The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 26, 1906, Image 6

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    wttjRt mtf
1 1
Disaster Occurs at Port Jacrepagua,
South of Rio Janeiro Vessel Was
Used for Accommodation of Officers
Escorting Minister of Marine.
Hlo Janeiro, Jun. 23. Tho Brazilian
turret ship Aquldnbun has boon sunk
at Port Jncrapagua, south of Illo Ja
neiro, as tho result of an explosion
ou board. It Is roported that 300 of
its crew perished and that only one
ofllcor was saved.
Four rear admirals perished on tho
Aquldaban, which had boon used for
the accommodation of a number of
otllcers and men attached to tho ilotll
country, In bond, but for export at
onco as finished product. It Is freely
stated by packers, almost without ex
ceptlon, that they have been unable
to get enough Canadian hogs to keep
their factories running, some of them
not even at half time.
8entcncc Is Commuted.
Manila, Jan. 23. The sentence of
Lieutenant Pendleton, who was con
demned to life Imprisonment for mur
der, has been reconsidered and
hanged to Imprisonment for twenty
stabbed, thinking that the man had
simply rudely jostled her, and after
searching twenty minutes for a pollce-
5p.f0"; cowh nnil ln'IforH,-$2.WJ.1,aT; can
horn, gl.iftfc'J.-iO; atofkfiH mid fcoiluris,
$2.Wfi-l.vr3; calves, fJ.r.Oftfl.OO; bulla, atngH,
etc.. 'J.'iVfi:.83. HoiSH-ltiiccliitH. 8.MX): &c
bailor; heavy, s&.:i7'ijG.4&: mixed, i.:io4 ! man, they released their prisoner.
G.-M); light, $525f..i6; pls,, I They say that ho spoko with a do
bulk of hiiIuh, $ Hlieep-Hecclpu., ' j . , T,..inn nrP,,nf
8,r00; Btronu' to 10c higher; ycurlliifiH, I Clueu ua"nn acccnt-
fi.nj4, iti-nii-iii, '.ivriy.uv, ":, f iiu
&i.'Si luiubtf, ?7.0O37.a5.
Independent Oil Producers of Kansaa
Allege Conspiracy by Standard.
Chanuto, Kun., Jan. 21. Tho inde
pendent oil refiners of Kansas have j
Kansas City Live Stock.
KanHnH City, Jan. 23. Cattle Uccelptr,
13,700; 103U&C higher; native hIi'itm, $3.80
tfdl.OO; wcHturn fwl BtcerH, W.'WuflM;
Btocki'iH and feeders, $i.'.7.V34.U0; cowm,
$'MM)$l.l!i; helferx, $3.mVaG.O0; calves, $3.00
U-'. HoKH-ltccuiptH, l'-'.OOO; Hteadj ;
hulk of huIch, f.".lXar.r0; heavy, S."t.40It
6.M); plfc'8 and Unlit, Jf4.8.Vu".-t". Sheep
HeuclptH, 0,000; Htioiii: to 10c higher;
lainlM, $.".7tVn7.M); ewoa and yearlings,
Chicago Live Stock.
Chicago, Jun. '-:. Cattle Heeelptu, 4,-
mnlloi! in TtmiPH A fSnrfiphl commls- 00,: ""'""V ',v'H,,.; cows ana
mailed to Jumcs a. uarnuu, comnns f(,llUlI.H $,j l.M); toelrs and feeder,
sloner of corporations of tho depart- j .mir,.i0; TexaiiH, sa.wwrt.riO. llogs-itu.
mont of commerce and labor, an an- ' eclnts, j.'; Htmng to re higher; mixed
la escorting tho cruiser Unrrosa. Tho peal for Justice against tho allcgad nnu ju ,,;lff '.' r& m .- uZ'
Barrosa had on board tho minister of conspiracy between tho Standard Oil z:.:tW, pigs, i.wva,-i.); bulk of Hales,
niarlno and his staff, who were In-j company and tho railroads to tako $,-,.30515.00. sheep-Receipts, u.oeo; iou
Hpecting sites for a new arsenal. Kansas oil out of the market. I iro higher; sheep, S3.75fiG.lK); lambs, $5.00
The explosion occurred In the pow- The refiners who signed the appeal G.
dor magazine. Tho vessel sank In are Clifford Thorno, A. V. Robertson,
threo minutes. 1 P. S. Bennett, C. W. Wasster, J. M.
The following members of the com- Cameron, H. Kaesmnn, D. O. McOeo Governor Pennypacker Among Thoso oC tho tlSlrlct attorney and tho court
mltteo which left tho arsenal on and C. B. Martin. Thcso men own Marked for Assassination. was can0tl on for a declBloii. It ruled
board tlie Aqutonuun, nccompuuymt, , uikui ruiuien huw m uiiuiuhuu, u, wasnington, lJn., Jan. 24. in mini- m faV0r of Attornov Iviorrknn
nl1nn 4...... It. nnnttin rr nrnnflnn nr ...... . . .. . i -, - -.- ...
Diutn mu iu ui v. ...".. ing j0r lue muruurers oi nucuuui jur-
Atchison and Kansas City, Kan. i no;
Attorney Morrison Tells What May Be
Proven Against Packers.
Chicago, Jan. 24. The government,
through District Attorney Morrison,
made Its opening statement in tho
packers' case. The district attorney
entered upon his address to the jury
with such vigor that the attorneys for
defendants at onco Interposed objec
tions. "The claims of the defendants
in this case," declared District Attor
ney Morrison, "are only a purt of
their clap-trap defense presented by
men of influence in tho effort to unfit
tho jury for fair deliberation in this
case. These men have not only the
ingenuity of criminal lawyers, but
they aro corporation lawyers trust
Attorney Hynes, who closed the
opening for the pnekers with an at
tack upon tho dlstilct attorney, made
strong objections to the statements
"Oivci nh ,
rilAvrnti.lflft SoVWA
r,rt jjgA
r. j
jr w
3 nv
the minister of marine, wero drowned:
Rear Admiral Itodrlgo, Joso Darucha,
Another clash np.nnrril wlmn tlm
razola. tho wealthy Italian who wan ,ntrint ntinmnv .iin i.. .t...
Admiral Francisco Calhelros , havo Invested moro than $17,000,000 sllot at Dunlovv last week. Washlnc- nin or i, i, ,t...
....... ..... i ... n.. .ll.l ' I.. ... ,1 .,.! r. r..,1, ,... nlni-fiirn rnnlta , ... .. ....... .... ... . ' . !'"-"- a wmi. .n,y nil. 1.11-
uamraca, uear Aiimiriu jou uimiuuu , m iu.uu.u-,, wun .wd, Dm...t,v v. -, , lon county auinonues navo uuearincu nucd to Immunity was an "after
Brazil, Captain Alvos do Iabrlga. Two wagons and barrels. They claim that a plot to ngsassinato some of tho lead-, thought."
commanders, two German photogra- by reason of a conspiracy between tho jng men ot tho COUntry. They havo
pliers and ono roportor also wero Standard Oil company and the railroad SGCUreU ovldenco that among thoso White Trying to Arrange Compromise,
drowned. systems or tho southwest, particularly mari;e,i f0r death was Governor Pen-1 Algeclrns, Jan. 24. Henry White,
I thoso railroads operating In Kansas, nypacier 0f Pennsylvania. Letters American ambassador to Italy, and
VALENCIA WRECKED, MANY DIE. Missouri, Nebrackn, Arkansas, Iowa aml pai)erB aro aiB0 in possession of , head of tho American delegation to
Steamer Runs on the Rocks Off CoaBt I nn" tho territories of Oklahoma and tho authorltles which decree tho ' the Moroccan conference, Is malting
of Vancouver Island,
Ely's Cream Balm
This Romody is a Spoclflc,
Suro to Clvo Satisfaction.
It cleanses, rooUios, lieals, ami )rotecta Uie
Inclined mombriinc. It cureH Catarrh and
lrivt'8 nwny a Cidd in tho Head quickly.
Uestorcs tho Senses of Touto and Smell.
liusy to uso. Contains no injurious drugs.
ppltcd into tho nostrils and absorbod.
ijnro Hizo, f0 cents at Druggists or by
mail; Trial Sizo, 10 conts by mail.
GLY BROTHERS, 5G Warron St.. Now Yoriu
Victoria, B. C, Jan. 24. With nine
ty-four passengers and about sixty in
Indian territory, they are limited to ,innth nr ntiio. lnnriini mon Tiio nv. I the wcizht of the United Stnton tat
tho state of Kansas for a market for iBtenco of this band of anarchists J l Quiet endeavors to bring Franco
their roflned oil; that to all points wns uncnrhed when Coroner Schneo ' and Germany nearer together before
her crew tho steamer Valencia went tsllle of Kansas tho freight rates on and chIef of Pollco Logan of Monon. ; tho disputed questions arise In the
ashoro about ten miles east of Capo i n11 Products of crudo petroleum aro gnheia i)Cgan to follow up clues which conference. Theso qu-stlons cannot
lleale In a thick fog about midnight.! """"""' ' ll uu" "v" Indicated tbat Carrazola's death was . " 1UB ueiayuu, us me consiuerauun
Sho Is on the rocltB against a high maintained at such unreasonably high (Ul0 to tho mnci,inatIons of tho Ital- of economic and financial reforms in
ullff and Is likely to ro to pieces at ratos for tho express purpose and for lau Biack Hand" society. The evl-, Morocco will begin next week.
anv time. Ono boat's crow of six . "" """-' i'M' v...... ...... aonco on wnicn cnarges wm uo uaseu
mon reached Capo Bealc. The surviv
ors say that a great number wero
drowned In trying to leave the ship.
Nine men got ashoro about fifteen
miles from here. Two men aro pris
oners on tho face of tho cliff and can
not get up or back to tho ship. Tho
noa will likely reach them when tho
tide Is high. Tho men report pathetic
Hcenus. Ono woman dropped her child
Into tho sea in trying to hand It to
her husband. A little boy of five Is
running around tho deck trying to
llnd his mother, who Is among thoso
drowned. There are still about 125
persons on tho ship, with almost cer
tain death staring them in the face.
The steamer Queen left here for tho
Seven of the Crew Lost While Seek
ing Assistance.
Victoria, H. C, Jan. 22. The steam
er Queen City arrived hero with Cap
tain Davidson and sixteen othor sur
vivors of tho wrecked steel ship King
David, which dragged her anchor and
drifted broadside on llajou reef Dec.
13, when tho survivors left her a
total wreck after spending five weeks
in an abandoned fishing camp with big
drlftwodd llres burning nightly to
signal any vessel that came near.
Believing Capo Deale, 100 miles
uwny, was the nearest place assist
ance could bo had, tho captain called
lor volunteers. Nino seamen re
sponded. Six were chosen and ou
Dec. 21 they left for Capo Deale In a
boat. U was never heard of ofter
rounding Uesquott point. A heavy
gale blew on Dee. 211 and continued
for five days. The boat was doubt
less swamped and all drowned. Thoso
loBt were: A. V. Wnlstoln, John Rog
ers, II. G. Ray, Uvun Jones, Martin
I'cdorsc, J. Poda and P. Sorronson.
ness of tho Independent refiners to wns discovered In a squalid shanty
the state of Kansas. , nonP tho mlnlnc vlllnco of Balrd.
threo miles from Monongahela City, i
i In this house, located in an obscuro ;
Desperadoes Who Killed Omaha Sa
loonkecper Are in Custody.
Omaha, Jun. 22. Four young des
poradoes, who robbed Nels Lausten's '
saloon at Twenty-first and Cuming
streets Saturday night, ending with
Do You
When you nre hungry and
want somotliiK nice in the
meat line, drop into my
market. We havo tho nicest
kind of
and meats, fish, and game
in season. Wo think, and
almost know, that wo ran
pleaso you. Givo us a
Koon Bros.,
Successors to
end to the lives of tho entire family
and set fire to tho dwelling. Ho com
mitted suicide several hours later.
m,Cr . or mwn& r , . Watson, a policyholder, who asks
Twelve and a Half Per Cent Increase also that the Chicago company be re-
Charlea H. Ayer Then Burns Houso hollow, wero found papers and docu-
and Commits Suicide. monts pointing to a wholesale assas-
Pombroke. N. II.. Jan. 19. While , slnntlon schome. Anarchists In many
the ofllclnl report of the tragedy at parts of the country are Implicated tho death of the proprietor, are'
North Pembroke, in which the lives ( ana arrests in many sections aro j iocked up In tho city jail and the po
of all tho eight members of the houso-' looked for. . uce aro jn possession of confessions I
hold of Charles H. Ayer wero blotted John Spida, tho alleged president not only to thi8 crime, but also to a '.
out, will not be completed for several . of tho society, was arrested and was serles which began Friday night and '
days, tho county authorities believe put In jail, along with George Barll, omled wIth the murder. Tho young '
that a dispute over money matters t who Is suspected of Implication In mcn aro jay o'Hearn, Leo Angus and
furnished tho motlvo for Ayer's al-1 the death of Carrazola. Joseph Warren of South Omaha and
leged crime. Tho theory hold by i ' Raymond Nelson of Omaha. Accord-
County Solicitor Thomas F. Clifford la INSURANCE SUIT IN IOWA. lng to tje confossions of Angus and
that Ayer shot his mother-in-law, Mrs.1 gm fop Recever f0r National Life of Nelson, who havo become completely
Laura Lakomnn, that) his wife Inter- ( Chicago Filed at Des Moines. unnerved since their arrest, O'Hearn
fered to protect her mother, und that, p,.,.. ' t.,,. ia i.m nskhic for 1b tlie nmu sullty of the murder.
hoping to conceal tho evidences of , a recolvur f()r tho National Life In- By tuo Iirrest of those tour n reign
his act, tho man In a frenzy put an, llpnilpft pnmnnnv nt. nhicnuo has been of tclTOr planned scarcoly forty-olght
filed in the district court at Dca hours before they wero all In jail, has
Moines, la., where tho company has oecn brought to an abrupt end. Ac
$1,700,000 on deposit with the state cording to tho confessions which are
auditor. The bill was filed for Dr. A. the hands of the pollco, the gang
lb glUUy l) l IUIUU IKMllllllS WI11UI1 UVJ'
curred in Omaha Friday night, ono in
. . . !-. ill. . : iiriiiiv n ii'in .iiiii iiiii
t.,111 i-i r- l-.l cif ti I.....1 f.irtm dinnutDfrlnir fir Mftlfm. i... v....... wm..... ..r..v u
vv DC Dcmunueu. oiiuiuto i.wui nuuiuui, v.. -.i
Pittsburg, Jan. 22. A completed lng of funds. Dr. Watson alleges that
draft of tho wage demands that aro promises made for the payment of
to bo presented by tho United Mino gold bonds havo not been fulfilled.
Workers to tho operators at the inter- i Olllcials of tho National Life assert
state conference at Indianapolis this1 that the suit Is the outcome of an at- Accused Clergyman Denies Purpoao
week was secured rrora rellablo j tempt to "hold up" the company. "Our to Defraud Government,
sources und shows one decided chango1 attention was called to it first by a Omaha, Jan. 21. lho two ith day or
l nnUm. ..n- tlw, fnrmm. n.minnmnr' nnllnn frnm n VnillllT flttOmfiV Of GaleS- "10 tllal Of tllO CBSO Of tile UnltOCl
or these interests. The miners aro ! burg, W. H. Atwood," said Attorney States against Rev. George G. are
now ashing for only a one-year agree-! L. A. Stasblns, counsel for tho com- of Lead S. D., charged with conspir-j HOLLISTER & ROSS
mont instead of tho two-year scale, pany. "Ho wrote, saying ho had a acy with Frank W. Lambert and Har-
which Is to expire next April, ami' bond of the National Llfo and Trust ry nn o uwiuuu m Bovuiwut
which was the first of the hind to bo ' company, which had been merged with out of titles to public lands within
the National Life. This bond, he said, tuc u. u. i. mnu mm ramu uuwunuio
had lnpsed. Tho only object is to In-1 in Hooker county, Nebraska, reached J jP J y g ff g
Inro thn Pnmnnnv liv nilOBt OU UK Its t uiwimx J iu ui n.
1'1. n,r nnnt fnr nil I tnlno' unlvminv In thl wnv hv Jl Slllt for a' WttrO Oil tllO Staild as a WltnOSS in Ills
laborers. receiver. No one who knew the facts , own behalf. His story did not differ
i of tho company's solvency would pay ; materially irom mo oviuencc given uy
fatal one in which Saloonlst Lausten
was shot.
in every style. Ca
tering to parties and
dances i specialty.
Fresh Bread, Pies,
Cakes, Candy and
The Bon Ton
W. S. BENSE, Proprietor.
All kinds of
tried by tho coal Interests. The de
mands to bo presented to tho oper
ators include a straight advance of
Boarding House and Saloon at Alta,
Utah, Wrecked.
Salt Lake, Jan. 22. Tho last of the
six bodies burled by tho snowslldo at
Alta has been recovered. Since com
munication with the mining canip has
boon restored It has been learned that
tho avalanche came about midnight.
It swept a half mllo beforo striking
tho boarding houso and adjoining sa
loon lu which tho men wero sleeping.
Both buildings were wrecked and tho
former war. completely hidden from
Threo of the live men sleeping In
tho saloon managed to crawl from
under tho debris and snow and, attired
only In their night clothing, worked
for hours in an effort to reach their
Testimony In Greene-Gaynor Case.
Savannan, Ga., Jan. 24. The exam
ination of witnesses In tho Grceno
and Gnynor case was directed prin
cipally to tho establishment of the
Identity of certain books and papers
of former Captain Oborlin-M. Carter
that are to be used as evidenco In
tho trial of his alleged coconspirators
any attention to it."
Frank Lambert, except in tho con
struction put on the motives of the
transactions. The attorneys for tho
government Interposed very fow ob
jections to bis testimony or tho ques
tions nut him by his attorneys. Mr.
Piano Moving, Furniture
Moving and other Heavy
Work our Specialty J
No. 52 ...PHONES ...No. 7G
companions. Their feet were badly
. I
frozen. Fifty men wore soon at work
seeking the bodies, but not until noon
was the first corpse recovered. Tho
men who lost their lives In tho board
ing houso aro: Albert Bonnett,
Georgo Clnyhourno, John Krlckson,
John Gray. Thoso killed In the saloon
wero: Jerry Murphy, William Powoll.
Fourteen Women Stabbed by Mysteri
ous Youth at St. Louis.
St. lyjuls Jan. 21. Reports to the ware's storv was a recital of his ex-
police doublo tho women stabbed by I)0ricncos jn America. Apparently, he
tho mysterious youth who raided the ma(lo no effort to COnceal any of tho
uuumimiuii,, .llil. 1of .. . . ....
to the tracing of tho course taken by! w " ""'"' , transactions uetweon nimseii anu . HrAMi4'7
theso books and papers in their uso !ht' Inflating minor wounds on tho La,nbert, the essential denial being of 1 IMS MOrXUHg f
m various cities in connection with "" "..o " ' , "j b'--"'' " i"u "u"
me majority or wnom aro young uuu upon y the soldiers after they had
considered good looking. Sovcral j ,nndo final proof for $150 or any other
suspects wero arrested by the pollco, Euin
but all wore released whon confronted j i imd no Intention, desire or pur-
by several of tho women who had poso to defraud tho government out
been assaulted and who failed to lden- 0; tn0 jand or any part of It in my
tify them as their assailant. In near- contract or agreement with Mr. Lam
ly every case tho women succeeded In oert( nor was thls contract made in
cottlnc n. cnod look at tho youth and i i,n ininmci nf mvunir th ti n. t
CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS tho descriptions of him aro in every , Land ftnd Cattio company or anybody ' 9
case identical, wono oi tuo women eise he Bald.
wero seriously hurt. Four men wno
witnessed tho assault on ono of tho
women, pursued her assailant and
captured him. At tho tlmo they did
not know tho women had been
the famous case.
Rebels Occupy Quito.
Guayaquil, Jan. 20. Tho revolution
aries havo entered Quito, tho capital
of Ecuador. Vlco President Baquerlzo
Moreno has assumed executive power
and will appoint a now cnbinet.
Features of the Day's Trading and
Closing Quotations.
ChlciiKO, Jnn. illl. Wheat rulwl wenk to
ilny, tin; Miiy opt Ion cIohIhk -lie lower.
May corn t-lohotl 'Jsc and May oatn Uo low
er. ProvIsloiiH were fiiKlcr. CIohIiik prict'b.
Wheat-May, WlUi; July, &l!H,c; Sept., S3.
Corn May, 15c; July, 43Uc; Sept., 40!ic.
OatH May, Jllc; July, .'lOftc.
I'ork-Jan., ?i:.77V!; Mny, ?M.12.
I.nrU-Jan., ?7.4'JM; May, ?7.w.
Kllitt-Jan., ?7.45; May, $7.5714.
ClilriiKO Cauli 1'rlccH No. '2 hard whint,
In New Holland scars, made carecully
with shells, form elaborate patterns oa
the ladles' faces,
A Gentle Laxative
And Appetizer
Canada Has a Hog Famine.
Ottawa, Jan. 24. Ontario pork
packers aro manifesting much dlsap- BiV&snc; No. :i hard wheat, sialic; ..o. '2
nolntmont and chagrin over tho action , corn, WWY'. No. 2 outs, 3ic.
of tho Dominion government In re
scinding tho regulation which permit
ted American hogs to como into this
South Omaha Live Stock.
South Omaha, Jan. ia. Cattio Heeelptu,
4a00; steady to lower; native BtqerB, $3.73
To Cure a Cold in One Day
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine TaMets. e A,
sevtn miuoa oxe i r -.
This signature,
Cures Grip
in Two Days.
oik every
frznn box. 25c.