V i m 0 t imujjutmi THE CHIK RRDOLOUO, NEBRASKA. PUBLISHEDEVERY FRIDAY. PADIi C. PflAUES QKOROI NETTM0U3B Editor Manager SUBBOMFTION RATES. Oat yer vllw llxmonttat " ntortn t tns po RtdCload.Meb.u eooudolMiiaMl matter. AbVKKTISlNO HATK8: Furnished on application. 'EIiEPHONE, SEVEN - TWO NOT TELLING TRUTH CHARGE MADE BY DISTRICT AT TORNEY AGAINST M'FARLANE. Attorney General of United States Observes Case of Packers Saya Department of Justice Got No In- , formation From Garfield. ' Chicago, Feb. G. Hut ono witness was on the stand in the packers' case. This was C. M. McFarlane. ofllco manager for Morris & Co. His evi dence related to the manner In which the agents of the government weru given information in the caso of Mor ris & Co. The cross-examination by District Attorney Morrison was ex ceedingly sharp. Just beforo the ad journment of court the district attor ney put. some leading questions re garding the working of the Oppen liclmcr company, which, it is claimed by the government, was one of the af filiated concerns, through which tho packers controlled the price of by products. He made the assertion that tho witness wns not telling the truth and brought on a warm argument, in which all the attorneys took part. Tho question was finally ruled out by tho court. Attorney General Moody was an ob server nt the trial and at the noon re cess of court said In reply to ques tions: "I notice that the attorneys for the packers have produced evi dence to the effect that Commissioner Garfield said that l"o would not give to the department of justice the in formation secured from the packers. If he ever said that ho certainly kept his word, for the department of justice never received any Information from him. Neither did wo receive informa tion from tho president nor any of tho subordinate officers of the department of Justice." FILE8 8UIT FOR DIVORCE. Daughter of Jay Gould Finds Life With Titled Husband Intolerable. Paris, Feb. G. Countess Boni do Castollano (formerly Anna Gould) en tered a plea for divorce. lopresentatlves of the countess and tho count appeared beforo a Judge, who, according to tho French law, en deavored to arrange a reconciliation beforo allowing a definite suit to pro ceed. It is said that tho judge's ef forts were not successful, the countess absolutely declining to resume her re lations with her husband, and that aft er repeated, but vain, attempts by Count do Castellane's advisers to ar range a settlement, tho representa tives of tho count and countess left tho court, and the suit will proceed. No decision hns been reached rela tive to the eventual custody of tho children of the count and countess, but they, being under age, will for the present naturally remain In the care of their mother. Friends of tho Count and Countess de Castellane ex press little hope that any adjustment of their differences will bo brought nbout, but ns divorce proceedings un der tho French law are very lengthy, new developments may occur before the caso comes up for triaL A decreo cannot bo pronounced under from three to six months. Sensational reports havo been cir culated with referenco to tho count's conduct nnd the name pf a prom inent society leader of Paris, a woman of very high standing, has been men tioned in connection with the affair. Tho count is said, to be In tho south east of France. army, composed of Infantry, engineers and gendarmes, stormed tho church of Notre Dame. Flerco fighting ensued Insido tho church and many persona were wounded. Seven of thoso re sisting tho efforts of tne commissioner were arrested, among them being Count Kergayla. There was also fight ing outside tho church between Cath olics and anti-Catholics. At Toulouse, members of the con gregation barred themselves In tho cathedral and rang a tocsin, causing tho authorities to abandon all at tempts to make an inventory. The innuifestants then proceeded to tho Mnsonlc temple and knocked in the doors. Asks Court to Delay Action. ' New York, Feb. G. Henry Woll-, man, counsel for tho state of Missouri, in tlie matter of tho proceedings ' brought by Attorney General Hadley against the Stnndard Oil company, ap peared before Justice Gildersleeve In the supremo court to ask that no or der bo entered by tho court In the re cent proceedings against Henry H. ' Rogers until niter tho decision o," tho , supreme court of Missouri, which is expected soon. Soft Coal Price Higher. Chicago, Feb. G. Because of tho possibility of a strike of tho coal min ers a number of wholesalers In this city advanced the price of soft coal Jfi cents per ton. II II iCN rm? l to&rrr. II -V M. 1 r V i m e 4F"HJ5 mtrntmr .X-"- - Rev. George Simmons of Peoria Takes Poison and Dies at Home. i Peoria, Feb. 7. Rev. George Sim mons, pastor of tho First Baptist church, president of the Interstate savings hank and the People's Savings bank, and recently appointed man ager of tho Yates senatorial cam paign In Peoria county, was found dead in bed. Ho has been tho object of investigation at the hands of tho stato's attorney, tho two banks, and his congregation on tho gravest charges. A letter found beside him showed his death to have been pre meditated. Ho said this was his last night on earth and wanted to leave a message of undying love to all. The People's Savings bank, of which Simmons was president, in the workmen's quarter of the city, did not open Its doors. Tho Interstate Savings bank, of which ho was president up to Monday, when his resignation wns accepted, was alEO the object of runs. Tho bank building was crowded with de positors demanding their money. Cnshler Anicker said they would bo able to stand the drain. Dr. Simmons came to the First Bap tist church five years ago from Terro Haute, Ind., and had been remarkably successful. Ho became manager of the senatorial campaign of formei Governor Yates a week ago and short ly after serious stories affecting his morals were circulated. State's Attor ney SholCB undertook an investigation and secured some sensational confes sions from boys of his congregation. Fresh Agrarian Disorders. Rostoff-on-Don, Feb. 7. Agrarian disorders have broken out anew in tho country adjacent to this place. A squadron of Cossacks has been sent to repress the disturbances. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS BO YOTJ GET UP WITH A I,AMI$ BACK? Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. Almost everybody who reads the news papers is sure to know of the wonderful cures maue oy Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Root, the great kid- w ney, liver nuu olau- cler remedy. It is the great med ical triumph of the nineteenth century ; uiBcovereuatter years of scientific research bv Dr. Kilmer, the eminent kidney and bladder specialist, and is wonderfully successful in promptly curing lame back, uric acid, catarrh of the bin .tiler and Hright's Disease, which is the uorst form of kidney trouble. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root is not rec ommended for everything but if you have kidney, liver or bladder trouble it will be found just the remedy you need. It hns been tested in so many wnys, in hospital work and in private practice, anil lias proved so successful in every case that a special arrangement has been mode by which all readers of this paper, who have not already tried it, may have a sample bottle sent free by mail, also a book tell ing more about Swamp-Root, and how to findout if you have kidney or bladder trou ble. When writing mention reading this generous off cr in this paper and send your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y. The regular fifty-cent and one dollar size bottles arc sold by all good druggists. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, and the address, Binghamton, N. Y., on every bottle. $7 to $12 $3 1 $8 Ilomo of Swamp-Root. fttfllDER AGENTS WANTED No Mm$? Required! until you recoivo and approvo of your bicycle. SSfsSK Ten Bays Free Trial WosWodcfs $$ to $24- with Coaster - Brakes and runcturoloss Tiree. 1903 & f904 MotSola Best Makes. Ann make or model won mint at one-third usual price. Clioico of any standard tires and best ! equipment on all our bicycles. Strongest guarantee. We SUSP ON APPROVAL C. O. D. to any ono without a cent deposit uud allow JO DAYS FREE TRIAL, ooioro purcniibo is Dinuing. 500 Second Hand Wheels tnkt'iiln ttudft by our Chicago retail storua, nil tnnliw nml timdotu. irruttl iiv miv nfl UFIT DISV a bicycle- until you liavo written for our FACTORY IIU RUI BUI PRICES AND FREE TRtHL OFFER. Tires. equipment, sundries and sporting goods of all UlutR at half regular Mice, In our big (ree Sundry Catalogue. Contains a world ot useful In formation. Write foi It. PUNCTURE-PROOF TIRES $4yl Regular prico $850 per pair. To introduce $ M f EXt utn uiBII Gnll fl W You a Sample Pair for Only NO MORE TROUBLE from PUNCTURES Result of 15 years experience in tiro making;. No danger from THORNS, G ACTUS, PINS, NAILS, TAGKSor GLASS. Serious punctures, like intentional knifo cuts, can bo Tuleanized liko any other tire. Send for Catalomio "T." showing all kinds and makes of tires at 2.00 per pair nnd tin Jso Coaster-Brakes. Hullt-up Wheels and Hleyoles Sundries at Half tho usual price. Nntlco tho thick rubber trend "A" nnd nuncturo strips "l" and "IV This tire will outlast any other innltt Soft. Klastio and Eaiy Hiding. Wo will ship C. 0. D, ON APPROVAL AND EXAMINATION without a ernt depoiit. Wo will allow a aamh discount ot & (thcititxr making the prico SI.&O per pair) if yon send full cash with order. Tires to bo rctwpeu at our oxpenso it not satisfactory on examination. & MEAD CYCLE CO., Dept. J.L. CHICAGO, ILL. m ffijlffl ml lMESTAnKs ml vMushed Sfiar ! If CHURCH SCENE OF BATTLE. Police and Troops Capture Edifice at Montpeller, France. Paris Feb. 6. MM. Do Billy and Petit were each sentenced to six months' Imprisonment and a fine of 40 for connection with tho recent disturbances at the church of St. Roch, when nn Inventory of tho prop erty of tho church was being made In conformity with the church and state separation law. Several other per sons were given sentences ranging from" two to six months and fines of $40 for resisting tho commissioners t- St. Clothllde's church. There were many disturbances In the provinces. At Montpeller asmall Features of the Day's Trading and Closing Quotations. Chicago, Feb. ). A relatively small In crenne In the world'H visible supply of wheat watt the liasin of a sharp advance In the price of wheat here today. Af the ehihe wheat for May delivery wuh up VM cc. dun and oalh were praetlcnlly uu changed, l'lov.lstiiim were BlT'jc lower to 5c higher. Closing pi Ices: Wheat May, brV4(&Wht; July, 81c, Sept., t:t',(,e. Corn-May, HyHMtc; July, HVdc; Sept., i4V(.,-ic. Oats May, .W&ffjJiO'jc; July, 21175c; Sept., -e. 1'orU May, $1 1.70; July, $14.72,$. Lard Slay, $7 MVM ;"; July, $7.77"j& 7.80. Itllis-Mny. ST.aiK-foT.Ki; July, $7.02', ft7.D."i. Chicago Cash Prices-No. 2 com, 41ty3 42c; No. 2 oats. S0J4e. South Omaha Live Stock. South Omaha, Kelt. (I.-Cattle Receipts, j.SHX); ntcndj ; native steers, ?:t.70'i.riO; cows ami heifers, $2.7574.00; eanners, $1.75 i!.50; Miuckirs and feedcrH, $.',254.:i3; calves, !f:i.00iM!.25; hulls, stags, etc., $2.25 3Ttl,75. llogs-Ilecelpts, 0,500; shade low er; heavy, $5.52'.-r.571j; mixed, $.-i.nofiJ 5.52j; light, $5.45(jr..52V(it pigs, $4.50(00.25, hulk of sales, $5.5(Ki 5.5121$. Sheep Re ceipts, 5,500; Willie higher; yearlings, $5.50(rMI.OO; wethers, $5.205iC.OOj ewes, $4.50 j0.00; lambs, $1.55ii7.O0. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago, Kelt. O.-Cattle Receipts, 5,500; slow, steady; common to prime steers, $3.40ifj!.:t.-; cows, $;!.00iI4.40; heifers, $2.1:5 fiTi.OO; bulls, $2.00tff.l.OO; calves, $:i.(XK8.00; ftockers and feeders, 2.40ffi.4.ti0. Hogs--Recelpts, HS.OOO; 5c lower; choice to prime heavy, $5.85fi5.f0; medium to good heavy, $5.bOtflo.S5; hutcherwelghts, $5.80(50.00, good to choice heavy, mixed, $5.80((;0.8o; packing, $5.r5ir.85. Sheep-Receipts, 10,. 0U0; steady to strong, Iambs weak; sheep, $3.50ff(5.M); yearlings, $5.MX30.40; lambs, $0.50647.25. Kansas City Live Stock. Knusan City, Keh. a Cattle-Rccelpti, 18,000; nteady to 15c lower; native steers, $4.0Xit0.lK); fair to gooa, $4.00(50.15; west ern fed steers, $.'1.50(0.50; stockcrs nnd feeders, $2.804.75; cows, $2.2iM.25; heif ers. $IJ.O0JLM.0O: calves. $,'1.0flJTr.OO. Hoca I -.Receipts, 17,000; weak to 5c lower; top, $3.72'j; unlk of sales, $0.57140.07; heavy. $3.5&o.72M,; pigs nnd light, $5.10(50.02. 8hpep Receipts, 8,000; weak to 10c lower, Umhs, $5.75G7,00; cvres and yuarllnga, $4.,J&5.75. can be greatly Increased by giving special care to the health of every animal and fowl on the farm. Sick poultry, sheep, cattle, hogs, horses, etc., depend on their livers to keep them well Black-Draught Stock and Poultry Medicine keeps their livers working and therefore keeps them well. Black-Draught Stock and Poul try Medicine is a pure, natural, vegetable, blood purifier, and acts by regulating the stomach, liver and bowels. It prevents and cures Hog Chol era, Chicken Cholera, Colic, Dis temper, Coughs, Colds, Constipa tion, Fever, Loss of Appetite, Wasting Away, and all the com mon stock diseases. It Is a perfect medicine for gen eral farm use. Try It. Price 25c for a large can, at all druggists and dealers V i i i .' H Tho difference letrenlllttlnir and MNlnj If th cillf irercnceltrcnn Accuritc ami an InaccunteArni. Choose lly .IliSrlinlmtel Crt a hTUVRNM I'mty ear of cscrlcnccU beliiml our trlul and vtvillnecif KIFLl'.K, lISTOI.S, KHOTflUNK ICIllo Telescopes, J-.tr. As'- j nurdcalcr and Insist ontlioSTFVhNS. If)ou cannot olitaln,e alilpdl ltUttxfrtssfrtfatJtOn rrcclptnfcataloi; price. hrnd 4C In iUnu for uu ii;i) ratitot; descrlMnt; theentlrshlKVUNSlluc. 1'rofuvcly Illustrated .and contain point nn Sliuul Inir, Ammunition, Klc. lleautlful three-color Aluminum Hanger will to fur. Kanled for loieuU In stamps, J. STEVENS AKM3 AND TOOL CO., r.o.uoM" Cll ICOIT.Il I'AI.LS, M ASV, U. S. A. 4 NAILS, TACKS UK ULA3S WON'T LET OUT THE AIR Limmai'S&MSSBmSam "7 si Km EASY RIDING, STRONG, DURABLE, SELF HEALING FULLY COVERED by PATENTS BEWARE OF IMITATIONS A.B.(ha$E VNG For Twenty Years.. Sndfei-oar convincing booklet, WHY." Daring all theBe years A. B. OHASE Pianos have been acknowledged to bo of the very highest grade. The most critical and expert musioians find them unsurpassed in Tone, Action and Durability We are district distributers of the A. B. CHASE. Pianos, and will gladly put you in touch with one of our representatives, or mail you catalogues and opecial prices. OLNEY-GASTON MUSIC CO. St. Joseph, Mo. Snecesaora to T. J. WASHBURN. Established In 186S. fUJ,:S w33t Three Children Cremated. "Helena, Mont., Feb. 7. Three chil dren of J. B. Cypher, girls, agea one, three and flvo years, were burned to death in their home. Tho parentB left tho children alone. When they returned tho houso was in ruins. Outlook In China Serious. Hong Kong, Fob. 7. J. C. Hoare, bishop of Victoria, Hong Kong, In an interview on tho situation in China, expressed tho view that the outlook was more sorloua in the south at any rate than befor tkt Boxer rising. (2) (.1) (4) FREE TO STOCKMEN! A beautiful six-leaf calendar will be sent by us ABSOLU I'ELY FREE TO EVERY STOCKMAN who may ship his cattle, Iiors or sliesp to market and who will write us answariuR tho following questions: (1) How munv head of stock imv your What kind of stock have you, not including liorsesr When do you expect to market your stock? To what market will you likely ship? In what paper did you see this advertisement? This calendar will Do ready ror uistrioiulon m .January, it is an ex ceptionally beautiful, artistic nnd costly production, psiuted in several colors, representing fox hunting scenes. It was made especially for us, cannot, be obtained elsewhere, uud is worthy a placo in tho finest home. WRI I E US TO-DAY giving this information and insuro getting this cal endar. Address. CLAY, ROBINSON & CO., stock Yams. KANSAS CITY We hIho hare our own lioiti-f f nt CHICAGO SOUTH OMAHA SIOUX CITY SOUTH .ST JOSEril DENVHIt SOUTH ST. PAW. KAST 1IUFKAL0 Head our market letter In tlilti paper. Write us for any hpeulnl Information desired. tkkUyUklifiltbbkVitbtJMVst)BtUtiiUvUiUtfvbAUk4t tr SAY, niSTER! c- fi- s f 9 tr r C- ft c ft ft ft ft ft 4 vim. "'"wi t m (f(f(fif!fAV1rUail1T1V1l1iATP(f1V Do you know that it will pay YOU, ns woll as US, to buy your Building Ma torial and Coal at ouryardB? Not only that our prices average lower, or at least as low, as those of our competit ors, but because wo take especial care of and protect all can be classed as REG'ULAR CUSTOMERS. PLATT & FREES CO. Coal. Lumber. City Dray and Express Line. F. W. STUDEBAKTCIt, PROP. Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTS FOR ADAMS EXPRESS CO. TKLEPHONBB, Residence 1 88. Office 119. A' liXniKtsWi "TBife.".