The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 02, 1906, Image 5

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Wall Paper
We have been selling
WALL 1'Al'liR all
Winter and have al
ready received our
first shipment for
1006. We have some
very pretty new pat
terns. If you intend
to paper soon, come
in and seem them.
Chas. L. Coiling
H6e Druggist
K. M. Crono was in town Tuesday.
Paul Pupo went toitiverton Mjtulay.
Go to Fred l'luiub'd for Hour or feed
Mts. Norton was in Superior yoitor
day. Dr. E. A. Thomas, dentist, Damorol
Ralph Cramer of Hardy was in town
I. II. Holmes' returned from Riverton
Bert Garbor was in Bladon Saturday
and Sunday.
holton Lotson wont to Chicago Tues.
df7 morning.
Wm. Ireland was down from River
ton Saturday.
Arthur Roby went to Beatrice Mon
day morning.
Ralph Huntor was down from Ina
valo Thursday.
Phil Cayer was up from Superior
Tuesday night;.
Jeromo Vance was up from Guide
Rock Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Storoy woro in
Cowles Sunday.
Miss Hattio Cloud was down from
Inavale Monday.
Isaac Shepherdson was dowu from
Riverton Monday.
Father J W. Lougnot was In Bluo
Hill ovor Sunday.
Victor Manspeakor wontj to Lincoln
Thursday morning.
One week from noxt Wednesday is
St. Valentino's day.
A. B. Sellars returned from .Beaver
City Tuesday morning.
Sheriff Hedge and B. McNony were
in Guide Rock Monday.
A. H. Gray of Norton, Kansas, wi s
in Red Clouu Thursday.
Nud Grimes returned to his homo in
Blue Hill Thursday uoou,
Take your poultry and hides to
Plumb, Top prices paid.
Mrs. II. K. Grico returned homo from
Lincoln Wednesday night.
Cull and soo my 00 different kinds of
candies, at the Sodorborg's Inn.
C K Put tin m of Cowlos was a pleas
nt caller at this office Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Chnrles Glick woro
down from Rivertou Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Taylor
down from Riverton Wodnosdny.
Mr. and Mrs. James Ryan and
went to Hatitings Thursday noon.
Mrs K A. Thomas and littlo daugh
ter are visiting in Cowles ihis week.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack" Butler,
Friday night a nine-pound baby girl.
Mrs. Ciff Popo wor.t to Lincoln
Thursday morning to visit hor mother.
Mra. Effie Harvoy and son John
wore down from Inaralo Wodnesday.
Mra. Ed Amack and Mra. Bon Lud
low woro visiting in Riverton Sunday.
Dr. Gardner and wifo returned to
thoir homo in Wymoro Monday morn
ing. Not a rich corporation but just
plain J. O. Caldwell, for hardjand soft
E S. Garbor and O. D. Hodgo wont
to Bluo Hill Tuesday on a business
Plumb tbo food man will pay you tho
highost prlco for poultry, eggs and
Rev. J. M. Bates went to Naponoo
Thursday to perform a marriago ceremony.
gVoni Du kiMison luut Iim hand uadly
hurl lust Saturday while shoeing a
ll M'HO.
Mis Nellie Jonos of Clay Center,
Neb., is visiting hor cousin, Mrs. J. C.
Miss Mattel Johnson of Nelson is in
Red Cloud visiting with the Misses
Mr. and Mrs. Low Sodcrbcrg are tho
pirontsofa baby gill, born Sunday
George J. Warren returned from n
business trip to Kuisus City Wednos
diy night.
Roxio Weaver is tho new stroot car
conductor, T. Bailey having resigned
his position.
ltuv J M. B.iti's will hold services
in ilu Episcopal church for tho next
two Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. I. O. Walker and chil
dren of Inavale were visiting in Red
(Jlnud Siinduy.
Frank Cowden wont to Chicago Mon
day to purchase bin spring and summer
stock of clothing.
J D Orans, proprietor of the B. &
M hotel, served 110 meals at his open
ing dinner Sunday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. W. H. Feiguson of
Guide Rock are visiting their daugh
ter, Mrs. W. Hum i I ton.
Dr. M. U. Thomas of Lincoln was in
Red Cloud Monday visiting with his
couttin, Dr. E. A. Thomas.
Josppli W. Warren has been vory ill
nt his homo for tho past work from an
attack of grippe and chills.
Frank Hutchison of Esbon, Kmsas,
wa hero Tuesday and Wednesday vis
iting relatives nnd frionds.
Mrs. A. A. Popo went to Lincoln
Thursday morning to visit with hit
son, Donald Pope, and wife.
Mis. E. M. Gant returned Wednes
day night from a two weeks visit with
relatives in Mankato, Kansas.
Mrs. Mary Arneson of Walnut creek
has purchased the Frank Smolsor prop
erty in the west part of tho city.
Mrs. Grant Turner and littlo baby
and Miss Lulu Turner wont to Bluo
Hill Thursday to visit relatives.
Bert Folt and Goorgo Spohn woro up
from Superior Thursday eight attend
ing the Knight Templar meeting.
E. E Ladd and Mrs. Lulu Matthows
were down from Inavalo Monday, at-
Machine-made harness is
today taking. the place of
hand-made. " The
Lock Stitch
is impossible to rip. Every
stitch is pulled at the
same tension, every piece
is cut to a pattern that
We want to impress
upon your mind that we
have to select from
A Line of
That is Hard
to Beat
Don't pass us by if you
are interested in saving
money on a good har
Hardware Co.
tending tho funeral of Air. West.
When you got 11 hmr (Mil, slinvo nnd
bath at Manspoukoi'.s barber slioji you
will fed like a now num. Try it.
Mr. and Mrs. ! lm Murtin and child
ron denarted Thmsday mottling for
their home in Lufavette, Indiana.
L. II. Blaokl'Mljo n'tuniPil from
Smith Center, Kinsii", Wednesday,
where ho has been on legal hulness
Mr. nnd 'Mrs. R E. Reynolds nnd
childion doparted Tuesday morning
for their new homo in Overton, NH.
Mrs. Fortuno returned from Hebron
Monday night, whero sho has been
visiting hor parents sitieo tho holidays.
Goorgo Haeer, a former rcsidont of
Cowles, but lately of Sheimnii count v,
was visiting old friends in Red Cloud
Mrs. T. E Penman and daughter
Leah arrived in Rwl Cloud Tuesday.
They woro onrouto to Cowles to visit
Mr. Dalitgren of Superior wafi in tho,
oily Wednesday nieht and assisted the
orchestra in furnishing music for the
club dance.
Miss Bnssin Marsh returned to her
homo in Grand Island Thursday noon,
after an extondod visit hero with rola
tives and frionds.
Mrs. V. B. Fulton departed Wednes
day morning for Lincoln in rsponso
to a telegram that her nunt, Mrs. Den
ham, was dying.
Mr. and Mrs Z T. Whitnov returned
to their homo in Cotesiiold, Neb., Mon
day noon, after a visit with relatives
on Indian Creek.
Mrs. G. W Lindsov departed Mon
day noon for Omaha. Hor daughter,
Mrs. Thos. Thompson of Grand Island,
will accompany her.
Miss Myrtlo Saunders, who has been
hero for somo timo visiting relative?,
returned to her homo in Lingtnont,
Colo., Thursday night.
"Sabbath or Lord's Day Which
Shall Christians Observe?" will bo the
thomo discussed at tho Christian
church next Sunday at 11 a. m.
Luke M. Bates of Lone Pino, Nob.,
who was recently appointed register of
tho land tiled a' Valentino, Nob , is a
son of Rev. J. M. Batea of this city.
Wm. West returned to Naponee
Wednesday night, having been called
hero by the death of his father, SamM.
West, which occurred last Saturday.
Wanted Bright, honest young man
from Red Cloud to proparo for paying
position in Government Mail Sorvico.
Box one, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, fob 33.
V. B. Fulton has resigned bis posi
tion at Sullivan's lumber yard. A. W.
Barrett, of Soward, will havo charge
of tho yard until Mr. Sullivan returns.
Bruce Frame has resigned his posi
tion with Robinson & Burden, and will
commence work on a farm in tho
spring. Ed Buchanau has taken his
Mrs L N. Adk'ns and son returned
to their homo in Wymoro Wednesday.
They woro in nttondanco at the funeral
of Mr. West. Mrs. Adkins and Mrs.
West are cousins.
Walker & B tiloy returned from thoir
western trip twlay. I'hoy sold this
time 2340 acres. Bailey surrendered to
tho beautiful country near Trenton
and bought 320 acn s.
Miss Gano Forbes of Matiknto,
Kansa?, was visiting in Red Cloud
Sunday with her uncles, M. R. Bent ley
of Hot Springs, Ark., and J. W. Bont
ley of Hot Springs, South Dakota.
Frionds of' Mrs. Bretthauor, who is
living with tier son Paul at Madrid,
Nob , and who ha3 recently been vory
ill with tvpnoid lvnr, will bo pleased
to learn tuit sim in now out of dmiger.
Throe littlo babes woro nestled in bed,
"I'll name them William, Willie and
Bill," mother said.
Wido was her smile, for triolets thoy be,
Sho lavs hor good luck to Rocky
Mountain Tea.
Great baby medicine.) C. L. Cotting.
Next Sunday morning at tho Con
gregational church tho pastor will
speak on lessons from tho Temptation
ofJosus. No evening mooting. After
noon meeting at the McCall school
house at 3.30 p. m.
It invigorates, strengthens and
builds up. It keeps you in condition
physically, mentally and morally.
That's what Hollis:or's Rocky Moun
tain tea will do. 35 cents, tea or tab
bltg. C L. Cotting.
Blunders Brothers wish to announco
that they are making prompt deliver
ies of thoir good coal, aud that if it is
inconvenient for you to btop and leavo
your order at tho ofilco, call tolophono
GO or 231 and your ordor will bo
promptly taken care of,
Plans for tho coming revival meet
ings will ho presented at tho Methodist
church next Sunday evening. The
various churches of tho city that are to
unite in this union effort aro to tako
Commences Saturday, January 13
We've got too many Overcoats
for this season of the year and we
are going to sell them.
They'll go at once if price will
force them out.
If you need an Overcoat now, or
if you expect to need one, next sea
son or the season after, here's your
opportunity. Buy now, while you
can get a discount of
Ore-Fifth Off
our regular prices. The investment
will pay better than Standard Oil
Sale Commences Sat., Jan. 16
ee Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co.,
First Door North of Postoflfcc, Rod Cloud, Nobr.
in this service,
one invited.
Special music. Every-
A union mcoting of tho local
churches will bo hold Sunday evening
in tho M. E. church, Rev. Davis de
livering the sermon. During tho ser
vice tho preliminary plans of organiza
tions for the coming evangelistic
tnootings will bo detailed so that every
one presont may understand just what
the churches nro undertaking in this
Rev. G. H. Rice Finds Tooth of a Pre
historic Animal.
Rev. George II. Rico, pastor of tho
Congregational church, while prow
ling around among tbo hills northwest
of town on a pleasure excursion yes
terday nftoruoou, found partly burled
in the sand, in a draw, a tooth which
is ovidoutly all that is left of somo
prehistoric monster. Tho tooth
measures 10 inches in circumference,
8 inches in dinmotor and about G
inches in length. Farts of the tooth
havo decayed and fallen away, but
Dr. E. A. Thomas, who is wU versed
in toothology, snys that thero can bo
no mistuko as to tho character of tho
And. The enamel on tho faco nnd
sides of tho toth is porfoctly pro
served. Mr. Rico consldors his'dis
covo ry a valuable one, and in tho near
future expects to make a further
search in tho hopo of discovering
other bones of tho mastodon.
Brown Is In Town.
Having sold my roul ostato business
to Chupin nnd Chilsou, therefore,
offer 15 quarters (2100 acros) for
Fifty Years
A Cream of Tartar Powder
Made From Grapes
No Alum
if ' f mKm
i Txsk
to ibvx. wmrt na
$191200. Do not ask for any farther re-
1 ductlon in prices for havo named tho
bottom dollar to insure a cloau up by
March 1st, 1900. Will soil all or in ono
half to five quartor tracts. Pricod
separatoly as follows: 800 aoros at
IC.a.r); 800 acres at 85.05; 480 noros at
$13.75; 320 acros at 810.95. This is not
in otio body but all located on well
improved roads, part improved and a
largo portion under cultivation.
Como aud look you will not find a
vast area of unimproved laud but tho
land of rod barns and flno frame
houses. If I was to drive you to a
neighborhood (whoro thero woro no
neighbors) you would understand that
if any ono was making investments
tlioro it would bo tho speculators, but
on tho other hand you should soo in
every direction big rod barns and lino
framo houses (such as cnu bo soon in
tho Ilorndon torritory) you would
know you had struck tho country
whero tho farmers had come boforo
you and to stay. Don't forgot tho
children. To havo good schools you
must have tax payors in your school
district. Tako tho Burlington routo.
C. L. Brown, Ilorndon, Kan.
Boy Injured,
Friday evening, while a numbor of
smull boys woro playing in tho stroot
in front of J. O. Lindloy's rostaurant,
some ono driving a singlo horso nnd
buggy drove rapidly up tho htroet and
Eugeuo Perry, agod about 10, was
knocked down aud run ovor. Ho was
badly dazed for a moment or two, and
when picked up it was found that ho
had a sovoro gash on his head which it
required several stitches to close. It
is thought a bolt on tho undor sido of
tho buggy cauhod tho cut.
the Standard