u Y sltv "Piffbi Subscription THE RED CLOUD CHIEF ,M&iir&iiGiG&tttoXl-!(te&i Eight Pages All Home Print $1 a. Year in Advance litmiftKfWtt? wwtftfVfcWittSKSffisesw VOLUME XXXIV. RED CLOUD, NEBRASKA, JANUARY 12, 190(i. NUMBER 2 vgaiEmii r . tm i I I vl rfrJKsf MI SMS ISW 1! I a f Jiff"' i 'Jm'aS'v ftnhi' Laces, Embroideries, Insertions at Dress Goods Fancy Worsted, a good thing for Children's school drosses, at' 15 and 25c ' Henriettas, 38 inches wide, at 30, 50 and 75c Cashmeres, at 15, 30, 50c and $1 Ladies' Cloth, 59 inches wide, SI and $1.15 Brillantines, 38 in. wide, in white, black and colors, at 50c Baby Clothes A full lino of ready-mado Baby Clothes, such as Cloaks, Jackets, Drosses, Skirts, Vests, Stocking aud Bootees. Hoods, Scarfs, Fascinators, Mufflers and Ribbons i MOUSE, Dry Goods k Notions fJs'fssfssJsf Real Estate transfers. Transfers f or wook ending Wednes day, Dec. 20, furnished by J. H. Bailey of Webster County Abstract company State of Nob to A Roats all .5G-1 -lid 8 4800 Lincoln Land Co to James M Lockhart lot 3 block G 1st add to Bladen wd .'WO Jos Olmstoad und wife to Lester Cone s2 sw4 14-2-9 wd 2100 Mary E Simpson and husband to A D Baker lots 12 3 8 0 and 10 block 8 Morey-add to Blue Hill wd 192 C F Gund aud wife to Ben An derson nwl and w2 no! 1-1-12 qcd 220 Bon Anderson and wifo to C A Easterly sumo wd 72(0 C A Easterly and wifo to T J Riggins w2 nwl 1 4-12 wd 2000 A L Burke and wif- to Mury V Mercer lots 13 to lfi block 1(1 Rod Cloud wd 2000 Guido Rook cemetery to C P Norris lota block 1G9 wd 15 Piatt it Frees Co to F A Good Your wife and your daughter need new Dresses. We have the goods to make them look as well or better than your neighbor's wife or daughter. Our Dress Goods are of the latest patterns and the PRICES RIGHT. If you are in doubt as to what is suit able we will aid you in making a selection. Butterick Patterns Gloves Children's Golf Gloves in wool at 25c Ladies Golf Glovos in wool at 25 and SOc Ladies' Golf Gloves, silk finish, 25 itnd SOc Handkerchiefs Plain whito Handkerchiefs at Gc. With hemstitched hem and row of drawn work in center, 5c each. Hemstitched hem with three rows of open work in couter, 10c each. Hemstitched hem with embroid ered center, 15 and 25c each. Larger ones at 35 aud 50u. Children's Picture Hdkfs. at 5o. The latest novelties In Side and Back Combs. lots 8 9 and 10 block 10 Cowles wd 1000 Fred Werner aud wife to J A Mc Callum lots 12 13 and 14 block 3 Speuco add to Bladtn wd . . . . 1000 H L Hopkins to Chas C Burnett no4nw4 3-210 wd 500 State of Nob to A E Thomas o2 10-3-11 deed 3200 E R Shoror and wifo to F JGrico o2 sw4 and w2 sol 30-2 10 wd. . 3G0O F J Grico and wifo to Clara E Shoror sumo 3000 J O Martin to C F Gund lots lots 0 and 7 block 1G Bluo Hill qCd 15() O F Gund and wifo to W A Barnos same 150 C F Gund and wifo to A L Sou- ohok block 9 Hoover add to Bluo Hill wd 800 1st National bunk Bluo Hill to J Rose w2 nw4 5 !t-9 wd 2990 A T Ormsby and wifo to Chas J Piatt part nol swl 2-1 21 wd.. 1 W C Frahm Co Treas to W T Bohror lots 15 and 1G block 20 Rod Cloud deed mm vWSjr Reduced Prices Collars Ladis' Turnover Collars at 12A, 15 and 25c Silk embroidered wash collars, in all black, all white and assorted colors, at 20 tO 60C Lace Collars, iu all black and all white, at 25 and 50c Handbags Patent Leather Handbags at 25c Leather Handbags, wiih coin purso inside, from 50c to $1.50 A good Handbag with two out side pockets and two center pock ets at GJo, 75o, 81.00 aud 81 50. Total e.32lGfl Mortgages tiled $10400 Mortgages released $5100 Walker S Bailey. A. T. Waller und J. H. Bailey, hav ing consolidated tholr business inter ests from uow on will transact a gen eral Real Estate, Abstract, Farm Loan and Insurance businoss. Thanking friends and patrons one and all for past favors, wo still hope for future oncouragoment and patron age from you, and our ondoavor will bo to trout all fairly and courteously. Call and see us at Walkor's old stand over Storey's Clothing storo. A. T. Walkeh J. H. Bailky Broke a Rib. Plmrloy Tumor, whllo working about his burn Monday, fell through u hole iu the hay loft floor aud struck tho ground with sulliuiont force ro break a lib in hli luff, side, Tho acci dent will lay him up for a few weeks. LIGHT AT LAST. Electric Llftlit Bonds Carried by Over Nhclmlnft MaUritv. That tho peoplo of Rod Cloud want oleotrio lights, und want tho city to o.vii them, was conclusively proven whon tho votes w ro counted Tuesday ovoning. Tho First ward, which is al ways an uncertain quantity in any oloction, gavo a majority of two against tho bonds, whllo tho Second ward gavo 11 majority of 93 for tho bonds, making tho majority in tho oily 91. Tho total vote was 17G for und 85 against, or a littlo over 2 to 1 in favor of tho proposition. Another thing shown by tho oloction is that tho peoplo havo conlldonco in tho present city administration and approvo tho measures that havo boon adopted looking toward porinauont improvements in tho city oven though wo do havo to dig down in our pockets and bring up a littlo oxtra cash. Tho proper thing to do is to ro-olect tho present city administration and give thorn our hearty support in carrying out tho improvements they havo in augurated. Many of thoso who voted against tho bonds did so because thoy feared tho wator plant would not receive tho attontion it neoils. Whllo tho water service certainly stands in need of improvement, wo boliovo tho first thing necessary Is to ruiso tho water rato to something liko a reasonable basis. A rato of 50 cents per months for 2500 gallons or less, with 20 cents per thousand for all over that, is a reasonable rato nnd would greatly In- crcaso tho rovonuo from that source and aid in improving tho plant. Clean the Gutters. Now that wo nro beginning to put on metropolitan airs, wo suggest that tho council pass an ordinance requiring merchants to clean tho gutters in front of their places of buslnoss, ton distance of at least 12 to 15 foot into tho street. This would require but littlo extra labor, and would work n great chungo In tho general appear ance of tho streets. Occasionally some merchant cleans tho gutter in front of his store, which gives the ap pearance of a whito spot on a black background. But It is useless for ono or two men to do this unless nil do, as it only makes tho uncleanod portion look so much worse. Lot's clean up. Adlud&ed Insane. Charley Boal, son of I. S. Boal, was brought boforo tho Insanity board yestordoy and adjudged insane, nnd was takon to Lincoln last night. Ho became possessed of tho idea that by Investing his monoy in oil stock ho would soon become n millionaire. Ho also had a mania for phonograph music. Yesterday ho camo to town and announced that ho was going to California. Relatives mado com plaint and ho was takon in custody by Sheriff Hodge. It is thought his malady is merely a tompornry aberra tion and that a course of troatmont at tho Lincoln hospital will soon restore his mental faculties. His many friends hope for a speedy recovery. F. A. A. Officers. Tho Fratornnl Aid association elect ed tho following ofllcors last night: President Mrs. C. H. Potter. Vice Prosidont Mrs. Goo. Ne whouse. Secretary Miss Clara McMillan. Troasuror C. II. Pottor. Chaplain Mrs. P. C. Phuros. Guido Mrs. E. Wolsoh. Guard Mis. O. C. Tool. Overseer E. w olsch. Trustee Mrs. Geo. Hutchison. Afttr tho business iw otlng wiib over those present indulged iu u lunch. As tho majority of tho nowly elected olll cors wero of Gorman doscont, limburg or oheofro sandwiches formed tho prin cipal part of tho bill of faro and was especially enjoyed by tho ladles. Burlington Bulletin. Special homesoekers' rates: greatly reduced round trip ratos to tho North Platto Valley and tho Big Horn Basin. January 10th February 0th and 20th. Loss than ono faro for tho round trip. Low ono way and round trip rates to points iu tho south and southwest January Kith, February 0th and 20th. Colonist ratos -Syeclally low ono way colonist rates to points in Colo rado, Wyoming, Utah, Montana, Idaho Oregon, Washington and California, February 15th to April 7th, Inclusive. ilomesoeliors' excursion rates to points iu Montana, Tdaho. Oregon, Washington and British Columbia, February 0th and 20th and March Gth and 20th Send for froo foldors, descriptive of irrigated lauds in tho North Platto valley, the Dig Horn Basin, tho Bill ings district and eastern Colorado. Specify which j ou want. To the sunny south: wintor tourist ratos dally until April 30. Return limit Juno 1, 1900 Writo mo just what trip you havo itr mind and lot mo advlso you tho leuit cost and tho best way to make it. J. F EmvAims, agent. Letter List. List of letters remaining tine died for at postotllco at Rod Cloud, Nb., for the weok ending January, 11, 190G? Acton, Paul Greenwood, J. A. Ingram, J. Phillips, H. S. Schrinor, II. C. Whitoly, C. A. Thoso will ln sent to tho dead letter ollico Jan. 25, 1900, if not called for boforo. Whon calling for above ploase say "advertised." T. C. Hackkh, Postmusteiv Birthday Party. N. S. Rants was 47 yours of ago Tues day and in honor of tho event Mrs. Rants invited n small company of frionds to suppor. Tho occasion was a surprise Notice of Teachers' Examination. Teachers1 examinations will bo hold at Rod Cloud, Friday and Saturday, January 10 and 20, 1900. Nellie Gastric, Co.J3upt. To Cure a Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo quinine tab lets. Druggists refund money if it. fails to cure. E. W. Grovo's signature is on each box. 25 cents. A Guaranteed Cure for Piles. Itching, blind, blooding, protruding piles. Druggist' aro authorised to refund money if Puzo Ointment fulls to euro in 0 to 14 days. 50 cents. To Cure Scnra. Scars are often very ugly things and disagreeable marks when they exist It a prominent pluce on tho Bkln. Prob ably nothing cuu remove n big scar the tissue of which has become fibrous and unyielding, but the following; recipe, to bo applied on lint nnd allow ed to remain on the part for a littlo time dally, will effect an Improvement In small scars and blemishes: Borux, one and a half ounces; salicylic acid, twelve grains; glycerin, three drams; rosewater, six ounces. Mix. DlsMembllnc-. That man In there Is a hypocrite," said Jackson os ho loft the drug store- "You mean the druggist?", "Yes. When I went In I lutcrruptetl him In tho midst of compounding a proscription. I told him I wanted a two cent stamp, and ho smiled as sweet ly as If he was glad to see mo." Phila delphia Ledger. A lrl noil Ilr Monrr. "Do you believe in marrying u girl for her money?" "Not us a general thing, hut some times that's tho only way you can get It away from her." Cleveland Louder. She KntMV IHh Secret. "Tell mo honestly, now, Clurn, did Harold contVss his love last night?" "C'onfo! What do you think I inn, a chief of police ?"-Mlhvaukee.lounuiL J .