? 'V V THE CHIEF RED OLODD, NEBRASKA. PUBLISllEDEYKRY FRIDAY. by tho unceremonious arrival of a TLnnennJ. Uovo tfirlnaw neighbor's son, who burst into tho inUUballUS IldYO HIQIlCJ 'vrooin, exclaiming that their house was in (lames. Tho root had caught flro I Paul C. Phakes George, Newmousb Editor Manager suiiHcrtirTioN hates. One your ' lieu lx month "' Bntortrt t tne no H4(!lonrt, Nttb.ai oondolKiitnktl mftttot. ADVICHTIHINO KATKS: Furnished on implication, "BLEPHONE, SEVEN - TWO from a defective electric light wire. Considerable damage was done to tho house and contents. Tho psychic phe nomenon presented by Mrs. Kerr's dream is causing much discussion. Ex-Convict on Warpath. Dos Moines, Jan. 17. D. S. Clay man, an ex-convict, was arrested at tho door of the senate chamber of tho Iowa legislature, charged with threat ening tho lives of Representative II Trouble and Never Suspect it. IIow To Find Out. Fill a bottle or common glass with your water and let it stand twenty-four hours ; ascditncntorset tliugitulicutcsau unhealthy con dition of the kid neys; if it stains your linen it is evidence of kid nev trouble ; too frequent desire to pass it or pain in the back is K. Teachout and Senator 0. C. Dowell Ms0 com.,nchlK proof that the kidneys because tlu latter failed to get him a ald bi!Ui,ier are out of order. , jon uunng me present session. Clay- what to do. man was sent to the penitentiary from There is comfort in ims kiiouiciikc so niipii uxTircsMcii. unit i-. ". Adair county for wife murder twelve years ago. Ho served out his time Swa fulfill mp-Root, the great kidney vi'itin.j, lis every wish in curing rhcumatji in, 8HORTAGE IN KANGAG TREASURY Report of Accountant Morris Makes Sensational Disclosures. Topeka, .Ian. 17. A total shortage In tho Kansas state treasury of about $78,000 is shown by tho report of Ac countant Morris In tho treasury exam- iuatlon just cloned, according to a nummary of tho report prepared by Governor E. W. Hoch. Tho report covorB nil tbe transactions made by tho state treasurers from Jan. 1, 1808, 1 to June 30, 1005, including tho two full terms of former State Treasurer , Frank Grimes and one term and el. montliB of tho administration ot Thomas T. Kelly, tho present state treasurer. The largest part of tho Bhortago appears in tho accounts of tho oIHco during the Grimes admlnls trntion. Of tho total of ?78,000, $00, 000 is due to missing coupons from Ijoiul s owned by tho stato school fund, nnd $18,000 is duo to loss of interest , on warrants issued by the territory of Oklnhonm to tho state or Kansas. Governor I loch declined to discuss any action that ho might take in re gard to tho results or tho Investiga tion. Former Stato Treasurer Frank E. Grimes issued a statement, in whU'h ho absolutely denies any responsibil ity for the shortage in Oklahoma war rant interest and says he is nblo to account satisfactorily for all tho bond coupon shortages, except $7,125. Mr. Grimes states that ho is willing to mako good any shortages ho is re sponsible for. In his statement, Mr. Grimes puts the responsibility for a number of serious discrepancies on C. R. Rlchey bis chief clerk. Asldo from the shortage shown, tho Morris report makes sensational dis closures concerning tho erasure of tho "state property" stamp from the backs of coupons and the mutilation or records In the offices of the state treasurer and stato auditor. and then camo to Des Moines, solicit- pain in the back, kidneys, liver, bladder lng a job during tho legislative scs- and every 'part of the urinary passage, s'lon, because, as o said, bo had , It corrects inability to hold water served tho state for twelve years. Ho ! scalding )am in passing it, or oau also threatened to house when arrested, no is insane. ,iriiur im inv. mid to net tin niauv Damage by Storm In Ohio. j times .luring, tfie night. The Ud and , , , , ,v. , , the extraordinary effect of owamp-KOOt Cleveland, Jan. 17. IN'spatehcs ,"Lrr,n,0,i'y it stands the hiuhest Mm IWff t2yjlvv fffll IB lllliii HM mlm do. not i NUDERA6EHTS WANTED No Money Rosgulp&di until you rccoivo and approvo of your bJcyclo. Wc ship to - M jn B7. t--: anyone on m ksus bjcb$z fu-2H3 m - v, Coaster - B'-nlces anil Punoturolcss Tires. spjiiszaszzz $7 t $12 Any make or moild you want at one-third usual price. Clioico of any standard tires and best equipment on ull our bicycles. titroiHcst guarantee. Wo SHIP ON APPROVAL C.'o. D. to any ono without a vail deporit and allow 10 DAYS FREE TRIAL beforo purchato is binding. 500 SacoBid Hastdl Wheels $ . ti taken In tradn by our Chleapo retail stores, &9Jp 10 UfWt nil makes mid models, kouiI as new T UD8V a bicycle until you have written for our FACTORY uU I tminFR Aifn FStrp tnint merer? ti.. equipment, sundries and sixirtlmr woods of all kinds, at lialf regular jirlco, In our big free Sundry Catalogue. Contains a world of useful Information. Write for li. for twelve yenrs. Ho d scalding pam in passing u, or u;m to bloV un the state i effects following use of liquor, wine or sff 1 it V i Miowri ,Jr' n,,l overcomes that unpleasant nc ested. U is believed iy of bcitI,j compelled to go often mm TIM-PROOF TEil EQ $A.7B PER PAIR Rodu3ai BtpSco $3.50 per pair. To IntPQsSucQ M "7 &l wo wiii Sett M iLJh NAILS. TACKS UK ULAS5 WON'T LET OUT THE AIR You a Sample from manv nolnts throinrhfuil. Oliln e' L .-. t c.i ..,,. ,r ft,n .,wc l!c Bhow that great damage was wrought tressing cases. If you need n medicine 625 aOP USntty ny tno llorco galo tnat swept the state, you should liavetne nest, aoiu oyorug Telegraph and telephone linos were ' gists in fifty-cent and one-dollar sizes, carried down at scores of nolnts. with i . You may have a sample bottle and a tho result that communication by bpok,..tlat,.lel,fa" . Wns scrinU,.y Cpp.ed. , S."SSfi! i.unier x -u., inii- hanitou. N. Y. When nomootBwmp.Root. writing mculion this paper and don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, aud the address, Ilinghamton, N. Y. in a E0GERS IS IN COURT M MORE TROUBLE from PUNCTURES Result of 15 years oxporienco in tiro making. No danejes front THORNS,, GAGTSJS. PmS,NAilS, TACKS ob GLASS. Serious punctures, liko intentional knifo cuts, can bo vulcanized liko any other tire. ll EASY RIDING, STRONG, DURABLE, SELF HEALING FULLY COVERED by PATENTS BEWARE OF IMITATIONS REQUEST FOR DAY'S POSTPONE MENT IS GRANTED. MARSHALL FIELD IS DEAD. Chicago Dry Goods Merchant Passes Away in New York. Now Yoru, Jan. 17. Marshall Field of Chicago, millionaire merchant and a leader in tho dry goods trade of tho world, died at tho Holland house In thls city after an illness extending over more than a week, beginning with a bad cold and developing quick ly into pneumonia, which affected both "lungs. Mr. Field, nJ'fcough sev enty years or age, fllUl a light against tho disoaso v ue attend ing physicians chnrac; jil as being braver and stronger th&n would have been expected of a man many years his junior. Mrs. Field and other mem bers of tho family wero with him when ho lapsed Into the period of un consciousness which ended In death. In an adjoining room wero many per sons prominent in the business and social life of Chicago, intimato asso ciates of Mr. Field, who had come to Now York when the seriousness of his condition was known to them. An outline of tho funeral arrange ment was decided upon. Tho body will bo taken to Chicago today in a special over tho New York Central and the Lake Shore systems. There will bo no service of any sort in this city. It Js planned to hold the funeral ser vices in Chicago, at a date to bo fixed, eithor from tho Field residence in Prairie avenuo or from tho First PreB byterian church, whoso pastor, tho Rov. Dr. Morrison, will in either case bo tho officiating clergyman. During tho periods of consciousness which marked tho last twenty-four hours of his life, Mr. Field talked but little, scorning resigned and peaceful, and occasionally expressing his ap preciation of tho fight his physicians had made for him. Mr. Field had been in consultation Sunday with his per sonal couusol from Chicago. Ho said ho felt that his condition was gravo nnd had given almost constant thought to his business affairs. Standard Oil Magnate's Attorney Telia Why He Does Not Answer Qu-s tlons Says Hadley is Seeking Per sonal Notoriety. New York, Jan. 13. -Before Justlco Gildersleove, in the New York su preme court, counsel for II. II. Rogers or tho Standard Oil company wero successful in securing another day's postponement or the rule against Mr. Rogers to show cause why ho should , not bo compelled to answer certain questions asked by Attorney General j Herbert S. Hadley or Missouri, In tne hearing in this city to determine tho relationship, If any, between the Standard Oil company, tho WaterB Pierce company and tho Republic Oil company. Mr. Hadley, through coun sel, strongly opposed tho postpone ment, on tho plea that It was neces sary for Mr. Hadley to close the hear ing today In order that he might meet court engagements In the west on Monday. Tho delay was secured through a plea that one or Mr. Rog ers' counsel had a case on hearing Ii another court. Mr. Rogers, In his answer, says that tho attorney general or Missouri is not asking tho questions at issue tor purposes or public policy, but is bring ing tho proceedings In ordor to gain personal notoriety as a Toe of tho Standard Oil company, and that tho newspapers have been fed with sen sational Btorles by Mr. Hadley hold ing Tlogors up to contempt and ridicule. Attorney General Hadley resumed the hearing before Commissioner San born, and A. V. Jockel, formerly of tho Standard Oil company and later with the Waters-Plerco company in Oklahoma City, was again called as a witness. Ho was cross-examined by the attorneys for the oil Interests, but renlll rmed much of his testimony giv en on direct examination. Tho wit ness refused to answer a question nsked by ono of tho oil company's at torneys. Ho said ho did so on advice of counsel, and added: "I've got the habit, too." You Look Yellow The trouble is, your liver's sick. One of its products, "bile," is overflowing into your blood. You can't digest your food, your appetite is poor, you suffer dreadfully from head ache, stomach ache, .dizzi ness, malaria, constipation, "etc. What you need is not a dose of salts, cathartic water or pills but a liver tonic Word's id Send for Catalomie T." showing all kinds and makes of tiros at IS no per pair and ud Jso Coastpr-Hraltcs. Hullt-ui Wheels and Illcycles Sundries at Half the usual prlcmm. Notice tho thlflc rubber tread "A" und puncture strips " II" and " U." This tiro will outlast anvoHier nmlfo Soft, Klastli: and Kasy Hiding. W'o will ship CO. D, ON APPROVAL AND EXAMINATION tvilioiil t ctnt tifpoul. W'o will allow a caah discount of 5S& (tlicitfto raaldmr tho price $4.50 per pair) If you send full cash vtlth ordor. Tires to bo rutxuyed at our expense. It not satisfactory on examination. $ MEAD CYCLE CO., Dept. "J.L CHICAGO, ILL. A.B.(haSE VNO For Twenty Years... SetwHOf-onr convincing booklet, " WHY." i-mm This great meJIdne acts gently on the sick liver. It purifies the blood, rensws theappctite, feeds the nerves, clears the brain and cures consti pation. It Is a true medidno for side liver and kidneys, and regulates all the c'gestive function?. Try it. At all dealers in medicines In 25c packages. Daring all these years A. B. CHASE Piano3 have boon acknowledged to bo of tho very highest grade. Tho most critical and export musicians find thorn unsurpassed in Tone, Action and Durability Wo are district distributers of tho A. TJ. CHASE Pianos, and will gladly put you in touch with ono of our representatives, or mail you catalogues and special prices. 0LNEY-GAST0N A1USIC CO. St. Joseph, Mo. Succestora to T. J. WASHBURN. EitabllilieU in IB68. gmraresgwrt&'israw Blazing Roof Fulfills IJrcam. Falls City, Neh., Jan. 17. When Dr. Kerr and his wife hnd seated them selves nt tho breakfast tablo Mrs. Kerr commenced to relate a story of a dream sho had had In tho night. She had dreamed that their houso was on flro and was giving a vivid description of tho exclteniont sho had undergone and of tho damago done to tho house. Her story was interrupted Liberal Landslide Continues. Tiondon, Jnn. 16. The liberal land slide continue?. Out of seventy-Blx contests, the liberal and laborltes to gether secured sixty-two seats. Tho liberal gains show the surprising total of forty-two, whilo tho unionists gained only ono seat, that of Hast ings. Two former cabinet officers went down before the storm of liberal sentiment. Gerald Balfour, who was president of the local government board In the Balfour cabinet, was de feated at Ixedu by a majority of 1,069 and Walter Humo Long, former chief sccretnry for Ireland, lost his seat for South Bristol. The labor candidates are showing remarkable strength. will be lawful for tho head of the agri cultural department to publish tho names of dealers who sell adulterated seed. Tho question arose because the secretary of agriculture had an im pression that if ho did publish such names ho would bo liable for damages In actions in libel. Harvard Abolishes Football. Boston, Jnn. 16. Football has been abolished at Haiward, pending a re form in the game that will bo accept able to the board of overseers, accord ing to an olllclal announcement from tho university. Tho discontinuance of tho game Is a result of a voto taken at a secret mooting of tho bonrd of oversoors, when It was decided tlrat Intercollegiate football at Harvard would not ho permitted until tho rules and regulations hnd been so changed nnd amended as to remove what tho overseers regard as tho evils of tho present game. Marshall Field Slightly Worse. New York, Jan. 15. Tho condition of Marshall Field, tho Chicago mer chant who Is 111 with pneumonia at tho Holland house in tills city, Is not so favorable. Tho following bulletin was issued by his physicians: "Since change for tho worse last night Mr. Field has shown no Improvement. Whilo tho outlook is less favorablp, It is not hopeless." FREE TO STOCKMEN! A beautiful six-leaf calondar will bo sent by us ABSOLUTELY FREE TO EVERY STOCKMAN who may ship his cattle, hogs or sheep to markot and who will write us answering tho following questions: (1) How many head of stock have you? (2) What kind of stock liavo you, not including horses? (3) When do you oxpect to markot your stock? (1) To what markot will you likoly ship? (5) In what paper did you see this advertisement? This calendar will bo ready for distribution in January. It is an ex ceptionally beautiful, artistio aud costly production, psiutod in several colors, ropresonting'fox hunting scenes. It was mnde especially for us, cannot bo obtained elsewhere, and is worthy a place in tho finest home. WRI i'E US TO-DAY giving this information and insure getting this cal endar. Address. CLAY, ROBINSON ft CO., stock Yards, KANSAS CITY We nlNO liuvo our own lioiihf s at CHICAGO SOUTH OMAHA SIOUX CITY SOUTH ST. JOSEPH DENVRK SOUTH ST. PALL EAST DUFPALO HeHd our market letter In this paper. Writ us for nay Npeeinl Information desired. ykvi.vfcOrtkUixtvvvfcvvaivkaixiUfaiafAvfcAUivfcaivtviviAtfte Health Officers Want Pure Food BUI. Des Moines, Jan. 1C. Some fifty Iowa health officers from all parts of the stato In convention hero approved a pure ioou dim wiucu hub ueen nrau- j od by Prenldent Dr. LewiB A. Thomns ' 5 of Red Oak, and Senator Shirley Gilli land of that district will bo asked to present the bill to tho present general assembly. 5 AY, HISTERI Do you know that it will pay YOU, as woll as US, to buy your Building Ma torial and Coal at ouryards? Not only that our prices average lower, or at least us low, as those of our competit ors, but deoause wo take especial care of aud protect all can bo classed as REGULAR CUSTOMERS PL ATT FREES CO. Coal. Lumber. i I -9 9 itif ((mii'P'fifi'rP'rvvr')Ti?n'r'PT Mrs. Chadwlck in Penitentiary. Columbus, O.Jan. 13. Mrs. Casslo L. Chadwlck arrived at tho penlten tiary from Cleveland to begin a sen tence of ton years for conspiracy to wreck tho Citizens' National bank at Oberlln. Arc You Uslnfc Allen's Foot-Ease? Shako into your shoos Allen's Foot- Names May Be Published. Kuse, n powdor. It cures Corns, Bun Washington, Jan. 10. Attorney don- ions, Painful, Smarting, Hot, Swollen ornl Moody has rendered nn opinion f00t. At till druggists and shoo storos, for Secretary Wilson, holding that it oo. St s- V w: c-f- w r f- r. s- fcr s fr S-. I f- - r t City Dray and Express Line. P. W. STUDlCBAirER, PKOP. Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTS FOR ADAAS EXPRESS CO. TELEPHONES, Residence iS8. Office 119 d 4