I l I ) iy- J, " A Food to Work On Work! Work!! Work!!! Lots of energy is needed to keep up the pace. In the struggle, the man with the strong body and clear brain wins out every time. The man of to-day needs something more than mere food ; he needs a food that makes energy a food to work on. Although some people may not realize it, yet it is a fact, proved and established beyond doubt, that soda crackers and this means Uneeda BiSCUlt arc richer in muscle and fat-making elements and have a much higher per cent, of tissue-building properties than any other article of food made from flour. That this is becoming known more and more every day is attested by the sale of nearly 400,000,000 pack ages of Uneedd BfSCUity the finest soda cracker ever baked. An energy-giving food of surpassing value sold in a package which brings it to you with all the original flavor and nutriment perfectly pre served. Truly the food to Ivork on. Whoever you arc whatever you arc wherever you work Uneeda Biscuit NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY Si a 3 flemsy flutes prom Neighboring Towns GATHERED FROM OUR EXCHANGES t " FRANKLIN (From the Sentinel.) A new Ron was born to Mr. and Mis. Richard Johnson Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. P. II. Hnyden's homo was blessed with a son Wednesday. Chas. Godsoy, who is barbering at Alma, spent Christmas in this city with his mother. Miss Lulu Ewiipr Rave a Christmas party a number at hor friends at hor , homo Tuesday night. Jim Hanson passed through our city Tuesday going to ltiverton to see his father, who had a stroke of paralysis. Miss Yolando Carpenter returned Monday from McCook, whero she has been visiting since last August. A waRon loud of merry youngsters wont to S. T. Doner's Thursday night, where tho M. V. club was entertained in the latest approved fashion, BLOOMINGTON (From the Advocate.) Mrs. Fred Bull is died the first of the week at the homo of her parontB. Dr. Sumner roports thn arrival of a son at the homo of Geo. Etherton. Ed Hiirninn and Mr. Carpontor of Inavalo, spont Christmas in this city. Louis Millor has returned to Lin coln, whero ho was taking a courso at the State Agricultural college. C. Z. Pholps has purchased an on gino whioh ho will install in his black smith shop to furnish power for a trip hammer and otuor machinery. W. T. Britton last Tuosilap spont tho day at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. Jool Jonas, who were celebrating their twenty-ilfth wedding anniversary. Jefferson Wilson, tho person who is being hold in tho county Jail, has in formed tho county attorney that he is ready to plead guilty to stealing tho Quinn horses. The county attorney will triko him before Judge Adams at Red Cloud on Jan 15, whore ho will receive his sentence. I LEBANON. (From tho Times.) f Paul Dofge accompanied two car loads of fat cattle to lvuisas Cily Tues day which averaged 1354 pounds per head. On Christmas day at high noon Mr J. C. Hlnk", sto'pson of Geo A. II ill. and Miss Stiiliu A Sohiininorliorn were uuitcd i lliu holy bonds of wedlock at the h mo of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M Seliiinmorliorn m the city of Lebanon, Rev. L. B. Trent ain of ficiating. M-sdamo Austin Johnson and Aus tin Gt-orgo wont to Smith Center Tues day night to attend n house party at tho homo of Mrs. V. Hutchings. Chas. F. Campbell of Esbon and G. N. Hawkins of this citv went down to Manhattan and Kansas City Thursday on real estato and legal businoss. Q. J. Pangborn and wife of Burr Otk spent Christmas with Geo. Hill and wife and witnessed tho Blakc Suhimmerhorn wedding. Mrs. Pang born is a sister of Mr. Blake. Bertha May Pennington was born in Butler county, Kansas, February 0, 1882 Died, at tho homo of hor father, in Lebanon, Kinsas, December 27, 1905, at tho ago of 23 years, 10 months and 18 days. She was converted when 13 years old and united with the M. E. church at Salem. RIVERTON (From tho Review.) Jacob S. McClintoek died Decembor 24; funeral occurred tho 2Gth. Jas. B Clark departed for Donver Friday, whero ho spend tho winter. Mrs. Dr. Myorp wont to Rod Cloud Sunday to spond Christmas with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Kalph Hancock ar rived tho latter part of last week from St. Louis, ond will remain at Riverton to make their homo. Jerry Clow and family, who have boon residing on tho Hopkin's farm ono milo west of town for sevoral years moved to Franklin Wednesday, whore ho enters tho livery business with his brothor Tom.J Isaac Shophordsou was on tho Kan sua City ntatket with a car of fat cows. Ho went from thore to Beatrice, where and Mrs. Shopherdson ato Christmas turkey with thoir granddaughter, Ber nardino Waldon. SMITH CENTER (From tho Messenger.) Born, to Mr. and Mrj. Gosnoy, a Itmby boy, Wednesday. December 27, Mrs. Caleb Hitchcock homo in the north part1 of town last Sunday morning, Docen bur 24th, at 8:150 o'clock Mr. Proy Adams and ft. issEtta Bur woll wore united in luafriago at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. A.lM. Hinehatt, died at her Sundny evening, l)ieoiuber 2ih, at 7 o'clock, Rev. U. S. Brown olliuiating. At the homo of Mr. and Mrs. C. C Burr in this city Monday, December 25, their daughter Loph, was united in the holp bonds of wedloco to Mr C 15. Buchanan, Elder Blanchard olliuiat ing. itobort Graham living twolvo miles northeast of Smith Center accidentally shot himself last Sunday afternoon. Ho was out hunting with a shotgun, when the gun slipped from his hands while in the buggy on tho road and the gun was discharged by tho fall. The full chnrgo struck his left arm and como so near tearing it off that ampu tation was necossnry. Six shot also struck him in tho nock aud ho is in a serious condition. MANKATO. (From tho Advortisor.) ChotDilimon has boon laid up with an attack of tonsilitis for several days Mrs. Oh as. Jordan, who has boon critically ill for sovoral days is no butter. Miss Pearl Thompson rnturnrd Sun day from a few days visit with friends near Red Cloud. Tho I. O. O. F, and Rebnkah orphan's homo is to bo located at the Dewey Milliliter resort in Manhattan. G. F. Abrahams has boon fixinij up tho sanitarium this week, putting in a now bath tub and othor fixtures. Mrs. Eflio Shell was adjudged insane in tho probate court Decembor 2.". and itakon to tho stato hospital at O.-awa-tomio tho 27th. E. L. Williamson nnd Miss Minnie Plage, both of Burr Oak wore united in matrimony at tho homo of tho homo of tho bride's parents in this city Thursday evening. Mrs. Kitty A. Horn of Soldcn is in town this week for a short visit with friends. Mrs. Horn is conducting a school of instruction for the Robckah lodge in this district and is vory busy with tho work. BLUE HILL (From tho Leader. Rev. and Mrs. Hummel wero up from Red Cloud Friday. Born, t Mr. and Mrs, GusStumpon horst, on Thursday, a lino boy. On last Thursday Martin MoHnbi and Anna Panzer wore married by Judjjo Kooney at Rod Cloud. HansOyo, Jr, is tho happiest man in Nobraska. His wife presented him as a Christmas present a lino 11 pound boy, Gn Christmas dny Frank Fulton nnd Ethel Ungate were happily wedded at the Christian church, E. G.Reosupoak ing tho words that made them husband and wife. llorbort, tho 2 year old son of Mr. Him M ' Oi'ti (iiiiui-i t, d'O'l of ei'niip I iii"-iia iii'it'iiiiii!. Tiic hui"i!il uiis held ni the Ln li iiim hiireh W-dnen. day nfti'i tiniiii Ahum f oVlnrl. P idnv veiling fin C illirht lr nil llu' hunt) in 'ho gnmh in tho diiliiv .vimlow ni llu1 Ed Fiinki''H Ht'irn and Inirnod vitiil uf the hi't curtain", oivom nnd dainty ni'tich" U 'I'd in tniikinir up oof the btmt lis pl'ty windows lui v ever seen At the close of Hu Sunday evening service at the Cnistiiui church oc curred a vi'rv pieliv wedding when Thomiis E. Hull of Binning and Ada B Sti wait, of this city waked to the pulpit Mini we o nnb'il in marriage, E. (J. Keen ollieiiiting in his uiril happy lil'iiiiier SUPERIOR (From the Journal ) Ed (iiirlier was down from Red Cloud Pridav. MikojWmnor shipped a o-ir load of cattle to St. Joe Tuesday. B. M. Floe ot Chicago, of the I)iv Si Frees Lumber Co , is here, the guest of Mi. Dm v. Mis. 1). Daniel received a telegram Siitxlayfiont Mr. Daniel, at Caldwell, Kansas, tluii his sou had died. Mih. .1 II. M irrison and sister Nellie returned home Tiii'mIhv from Red Cloud, whero they spout Christinas with friends. Miss Longtin, of Red Cloud, was in Supeiinr Piiday, on her way homo from Nnr. iretli Academy nt Coneni ilia. She is thn guest of Misses Nellie and Minnie Suikey. Atthehomnof the bride's parents, Mr and Mrs. W A. Dielil, occutred Thur.silny night at 7:110 I ho man iage of M'ss Emma Diehl, of this city, and Mr. Ira L. Lniit.iMihoiser, of Dorchester, Neb , Rev. U. G Brown, ofllciating James Addison Evro was hum in Sheuielil, Yoikshire. England, in 1821. nun die.t in Supeiinr, December, 21, 11)05, being at his death eighty-four years old. The funeral sonicis weie held from the M. E. church on Satur day, and interment was in ule in tho Evirgioun cemetery. CAMPBELL (Prom the Citiy.cn.) J. C. Ciry and J. Warner departed on Monday for Grafton, III., to attend the funeral of Win. Cory, who sue cuntbed to illness on Sunday. Ono of our young nioi. who wont to Upland and acted up some found that it cost 812 to resist an ofllcer. Pretty cheap at that and should answer as a lesion. John Fiorstein went west Saturday and will stop at Culbertson to pur chase land. A great number of pros porous farmers of this neighborhood are speculating in west' rn land. Died, on' Sunday morning, Dos. 24, at her lato home in this cily, Mrs Mario Borger, wife of Narcisso Burger, at tho age of 07 years. Funeral ser vices took placo from the Catholic church Tuesday morning. Friday night burglars broke into E. D Jackson's & S ut's store, also into Goo. Oorj's saloon. Mr. Jackson in forms us that so far ns he knows there was nothing taken firm his store. At the saloon the night prowlers took from tho cash registor about 812 in money. The thieves gained entrance to JnckMin & Son's store by breaking out a pane of glass and reaching through and turning the lock. Death of George Washington. Richmond, Vn., Jan. 1. News was received here of tho death at IiIb homo In Charleston W. Va., of Georgo Washington, youngest son of the lato John Augustlno Washington, who was tho last Individual owner of Mount Vornon nnd last of tho distinguished Washington family to bo born at Mount Vernon. Fighting In Ecuador. Guayaquil, Ecuador, Jan. 3. Tho revolutionists, under Colonel Ternn, have captured Riobamba. A strong division, under Secretary of War Lar res, has left Quito to attack tho revo lutionists. Another division left here. Guayaquil Is quiet. CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Features of the Day's Trading and Closing Quotations. Chicago, .In it. I.'. Decreased trfilpiiicntx of whent from UiipsIh formed the chief caiine for n tlnn wheat market here .today. At the clone wheat for May delivery wan up VWf'te. Corn as practically unehnnj;ed. Out showed ii gain of v,r. IMovIhIoiih were uiic'lianged to U'ie higher. Clohlnj, prices : "Wheat-May. RS',e; .Inly, . Corn May. )!(, .Inly, t ITfll'.e. Hats-May, H'.'XdHU'jc; .Inly, .'H)Vu.'!0T(,e. Pork-Jan., $t:.Ml: May, $t:s.77Mi. Laid -Jan., 7.!ll!i May, $7.47'(,. It. lis-Jan., .'J'JKji .Mm, $7.:ST ... Chicago CiihIi I'iIcoh-No, : li.ml wlici 8tiS0e: No ; hard wheat, K ', ; corn, -U'JiM'Jc; No. 2 o.its, lij . , v. iBii T M table' IMffli'j ""'I Cloud, Nob. i,Al ill. 'f At All A rllU A(h 7 JOK KANSAS i ITY i7 l.ul'IH and nil jioinls east and onlh A. VKlt II F LENA HtT'lK sal'i lake cry PORTLAND S.M FRAXCISCO and all points west. ruAiNH t.r.Ave ah rot.i.own: So. 18. I'nNMiiiKur dally for Oticrllu nnd St. FnuiclN lirniii'hch.Ox ford, McCook, Dcnvorniid nil pdltllN went 7 0." A.m. So, 4. PnHKeiiRor dnlly for St. .loo, Kiiiiiihn Cily, Alohixon, 81. I.oiiIn, Lincoln via Wymoru nnd hIi pollilH en si nnd ftoiilli 2'(U n,ra No IS, I'nPKUiiKiT. dnlly. Denver, hII point In Colorado. (IihIi nnd i.'nllfornln 7 60 p.m. No. IB. I'nKKeiiKer. ilally for St. Joe. Kiuimik Clh. AIcIiIkoii, HI. Lonln Hint nil polntN CHNtnnil niilh 10:10 n.m. so 17-t. Arcoiniiioilatloti. .Monday, WedncMln) and Krlilny,lliint Iiikn, llrHiid ImhimI, lllnek IIIIIn nnil all piilntu III the northwcHt I '3(1 n.m. SluvpltiK. dlnliiK. nnd roellnliiR clnilr rnrf. tcntx free) on through irntiin. 'I'lckclHHold nnd inKKKi' rlicoknd to Htiy point In thu United StiituHorCniiHdn. for Information I line tnlilcn, ninpn or tlnkoti oaII on or hiIiItchk A ronuvur, AkimiI. Itcd Oloud, Nclir. or I.. V. WHkelcy, Omwrnl I'nu- idliuet Avenl diiihIih, NuliraNku H. B. ASHBR, VETERINARIAN Or the Kansas City Veter inary Collego Olllco at 13. Johnston's, the Brick Hani. ALL CALLS PROMPTLY AT1IND Tolophotit) 82. RED CLOUD, - - NED. AtBluoIIill first Tuesday in each month. m INSURANCE against Fire, Lightning, Cy clones end Windstorms, see JNO. B. STANSER, agont for tho Farmers Union Insur ance Co., Lincoln, Nob., tho best in surance company intho s'te Isaac B. Colvin REAL ESTATE, Farm Loans and Insurance Telephones: Glenwood and Gitido Rock lines. Box 23. GUIDE ROCK, NEB. -HOLLISTER'O Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Busy Medlolne for Busy People, Brings Qoldon Health and Ronowod Vigor. A nneclflo for Constipation, IndlROStlon, Live and Kldnoy TronhloR. rlmplen. Kczemn, Impure Dloou, Bad Breath, HltiffRlsh ItowelH, Ilcadaciw, ud UacJtache. It's Rocky Mountain Tea In tao Int form, ,15 cpntn a box. Oennlno nmdo by Hom.ibtbr Dnuo CostPANY, Mndlson, Vl8. 40LDEN NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE" PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM Clnntri tntl txautintf tho hair. l'roniMtri luxuriant growth. Nnver Fi1d to Ueatoro Dray Hair to lta Youthful Color. Cum iralp dlif- i hair faJllos. tOc.andtlXmat DrunitliU 60 YEARS' ' EXPERIENCE. ' i!AinkiKi Trade Marks Designs Copyrights &c. Anyono iondlnu a iikotrli nnd ilencrlntlnn may uiumr nauuriniii nur oiiininii iron wiin iiivoiuinii ib pronnuijr piiieniiinin. Iiottier mi Cntiimiinlriv. qulcklr nscorlnlii nur opinion froo ' Invoiillnn Is prolinblr tiiitoiiliililn. C tloiisKirlctlyronttiloutliil. HANDBOOK on I'atcnta emit freo. Oldest neencjr for iiccurliiffpatoiits. I'ntnntH tnkou throuuh Muim A Co. rocclvc tpteial notice, wlttiout clinrco, iu tho Scientific American. A handsomely lllnstrnlnd wnokly. largest clr. culntlon of nny aoiontllln Journal. '1'crnis, W a your: four mouths, f 1. Bold by nil nonsdoalern. MUNN&Co.36,B'oad-New York llmtirli nnlon 17'. V Ut Vn.hl.....n.. T T. Urnuch Offlco. 625 K HU Wnihlnatou, D. 0. South Omaha Live Stock. Bouth Omnhn, Jnn. II. Cuttle Hccolplnk y,iOU; iiKji-i,c lilglicr; ntitlvn hU-cih, $:i.7a 0.05; cows and lndfcrs, 'i.'tl t.'-Ti; unnncrs, Sl.fiOfl'-'.-tO; ntoi'kert nnd fcdorn, .nog 4.10; cnlvcH, fli.rxatx); IiiiIIh. HtnfB, etc., 1.7Wa:i.rl). HoKH-Hi'foliitH, 5,800; Htondy to stroncer; houvy, $ZuV2AR:iQ mixed, $r.iO((ir.ir; iiRht, ?r.fnr.iri: iiii, ?i.40d 4.70; hulk of Hnlen, ri.lOSiO.IB. Kliccp Hl-. celptH, C,WK); rt?.10o lilglier; yourlhiBH, 11.00 ((11.40; wethers, fS.MXiKi.&'i; ewes, S4.73ff 6,); liuiihv, ?7.00Q7.7. Chicago Live Stock. Chlcngo, Jan. 'J. Cattle HeeeiptH, 5,000; steady to 'Sic, hither; eoniinon to prime iteerH, ?:t.UTKf(.irr; cowh, Sl'.sr J.2T,; belt' ern ?l!.,iV(.'.(K); IiiiIIh, SIMKKTi-UiO; cilven, $,J.50fa'7.W); KtockiTH and feeders, $12.4078 4.'-5. Hokh IteeulptH, 20,000; bteady; choice to iirlinu heavy, $5.''"Vl'T'3"',-14: '"P dlnin to Komi heavy, fV-'0(,ii.:;7,(,; hutchei" welRhts, $5.'.0'i'(n.:Ci; jfood to eholce heavy, jt tnlsed, ?ri.'J(K((3.i;7,i: pnelchnr, ? l.tKMi.l.M. BlieepUeeelptH, in,(X)0, htendy to itioiijr"; sheep, $l.0O,MI.00; jenrl!iiK, ?i).00an.'b3f lambs, ?7.001i7.W), v Kansnfe City Live Stock. Kaunas City, .Inn. J. Cittle ItecrlptM, . 11,000; Htendy to fie hither; "native steer, $-? D.V((.(0; wi'btern fed at fern, 5:i.S5j3.00; ( , Btockers and feeders, ir,7.Vff-I.LS; cow, J'-.O0iH.0O; SielfeiH, f.'l.lKKcl.HO; enlves, -'.".VJilUfi. lln?rt-IteeelptH, l.'MKiO: nieady to 5c lower: hulk 'f wile, J?5.Wi".174; heavy, $5.HK3.): pls and IIkIU. ?I.H5 5.05. Sheep ItevelptH, I.WK); pUoiik; liuiitH. ?U.0fXu7.C0; cwea Mini yeuillugs, '4 Hi ; Vlrf