The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 19, 1906, Image 5

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7M't i
Dear Sir: f'ron
tKft alfirlltfAf r1nilli ...I.-
. ii) uuu BuiMijiug (juaiur a trial
of tuo
Safety Razor
...i j-- .p-;--.-'-""".'!."" ?' ."
Will I'lltlrol HUl.o1 It. Am min
b.ivowltli It an rvadllr a. though I10
I111I alitor hIijuiI liltus.'lf. The Oil.
Irttc .sulcly Kazor U at Itazor In
11 nr. Itha-itnulvcikti'aduubltMHlirod
uli(l(!iln a paper, ti mprtvtl -md
1 Bl.iali!irdoniHl liycmr irncei o that
11 taken dJumond dutt to Krind
thcra. Kach blmb itlren ton to
inifij iHTfcct aliens. .c and
1)1 id - lucked and ai-alcd direct
irmn tlio fartorjr, allowing them
' to Ijo uuw. Alnum ready (or uao-
No Stropping
nr Ilnnimt
il 'X&J Y,'u cannot cut Touiwlf or fall tn
f. wjuumii rillinlll, fit HGItIUI
nl'ivc. Alilllc'tc ln.t for renin
V lien jroti linvo uhpiI each cf tbe
w!ji until ilr.ll, rrtnrn to li and
nowlllcWu jrouali new plndr In
pfchangn at no cont to jou
'1 wc'lvo additional blade at nom
inal coat.
O.i II and examine the Qlllett.
Itnlllcoft rou nothing to tee U
Chas. L. Cotting
15he Druggist
Go to Fred Plumb's for Hour or feed
Mrs. II K. Pond of Lincoln is in the
Dr. K. A. Thoma?, dentist, Dmnoroll
Kay Frame was down from iiluo Hill
Koy Giirbor returned from Hastings
Paul Pope was in Lincoln the first of
tlio week.
E. M Crone was down from Oxford
A 'LV W.tlker was in Tronton the of the wei k
Mrs. Lulu Matthews was down from
Inavale Saturday.
Postmaster Hacker and wife went to
Lincoln .Tuesday.
Rev. J. M. Hates left Thursday uoon
for St. Paul, Neb.
Otis Soderborg returned from Lin
coln Sunday night.
Lft'.le Charles Palmor was quito sick
tlio first of tlio week.
County Attorney WalUors returned
to Blue Hill yesterday.
Mrs. A A. Frame is homo from her
visit at Atwooil, Kansas.
Take your poultry and hides to
Plumb. Top prices paid.
Miss Irene M ner returned from
B ue Hill Wednesday noon.
Mrs. Carl Ferguson returned to her
homo in Orloans Sunday night.
Cull and see my 50 different kinds cf
candies, at the Soderberg's Inn.
S. B. Kiztr is tulcng in the various
conventions at Liticolu this week.
Dr. Gardner and Charles Wiles came
up from Wymore Siturday night.
Win, Sullivan and family went to
B nildor, Colorado, Monday night.
John Harvoy is down from Inavale
this week roceiving medical treatment.
Mrs. Tina Ilarosnapo, mother of
aits G. C. King, is reported to be very
Not a rich corporation but just
plain J. O Caldwell, for hard and soft
Kay Gard wont to Mankato, Kansas,
Monday, for a mouth's visit with rela
tives. Plumb the feed man will pay you tho
highest prico for poultry; egB3 and
Mrs. Ernest Wnlflch wont to Lin
coln Tuesday to take in tho statu poul
try show.
Miss Daisy Hill, who has beon visit
ing with Geo. Lindloy's roturnod home
Dr. Thomas is haviug a new addition
built to bis houso. C. S. Palmor is
doing tho work.
Leo McArthur bad his face quito
badly cut the other day by falling on a
barb wire fonco.
L. M. Crabill wont to Lincoln tho
first of tho week to visit his son Karl,
and see Bon.Hur.
Charley Frisbio returned from Kan
sas City yesterday, where ho had been
with somo Ciittlo.
Tho walls are up for Pope Bros.' new
implement warehouso and it will soon
bo ready for occupancy.
George Nowhouso assisted in organiz
ing tho Nebraska Opticians' associa
tion at L'nooln this week.
Roy Foam loft on No. 14, Friday
liioruing for a visit with ivlnt ves in
Ellsworth comity, Kansas.
Another enjoyable dance was given
by the members of tlio club Thursday
ovening tit the Masonic hall
Charles T. Austin, tho Lawrence at
torney, was in Rod Cloud on legal
buj-iiioss tho first of tho week
When you got a hair cut, shave and
baih at Manspeaker's barber shop you
will fool liko a new man. Try it.
J W. Warron wont to Lincoln Inst
night to attend a meeting of tho coun
cil of administration of the G. A. R.
Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pitnoy aro tho
proud parents of a tun-pound baby boy
wnich arrived at their homo this morn
ing Marion Moroor wont to Loyowoll,
KniHiis, Tuesday, to asdst Akin
Snapp's Wobber band in giving a con
curt. Mr. and Mrs C. E. Stmo and child
ren of Superior were visiting at tho
homo of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Cowden
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Wilson of Super-i-ir
were visit ing' at tho homo of Mr.
and Mrs. F. W. Cowdon Thursday
Robert Fortune was down from Mo
C 10k tho lirst of iho week. He Is now
liting on the maiu lino from McCouk
to Donvor.
D. B. Spanogle. Real estate. Seo him
now, if you want ft farm that is a
broai winner. Will bo offered for a
few days only.
Mrs. Sadin McKimmoy and children
of tioldrego were in Rud Cloud thu
first of tho week attending tho funeral
ot A. D. Biown.
Miss Laura Ehlor nrrived Tuesday
morning from Culbertson, Nob., for a
visit with her rfrandpnrentc, J. O.
Lindloy and wife.
Mrs M. E. Quivoy, of tho Childrens'
Homo of Omtha arrived in Red Cloud
Saturday night and is yisiting with
Mrs. G. W. Lindsey.
Mrs. Crary, Mrs. Burr, Mrs. Hajos
and Mica Jest-in MeCallum woro up
from Guide Rock Wednesday evening
attending the Eastern Star banquet.
Joo Burns, tho famous Lincoln well
digger, is expuett'd to atrivo today or
tomorrow to investigate the subject of
n better water supply for Red Cloud.
Wanted Bright, honest young man
from Red Cloud to proparo for paying
l. w.
Leader Steel
for an 1 8-inch oven range
with high closet and res
ervoir. This is a good
piece of goods, all asbes
tos lined and protected
with steel, all planished
iron, no paint to cover
defects in the steel.
Nicely trimmed and
well made. Duplex grate
and heavy castings in the
fire box.
Come in and see this
Hardware Co.
position in GovMiiiiiii'iit Mail Service. I
Box tine, Crttlar Rapid, Iowa, fob !!. I
Walker & B ti'o hold fifteen quarttr
section? or 2100 acres of bind this work
This bunts the rocord in this county up
to date. As they say, "tho bot 111 is
Harry Kngots went to Lincoln tho
lirstof tho week to attend the optic
inns' mooting. Henry Cimk had
charge of tho juwoiry store during his
C. W. LaRash, a brother-in-law of
Mrs. A. C. Hosmer, died at Decatur.
III., last week. Mr. LaRash was tin
operator at tho depot hero about
twenty years ngo.
Tho Brotherhood of St. Paul will
meet at tho M. E. church Tuesdtiy
evening January 23-tl Public instal
lation of (ifllcer.s. Everybody invit"tl.
W. B. Saundkiis, Sec.
Fiod Goblo anil wife of Silvorton,
Col . were guests or his brother, Elias,
tho first of the week. Fred is ongtigt d
in tho lumber buMiirss at Silvorton.
ami is also mayor of tho town.
It invigorates, strengthens and
builds up. It keeps you in condition
physically, mentally and morally.
That's what Hollis'cr's Rocky Moun
tain tea will do. 35 cents, tea or tab
bluts. C L. Cotting.
Mr. and Mrs. Gcorgo Scarf camo
down from Rivorlou Monday nntl Wed.
nesdny afternoon Mrs. Scarf under
went an operation at Cook & Town
soiul's hospital. Her mother, Mis.
Cornoll, is caring for hor.
Three little babes were nestled in bed,
"I'I1 name them William, Willie and
Hill," mother said.
Wide was hor smile, for triplets thny be,
Sho lays hor good luck to Rocky
Mountain Tea.
Groat baby medicine ) C. L. Cotting.
E. W. Coplon went to Lincoln Fi iday
evening to accompany his wifo homo
from a hospital in that city. A tele
gram was received hero Friday an
nouncing tho death of Mrs. Copolan's
father in Chicago on that day.
You will not find beauty in rouge
pot or complexion whitewash. True
beauty comes tn them only that tako
Hollistor's Rocky Mountain Ten. It is
a wonderful tonic and boautiucr 35
cents, tea or tablets. C. L. Cotting.
Saunders Brothers wish to announce
that they aro making prompt deliver
ics of their good coal, and that if it is
inconvenient for you to stop and leave
your order at the office, call telophono
GO or 234 find your order will be
promptly taken care of.
Tho ladies of the Eastern Star gave
11 farewell reception for Mrs. Aaron
Conovcr Wednesday night. Mrs. Con
over will soon join her husband in
Salt Lake City. Mrs. Puce, worthy
grand matron, ofLincoln,and Mrs. Hil
dreth of Ulnomington woro prosent.
We aro in receipt of an nrticlo from
' Sunshine and Shadow," but unfortu
nately the nuthoress omitted to sizn
her name. As wo mnko it n rnlo not
to publish anonymous communications
wo aro compelled to omit tho articlo
Wo do not rrqniro signatures for pub
lication, but merely as a protection for
At tho CnngregaMonal church next
Sunday morning tho piistor will pro
sent tho topic, Anil Yo Would Not."
Evening subject, "What Paul Taught
About tho Second Coming of Christ."
Tho time of tho evening meeting will
be changed to 7:30 o'clock beginning
noxt Sunday evening. C. E. mooting
at G:45 p. tn.
Henry Ludlow and wifo woro in Rod
Cloud tho first of tho week. They
wero on their way to Oklahoma City,
where "Hank" will havo tho state
agency for tho Columbia Fire Insur
anco Co. Since ho has matin his es
cape from tho nowspapor hasiness,
Henry has beon very successful as an
iusuranco rustler.
Tho second performance of "Heaits
of Tennessee" by tho P.itrecia Wiight
company drew a good houso and to say
tho aud once was well pie used would
bo saying just what thoso said who saw
tho bill last night. The following re
mark, heard in tho lobby of tho theatre
will show tho way thoso presont woro
pleased with tho performance: "I'll
havo to come again tomorrow night
and soo tlio wholo of that show; only
saw two acts ood, vvoll I guess yes."
Daily Boo, Hutchinson, Kansas.
Opora houso January 24.
Tho P-Urooia Wright C. at tho
opera houso last night whs by far one
of tho best companies that over visited
our city. Tho play is tho best wo havo
had the pleasure of seeing horo on tho
local stage for many years. It is not
an old one, not a rehash of something
olse, but bright and uow.'and. with ono
of the best "darky" parts ovor written
into a comedy drama. Should this
company ever visit our city again tho
opora houso would not holUJtho peoplo
who would turn out to seo thorn. Tho
Humbolt (Tonn.)J Roviow. Opera,
Commences Saturday, January 13
We've got too many Overcoats
for this season of the year and we
are going to sell them.
They'll go at once if price will
force them out.
If you need an Overcoat now, or
if you expect to need one, next sea
son or the season after, here's your
opportunity. Buy now, while you
can get a discount of
One-Fifth Off
our regular prices. The investment
will pay better than Standard Oil
Sale Commences Sat., Jan. 16
5'6e Cowdcn-Kaley Clothing Co.,
First Door North of PostofTIco, Rod Cloud, Nobr.
nruamumnaaarnraiab dmriSdi almufaflrffrfl
Deaths and Funerals.
A. D. Brown.
A. D Brown, who has boon ill at his
homo in tho north purt of town for tho
past inroo years, uieu ouuiiay morn-1
ing at 4 o'olook. Funoral services '
woro hold at tho M. E. church Monday i
aftoruoou at 2 o'clock conducted by !
Row G. W. Humtnoli, who was assistod
by Rov. Austin and Elder Davis.
Alphous D. Brown was born in
Bradford county, Pa., March 1(5, 1828,
being 77 years 0 mouths and 20 days
old at tho timo of his death. Soptem-
bor28,18r9, ho was married to Harriot
O. Groves, who survives him. Ho is ,
also survived by ono son, two daugh-,
tors, nino urundchildrou and four
grcat-gruudohildron, ono brothor and
ono sistor.
At tho breaking out of tho robollion
hooullstod in tho Twonty-thlrd llli
nois infantry, sorving throo years and
six mouths, and fo rsix mouths was an
iumato of Libby prison. Ho was a
membor of (Jarfleld post for many
Twenty years ago ho wits bap
into tho M. E. church by Rov.
(r. W. Hummell and sinco then has
been a faithful tmd devoted Christian
Captain Bartlett.
Captain II. C. Bnrtlott, tho slruugor
who diod at tho Holland Houso in
fliiu nt.v In at. TtVlilnv. wni Inirind Woil.
no,day afternoon at 2 o'clock from Al-, "uJ tho bullot nipped a pioco of flesh
blight's undertaking establishment. from, his heel; t-ulto tl nunibor, of
Rov Austin fonduotod tho services yut,1H around, town aro carrying
uo. Austin couuuotoa tuo services rQVolvora IU,d ono ot tho80 dliyH
nnd tho remains woro laid to rost in HOn,oono is going to bo soriously in
thoG. A. R. lot at the cemetery. Tho jured as a result.
A Cream of Tartar Powder
Made From Grapes
No Alum
wMv wM
Vr $ Wm
att 't TmM
m & VSl
aLI laaVf V
cmtioii iwi ir
lit now or urruiim
mombors of tho Grand Army and Ro
llof Corps gavo tho docousod nil tho
honors usually accorded a (load com
rade, and thoro woro sovoral haudsomo
floral tributos. Mr. Bartlett had boon
in Rod Cloud for sovoral weeks soiling
charts for making drosses. Ho was
about 05 years of ago, and littlo could
bo learned of his family or history.
oxcopt that ho hud a wifo living in
Denver who is ill and in dostituto olr.
onn)HtlincoHj und u weuUhy brother
iivos in l'onnsvlvatiin
John Douchek.
John Douchek was born in Bohemia,
May 10, 1831. Ho camo to Nebraska
in 1881. First settled in Suundorp
county, whoro ho lived throo yoarp,
I then removed to Wobstor county iu
188Jt whoro ho lmH livo(1 hiic 1Io
wus ,,,, )10IieHt, hardworking man,
g00(1 h,1Hband and father. Ho passod
I into tho botcor lifo on tlio morning of
January 13, leaving his wifo, Mary,
I throo dauglitors, ono son, and flro
stop-sons to mourn for him. Ho wus
1 72 years aud 2.1 days old aud was a
' Roman Catholic in religion. Tho
I funoral took plnco at tho Prairio Clom
! school houso at 10 o'clock a. m. Tues
day, January 10, conducted by Rov.
Q. W. Huuimoll. Intormont iu tho
Prairio Gem cemetery.
Accidental Shooting.
Omor Wolfo, while attempting to
shift tho position of a revolver in his
hip pockot Monday ovoning, accident
ally causod tho discharge of the gun
the Standard
i wwwwwwww wwvw
honse, January 24.