The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 19, 1906, Image 8

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    -- y3&A f fin.
fttliKEK & BfilliEYS
Heal Estate
To Renters
Why work for othors whoti you cuu do bo inuoh bottor by work
ing for youraolvesv
Cun yon rnlso from ?500 to $2000?
If you can do this, got n homo of your own wliilo land is yot
within your reach.
and from now on laud is going to advanco in value as novor boforo
in your llvos.
and got it within tho rain bolt of Nebraska. Nobraska is good
enough for us.
You having monoy lying idle in tho bank and earning you noth
ing, can invost it in lands that as a matter of speculation will not
you astonishing results. Seo Walker it Bailoy for a farm hero, or
take a trip with thorn tho second and fourth Tuesdays In each
month farther west, but wjthin tho rain bolt, where lands aro cheap,
cheaper, cheapest, and you will probably buy, either for u homo or
for investment.
Our FARM LOAN DEPARTMENT offers rates aud
terms especially attractive.
WALKER ft BAILEY, Red Cloud, Neb
s Interesting Items Gathered
4 by Our County Reporters
Mw. I,. 15. Halo lift forUiverton
Monday evening.
Mrs. (Joo. Mitkins rottirni'dfrom her
visit in Lincoln Tuesday night.
Dr Myers of Rivertnn was in town
on professional duties tho first of the
Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Wahto enter
tained relatives from Blnnmington on
Art Wolcott is on tho Hick list this
week. Wm Wnllors is looking after
the shop during his absence.
Tho school board met on Tuesday
and decided to close the schools until
tho scarlet fever scute has subsidod.
Ralph Hunter was confined to his
bed for sovcal days with a sovero at
tack of la-grippe, but io able to bo out
A now tolophoco linn is being built
between Inavalo and Womer, Kansas.
Inavalo is woll Biipplied with tele
phones. O M Lydick, who has bnon visiting
with his undo, E. K. Ladd, left for
Colorado Springs on No. 15 Monday
Mrs. Adamson and two children of
Cowles visited with her sistor-iulaw,
Mrs Wm. C.irpontur, tho fore part of
the week.
Uov. Davis, pustor of tho Christian
church, came over from lied Cloud
and called on soma of his parishioners
Tuesday afternoon.
Mr. Walker, who has boon visiting
with his sister, Mrs. D. E. Cloud, and
family, dcpirted for Billings, Mon
tana, Tuesday evening.
Miss Georgia Adamson is visiting
hor sistor, Mrs. Wm. Carpentnr. She
reointly roslgnod hor position as
teacher in tho public schools at Cowles.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Stonor's little baby
has beon sick for several days. Last
Sunday the doctor decided it had scar
let fovor and tho houso was quarantin
Mrs. Coolmol of Bloomington, a
daughter of our worthy post master,
S. U. C irpontor, came in on Wednos
day morning and is visiting rolatives
nud friends.
U. D. Davis, who suffered for soveral
week i with an abscoss, is soon on out
streots onco more. Wo aro glad to
welcomo him back among us aftor his
long illness.
Stock shipmonts have boon groatly
delayed this week on tho account of
the inability to securo gun. Tho yards
aro full of cattlo awaiting shipmm.t,
anil the owners are becoming anxious.
Geo. Hum moll and mothor, Mn.
Carter, accompaniod by his niece,
Inez Iloldrego, started for Sylvan
Grove, K-insas, Wodno lay morning
Tluy drove to Lebanon. Ifcuisne, from
Farm Loans
and Others.
whoro they will finish tho journey by
Thoso who aro feeding stock find it
difficult to obtain corn from tho farm
ors and aro compelled to havo it ship-
pod in from neighboring towns. The
market is about five cents higher than
Hastings. This ought to bo an induce
ment to farmers to raise moro corn.
A. Wuillo drove to Red Cloud Tues
day. Miss Lona Monroo is visiting friends
in town.
Finn weather again aftor tho snow
II. B. Hoyd's fino stable horso died
Tom McTigh spent Sunday with hfo
sister, Mrs. Duffy.
Mr. and Mrs. Byrd Kilo spont Sun
day at Will Fruzioi'tf.
Mr. Young and MrB.Lockhart drove
to Rd Cloud Tuesday. '
Clyde Kouswingor left Monday even
ing for Frontier county.
Miss Myrtle Nauswingur spent Sun
day with Mrs. Mahol Boyd.
Tom Watson of Inavalo is visiting at
tho homo of J. W. McCoy.
Mr. and Mrs. Kimball wero passen
gers t r Red Cloud Tuesday.
Mrs. L. K. Spour is hero visiting
rolatives and friends this woVk.
"Grandma" Moore is much bottor
and able to bo up around tho houso.
Mr. and Mis. Biorhouso visited at
the homo of Herman Ftis Tuesday.
Mrs. Tuttle spent Wednosday with
hur sister, Mrs. Bartlott of this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Ames loft Tuesday
ovening for their homo inPuillipsburg,
K msiis.
Mr. and M-8. James Saunders of
Emu creek are visiting at tho homo of
Win. Clauson's.
Mrs. E iasLoekhartcamo up Satur
day ami visited over Sunday at tho
Homo of J. M. Lockhart's.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Horrington of
Hustings visited in this city Sunday
and Mouday, returning Monday oven
Will Rigglns roturnod homo Monday
after spending several days visiting his
father, who is quite sick at tho homo
of his daughter, Mrs. Will Davis.
Mr. Tyler sold a number of fat cat
tie Saturday.
Mr. aud Mrs. Frank Coulson attend
o I church in Inavalo Sunday.
Sohool will commence at No. 70 tho
twonty-second with tho now bell to
call thorn to order.
Mrs. Arnesou und Miss Sara Arne
son wor visiting ftt iVrs. Walter
Noblo'ri Wednesdity
Mr. unit Mrs. Roy Fulton gave a very
pleas nit dance lust week in honor of
some friends who weio visiting thou.
A party of men wero hauling telr
phono poles Tuesday. It seems to
Hike no end of inoetlngb to get our line
on its feet.
Mr. and Mrs, John Sutton mot with
an accident a few driy ago. A they
wto driving down Collar gulch hill
tho hum's b'0:tmo frightened and
broke the huguy tongue. Mr. Sutton
Hiincoedad in guiding the horses into
8011)0 timber, wIitu they broke loose
from the vehicle leaving the iiccupantn
diaries Alios wa shelling corn
Qcorgo Hnuchin was baling his hay
the first of tho week.
E I Mohler wont to Kansas City Mon
day with a load of fat cattle.
Jasper Smith and his sister were cal
ling on N. B. Wagoner Wednesday
Charles Wolfe sold a car load of fat
ho.i3 Momtnv to II. C. Cutter at 5
cents per pound.
N. L. D. Smith and wife wore visit
ing their daughter tho last part of last
week in Red Cloud.
Jam's lUuuchnmp bought GOO bush
els of corn this week of Mr. Thompson
at 85 cents per bushel.
Ernest Shipman purchased Mr.
Alhn's 80 aero farm Inst Saturday for a
consideration of Si 100.
Mrs. Pearl Ailos was in Red Cloud
the first of the week, tnking care of
Mrs. Louisa Ailes, who is quite sick.
Will Hick- has his now barn finished.
Mrs. Jumi'S K'wglo is on tho sick
Jeff Beauchamp Is hauling croani to
Red Cloud.
Dan Nurris lost fivo head of c.ittlo in
tho corn stalks.
Wort Stevons shelled corn for Louis
Soderlin Tuesday.
S C. Shuck is hauling corn from
Red Cloud this week.
Miss Pope, teacher in district No. 8
is giving good satisfaction.
George Drake's children wore guests
at John Beauzhiimp's Sunday.
Ed Mountford has lost fivo head of
cattle recently and has others that aro
E. Johnston bought two span of
mules from Mr. Whito for which he
paid $500
Ernest Buauchamp is tho owner of
two span of mules, aud is going west
in tho spring.
Linonun wero nut in Lino this week.
They took seven phones from lino K
and put tliom on lino L.
Louis Soderlin of I)onver,Colo., is
visiting old friends in Liuo this week,
after boing absent six years.
Commlsslonero' Proceedings.
Jan. 0, 1900.
Board mot in regular session. Mem
bers present, Sawyor, Anderson, Rich
ard, Chaplin and Overman.
H. G. Sawyor was olected chrirmau
for tho year 11)00.
Commissioner Ovorman was ap
pointed n committeo of ono to wait
upon county officers and seo if thoy
wore ready for settlement.
Richard, Andorsou and Ovorman
wore appoiuted committee on poor
Tho personal tax of Richard Leo was
stricken from the tax books.
Chairman Sawyor und Commissioner
Chaplin wore appointed a committeo
to investigate tho stationery iu tho
various county offices.
Jnu. 10, 1900.
Board mot pursuant to adjourn
ment. Members all present.
Tho following bonds wore approved:
A. H. Koonoy, deputy county attorn
Road ovorseors: Frod Goll, district
50; Wm. McCord, district IM; Honry F.
Bartols, district 6; J. M. Clark, district
25; John Konzack, district 44; Henry
A. Johnson, district 2.
Justices of tho poaco: Clarence
Reed and N. L. Smith.
Constables: M. C. Sherman and J. B.
Dr. R. T. Hall, coroner.
Tho following officers wore appoint
ed: A friend of the home-')
A foe of the Truet ,
Complloa with the Pure Food Laws
of all Ototos.
W. M. Kudrini, OHRD No 3.
Wm Roukol, OHRD No 23.
August Lampmati, O II It D No .30.
E. E. Burr, jiibtico of tho pence.
Tho annual reports of tho following
rond ovorseers wero approved:
J. M. Kincaid, 25; Fred Goll,f0; John
Kouziiok. 11; Atlolph llartuian, 28.
Adjourned to Jannary 11.
Jan. 11, 1900.'
Board met pursuant to ndjournmout.
Members all present.
Board proceoded as a committee of
tho whole to vlow tho river bridge at
Rod Cloud, adjoining to 1:30 p. m.
On motion The Ciiikf, Argus nnd
Loader wero given tho printing of tho
commissioners' procoodings at $10 por
year each.
On motion tho bid of tho Omaha
Printing Co. was accepted on all of
class A blank books and under head
election supplios, poll books, onve.
lopes, ballot bags as per contrnct.
Contract for of lice stationery and
incidentals was lot to H. E. Grice.
Tho legal printing of tho treasurer's
reports and printing of tho ballots was
lotto tho Argus and CtUUF at ono-third
of tho legal rato nud the tax list at
legal rato.
On motion each officer was allowed
to get his ofllco printing dono whoro
over ho sees fit at contract prico.
Tho printing of legal blanks was di
vided botween tho Ciiikf Argus and
Tho appointment of Fred Hod go as
deputy shoriff was approved.
Jan. 12, 1900.
Board mot pursuant to adjourn
ment. Members all present.
Tho following cstimato of exponses
for 1900 was made.
County superintendent $ 2000
District court 2500
Incidental 3500
Books, stationery and printing. 2000
County coroner 500
County commissioners 1500
County nttornoy 1200
County nssossor nud deputies. . 2500
Jail and jailors 2000
Board of equalization 500
Couuty roads 8000
Elections 2000
County poor 1500
Bridges 10500
Bonds 3000
Soldiers' roliof 500
Insane 800
Fair 500
Total 45000
On motion tho district clerk was in
structed to put in n set of call bells
for tho offices of treasuror, superin
tendent and county judge.
Chairman appointed Overman, Rich
ard and Sawyor a committee to mako
arrangements with tho John sTowlo
Bridge Co. to place tho stool piers in
tho rivor bridge at Rod Cloud.
On motion tho following claims
wore allowed.
Geo W Hutchison $0 35
M A Albright 7 80
Farmers' Telepuono Co 5 00
Elizabeth Marker 32 50
Nicholas Ross 1 50
State Jounial 3 45
W S Ashby G 00
W R Anderson 4 00
Cowdou-Kaloy Co 0 15
F Goll 17 75
Board adjourned to Fob. 5, 1906.
Burlington Bulletin.
Special homosoekors' rates: greatly
reduced round trip rates to tho North
Platto Valley and tho Big Horn Basin.
January iGth February 0th and 20th.
Loss than ono faro for the round trip.
Low ono way and round trip rates to
points in tho south and southwest
January IGth, February Gth nud 20th.
Colonist rates Syocially low ono
way colonist rates to points in Colo
rado, Wyoming, Utah, Montana, Idaho
Oregon, Washington nnd California,
February 15th to April 7th, inclusive.
Homosoekors' excursion rates to
points in Montana, Idaho. Oregon,
Washington nnd British Columbia,
February Gth and 20th and March Gth
nnd 20th.
Send for froo foldors, descriptivo of
irrigated lands vin tho North Platte
valley, the Big Horn Basin, tho Bill
ings district and eastern Colorado.
Specify which you want.
To tho sunny south: winter tourist
rates daily until April 30. Return
limit Juno 1,1900.
Write mo just what trip you havo in
mind nnd lot mo ndviso you tho least
cost aud tho best way to mako it.
J. F. Edwaiids, agont.
Morton I.. Hill, of Lebanon, Iiul., says; "Mj
wife hurt Inflammatory IthotimnllHm In every
inuscle nnd joint; her MilTerlne whb terrible
nud her truly nnd face wero swollen almost bo
yond ret'OKiililon; hnd been In hod hIx weeks
and' hud eight jilivKlclnns, but received no
bonoflt until Mio tried the MyMlo euro for
Rheumatism, It kiivo Immediate relief and
she was nblo to walk nbont In three dnva. I urn
mire It trnved her life," Sold by II. 'fi. Grico.
DrugKlHt, lied Cloud.
A Great Fire
You will have if
you try some of
Good Coal
Sold by
Saunders Bros.
Tho popular Lumber nnd
Coal men of Red Cloud.
To ophono GO w II get it.
Fourth Avenue
flffeat Market
Wholesale and retail Fresh nnd
C'ired Meats, aiid everything kept
in a first class meat market. Man
ufacturers of high grado Sausage
and Strictly Pure Lard. Highest
market prices paid for Livo Stock,
Poultry, Hides, Pelts and Tallow.
To the
Out of 50 Insurance Companies
doing business in Webster
County the Gocman of Free
port pays ono-third of the taxes
and has over 500 policies in
force?. Tho Farmers' Mutual of
Nobraska is tho largest Mutual
iu tho state, with over three
quarters of a million dollars in
surance in Webster county.
For Good Insurance
Call on
Red Cloud.
against Firo, Lightning, Cy
clones nnd Windstorms, seo
agont for the Farmers Union Insur
ance Co., Lincoln, Neb., the best in
surance company intho sto.
Isaac B. Col vin
Farm Loans and Insurance.
Telephones: Glenwood
and Guide Rock lines.
Box 23. GUIDE ROCK, '.NEB.
i want to HIT what you are aiminc at
1 be it bird, beast or target. Make your
shots count by shooting the STEVENS.
For 41 'yean STEVENS ARMS have
carried off PREMIER HONORS tor AC
CURACY. Our line:
RiflesShotguns, Pistols
Ask your Dealer In. Semi act.. In stamps
slit on theSTKVtNS. for uo-paKO Catalog
If you cannot obtain, of complete output. A
e ship illrect, valualilebookofrefer.
frtit frtfaut, uMin ence for present anil
recciptofcatalnk'rrire prospective shooters.
Beautiful three-color Aluminum Hanger will
ue lorwarucu tor 10 ccnti in stamps.
J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co.,
r P. O. Box 409S
To Cure a Cold In One Day.
Tako Laxative Bromo quinino tab
lots. Druggists refund monoy if it
fails to cure. E. W. Grove's signature
is on oach box. 25 cents.
A Guaranteed Cure for' Piles.
itching, blind, bleeding, protruding
piles. Druggists aro authorized to
refund money if Puzo Ointment falls
to euro iu (I to M days. 50 cents.
t '