The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 02, 1906, Image 4

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For Lung
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cer
tainly cures coughs, colds,
bronchitis, consumption. And
it certainly strengthens weak
throats and weak lungs.
There can be no mistake about
this. You know it is true. And
your own doctor will say so.
" My llttln Ixijr liail a terrible cough. I tried
everything I roulil hear of but In vln until
I tried Ajror'j) Cherry l'ectornl. Tim tint
nlRht ho whi bcttiir. nml he ntcnilllf Improved
until ho vrm x:rftctly well." Mils. tt. J.
Htuki.k, Alton, III.
wwumom wwwBwwwwWi
Mado by J. O. Aynr Co.. Lowell, Ms
Alio manuioiurora or
Kcop tho bowols rogulnr with Ayor's
puis ana tnus nasion recovery,
Items of Now s Found In Tho
Chlof of Twenty Yours Ago
This Week v
fears Ago
Mrs, A. Ij. Funk wits in McCook this
I). F. Trunk oy returned from his
trip east.
Tho M. E. church will hold rovivnls
tli is week.
Will Mitcholl and Dr. Shoror will
soon stint ji hardware storo.
Mrs. Geo. II. Brown h rapidly re
covering from her into sickness.
M. S. Mursh goes to Rivorton noxt
wook to opon u temporanco billiard
Prof. Picking is having lino success
as superintendent of our public
E. G. Cook will soon go to Decatur
III., to take a positiou in tho American
Express office.
Mrs. Nowhouso has been making
some substantial improvements in hor
iry goods storo.
Rassor Dros. of Amboy, have lost
quite a number of hogs this wiutor by
tho cold weather.
V. N. King, oditor of tho Helmet,
lias accepted a traveling position with
tho Omaha Herald.
Tho social at Rev. Aldon's Monday
night for tho benefit of tho distressed
was largoly attended.
Chas. Buschow went to Lincoln
Tuesday on business connected with
tho railway business.
Ed Highland is minus a half ton of
coal, and tho follow who borrowod it
didn't oven leave his card.
E. L. Rand of Burlington, Iowa, a
member of tho Nobraska Lumbor Co.
of this city, was in Hod Cloud this
On Monday tho dry goods and notion
bouso lately started in this city by
Geo. Ducker, clumped hands aud is
now known as ). J. Ducker & Co.
Married, at tho residence of tho
Itrido's mot I or in Carey, Ohio, on
Thuisday oveniug, January 11, 188G,
by Rev. J. M. Duntsman, Mr. Howard
Cathor, of Red Cloud nnd Miss Anna
Kaloy of Ohio.
I John Street, well known to many of
our pooplo, camo to Red Cloud last
Friday and after transacting what
business ho had to attend to, bundled
' up and started for homo Ho got as
far as tho river bottom, and when
thoro lost his way aud wandered
around until almost morning and had
it not been for a light in tho depot
which enabled him to find his way
back to tho city he might havo parish
od in tho cold
Tho V. C. T. U. of Rod' Cloud hold
their annual election of oillcors, Jan
nary G, 18H0, and elected tho following.
olllcors: '
Provident Mrs. RrakcHold.
Vioo President Mrs. Aldon.
Corresponding secretary Mrs. Den
ny. Recording Secretary Mrs. Noll.
Treasurer- Mrs. G. B. Gates.
Local Vico President Mosdames
Graves, Lossing, Vis.iolior, Maryatt.
Smith County. Kan. School com
menced January fe, David Wagonor as
toucher Harvoy Merrill's boy is
gotting bottor Married, on tho
27, Mr. Ridgoway Legget to Miss
Ellen Hilton.
Stillwatkh Considerable stock lost
during tho Into storm. John Wobbor
lost 50 hous aud a cow Miss Em
ma Orr has returned from Superior
G. W. Orr and Hugh Crawford
havo returned from tho west, where
they wero looking aft-i1 cairns
Dan Cook has moved back to his farm
J. Robinson has bought tho old
school liouso in district No. 28.
Cowlks J. C. Waller hauled his
now steam engine from Red this wook
Samuel Foe, who took a position
with tho B. & M., this week moved his
family to Rod Cloud Mrs. C. W.
Fuller went to Conway, Iowa, Monday,
in rospouso to a telegram announcing
tho death of hor brother Mrs. J.
T. Latta is visiting with friends in
Edgar this week Miss Faunio
Buster, who has been visiting hor
sisters returned to Franklin Monday
Rov. W. D. Pago and brido havo
roturned from their wedding trip
Married, by Rov. W. D. Pago at Cowlos
Jan. 21, 1880, Mr. Issue H. Thomas to
Miss Filla Smith of Webster county
Married, by C. Schouck, at Still
water, January 21, 1880, Mr. Dauiol
Cook to Mrs. Sarah Erwin of Wobstir
Injunction Aralnot i-i. .3 i ...-ui -Lincoln,
Jan. 25. Tax Cuui..wi it
er Pollaij of the Burlington camo
Lincoln for tho purpose of sorvlt.g f i
State Treasurer Mortensen cojk-s
tho injunction papers in the tux m
of the Burlington railroad against t .
state and sixteen counties on tho vs1
uatlon made by tho slate board i.
oquallzatlon. Tho Injunction enjoins
against tho expenditure of tho mom
paid under protest by the Burlington
as taxes for 1005 until tho litigation
Is finished.
A Curious Postal Card.
One sometimes hears tho expression,
"I will soud you tho money on a postal
card," said hi jest. Wodnosday morn
ing wo received from Colonel C W.
Kaloy, who is hobnobbing with tho
President and Senators in Washing
ton, D. C, a postal card containing
$200. Tho card is mado from a pulp
manufactured from bank bills which
havo boou redeemed and macerated by
tho treasury department at Washing
ton. Tho bills havo not beou so thor
oughly ground up but that fragomeuts
of them aro plainly discernible all
through the card. Tho curd Is esti
mated to contain $200 in destroyod
currency, aud on tho reverse side
Colonel Kaloy facetiously remark",
"You can pay your help with this."
Wo wish we could, but, as that is out
of tho quostiou, wo shall koop tho card
as a pocket-piece.
Shoots Glandcred Horses.
Beatrice, Neb., Jan. 2(. The stato
veterinary surgeon was called to
Adams, this county, w'.iere ho found
quite a number of horses aflllcted
with the glanders. A number of an
imals wero killed and every effort Is
helng mado to stamp out the disease.
Tho disease Is supposed to have been
brought there several years ago In a
bunch of bronchos, as nearly all par
tics who purchased animals at that
time havo had horses ainicted wiUi
tho malady.
Form Protective Association.
"Wakefield, Neb., Jan. 31. Owing to
tho many depredations committed In
and about Wal&flchl in tho way of
horso stealing and robberies, farmers
and citizens havo formed themselves
into an organization known as tho
Logan Valley Protectlvo association,
which numbers nearly 500 members,
Including Concord and Laurel. Tho
company has recently purchased a
pair of trained bloodhounds from Be
atrice, and is now prepared to mako
it interesting for the noxt horsethicf.
Bank Is Held to Be Liable.
Falls City, Neb., Jan. 2C The caso
of Mrs. Sarah J. Patterson against tho
First National bank of Humboldt was
decided by a jury in favor of Mrs.
Patterson. Tho case is similar to a
large number pending. The parties,
all of whom reside in tho vicinity of
Humboldt, had transacted business
with the then president of the bank,
F. W. Samuelson, who has since failed
and claim to havo believed they wero
doing business with the bank. In this
case the paper received by Mrs. Pat
terson in return for her money, $450,
and which she had taken to be a tirao
deposit slip, turns out to bo Samuel
son's personal note for order on tho
bank to pay tho money one year from
Kansas City Live Stock.
Kansas City, Jnn. .tO.-Cnttlp Itecelpt.s,
in.OOO; Htcndy to 10c lowor; natlvii stet-rs,
$4.0O$tCi.!X; fnlr to Rood. $4.O0$t..00; west
ern fed Hteors, $.'I.50?H.50; Htoola-rs nnd
feeders, $S.7.V!14.80: cowh. $2.00JH.OO: eif
orB, $3.004.t)0; cnlves, $3.0O(fV7.00. Hogs--Itt'cclptH,
lli.GOO; strong: hulk of miles,
S5.35O0.-15; heavy, $r.4.rj0".5O; pltfs nnd
IlKltt, $4.7.-(fir.40. Sheep Receipts, 8,000;
lOCa'JO-.' lower; luiuhx, $5.5037.15; ewes and
yeurlljg, $4.1i520.85.
A Spelling "Bee."
Thoro was an old-time spelling "boo"
and "ciphering match" at tho business
I college last night. Miss Esther Potor
! son won tho spelling match, while Mr.
, Swancara, stenographer for L. H.
, Blacklodgo, proved to be tho best
"iiggoror " Prof. Diotrick also gave an
( exhibition with Indian clubs. Those
I who attended had an enjoyable time.
"Baldy" Vest is Held.
Will Vest was arrested at Guide
Rock aud brought to Rod Cloud Fi i
day evening. He was bound over to
tho next term of tho district court on
tho cliargo of assault with iutont to
kill, for having stabbed Vainard Mc
Ginuis witli a knifo duriug a fight a
few days provious.
TheTwo Van revels
Author of ''The Gentleman from Indiana," "Monsieur Beaucalre," etc.
Here is a love story to satisfy the most romantic
a real story about people who might have been real;
people through whose veins the red blood, stirred al
ternately by love and hate, surges tumultuously.
"The Two Vaurevels," says a writer, is at least
as good as "The Gentleman from Indiana" and
"Monsieur Beaucaire" put together, since it com
bines all the best elements of both books.
And this is saying a whole lot.
Unquestionably the best thiug Mr. Tarkington has done.
New York Press.
The merits that recommend Mr. Tarkington's novel are
an original nnd engrossing plot, a romantic daintiness
nnd grace that give its due to dramatic strength, nnd a
well conceived and well developed hero-villain. New
York Mail aud Express.
If you've been Looking for f
- Bargains in Men's Glothes ?
Here Ihey Are
We've just had timo to catch our
breath after tho vigorous selling dur
ing tho holiday season aud wo went to
work immediately cleaning up our
Whero thoro wero only two or three
suits or overcoats of a kind where
sizes wore badly broken whero an
overcoat lingered hero nnd thoro, wo
havo sorted thorn out, and when wo
camo to mark the new prices on tlieso
Hoods wo forgot all about tho prollt
part of it.
$20 Overcoats at JIG to
18 Overcoats at 14 4t
15 Overcoats at 12 00
12 Overcoats at 9 40
It Overcoats at 8 00
6 Overcoats at 4 80
Whilo thoro may bo only ouo or two
or threo ovorcoats of a kind, yot
thoro aro so many different kinds that
you will find very rich choosing indeed.
Wo can fit almost any build of man out
of tlioso reduced clothes and give him
n bargain that will send him away
if ill If II
Dress Skirts
We guarantee every garment to be of super
ior workmanship, perfect fitting and of the VERY
LATEST STYLE. Call in and inspect them.
Theie is Always a Place
Red Cloud Business College
Adultery Not Charged.
In our item in last week's issue con
corning tho Parkinson divorco caso wo
stated that Mrs. Parkluson had beon
grantod a divorco on tho grounds of
adultery and cruelty. Tho attorney
for tho dofonso has callod our atten
tion to tho fact that adultery was not
charged in tho plaintiff's petition, and
that Judgo Adams did not consider
tho tostimony along that lino as strong
enough to warrant a verdict on that
ground, tho testimony along that line
being moroly incidental. Such orrors
aro bound to got into newspapers oc
casionally when information is receiv
ed second-hand.
tondnnco at tho fair. Campboll
guessed the exact total attendance,
but his claim was disputed by four
other parties and tho caso was carriod
into court. A St. Louis dispatch of
Jnuuury27 says that Campbell will
probably bo awardod tho prize.
"It i my father."
Nay Get $25,000.
Charles R. Campboll, who is at pros
ont a guest of Warden Beomor at Lin
coln, may como out of his confinement
a wealthy man. There woro many
guessing contests being conducted
i whilo tho World's fair was being held
j at St. Louis, nnd one of them offered a
I prize of 125,000 to tho person who
'buessod tho nearest to the total at-
New Mothlnft Store.
The buildtug formerly ocoupiod by
Mnnspoakor's barber shop is boiug ro
modeled and put in shapo for uso as a
storo room. When tho work is com
pleted, W. W. Davis of Alma will put
in a stock of clothing and shoos. Rod
Cloud, already has two of tho best
clothing stores in tho valloy, but wo
can not havo too much of a good thing,
and wo wish Mr. Davis success.
Public Sale.
J. R. Morso will havo a public salo
at his farm 2 miles north and 2?.
mllos oast of Rod Cloud, Tuesday,
Fobruary 13, at 10 o'clock a. m., tho
following property: 9 horses, 3 to 10
years old; 27 head of cattlo, 12 head of.
hogs, comploto sot of farming tools.