(- I fitRM & mm Real Estate To Renters Why work for othorH whon you can do so much bottor by work ing for yourselves? Cuu you ralso from 500 to $2000? If you cnn do this, got 11 homo of your own whilo land Is yot within your roach. THE BOOM IS NOW ON and from now on land is going to advance in valuo as novor boforo in your lives. GET A HOME QUICK and got' it within tho rain bolt of Nebraska. Nebraska is good enough for us. You having monoy lying idlo in tho bank and earning you noth ing, can invest it in lands that as a matter of speculation will not you astonishing results. Boo Walkor fc Bailey for a farm hero, or tako a trip with thorn tho first and third Tuesdays in each month farther west, but within tho rain bolt, where lands aro choap, ohoapor. choapost, and you will probably buy, oithor for a homo or for investment. Our FARM LOAN DEPARTMENT offers ratos and terms especially attractive. !L WALKER O BAILEY, Red Cloud, Neb .(VVW CORRESPONDENCE 5 Interesting Items Gathered 4 by Our County Reporters INAVALE Mrs. S'loldon Wills has boon on tho B'uk list the past few days. Skating is uiod onco moro and tho young people aro happy. Several car loads of hogs havo beon shipped in to bo fed tho past week. Some of our young people attondeil tho revival meetings at Uivorton this weok. School opened agniti on Monday, tbo scarlet fever scare having blown ovor. This weather is causing the ico man somo worry, but tho rest of us can stund it. Ray Wilson canio in from Franklin SUurday morning and spout Sunday at homo. Myrl Garner, who has boon sick for several days, is somo better at this writing. Miss Mamie Householder spent sev eral days at homo last week, whilo tbo school closod. Art Wolcott is much bettor at this writing and his friends hopo for his early recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hastings were Burlington passengers for Franklin Tuesday evening. Rov. Hill is assisting Rev. Owen, pastor M. K church of Uivorton, in revival mooting-! this wook. Mrs. Bullock, who has been visiting her brother, O. N. Warthon, and family, loft for Lyons, Colo., Tuesday evening. Miss Laura Burgess, formerly of this! placo, was married at nor homo in Franklin Wednesday. All hor friends join in wishing her much joy. Edward Jones, tho ton-yoar-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Claronce Jonos, has boon soriously ill for tho past weok, and littlo hopo is entertained for bis recovery. H. Luco received tho sad nows of of tho death of his sister, Mrs. Willis Fulton, of Uivorton. Suo has beon long MA favorably known hero and tho announcement of hor doath was rocoived with great sadness. Tho now M. E. church at Now Vir - ginia is almost completed and will soon bo ready foi dedication. It Is going to bo beautiful and commodious structure, and is a credit to the neigh borhood who havo contributed so lib erally to build it. STILLWATER Fine woathtr still oontinuo3. John Millor of Dresden, Kan., is visiting relatives in this vicinity. Will Cling sold a team of horses to Burr & Kirkpatrick of Guido Rock Saturday, for 1210 Orris Hubbard ha9 recently roturned from Rawlins county, Kansas, whero Turn koaos and Others. I j ho purchased a farm. Kufus Douthitt sold a couplo of mule i to Ray Hogate, from near Bladen, Inst week, for 8100. Tho neighbors assembled at the homo of W. H. Bump Tuasday and husked tho remainder of his corn. Tho families of O. J. Lumtu and Walter Taylor, who have beon tinlio'.ed with scarlet fever, havb gabout re covered. Mr. George of Burlington Junction, Mo., who is a commercial traveler, visited Sunday with 11. Douthitt, his brother-in-law. Will Cling and wifo left on Tuesday tor Lincoln, whero Mrs. Cling goes to recotvo medical treatment. Bert anil Hrrry Slater are looking after their plnco during their absence. Boss Hubbnrd and wife, who have been visiting homo folks and others for some timo, huvo gono to Blue Hill to visit relatives in and about that placo. They also expect to visit in Hastings boforo returning to thoir home in Wa thona, Kansas. WALNUT CREEK Work is progro38ing nicoly on tho telephono lino. Mrs. T. P. Jones is homo from Lin coln. Her hoalth is much improved. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hastings havo gono to Franklin to attend tho wed ding of Miss Burgess. Mr. Tyler has sold his farm. Whilo wo will welcome tho newcomers wo aro sorry io lose tho Tyler family. Harvey Farnham had his anklo badly sprained a few days ago. His horse slipped and fell catching his foot. John Sutton purchased ono half sec tion of land in tho west part of tho county a fow data ago. ,, BLADEN ino watbur for January. Gus Henry of Rosoland was in town Wednedav L MoTIrIi spent Sunday with his 3isler MrB' DlUIv- R. C Chevalier niado a trip to Cul- bortson this week. Mr "nrt Ml'8- Doil roturned to thoir homo in Iowa Friday. Ch-trlos Fit, made a business trip to Rd Cloud Wednesday, Miss Edna Reed is sponding tho . week at Grandpa Boyd's. 1 Miss Mabid B iyd spont Sunday with ( her sister, Mm. Wayno Reed, i Mrs. Strjcker and son Will visited at tho homo of Mr. McNoer last Sunday. Mr. Swartz of Rod Cloud visited at tho homo of Mrs. Woodsido this weok A daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Morso, of Culbortson, is visiting them. Quito a number from hero havo been attending revival meetings at Plain view. Fred Rood markoted seven head of hogs that weighed 2250 pounds, eight months old. Mr. and Mis. R. C. Chevalier drove to Macon Saturday and visited with friends until Monday. Mrs. D 11. Clmk of Campbell caino down Thursday and spout ihoday with h-T parents, south of town. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Tluirne loturncil home from Ymk Frldny, when they have l)i(ii visiting their sou, William. Mr Grant, living south mist of town niitikHoil iv hunch of shout", eight months old, that, averaged 21)0 pounds. Joe Denton returned from St. Joe Tuesday, whom ho was with a car of cattle that toppod thi mnrket at 85 05 GARFIELD George Simpson was shelling corn Wednesday. Mrs. Pearl Ailes was visiting her mother last Tuesday. M's. Emina Smith has grown gay in her old age, and is in Bed Cloud court ing this week. An oyster supper was hold at tho Immu of Win Lippincott for tho bone fit of the ladies aid society. Thorn was a party at Mrs. Elln Kent's last Thursday night to apprise Riy that he had grown one year older. Mr. Had ley of North Branch was in tho east part of Garliold tho latter part of last week finishing up his threshing jobs. James Buauchnnip went to Kansas City Monday with a lond of fat cattle. L. C King and Art Parsons sont a fow cattle in Beauchamp's car. Tho genial face of Sheriff Hedge was in Gartield Tuesday. He was notify ing parties they woro wanted in Red Cloud this week Real Estate Transfers. Transfers for weok ending Wednes day, Doc. 20, furnished by J. H. Bailey of Webster County Abstract company Jos Chevalier to J B Laporto sw4 29-4-12 wd A D Bakor and wifo to Honry Aronds lots 1 to 10 block G Moroy add to Bluo Hill wd. . . Jos E Mooro and wifo to A D Waterman s2 block 8 Hoover add to Biuo Hill wd Chas Spenco and wife to James Morey part s2 sw4 so4 7-4-11 wd T E Ioo and wifo to S J Dola hoydo lots 1 to 2 block 7 Hoover add to Bluo Hill wd.. C F Guud and wifo to C Spenco nwl so4 7-4-11 wd Jannu Rose nnd husband to H Roso lots 2 and 4 block 14 Rosemont wd Chas F Kohler and wifo to C W Cowloy lot 7 blook 11 Bladen wd Guide Rock comotory to E E Burr lot 2 block 104 wd 5200 400 G25 GOO 40 2500 150 850 15 Honry O Andrus to Clara C An- drus se4 nw4 9 1-10 wd 1 Honry C Andrus to Eugenia An drus w2 sw4 9-1-10 wd 1 E O Hubboll otnl to O F Cathor nw4 32-2-10 wd 3200 J A MoArthur sheriff, to Wm E Kimsoy lot 22 block 2S&M add to Rod Cloud wd 300 Total S12982 Mortgages filed $4700 Mortgages rolcasod.: IGsOO For tho wook ending Wednesday, January 24, 190G. Stato of Nobr to Jnmes H nnd B F Watt n2 nol and e2 nwl 27-1 0 d $ 1120 Jas Crawford and wifo to Fred Scheldiug swl 10-3-9 wd 8000 W H VauPatton aud wifo to W P Kuohn sol 151-11 wd 3000 Jno Crawford and wifo to Carl Schoidiug w2 w2 so4 24 3 10 wd 2000 U S to Albert G Wheat nwl 22-4 12 pat Joel Warnor nnd wife to C B Framo lots 1 to 0 block 8 Hoover add to Bluo Hill wd 775 O E Perkins to Fuller & Good wd 2G F A Good and wifo to C W Ful ler lots 14 to 18 block 2 and lots 1 to 3 block 13 Cowlos qcd 700 Chas Mungor aud wifo to Alva B Wiggins sol s w4 10-1-10 wd . . . . 1500 Stato of Nob to Sam Farquhar s2nw4lG-2 9 d 5G0 II C Wright and wifo to John Roso n2 nw4 5-8-0 qcd 2990 Nancy L Thomas to H A Bow man lot 0 block 17 Bluo Hill wd 200 Honry A Bowman and wifo to II Aronds samo wd 210 John McIIugh to Louise Colletto lot 4 blook 4 Sponco add to Bladen wd 100 Emily Aronds and wifo to H C Wright lots 2 and 3 blook 7 and lots 12 aud 18 blook 8 Rose mont wd 1350 Henry Aronds and wife to II C Wright lot 9 block 7 and lots 10 aud 14 blook 8 Rosomont wd. . 350 L E Sponco and wifo to L E nnd Mabel C Conrad lot 3 block 2 AN OPPORTUNITY for you to get a new WATCH or WATCH CASE at POFIT CUTTING PRICES. We have made some in of Our Watches and if you want case, get it now, money by doing Newhouse Bros., Jewelers and Opticians. Spenco 2nd add to Bladen wd. 150 L E Spenco and wife to C Spenco lots G and 7 block 3 Sponco add to Bladen wd 175 Ludwig Kloin and wifo to Rev Otto Klattue4 18-4-13 vd 2300 Henry Gund et nl to L J Moonts block 0 Hoovor add to Blue Hill wd GOO Dolla Sharp to Oscar Boyco lots 12 3 block 10 La Due add to Rod Cloud wd 30 Chas Biugor and wifo to Jas B Low nol 21-3-10 wd 5925 P J Robinson aud wifo to Azollo Wilson n2 lots 12 13 and 14 block G Rohrer add to Bluo Hill wd 800 Rhoda E Miles to Logan Carper lot 7 blook 5 Hoovor add to Blue Hill wd 40 Clareuce B Frame to Richard H Merett lots 1 and 2 Hoovsr add to Blue Hill wd 300 Alfred Shrosboo to Logan Car per lot 8 blook 5 same add wd 40 Sarah E Vaughan to Margaret M Wall lots 7 aud 8 block 10 S & M add to Red Cloud wd 500 Stato of Nob to M W Hornborger w2ue4 1G30d 580 Aaron Conover aud wifo to Retta Minor part w2 nol 2-1-11 wd . . . G800 Total $34351 Mortgages filed $10300 Mortgages released 8G900 Burlln&ton Bulletin. Special homeseekors' rates: greatly reduced round trip ratos to tho North Platto Valley and tho Big Horn Basin. January lGth Fobruary 0th aud 20th. Less than one faro for tho round trip. Low ono way and round trip rates to points in tho south and southwsst January lGth, Fobruary Gth and 20th. Colonist rates Syecially low one way colonist rates to points in Colo rado, Wyoming, Utah, Montana, Idaho Oregon, Washington and California, Pobruary 15th to April 7th, inclusive. Homeseekors' excursion rates to points in Montana, Idaho, Oregon, Washington and British Columbia, Fobruary Gth aud 20th aud March Gth and 20th. Send for free folders, descriptive of irrigated lands in tho North Platto valley, the Big Horn Basin, tho Bill ings district and eastern Colorado. Specify which you want. To tho sunny south: winter tourist ratos daily until April 80. Roturn limit June 1, 190G. Write mo just what trip you havo in mind and lot mo ndviso you tho least cost and tho best way to make it. J. F. Euwards, agent. To Cure a Cold In One Day. TakoLaxatlvo Bromo quinine tab lets. Druggists refund monoy if it falls to cure. E. W. Grove's signature is on each box. 25 cents. A Guaranteed Cure for Piles. Itching, blind, blooding, protruding plies. Druggists nro authorized to rofund monoy if Pazo Ointment falls to euro in G to 14 days. 50 cents. a watch or a new for you will save so. B. & M. Watch Inspectors na5 A Great Fire You will have if you try some of that Good Coal tRMmmmmmmmammmmm Sold by Saunders Bros. Tho popular Lumber and Coal mon of Rod Cloud. Te ophono GO will get it. Schmidt & WiseearveF ritOPMBTOHB OK THE Fourth Aveiwie JWeat Ifafket Wholesale and retail Fresh and Cured Meats, and everything kept in a first class meat market. Man ufacturers of high grade Sausage and Strictly Puro Lard. Highest, market prices paid for Live Stock, Poultry, Hides, Polts nnd Tallow. To the Farmers Out of 50 Insurance Companies doing business in Webster County tho Gocmau of Free port pays one-third of tho taxes nnd has over 500 policies in force Tho Farmers' Mutual of Nobraska is tho largest Mutual in tho stato, with over three quarters of a million dollars in surance in Webster county. For Good Insurance Call on O. C. TEEL, Red Cloud. Are You Uslnft Allen's Foot-Ease? Shako iuto your shoos Allen's Foot Easo, a powder. It euros Corns, Bun ions, Painful, Smarting, Hot, Swollen foot. At all druggists aud shoe stores, 25o. Already tho church peoplo are be ginning to tako an interest in tho big revival to bo held hero in tho early Bummor, under tho direction ot Evan gollst Honeywell and P. P. Blllhorn, tho famous writer and singer of rolig. loua songs. i .1. t , V -W, .WAi$8raiav tffmsOSfMWSf. HI iS5.e& vwtremss wammmmmmmlmamtm