ermakors ono of tho ante-rooms. When Hollnnd arrived ho was told by one of the bollermakers downstairs that he had better go right upstairs, as tho initiation ceremonies would be gin at once. Ho did so and walked Into tho waiting room, where sat two men. A moment later several men camo into tho room, blindfolded tho trio nnd Holland thought the cere monies had begun. They had, but It was for the Fraternal Union. After tho oath of obligation had been ad ministered and Mr. Holland had been called on ror a Bpeech tho mistake was discovered. DECISION IN GRAIN CASE. Anti-Trust Laws of Nebraska Held Legal by Supreme Court. Lincoln, Feb. 9. Anti-trust statutes in Nebraska aro legal. The various acts form part of a system of statutes aimed at a specific evil. The supreme court made the fore going declaration. The decision 1h sweeping and unequivocal. The suit was that of the state against tho Oma ha Elevator company. Tho decision implies that tho acts of tho Nebraska grain dealers wero clearly illegal if proven as alleged. The members can be made pnrtles to actions, both civil nnd criminal, both individually as firms and as members or an associa tion. From a reliable source the In formation ha3 been obtained that At torney General Norris Brown will file criminal actions against a number of Nebraska grain dealers. There Is nn elnborato rovlew of the trust legislation. The court de clares In the opinion that it Is unnec essary to define tho powers of a court of equity under tho common law. Tho statutes afford relief. The contempt ense ngalnst tho five Omaha councllmen hns been reversed nnd dismissed. Tho supremo court declared that the definite acts alleged to have been contempt were not speci fied in tho information. TELLS OF PAYING $25,000 FOR BOY. Dramatic Incident in Trial of Pal Crowe at Omaha for Kidnaping. Omaha, Feb. 10. "i gavu up the money because I know my son had been kidnnped and was In tho hands of criminals who had committed n great crime; because they had threat ened to burn his eyes out with acid and cut his ears off, and I was afraid he would bo murdered. That was why I gave up tho money." Thus spoke Edward A. Cudahy upon tho witness stand as he leaned for ward In his chair and talked directly to the jury. Ho spoko with great earnestness nnd for tho moment dis played considerable emotion. HIb oyos filled, and as he concluded the answer he brought down his clenched hand upon the arm of tho chair. It wns the most dramatic situation that has thus far developed during tho trial of Pat Crowe. His account of tho Bearch for tho boy, the finding of tho letter In his front yard and tho plac ing of tho bag of $25,000 in gold near The Cause of Many Sudden Deaths. There is a disease prevailing in this country mostdnnj'erous iK-causeso dcr-ptv. nvc. mHiiysimuen tlentli9 nre caused by it heart dis ease, pneumonia, heart failure or apoplexy are often the result of kid ncy disease. If kidney trouble is allowed toadvauce thokidnoy-poison-p1 M.wvri ,.,:n rwriwoiw""." .wx ..ill ill- tack the vital organs, causing catnrrh of At... 1.1. ..I.I. ... ... , 1. . lhu umiim-r, ur uio Kidneys iiieinsclvcs break down and waste nway cell 1v cell. Bladder troubles almost alwnvs'rc till from a derangement of the kidneys and a cure is obtained quickest by a proper treatment of the kidneys. If you are feel ing badly you can make no mistake by taking Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, the great kidney, liver and bladder remedy. It corrects inability to hold urine and scalding pain in passing it, and over comes that unpleasant necessity of being compelled to go often through the day, and to get up many times during the night. The mild and the extraordinary cffccf of Swamp-Root is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures of the most distressing cases. Swamp-Root is pleasant to take nnd is sold by all druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar size bottles. You may have a sample bottle of this wonderful new dis covery nnd a book that tells all about it, both sent free by mail. Address, Dr. Kil mer & Co., Bingliamton, N. Y. When writing mention reading this generous offer in this paper. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghauiton, N. Y., on every bottle. has a very bad effect on your sys tem. It disorders your stomach and digestive apparatus, taints your blood and causes constipation, with all Its fearful ills. Thedford's Black-Draught1 ,'jf is a bland tonic, liver regulator, and blood purifier. It gets rid of the poisons caused by over-supply of bile, and quickly cures bilious headaches, dizziness, icss of appetite, nausea, indiges tion, constipation, malaria, chills and fever, Jaundice, nervousness, irritability, melancholia, and all sickness due to disordered liver. It is not a cathartic, but a gentle, S herbal, liver medicine, which eases "IIUUUI I11IK1CIII&. Price 25c at all Druggists. lisimssm STEVENS i & WHEN YOU SHOOT i want to HIT what you are aiminc at 1 be it birJ, beast or target. Make your thott count by shooting the STEVENS. For 41 years STEVENS AKMS have carried off PREMIER HONORS for AC CUKACV. Our line: Rifles; Shotguns, Pistols mm Ask jour Dealer In- Send 4cU. In stamp Ut on theSTHVI NS, for nuA,;e CaUli'tf If jiMi lannut obtain, of cnmiilrte output. A we lil .Urn t. t- wlualileiMiukulrrfer- rtsi frrfiUJ, upon eiue fi.r present unci rnrlti ratline-price pruspecthe liioter. lleautifut three-color Aluminum Hanger will be forwarded for 10 cents in stamp. J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co., ' P.O. Box 4006 CIIICOPEE FALLS, MASS., U. S. A. tho lantern by tho side of tho Fre mont road was listened to with the closest attention. Tho younger Cudahy was on tho stand but a short tlmo, tho cross-examination occupying but a few minutes. Tho solo effort of tho defenso, bo far as his cross-examination wbb con cerned, was to show that in tho dark ness of his prison and his blindfolded condition, ho did not havo very good opportunity to see his captors, und that his Identification must be some what uncertain. CRUDER nn NOT RJIV Jr wl " w "MB PRI12ES AKD FREE TRIAL OFFER. Tires. equipment, sundries and sixirtliur poods of nil MmN, til litilf retrain? nrlco, in our big tree Sundry Catalogue. Contains a world of usuful Information. Write for It. PUNCTUR PRQO Rogulas prico $8,30 per pair. To introduce $ .75 wo will Soil You a Sample O0Wi88I Doh V- gB.. IT WON'T LET - - vaniy m OUT THE AIR NO MORE TROUBLE from PUNCTURES JHI Result of 15 years oxperienco in tiro makinp. No danger from THORNS, CACTUS, PINS, NAILS, TACKS or GLASS. Serious punctures, liko intentional knife cuts, can bo Tuleunized liko nny other tire. Semi for Catalotruo "T." sliotvliur all kinds nnd mnkos of tiros at S3.00 per pair and un wisp Coaster-Hrakes. Ifullt-up Wheels and illeyr.los-Snnrtrii's at. Half tho umuml price. Nptlco tho illicit ruhtKur tread "A" and imncttin: strips "H" and "IV This tiro will Hr.liW.S..0,.lli:r ,n".k,! "Soft- I'-'astlt; and Easy Klillne. Wo will ship C. 0. D. ON APPROVAL AND EXAMINATION without a cent dfpoiit. Wp will allow a emmh discount of 5 (thottfbr maklnjr Uio price $4.50 per pair) If you send full camh with order. Tires to bo rcgwd at our expenso If not satisfactory on examination. q MEAD CYCLE CO., Dept. J.L. CHICAGO, ILL. A.B.(haSE niMW During all these years have been acknowledged grade. The most critical thorn unsurpassed in Tone, Action We are district distributers of tho A. B. CHASE Pianos, nnd will gladly put our representatives, or mail you catalogues and opecial prices. 0LNEY-GAST0N MUSIC CO. St. Joseph, SuccMfor to T. J. WASMDURN. EtUbllihcU In iAR. FREE TO STOCKMEN! A bonutiful six-leaf calendar will be sent, by us ABSOLU I'ELY FREE TO EVERY STOCKMAN who may ship his cattle, hogs or sheep to market and who will write us answering tho following questions: (1) How mauy head of stock have you? (2) What kind of stock liuvo you, not including hor6os? (.'$) When do j'ou expect to market your stock? (1) To what market, will you likely ship? (5) In what paper did you see thin advertisement? This calendar will bo ready for distribution in January. It is an ex ceptionally beautiful, artistin and costly production, psitited in several colors, representing fox hunting scones. It was made especially for us, cannot bo obtained elsewhere, and is worthy a place in tho finest home. WRI I E US TO-DAY giving this information and insure getting this cal endar. Address. CLAY, ROBINSON & 0., stock Yams. KANSAS CITY We also have our own linun nt CHICAGO SOUTH OMAHA SIOUX CITY SOUTH ST. JOSEPH DKNVKH SOUTH ST. PALI. EAST IlUFl'ALO Head our market letter In this paper. Writ us for any Hperlal Information dcnlrcd. I SAY, niSTERI I i Do you know that won a uo, iu uuy your uuuding Ala torial and Coal at ouryards? Not only that our prices avebaoe lower, or at least as low, as those of our competit ors, but ueoause wo take especial care of and protect all can be clussod us REGULAR CUSTOMERS. PL ATT & ry-4 5 uui. City Dray and Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTS FOR ADAAS EXPRESS CO. TELEPHONES, Residence 188. Office no ABEHTS WANTED No-Maw fl$gwirtt until you reoeivo and approve of your bicyclo my'Sin Ten Bays Free Trial soViKos $10 $ with Coaster - Brakes and runeturelcss Tlrea. 1903 & 1904-Modols 4f7 Va ? Bust Mukes gF m0 pKm Any make or vioilcl ynu xcanL at nncthird usual price. Choieo of any standard tires nnd boat equipment on nil our bicycles, Strongest guarantee. Wo SHIP ON APPROVAL C. O. D. to any ono without a cnit ilipiwt and allow JO DAYS FREE TRIAL beforo purchaso is binding. 500 Second NantJ Wheels &3 tf. d tiiUen In trudn by our Cltit-ntrit retail ston, tJStyJ TO WJJJ fill llltllIIM fltlfl rillMlflt.! I'IMwl !lh tlitw c ll-'jelu until yuu have written for our FACTORY F TSHES H-M i,WsliiWtw . j iPf is. - . "MmmimW EASY RIDING, DURABLE, SELF STRONG, HEALING FULLY COVERED by PATENTS BEWARE OF IMITATIONS Send fet' ear convincing booklet, "WHY." For Twenty Years.. A. B. CHASE Pianos to bo of tho very highest and oxpert musicians And and Durability you in touch with one of Mo. i.r ----l3r3rtW it will pay YOU, as FREES CO. r . ft Ltumocr. j Express Line. k 0 A' ft r ft ft ft ft ft ft ft "'I '- 1 MIJ ' i""'.itf,iamtjimM""''1'"' -WiCT..Vrm,iH.U,ii M JB.HeIH"Ti"1""l'"Ml"''-iH'' i-rTiWf,'-.Jvnml""""""miitii.-M'-t ?ZT- ' 'jl'i1 fHiMMfUKIWHU.'Hi'.'l ' lJJ tSfmSK1'-