The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 02, 1906, Image 8

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j Heal Estate
To Renters
Why work for othors whon you con do so much bottor by work
ing for yourselves?
Can yon rniso from 8500 Jo $2000?
If you cnn do this, got a homo of your own whilo land is yot
within your roach.
and from now on laud is going to advanco in valuo as novor boforo
in your lives.
and got it within tho rain bolt of Nebraska. Nebraska is good
enough for us.
You having money lying idlo in tho bank and earning you noth
ing, can invest it in lands that as a matter of speculation will not
you astonishing results. Soo Walker & Bailoy for a farm here, or
tako a trip with them tho first and third Tuesdays in each
month farther west, but within tho rain bolt, whore lands aro cheap,
choapor. cheapest, and you will probably buy, either for a homo or
for investment.
Our FARM LOAN DEPARTMENT offers rates and
terms especially attractive.
WALKER ft BAILEY, Red Cloud, Neb
Interesting Items Gathered
by Our County Reporters
"Grandma" Holdrego attonded ser
vices at 41 on Sunday.
Miss Maggie Leonard spent Sunday
lit her homo in lliverton.
John Hasmusson of Naponee was
visiting hero on Snturdiiy.
Miss Hatlio Cloud was a Burlington
passenger for Red Cloud Monday.
Miss Louise Ruiter visited with her
paiouts in Republican over Sunday.
W. F Ronkel wont to St. Joo with a
shipment of cattle tho first of tho week.
Edward Jones is much improved,
and tbo doctor bus hopoi of his re
Art Wolcott is still confined to his
bed, though his condition is much im
proved. O. W. Rinker and H. E. Chaplin
wont to Kansas City with cattle tho
first of tho week
Quito a number of our people attend
ed tho funeral of Mr. West at Rod
Oloud on Monday.
E J. Peterson roceived a carload of
hogs from Brush, Colo., Saturday,
which ho will feed for market.
W. H. Cloud received throe cars of
cattle from Kansns City the liist of tho
week, which ho expects to feed for
the market.
A. E Strohm, who bought the drug
storo formerly owned by Mr. Wilson,
has rentud tho Deisley pioporty in tho
north part of town, and is moving his
family down from lliverton.
Mr. and Rrs. Gibb McCall departed
on Monday for Goodnight, Okla.,
where they will ninko their homo in
the future. Thoy are well known here
Mrs. McCall iiaving boen reared
among our young peoplo. Their pros
enco will be sadly missed by all their
old friends, whoso bust wishes go with
them to their new homo,
Frank Crabill is building a largo
frame barn.
Renis Jensen is busy those days,
breaking bis team to drivo.
R. Streit had ono thousand bushels
of corn shelled last Saturday.
vFreomnn Erickson was down to Ina-
valo last Saturday with somo fat hogs.
C. M Wilson bought twenty five
head of hogs of Chris Hanson Monday,
O. C. Teel from Rod Cloud was seon
in this locality tho latter part of last
Week. I
John Erickson departed for western
Knnsas last Thursday, whero ho goos
to visit friends.
Honry Erickson has his new house
About completed. Honry says ho in
tends to "baton."
Julius Nolson and wifo from near
Inavalo, woro pleasant visitors at tho J
.TOvHr.w.'iMw,..v,. pjj.js!a.;.-gi
DJtilllE I
- Farm Loans 1
and Others.
homo of Otto Jensen Monday.
Ed Bretthauor has returned from
Perkins county, Nob., wbero ho was
called by tho illness of his mother.
Myrtlo Smith was visiting Mrs. Jane
Campbell on Tuesday.
Mr. Hoadlov'a threshing machine is
yot singing its indust'inl song.
Lloyd Amuck sold a span of mules
and purchased a lino span of horses
The ladies aid society mot at the
homo of Mrs. Elma King Thursday of
this week.
John Motter's voico was badly out
of tuno last Suuday, on account of a
severe cold.
A now King now reigns at the home
of L'oweliyn. Mother and son as well
as could be expected.
Mrs. Cora Reed accompanied her
m tthor homo Monday evening, return
ing to Red Cloud Tuesday.
Rev. G. W. Hummoll bogan a series
of meotinjgB at Ash creek M. E. church
Sunday evening. There will be
preaching each night except Saturday.
Tho moetings will continuo indefinitely.
Fino "weather for winter.
A.J. Bragg is painting his barn.
Low Smith shelled corn tho first of
tho week.
Fred Forner will soon havo his barn
Wo understand Chas. Oglovio has
sold his farm.
Jako Monia and wifo attended the
salo tit Am boy Tuesday.
Mrs. Delia Watt of Guide Rock was
tho gueht of Low Smith Sunday.
Mrs. J. Garrison of Washington has
boen visiting old friends here tho past
John Golden and family and Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Gigor of Guide Rock
were visiting with Chas. Molloy Sun
day. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. R. Saladen and Mr
and Mrs. J. W. Saladen of Amboy
were guests at tho Frink homo ono day
last week
Fino weather for this timo of tho
Charlos Fitz returned from Beatrice
Mrs. Farley is visiting hor naronts in
Custer county ttiis week.
Mrs. Fred Roed visited at tho homo
of Mrs. Wnyuu Reed Wednesday.
Quito a number from hero attended
Charles Cowley's salo Wednesday.
Hnsfiln unit Phi-Ih Hi-mlnO- r
,,.. w....,u.t ul vmiiiu.
.ii ..::....! o i ...!.. .. .
boll visited Sunday with their uncle,
J. M. Lookhart.
J W. McCoy and family drovo down
to Cowlua Saturday and visited over
Sunday with hi brother.
Mrs. Mary Reed and children spent
Wednesday at tho homo of hor father,
H. B. Bojd, south of town.
Mr una Mrs. Fols drove up north of
Omnjiholl Wednesday iitul attended tho
flulo of iiis brothor, August F-is.
I Mr Doom returned from Iowa last.
; Friday, whom ho Ims spnt tho last
month visiting friends and relatives.
i Mr. KigginH, wHi ,as horni fork for
tho past four months, departed thN
lifu Jiinuarv 2G, 1000, at tho ao of 08
yoais. Mr. Uiggins wn nn old soldier
and was well known in and around
Hludon. Funeral services worn held
Sunday at 11 o'clock, it the Hnptint
ohuroh, conductod by Rev. Wliito of
thoU. H. church, after which Mm re
mains were laid to rest in the Plain
viow cemetery followed bv a It tr
numbur of relatives and friends
Amos Gust has hl-t houso ready for
tho plasterers.
' W. J. HaMt'ns supplied tho farmers
' with hoofsteak.
, B. S VanDyko fenced ten acres of
pasture this week.
1 James Keagle has rented part of his
farm to Mr. Hicks.
Will Dollins will farm tho Solwood
I ranch nnother year.
Mrs. Houghtaling is under tho care
of tho doctor this week.
I John Fox nnd wifo woro guosts of
, Fiank Van Dyko Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell of Gar
field visited with Mr. Clatk, on Walnut
Chas. Bobso was out from Rod Cloud
looking after his stock on Penny creek
Tho Rev. Miss Goodwin of North
Branch was tho guest of Ed Mountford
John Aubushon left this wook for n
visit with his sister, Mrs. Richard
Keagle, at Victor, Colorado.
Kansas City, Jan. 30. Receipts of
cattle thus far this week are 25,700;
last week, 21,800; last year 10,500. On
Monduy trade for light and medium
steers was steady to strong with heavy
weights slow. Cows and heifers wero
active and steady to strong; stockers
and feeders firm to 10 cents higher.
Today's trade was at steady prices for
heavy beef steers whilo light and me
dium grades were slow and weak.
Cows and heifers woro steady to 10
cents lower; stockers and feedors ac
tive and steady.
The following table gives prices
now ruling.
Extra prime corn-fod steers. .85 25-5 80
Good corn fed steers 4 75-.r 25
Ordinary corn fed steors. . . . 4 00-4 75
Choice corn fed heifers 4 50-5 00
Good corn fed heifers .$ 50-4 00
Medium corn fed hoifors 2 75 3 25
Choice corn fed cows :$ 50-4 00
Good 300-350
Medium 2 50-3 00
Cannors 1 75 -2 25
Choice stags . 7-5.4 00
Choice fed bulls 3 50 -4 00
ood ., 275-325
Bologna bulls 2 25-2 50
Veal calves 5 50-7 25
Good to choico native or
western stockers 3 75-4 25
Fair 3 40-8 75
Common 3 00-3 40
Good to choice heavy native
feeders 3 75-4 30
Fair 3 20-3 75
Good to choico heavy brand
ed horned feedors 3 25-3 75
Fair 3 00-3 25
Common 2 50-3 00
Good to choico stock heifers 2 75-3 00
Pair 2 25-2 75
Good to choico stook calves,
steers 3 75.4 50
Fair 325 375
Good to choico stock calvos,
hoifors 325-4 00
Fair 275-325
Choico wiutored grass steers
, 350-450
Good 3 25-3 50
Fair 3 00-8 25
Choico grass cows 2 75-3 25
Good-"- 250-7 50
Common 2 00-5 25
Receipts of hogs thus far this week
Perfeot In quality.
Modoroto In prloo
for you to get a new WATCH
made some
Slashes in Prices
of Our Watches
and if you want
case, get it now,
money by doing
Newhouse Bros.,
Jewelers and Opticians. B. & M. Watch Inspectors
are 21,000; last week, 20,100; last year,
21,400. Monday's market was strong
to 5 cents higher with an easy close.
Today's trado was mostly steady, bulk
of sales ruling from $5.25 fo 5.45; top
Receipts of sheep thus far this week
havo been heavy. Monday's market
was steady to 10 cents lower for sheep
with lambs 10 to 15 cents oir. Today's
trado was very dull and 15 to 25 conts
lower. Wo quote choico lambs, 80.90
to 7.00; choico yearliurs, $0.00 to 0.15;
choico wethers, 55.40 to 5.50; choice
owes, $5.00 to 5.10.
Mother Grav's Sweet Powders for
Successfully used by Mother Gray,
nurse in tho Children's Homo in New
York, cure feverishness, bad stomach,
toothing disorders, move and regulate
tho bowels and destroy worms. Over
30.000 testimonials. They never fail.
At all druggists, 25 cents. Sample
free. Address Allen S. Olmstead,
LeRoy, N. Y.
Publication of Summons.
To James II. Kldd, Mrs. .Tamos II Kldd. Hob
crt M. Cochran. .Mrs. Robert M. Cochran. Wil
liam OuthWHlie, Herbert A. Taber. D. C. Kelly,
tlrst real name unknown, and James Pitcher,
non-resident defendants:
You are hereby notlllcd that the C'ty of Rod
SI.'.'11,'1, ,n, Webster county. Nebraska, as plain
till, lias tiled lis petition und commenced an ac
tlon la thedlstrlctcourt of said VYabHter countv
against yon and other dcfondaniH. the object ami
prayer of which are to extend the corporato
UmltH of said oily by the annexation of certain
toiitlguou-territory thereto no that the cor
poraie limits as extended and the corporation
boundary line shall bo an follows and Include
all tho territory therein, to wli : Het-lnnlng at
tho corner of sections i,s. 11 and 12. In town
ship 1. north, run no 11, west of tho sixth I', M..
In Webster county. Nebraska, running thence
WftRt (111 Nftlll MiPttntl llflf. tlAtlfnu.l onl.l cn.ln..B
- - .. . ik. i, ... mini riuuuim
J and ll, 100 rods to the quarter section corner;
intinu mil ill uil lliu mill KL'UIIOII 1IIH) in U)C
ceiuor of sulil section !.', to the quarter section
v.. unci uiinitii nmu PL'CIIUII u una SCCUOU ..
In township . range 11: thenrotwest on said
sectliin Hue between said sictionsiJ and 3ft K10
feet: thence north, at right ancles, to the half
section lino running east and west, through the
center of said section Oft; thenio cast at right
angles In said half section line and tbo ex
tension thereof In section ."fl a distance In said
section 38 of 1341.7 feet to a point therein; to
wit: tho northeast corner of Multli & Moore's
addition to ued Oloud ; thence south, at right
angles In th east line of said Smith it Moore's
addition and the extension thereof, to tho
south Hue of said section ,M and on to the
south lino of the street known as Fourth Ave
nue: thence west In tho south lino of said street
on the south side of said section .'!8 to a point
lf8 feet east of tho northeast corner of block 32
of iho original town of Ued Cloud, according
to the recorded plat thereof; thence south at
right angles, parallel with tho west lino of said
section 1, to a point In tho north lino of KHley
& Jackson's addition to lied Cloud, according
to tho recoided plat thereof; thenco eat at
right angles, in said north lino to tho north
east corner of said addition; thenco south, at
right angles, to the south line of said section 1 ;
thence west In saM south line of section 1 to
tho southwest corner of said section 1. tho
place of beginning Ynu'aro required to an
swer ald petition on or beforo Monday, March
12. 1006.
Dated February l. 1000.
,. TIK f'lTTf UK KKD CI.OUD, Plalntllf.
Ily L. II. lllackledge, Its Attorney. febi'l
Sheriff's Sale.
Notlco la hereby given, that under and by
vlrtuo of an order of sale issued from tho
ofllcoofGeo W. Ilutchlfoii, Clerk of tho His
trlct Court of the Tenth Judicial District, with
in and for Webster county. Nebraska, upon a
decree in an action pending therein, wherein
htt K. Dcweoio Is plnlntlfl'. and against Lucy
Oulllford and Hugh W Oulllford. defendants,
I shall offer for salo at public vendue to the
hlghest.bldder for cash In hand, at tho ost
door of tho Court House, at lied Cloud. In said
Webvter county, Nebraska, tthat btilng tho
building wherein the Inst term or said court
was holdon). on the day of March, A. I).
JPOfl. at ono o'clock p.m. of said day, tho fol'
lowing described property, to wit:
Lots one to twcniv.foiir ifinnn iniu tun .....1
ipHnblockonoofiJulliford's addition' to lied
Cloud. Nebraska.
0,yicn"",Jo,r'nyhandthl8 31st day of Jauu
Ary A 1 llK)u
, , .? 1MIKDOE, Sheriff.
J. R. Mercor, Plaintiff's Attorney. mcii2
a watch or a new
for you will save
A Great Fire
You will have if
you try some of
Good Coal
Sold by
Saunders Bros.
Tho popular Lumber and
Coal men of Rod Cloud.
Te ephono CO will get it.
Schmidt iWiseearver
Fourth Avenue
IWeat Jtoket
Wholesalo and retail Fresh aud
Cured Meats, and everything kept
in a Urst class meat market. Man
ufacturers of high grade Sausage
and Strictly Turo Lard. Highest
market prices paid for Live Stock,
Poultry, Hides, Pelts and Tallow.
To the
Out of 50 Insurance Companies
doing business in Webster
County tho Gecman of Free
port pays ouo-third of tho taxes
and has over 500 policies in
force. The Farmers' Mutual of
Isebraska is tho largest Mutual
m tlio state, with over throe
quarters of a million dollars in
surance in Webster county.
For Good Insurance
Call on
Rod Cloud.
Mystic Cure for Rheumatism and NouralaU
radically cures In 1 to 3 days, its action upon
Iho system Is remarkablo and mysterious n
removes at once the cause and the dlscaso'lm
medlatoly disappears. The first lnB ,..,,
benefits. 7fi cents andll o'. scld bv8ll ny
Grice DruiTKlst. Red Cloud Dy " B-
You will not iini beauty in rouge
pot or complexion whitewash. Trii.
beauty comes to them only that taki
Hollistor'd IWkF Mountain Ten. It in
a wonderful tonic and benutliiur
conta, tea or tablots. C. L. Cottin'g '
. a
a a