1 li cr i; nn aBkcil how fie liked the performance. "Weel," said Uio Scotsman, "it plcas cd mo In fac' gey wool, and I conaccdcr you plnycd unco miturnMIko, but heigh, innii, I luid u liurd Job to keep myscl' frne ItniKliIiij?." f FARM LOANS I am well prepared to make Farm Loans in Webster, Smith and Jewell counties at low est rates, either fo,r five or ten years, with st of options. Loans safely and carefully made for par ties having private funds. HoliucH on I'oetry. When I feel Inclined to rend nootrv. I take down my dictionary. The poet ry of words Is quite as beautiful as that of sentences. The author may ar range the gems effectively, but their shape and luster have been given by j the attrition of ages. Bring me the unest simile from the whole range of Imaginative writing, and I will show J. 4 -- - fiD a Dnnonnwre v. I $5 In $50 ; you a single word which conveys n more proioumi, a more accurate and n more eloquent analogy. "Autocrat of the Breakfast Table." 0 ft V I'ali 16? 1 h Ifr fc ! . t e it. Victor, Columbia and American Disc Eec ords: 7 inch, 35c; 10 inch, 60c; 12 inch, $1.50. Cylinder Records, gold molded: Standard size, 25c; Standard 6 inch, 50c; Concert size,-75c. ' Newhouse Bros, m AiJV' i CORR CORRESPONDENCE Interesting Items Gathered by Our County' Reporters A1'W''WWWWWWAi WALNUT CREEK Mrs. Arnu8on Is visiting with Mrs. Jonn Sutton. Frank HlankenhHker bought nn organ a few days ago. John Sutton and Fay Arnoson took a trip to Red Cloud Tuesday. Oliver Sutton bought a tine organ and sowing machino last week. Two land buyers from Alma wero out on the creek looking around, Thursday. Alfred Coulson has gone to McCook with the intention ot going on the road as brakeman. Mr. and Mrs. Linohortof Norman vroro out in an automobile visiting relatives on tho creek. BLADEN tool commenced Tuesday. TomMoTigh spent Sunday in Camp bell. v Charles Spenco has returned from Illinois. s T. L. Faugh is visiting at the homo of A. ltood. Tlio Baptists aro holding services at tin chmch this wek. Mr. and Mrs. Hyrd Kile nro spend ing the week in Hastings. Quito a snow fall i.oro Tucsdry aud made i alibi t hunting good. Vet Widdorshoim and wife spent Sunday at Ernest Reed's. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Feifl wero pas x Bcngers for Blue HilkTuosday. Mrs, Goorgo Newhouse and children Jewelers and Opticians B. & MT. Watch Inspectors returned to Red Cloud Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Reed spent Sunday at tlio home of Fred Reed's. Mrs. James MoBrido returned to Cowlt's Friday, after spending a week wi'h her parents. Mrs. hitters returned to Grand Is in ml, lifter visiting her ststoib, Mrs. Kile and Mrs. Frazier. Mrs. Carrie Adams and children re turned to Hitsings Thursday, after spending the holidays with her par onts, Mr. and Mrs. Wash Reed. U. S. Mucklin loft for Culbertsou Monday. Mrs. Macklin and children left Thursday evening. Miss Graco Repd accompanied them and will re main with them till they get settled in their new homo. Local drain Market. (Furnished by J. P. Delaney ) Wheat GOc Old shelled corn Now shelled Corn fl()c Ear Corn, now 20o Oats 23o Ryo r 47c Barley 28o VAMPIRE BATS. Ttaer Are Fond of Veal Blood and Canae Death of Mirny Calvcu. Vnmplro bats aro found by thousauds In Veragas nnd CIrlqul. They are par ticularly fond of venl blood, but older Btock and horses, colts, mules nnd bur ros all suffer. I did not catch a vam pire at his work, though I saw hun dreds of them, but the cattlemen all tell the same story. The vampire set tles somewhere on the back of the beast In the pasture at night and then, while slowly fnnning Its wings to and fro, cuts a circular piece of skin one quarter of an inch In diameter. Through this hole ho sueks tho blood till satisfied. One wound would be of little conse quence, nor would tho.' lcs of blood do much damngo wero that nil, but half a dozen vampires may feast on one poor calf or on the back' of a saddle horse In one night. The calf Is badly weak ened by tlie loss of blood, while a mid dle horse so served Is worthless until the wounds are entirely healed. But that Is not the worst result of the bite. The region swanhs with a pestiferous fly that soon after daylight ilnds the wound and lays eggs In It. Unless the wound Is properly cleaned and dressed with a waxy salve within forty-eight hours after the vampire's attack the animal will be destroyed by the prog eny of the fly. The percentage of calves thus killed Is largo In spite of the watchfulness of the cow herders. Panama Correspondent. Smnklnic CaHtoniM. Among the Bechunnns of Africa It Is the custom for the people when smok ing to take a limber twig, which they bend Into the form of n semicircle nnd then bury In mud. ThlB Is well pound ed down, nnd when the earth Is suffi ciently set the twig Is withdrawn, leaving a hole which answers the pur pose of a pipestem. Tobacco Is placed In the excavation. Tho Hawaiian natives habitually swallow the smoke, nnd n few, whiffs aro enough to produce Intoxication. This druwbnck, however, has its com pensating advantage, since tho exhaus tion of a single pipe Is enough to pro duce wholesale inebriation, as It is passed from mouth to mouth. Tho Kaffirs smoke dngha tobacco, a species of hemp, In a water pipe re sembling the hookah. A Solemn Occaitlon. When a certain well know comedian, who prided himself on his fun making ability, was "starring" In Edinburgh his landlord, who seldom attended any public place save the kirk, asked him If he would oblige him with a "pass for the playhoos." This favor was readily granted, and tho "glide man" donned his best black suit and wit nessed the comedian's two greatest humorous Impersonations. Meeting his landlord the next morning, tho cotnedU The Family Scrnnhnok. Mrs. Sailors (to Willy, as minister calls to see Mr. Sailers) Willy, Is your father In? Willy Yes, he's upstairs' looking over your serapbook. Mrs. Sauors (puzzled) You mean my family account book? Willy Well, It's all thei same. He and you always have a scrap every time he goes over It. Never Given Up. Ho My motto Is. "Never give up." She Yes; I've frequently noticed It In' a crowded street car. Philadelphia Record. Denmark Clnlnin Nclnnn. The Danes maintain that Admiral Nelson was one of their race, despite the fact that he was born in England. They point out that the name Is Dan ish and that many Danes were settlers In East Anglla. They consoled them selves over their defeat at the battle of Copenhagen with the thought thnt the victor was one of their own race. At least one Scandinavian historian re fers to his family ns "one of the most brilliant examples of noble English families descended from the North men." DlncournRlnfc. At the close of an address during an electioneering campaign In Ireland questions were Invited. A innn was making for the plntform when he re ceived a whack over the head with a stick. Ho was stunned and had to be carried out amid an uproar. When or der was restored the chairman rose nnd blandly asked: "Is there any other gentleman who would like to ask a question?" Needless to say, there was not. CarlnHlty. Irate Parent (who has been trying to satisfy John's curiosity on every known subject under tho sun) Now, Johnnie, If you ask me another question I'll whip you on the spot. Johnnie (whose undy ing curiosity overcomes even the dread of punishment) Wh-wh-what spot, papa? HI Advantage. First Man now do you do? Second Man Beg pardon, but you have tho advantnge of me. First Man Yes, I guess I have. We were engaged to the snmo girl, but you married her. Pitts burg Dispatch. All affectations of knowledge are more odious than any lack of knowl edge can be. Sprat. MEMORY OF TURTLES. Lay Their Ekki Almost In the Same Place Year After Year. During tho summer months from May to August the big sea turtles Iny their eggs on tho beach. They come possibly hundreds of miles, aud if un disturbed will Innd within a few yards of the same place year after year. They crawl up tho beach In the night and make their nest In the sand just above high water mark. I have watch ed them from behind a sandhill but a few feet away. They dig tho hole with their hind flippers, and after covering It over, first tilling It with eggs, they will go n few feet and make another place, I al ways thought as a blind, for ono looks Just like tho other. They lay each month, usually during the high tides of thnt month, beginning In May and ending in August, from 00 to 185 eggs. During the summer I found aud brought iuto camp 2,755 eggs. I put some in the snud near our camp, and In twenty-seven days tho top eggs hatched, tho rest iu three days more. The little turtles would dig out, raise their little heads and sniff the air a moment, then start for the river, 100 yards away. It was always a mys tery to mo how a turtlo could And tho same place on tho shoro when n short distance out at sea It nil looks alike just sandy ridges, with scrub palmetto nnd coarse grass. Forest and Stream. OUTWITTED THE BOERS. Rhode! Clever Scheme to Avoid t5lv lnsr the Enemy Information. Lord Harris tells an aiteresting story of how Colonel Frank vihodes outwit ted tho Boers. .It concerns the relief of Mnfcklug. As Colonels Mahon ap proached Mafeklng from the n south Colonel Plumer ' was approaching it from tho north, and Coloifrl Mahon re ceived tho following questions frou. Colonel Plumer by hellogiiiph: First What Is your strength? Second How ninny guns have you? Thfyl How are you off foryrQ.i.iin(ljri)i.sJcjis.? J. H. BAILEY, RED CLOUD, - - NEBRASKA SehmidUWiseearveFl rnopitiKTons op the Fourth Averwie Jfleat Iteket Wholesale n'j'1 ' Frosh aud Cured lMeatp . ything kopt in a first class meat markot. Man ufacturers of high grade Sausage and Strictly Pure Lard. Highest market prices paid for Livo Stock, Poultry, Hides, Pelts and Tallow. To the Farmers Out of GO Insurance Companies doing business in Webster County tho Gecman of Free port pays one-third of the taxes nnd has over 500 policies in force. Tho Farmers' Mutual of' Nebraska is the largest Mutual in the state, with over three quarters of a million dollars in surance in Webster county. for Good Insurance Call on o. c. Red Cloud. Vmi M Tho difference twtween Hitting and Mistlnfrltthedtf. iwtiivq imcrn an nccumn inu in inaccurate Arm, Choose wisely discriminate! Oct a sriiVENSI l:orty yevs of erlcnccli behind wt tntJ and rot ta line nf 1UFLKH. PIBTOI.S, SHOTGUNS ihiiii 'lelcHCOHtiw, Jac. Ask )ourdealrramt Insist on the STFVKNS. Jfyou cannot obtain, csIiI;hI. reel, txprtstprffattt,on receipt of cawloif jirlce. bend 4C in staniin fur 140 page cntatotf descrihltitf the entire STEVENS line, l'rofuselylllustrated.antl contains ixilnts nn Shoot Inn, Ammunition, lite. Ileautlful three-color Aluminum Hanger will bo for- wuiMcu iur iu (.cms in iiauips. J. STEVENS ABMS AND TOOL CO., r. 0.1)0x4096 ClItCOI'F.B I'ALL.S,MA5S.,U.S.A. Colonel" MaCon woul"d not allow any answer to be sent for fear of tho Boers trapping It on the wny, until Colonel Frank Ithodes suggested tho following replies, which were approved. The key Is attached in brackets: Naval and military multiplied by ten. The num ber of the Navy and Military club in Piccadilly Is 04, multiplied by ten ap proximated their strength of 1,000. As. many as there are boys In tho. Ward family. Lord Dudley and his broth ers. Colonel Mahon protested nB regards this that there would bo no ono who would know, but Colonel Rhodes as sured him that Colonel Weston Jarvls, who was with Colonel Plumer, would bo sure to. Officer eommnndlnjj Ninth lancers. Colpnel Little, known as "Small" Little Tho answoi-( were received and cor rectly degfldfl,n. Death of Judge Tuley. Milwaukee, Dec. 2C Jiulgo Murray F. Tuley of Chicago died at the Pen- :ioyer sanitarium, in Konoslm. He went to tho sanitarium on Oct. Si'.fBuf. ferlnir. from nervous exhaustion, cnusedvby overwork. 3"i ": ., $ .; LfcwJwSjlM?is5w-