The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 12, 1906, Image 5

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rw. wm firvvirf . . wVj
l"rtwiS., ,fc-
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Dear Sin J'T"
rTT th0HKlltCttloubtM til It!
01 tUO .-H-..WMIl
Safety Razor
"111 entirely dim)) It. Any roan can
jhiiowUhltu. rtudllynn thounh ho
ImiliilwaMhliHTcd himself. The Oil.
letle sjiytjr It.ior It 84 It.eor. In
wnt. It liutwi'l7tkwndoubl(M!d8od
DladlSilfl tlllll llu tint., r f. ..... .1 ......
I t . . i'-i-' . n with ii miu
Hli'Sliirdcnul by our tuutesitu that
ii. uikih uiamotiii iiuet to Ktlnd
i in in. L.UCII iiiailf lu ten to
tlnrt nrftrt nhirm. (V.kc nnd
bl.d s luickid .mil i.altd direct
n'.m uiu iariorj, fiiowlti thorn
totionow. Alvtnjereadjfortuo-
No Stropping
or Kloning
Ymt nirinot tut yotiritlf or fall to
Klviyourtlf nptnimtli iltliglitful
jlmvf. Atilllun- lattafor jturt
r I jou hnvo Usiilcnch of tlic
mIm until dull, return to ua nnd
"p-tIIIrIjh youou n-vr j ladtdin
ciclimiRn nt do rout to you
T- !to additional blaJo etoom.
in il cost.
Oill nnd ommlno tho Gillette.
ItHlllcott you nothing to o it
Chas. L. Cotting
15he Druggist
" -'Go to Fred Plumb's for Hour or food
G. II McCraiy went to Denver lust
Dr. K. A. Thoma?, dentist, Damorell
Fred Hedge hits been appointed dep
uty shoiilV.
Earl Payne was up from Guide Rock
Miss Mildred Thompson hits returned
from Orleans.
The Burlington road has paid taxes
under protest.
Adair Galusha of Lincoln was in the
city Thursday.
Clns. Putnam of Cowlcs was in tho
city Thursday.
Harvey Nicholson of Superior was in
-town Tuesday.
Mrs. E E H-trvov was down from
Ihavale 'J hursday.
Dr. J. T. Boniford returned fiom
Omtlia Wednesday.
Dr. Hull and wife were down from
Cowles Wednesday.
Mryle Gittings returned from Supdr
ior Sunday evening.
Miss Beulah Taylor leaves in tho
morning for Lincoln.
Mrs. Mary Huminell wont to Ina
valo Tjiesday evening.
Ed Watkins of Hastings was in town
yt'sii'iday on business.
U. W. Hatiniiu and wife were down
from Ina vale Thursday.
Naur Shephordson of Hiverton was
in Ked Cloud Saturday.
A. II. Kvenoy has been appointed
deputy county attorney.
Take your poultry and hides to
Plumb. Top prices paid.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gliek were
down from Biverton Sunday.
Mrs. A F. Hartwell and son Don of
Inavalo were in the city Thuisday.
Miss Elf a Longlin returned to Con
cordia, Kansas, the lirst of tho week.
Mr. and Mrs C. S. Shick left on No.
14. this morning, for Brooktield, Mo.
The junior whist club mot at the
Stonnhrenkur residence Tuesday night
Mrs. F. L. Smith and Cora and Lora
Weesner were visiting in Kansas Fti-
Miss Mabel Graves loturned from a
visit with her parents nt York Satur
day. Not a rich corporation but just
plain J O Caldwell, for hard and soft
Charles Wiles of Orleans is visiting
his grandparents, Mr. aud Mrs. L. H.
Plumb tho feed man will pay you the
highest price for poultry, eggs and
H. J. Clark returned homo Tuesday
from a throe weeks' visit with his wife
at Yoik.
W S Ht'nse is having tho interior of
the Bon Ton neatly painted and
George Netvhouso will nttend 'the
stnt'j meeting of opticians at Lincoln
next week.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson of Or
leans aio visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
L. H. Foit.
Miss Mattie Phillips has returned
from a visit with rolatives at Good
land, Knnms.
John Rut odge, who is traveling for
the Baker Medicine Co., is visiting his
family this week.
Mrs. A. P. Ely of McCook is in Bed
Cloud visiting her paront', Mr. and
Mr. E B. Smith.
Mrs. Miry Law woni to Superior
Wednesday morning to visit her
daughter, Mrs. Rood.
Miko Saunrs has returned tn Bed
Cloud and is working in Al Slaby's
livery and fool barn.
Mrs. E 1 Fi'arp returned from Abi
lone, Kins'is, Saturday evening, whero
she has been visiting.
Misses E'lis of Lincoln and Miss
Pot kins of Omaha loturnnd from their
vacation Sunday night.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Hump Wisooarvor
are occupying tho Means pioporty in
tho northeast p'irt of town.
Wantbw Several trills at tho B. &
M. hotel. Good wages to the right
parties. J D. CltANS, Prop.
Judge KMcney has moved his law
oHio" into tho looms which he former
ly occupied as county judge.
Mrs. John McCtino is homo from
Kearney, whero she has bnon visiting
her p tronts for several weeks
Mrs. Coorgo Mitkins of Inavalo
wont to Lir coin Wednesday morning
for a weok'.s visitwith relatives.
M I. Boynolds of Hebron wns in
Bed Cloud Tuesday visiting witli his
son, F. E. Boynolds and family.
When you got a hair cut, shavo and
bath nt Manspoakor's barber shop you
will fcol like a now man. Try it.
Mrs. Buorstetta of Tccumsch was
in Bed Cloud tho first of tho weok
visiting her sister, Mrs. W S. B.uiso.
Tho Ladies Guild of tho Episcopal
church gavo a social at tho homo of
Postmaster Hacker Tuesday evening.
Miss Lillian Johnson, who has boon
visiting with tho Norton family re
turned to her homo in Nelson Tuesday
George Johnson returned from Lako
Mills, Iowa, Monday, where ho had
been c tiled by tho serious sickness of
his father.
Miss Yapln of Maryvillc, Mo., was in
Bed Cloud Friday visiting her brother,
John Yaplo. She left in tho evening
for Denver.
A. E. Schmidt returned from Grand
Meadow, Minn., Thursday morning,
whore ho haJ been callod by tho death
of his mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Sullivan and son
Francis leave the first of tho week for
B mlder, Colo., for tho benefit of Mr.
Sullivan's health.
Frank Reynolds nnd family will re
move to Overton, Nob., about the lirst
of February, whero thoy expoct to
miikt) their homo
Mrs. Lyda Paschal of C res ton, Iowa,
arrived in Rd Cloud Monday morning
for a visit with her brother, J. P. Halo
and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Ilaivny, living
north of Inavalo are the proud paronts
of a twelve pound girl, which arrived
at their homo Tuesday.
Mrs. Eva Grifl'oth returned to lior
homo in Hartford, Michigan, Monday,
after a three works visit witli Mr. and
Mrs John Griffith nnd family.
Wanted Bright, honest young man
from Bed Cloud to preparo for paying
position in Government Mail Service.
Box one, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, feb 23.
Mrs. Cathnrino Banner nnd little
daughter of Clyde, Kansas, are visiting
at tho homo of M. M. Messmore. Mrs.
Mossmoro and Mrs. Banner nro sisters.
C. C. McConkoy lost ono of tho
lenso3 from his "specs" the othor day
and did not notico its absence until
his wife called his attention to the
Alvin Snapp of Webber was 'visiting
with M. A. Mercer tho clnso of last
week and assisting tho orchestra at
tho danco Wednesday and H-idav
Mrs. uoplon, wno underwent nn
operation at a hospital in Lincoln a
short timo ngo, is reported on tho road
to recovery nnd will soon bo nblo to
return home.
Tho laiios of tho Eastern Star of
this city were entertained nt tho home
of Mrs. A. J. Hayes at Guido Rook
last Saturday and n very plonsant day
was enjoyed by tho ladies.
Manspenkor's barber shop and Mer
cer's bath equipment havo been moved
to the basement of tho now Tabor
building, where thoy havo very com
fortablo and convenient quarters.
The Congi optional church sneioty
hold its annual ousiness mooting Inst
Friday and after Bottling nil claims
thoy closed tho year's work with a
small cash surplus in tho treasury.
W. H. VanPatton, who recently
purchased some land near Holly. Col.,
expects to leavo for that place noxt
week to nink Ids iimno Mis fotnily
will i cumin in BlmI Cloud until npnng.
J. II. Bailor and A.T Vukm- havo
formed a partnership in tho real estate
and loan busimss, with offices in the
rooms formerly occupied by C F.
Cathor. Thoy will make a strong
It. invigorates, strengthens nnd
builds up. It keeps you in condition
physicallv, montallv and morally.
That's what Hollis-or's Rocky Mount-tin
ten will do. 3fi conts, tea or tab
blots. C L. Cotting.
Thoro is a possibility that Alvin
Snapp, loader of tho Webber band,
will remove to Rett Cou.l. Ho is a
tine musician and experienced hand
leader, and should lie decide to cotnn
hero wo will undoubtedly havo a good
You will not liud beauty in rong"
pot or complexion whitewash. Truo
beauty comes to them only that tnk
Hollistei'.s Rocky Mountain Tci. ft i
a wonderful tonic and beaut ihor :)."
cents, ton or tablets. C. L Cotting.
Secretary of State Galusha and L-ind
Commissioner Eaton wore in Rod
Cloud Wednesday. Mr. Galusha
leaves for Mexico today with an ex
cursion party, who are to inspect tho
country to he traversed by tho Orient
railroad, now building.
Three little babes wore nestled in bod.
'I'll name thorn William, Willio nnd
Bill," mother said.
Widn was her smile, for triolets thov be,
Sho lavs her good luck to Rocky
Mountain Ten
(Groat baby medicino ) C. L. Cutting.
Tho Hollnnd house has again
changed hn''h. Mr. Norton selling
her lenso and interests to David Morri
son of this city. Tho transfer will be
ninde Sunday. Mr. Morrison has had
extensive experience in tho hotel
business and wo hope ho will maku n
success in his now venture.
I). B. Spanogle. Real E-tnto, Loans
nnd Insurance, oflioo over postoflice,
sells land in Webster nnd adjoining
counties. Wo don't try to grow beots
many havo to their sorrow tried.
Wo grow King Corn and Queen Alf
alfn, good and plenty. I liuvo n few
good quarters, two eighties, two or
three half sections. When these nro
sold (and they will bo soon) wo will
find one or two more. Buy whore
farmers are prosperous. Why go west
only to come back with a long fnco
? 7?A
L. W.
Leader Steel
for an iS-inch oven range
with high closet and res
ervoir. This is a good
piece of goods, all asbes
tos lined and protected
with steel, all planished
iron, no paint to cover
defects in the steel.
Nicely trimmed and
well made. Duplex grate
and heavy castings in the
fire box.
Come in and see this
Hardware Co.
Commences Saturday, January 13
We've got too many Overcoats
for this season of the year and we
are going to sell them.
They'll go at once if price will
force them out.
If you need an Overcoat now, or
if you expect to need one, next sea
son or the season after, here's your
opportunity. Buy now, while you
can get a discount of
One-Fifth Off
our regular prices. The investment
will pay better than Standard Oil
Sale Commences Sat., Jan. 16
Ibe Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co.,
A first Door North of PostofTicc, Rod Cloud, Nobr.
nnd no money? The stayers have won
and will continue to win. Buy your
self a farm while thoy are cheap. See
the next issue
Public Installation.
Garfield Post No 80, G. A. It, nnd
tho Woman's Roliof Corps hold n
public installation of ofllcers Satur-
day night in tho Woodman hall. F. N.
Richardson installed tho olllcors of
tho post and Mrs. G. W. Dow per
formed tho sumo service for tho corps.
Following tho installation oysters,
colFeo and cako were servod to tho
membor.s and friends present.
The exercises opened with u drill
by tho Relief Corps, after which tho
following oillcers woro installed: '
President Mrs. E. J. Duckor.
Senior Vico- Mrs. J. W. Warron.
Junior Vico Mrs. C. C. MoConkey.
Secretary Mrs. A. 11. Howard.
Troasuror Mrs. S. Ii. Ki.or.
Chaplain M is. Manspoakor.
Guard Mrs. E. Robbing.
Assistant Guard Mrs. Earner.
At tho conclusion of tho Relief
Corps exercises tho ladies gavo up tho
lloor to tho post. Tho exorcises of
tho post woro not, so elaborato as
those of the corps though tho com
rades did very well considering thoy
nro mostly past tho three-score mark
and 6t if ftmed with ago and results of
hard service. Tho following olllcors
were installed:
Post Commander I). R. Whitakor.
Senior Vico C. C. McConkoy.
Junior Vico Richard Turner.
Chaplain D. M. Francis.
Quartermaster J. W. Warron.
Adjutant R N. Richardson.
Officer of tho Day K. Robbins.
Guard W. A. Brown.
Surgeon F. Nowliouso.
Following tho installation of tho
post ofllcers speeches woro made by
Comrades H. E. Pond and G. W.
Baker, after which the members and
guests woro invited to tho banquet
room, whero thoy woro filled up with
good things to oat.
Gasoline Lamp Accident.
Attorney .1. R. Mercer was severely
burned Friday evening while working
with a gasoline lamp. Ho had raisod
tho tank for some purposo, and al
lowed it to slip through his fingers.
When tho tank struck the bottom of
its receptacle tho gasolino was splash
ed over tho lamp and m attempting to
extinguish the bla.o Mr. Morcor was
severely burned about tho hands.
To the Public and Ny Friends.
I havo opened a rostuuraut together
with cigars, tobaccos and confection
ery and will givo you tho very best
trontmont when you call at Sodor
berg's Inn.
That Settle's It.
When a Colorado sand stono walk is
laid that settles it. Sue Ovoriug BroB.
&Co. for prices.
m mm
i i C&'l
pt nm. iwwitrtt
h n i oiffm) oVniiSip mmffffii iTtAVwift trfrnrnvn 'rftYffwnfff
Deaths and Funerals.
Mrs. Wm. M, NcVucn.
Mary C. Forgoy was born in Indiana'
March 1(5, 18.72, and moved to Union
county, Iowa, when 11 years of ago,
whoro sho was married Novembor 17,
1872, to James A. Vandorvort. They
removed to Smith county, Kansas,
after thoir marriage. To them was
born throo sons and a daughter. Mr.
Vandorvort died in September 1881,
and Mrs. Vandorvort remained on tho
homestead with her cliildion until
Decombor .'I, 18!)8, wlion sho was
united in uiarriugo to Wm. M. Mo
dioli. Sho united with tho U. B.
church in 1875, aud was a faithful
member until her death, which oc
curred January 8, 1000, at tho homo of
lior son, W. O. Vandorvort, in Wliito
Rock township. Sho loaves four
children, Roy A. and Wm. O. of Leba
non, Mrs. Uraio A. Vandorvort of
Morgan Town, Va., atid'Jamos E. Van
dorvort of Kansas City, Mo. Two
brothers and four bistort survive to
mourn her loss,
Funeral sorvlcos woro conducted by
Row Leo of Esbon, Kan., and woio
hold from tho Logan township U. B.
church, of which sho had beena mom
bor for many years. An unusually
largo crowd was in attoudauco to pay
tho last sad respects to tho dopartotl
"Chart" Andrus.
Henry Charlton Andrus, notico of
whoso death appoarod In this paper
last weok, was born August 21, 18.'$0, at
North Evans, Now York. At tho ago
of sixteen ho moved to Wisconsin,
whero in Juno 18.ll, ho wasj'unitod in
marriage to Mary Ann Gifiord. To
this union three childron weru born,
ono of which survive him. In 1872 he,
with his family camo to Wobstor
county, whore ho rosidod until his
death, January u, 11)0(5. Tho funeral
was held at tho residence at 11 o'clock,
January 0, Rev. Humuioll officiating.
A largo number of sorrowing rolatives
and friends were in attendance and
followed tho remains to tho Martiu
cemetery, where tho intermont was
Mr. Audrus is survivod bylja daugh
ter, u brother, Speuoo Andrus,anl his
granddaughter, Miss Eugouia Andrus,
who made her homo with him since
tho death of his wife about four
mouths ago.
"Chart", Andrus was a?plain, every
day man and was well liked by all who
know him. By hard' work )and rigid
economy ho succoododiu accumlnt
lug u modorato fortune.
Blft Revival In Prospect. .
Tho churches of Rod Cloud haveby
a united effort, secure I tho services of
tho noted ovangolist, I.E. Hummoll,
and P. P. Bilhorn, the famous song"
writer and singer, for a sorios of union
meetings to be heldjin this city in May
or June. A largo tabernaole will be
built in which to bold the meetings.
r i- i-t