The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, February 02, 1906, Image 1

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3 Subscription
Eight Pages
Home Print
qi a i ear
in Advance
I 4
Yes JnrjeefJ, Neighbor
Wo cnu soil you land in tho Western part of Nebraska
or Kansas that is Hue for grazing purposes, and can sell it
cheap, too.
But for general fanning wo would recommend buying
olthor horf or somo locality whore ouo would bo equally as
sure, at least, of raising a good crop each yoar. If ono has
tho necessary capital to buy a farm hero we would bo glad
to soil him ono, and have a number listed that are cheap.
But if not, wo have a choico proposition in tho way of irri
gatod lands in the famouo Arkansas Valloy in Southeastern
Colorado, in tho neighborhood of tho woll known Rocky
ford couutry, that can bo sold ou easy terms of 10 por cent
cash nt time of purchase and tho balauco divided into seven
unnuul payments at G per cent interest. Tho laud and
water oro 6old togothor, tho water being sold as n perpotuol
water right.
Tho soil is rich and deep, climato mild, drinking water
soft and pure, market for overythinggood,oxcollont schools
and churches, and a flno now boot sugar factory already
erected, besides another now railroad and sugar factory
will b erected this yoar. Tho ono just finished cost a mil
lion and a quarter dollars.
Tho first thing to bo considered iu deciding on a loca
tion in an irrigated country is tho water supply. Tho Amity
and Buffalo canals are among tho earliest priorities on tho
Arkausas river. Tho Amity Laud Co. has spent millions of
dollars in rebuilding and strengthening these canals and
placing at all points of daugor indestructiblo concrete
structures, and also in constructing reservoirs of enormous
size to supplement ihoir How of water. This has boon dona,
not only as an insurance that tho water supply cannot fail,
but in order to moke absolutely certain a supply of water
at such times as tho crops may demand. Those reservoirs
contain enough wator to irrigate all of tho lands under the
Amity canal with no rainfall and supposing that tho wator
supply from tho rivor failed entirely. Tho priority of a
canal gives it its wator without respect to its location on
tho rivor, and thoro aro proper state ollinials who divide tho
wator in tho rivor according to tho priority rights which
eacli canal has.
Every man wo havo taken out to view this proposition
thinks it is a good one: talk to them. Remember, wo havo
viewed the reservoirs ourselves and find thoro is absolutely
no question but that tho wator system is tho best in tho
United States and that if you buy any of this land under
tho ditch you will get all tho water needed to mature the
crops. Come in and wo will oxglain further.
Our special car from Superior out and return on theGth
and 20th of February, loaves thoro at 8 o'clock promptly.
The reduced fare will bo $10 for tho r"und trip for those
two trips, but after that dato will more than .likely bo
higher. Remember, if you make tho trip with us and feel
we havo misrepresented the conditions and you aro not
satisfied it is as advertised, wo will refund your faro.
For further information call on or address the
nvestment Co
Red Cloud. Neb.
F. MIZEK. President.
A. B. SELLARS, Soo.-Treas.
D. J. MYERS, Vice President.
E. S. GARBER, Trav. Rep.
with which wo can sow a sole on u welt-sowed Shoo in five minutes.
Better and more ovou btitcnos than hand work. Como in and see it.
Nan Wonted In Denver on a ScrUus
Charge Supposed to Be For
mer Resident o? Red Cloud.
Last Sunday's Denver Post contains
a long account, accompanied by half
tone illustrations of tho parties con
corned, of a crimo committed by ono
Charles McCordo, and it is naid by
pooplo hero who know him that tho
picturo iu tho Donvor paper bears a
striking rcsomblanco to Charles Mo
Cord, formorly of Hod Cloud, and who
until lately has boon a rosideut of
Tho crimo with which McCordo is
charged is known as procuring. In
this caso it closoly resembles abduo
tion. Tho facts in tho caso aro as fol
About a yoar ago 15-yoar-old Mary
Cunningham married Uoorgo Bishop
Their married lifo was not happy, and
tlioy separutod. In nor efforts to so
euro work Mrs. Bishop got into fast
company, and was finally induced to
outer a house of ill fame. Sho quickly
sickoued of tho lifo, howovor, and in
loss than a woek abandoned tho lifo
and again attempted to secure work.
Unfortunately sho ran across Mc
Cordo, with whom sho was previously
acquainted. Ho suggestod that thoy
take a drink, and being tired and
worn out sho consented. Mrs. Bishop
declares that tho liquor was drugged,
and that whilo sho was under its
iniluenco McCordo took her to the
resort of Anna Harvey at 2110 Market
street, whore sho was hold a prisoner
for over a month, and during her im
prisonment in tho house sho was sub'
jectod to tho most cruol treatmont.
Mrs. Bishop says that when McCordo
took her to tho Harvoy house, Anna
Harvey gavo him 15, thanked him and
exprossod tho hopo that ho would got
hor "more girls as good looking as
this ono."
In relating hor story, Mrs. Bishop
said that a year or so ago McCordo
had sold his year-and-half old baby
boy to a prominent woman on Capital
hill, for $20, but that the child had
died a couple of weeks later.
When tho facts in the caso camo out
last Friday Anna Harvey was arrested,
and when tho polico wont to Mo
Cordo's homo at Twenty-sixth and
Blako stroet to arrest him ho was
Relatives of tho Charley McCord
whi formorly lived in Rod Cloud say
that ho now livos in Kansas, near
Lebanon, having left Donvor some
time ago. Ho was seen horo Tuesday
and Wednesday of this woek.
Another former Rod Cloud man,
who livos in Donvor wrote to a party
horo, inclosing tho Donvor Post's
article, and it is inferred from this
that the man wanted is tho foi mor
Rod Cloud man.
Deaths and Funerals.
Hu&h Miner, Sr.
"Undo" Hugh Minor, ono of tho host
known innu in Webster county, died
Wednesday evening at tho homo of his
sister-in-law, Mrs. J. L. Miner, of this
city, at tho ago of 74 years, fi months
and M days. Funeral services wero
hold at his lato residence this after
noon at 2:.10.
Mr. Minor had boon in poor health
and confined his homo sinco last
August, though ho was bedfast for
only two days boforo his doath. It is
said that his douth was duo to a broken
heart, caused through grief over tho
death of his younor brother, Jamos
L. Minor, who died a fow months ago,
and whom ho had raisod and cared for
from boyhood, and with whom ho had
always mado his homo.
Samuol West was born iu Susquo
hanna county, Pennsylvania, in lBXi..
At tho ago of 18 ho removed with his
parents to Iowa, where his young man
hood was spent. At tho ago of 5!fi,
when tho civil war broko out, ho en
listed in tho Twelfth Iowa Volunteer
Infantry. After a year's sorvico in
tho army ho contracted a diseaso from
which ho never fully recovered. In
1807 he was married to Caroline L.
Porry of Duudeo, III., and to this union
two children woro born, Win. West of
Naponoo, Nub., and Mrs. Nellie Caster
of this city, who, with their mother,
survlvo Mr. West. In March 1880, Mr.
West removed with his family to Rod
Cloud, whoro ho has sinco mado his
homo. Judgo West wos n member of
tho local U. A. R. post, and tho mem
bers of that order assisted at tho fun
eral. For many years Mr. West wos n
justice of tho poaco in this city and
had a imputation for fairness. Ho
was n conscientious Christian, and
during his long Illness was comforted
Hugh Minor was born in Albany, J WI(l HU8tttlnod by tho hopo of a future
i.i.1., aiiKi. xi, .lo.u. wnuii quuu itf0
young no removed with his parents to
Porry county, Ohio, whoro ho received
his education, and for nwhilo was cm
ployd as a bookkoopor. Boforo tho
breaking out of tho civil war ho ro
movod to Iowa, whoro ho engaged in
farming. In 1875 ho engaged in mer
chandising at Waukon, Iowa, and
throo years later, iu 1878, with ids
brother, J. L., removed to Rod Cloud
and engaged in tho general merchan
diso business under tho firm name of
Minor Bros. Mr, Minernovor married,
and mado his homo with his brother,
J L. Minor, from tho timo of tho hit
ter's marriago till his doath a fow
months ago, and with his widow sinco
that timo. Mr. Miner is survived by
two sisters, Mrs. Julia A. Jackson of
Hoxie, Kansas, and Mrs. Mary LaDuo
of Dallas, Oregon.
"Undo'' Hugh, as ho was known, to
almost ovoryouo, was ouo of tho most
quiet, tender-hearted and conscien
tious men we have over known. Whilo
his business interests wore groat ho
always trustod thoir management to
his younger brother, himself being
contont to plod along, doing odd
New Mnftailnc Fiction.
Tho dolugo of short storios in tho
maga.lnos is so overwhelming, that it.
is usually quito useless to attempt to
point to tho merit of any particular
story. But in tho February number
of tho Cosmopolitan Magaino thore is
u talo so remarkable for its laugh
provoking qualities that it seems
necessary, for tho good of tho jaded
maga.iuo reader, to call attention to
it. It is signed with tho curious name
Malvolio Jones, obviously a tiom do
Why a (pilot and perfectly rospcot
ablo old lady should waut to go over
Niagra Falls in a barrel, and why this
proceeding scorns porfoctly reasonable
is told with tho most whimsical touch
in this story. It looks liko tho corai&g
of a now and distinctive humorist.
Farms for Sale.
Throo, of 100 acres ench, all alfalfa
land, best in tho Prairio Dog Valley,
each of them woll improved, two of
jobs thorn adjoining tho town of Long Is-
and attendiug to minor details around . B11,it Kansas. Two upland forms, one
their largo morcantllo establishment, Gf 280 aoros and ono of .'100 noros. rent
which has foryoars been rocognizod us 0d for ono third delivered in market,
tho leading house of its kind in this ' Quo creek farm, forty acres alfalfa.
timber, possession given on this.
Prices right on all theso until March
part of Nebraska. His quiet disposi-,
tion and kind-hearted maunor mado
ovaryono his friend, and his death will '
bo regretted by all who knew him.
Samuel West.
Judgo Samuol West died at ills homo ,
in this city last Saturday morning,
from paralysis. Funeral services
wero hold at his lato homo Monday
afternoon, conducted by Rov. Austin '
of tho M. E. church, who was assisted
by Pastor Rico of tho Congregational
1 , 1000. Como and soo them or wi ito
to C. A. Barnard, Long Island, Kan.
feb. 1(5.
Card of Thanks.
Wo desiro to thank tho neighbors
and friends, whose holp and love and
sympathy sustained us during tho
illness and death of our beloved hus
band and father.
Mns. S. Wkst an Ciiildrkn.
shoe: man
Interest In Evangelistic Meetings.
An evidenco of tho interest that will
be taken in tho coming evangelistic
meetings is showu in tho inquiries
about tho evangelistic workers that is
already coming from all sides. Our
pooplo want to know. For tho benefit
of inquirers tho pastors havo stated
that Mr. Honoywoll is ono of tho load
ing members of tho Rock River con
ference of tho M. E. church in Illinois
and is at prosont engaged in work with
Evangelist W. A. Sunday. Ho will
como directly to this placo at tho close
of his contract with Mr. Sundoy next
May. Mr. Bilhorn is too woll known
among lovers of gospel music to need
mention. His song "Sweet Poaco, tho
Gift of God's Lovo" has won its way
into every heart. Tlioso men aro safe,
sane workers and our peoplo will not
bo disappointed when thoy havo como
and gono.
Change In Management.
V. B, Fulton, who has had chargo of
Will Sullivan's lumber yard, has iv
siguod and is succoedod by A. W. Bar
rett of Seward, Nob., who will havo
chargo whilo Mr. Sullivan is trying to
regain his health. Mr. Barrett has
boon travoling salesman for a big lum
ber concern, and is thoroughly oxpor
ioncod in tho lumber business.
Home Made
Have your cake, muffins, and tea bis
cuit home-made. They will be fresher,.
, cleaner, more tasty and wholesome.
Royal Baking Powder helps the house
wife to produce at home, quickly and eco
nomically, fine and tasty cake, the raised
hot-biscuit, puddings, the frosted layer
cake, crisp cookies, crullers, crusts and
muffins, with which the ready-made food
found at the bake-shop or grocery does
not compare.
Royal is the greatest of bake-day helps.