The Red Cloud chief. (Red Cloud, Webster Co., Neb.) 1873-1923, January 05, 1906, Image 1

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I Subscription
$1 a Year
1 in, Advance
Eight Pages
Home Print
r , j vi
Laces, Embroideries, Insertions at
Dress Goods
Fancy yorsted, a good thing for
Children's school drosses, at
15 and 25c
Henriettas, 33 inches wide, at
30, 50 and 75c
Cashmeres, at
15, 30, 50c and St
Ladies1 Cloth, 59 inches wide,
S! and $1.15
Brillantines, 38 in. wide, in white,
black and colors, at
Baby Clothes
A full Hue of ready-made Baby
Clothes, such as Cloaks, Jackets,
Dresses, Skirts, Vests, Stocking and
Hoods, Scarfs, Fascinators, Mufflers and Ribbons
Real Estate Transfers.
Transfers for week ending Wednes
day, Doc. 20, furnished by J. H. Bailey
of Webster County Abstract company
L H Hunger and wife to Henry
Arends lots 1 and 2 blook C
and lots 3 and 4 blook B Grus-
el's sub Blue Hill wd ft G25
J R Thornton and wife to A D
Baker lot 1 block 12 Hoovor
add to Blue Hill qcd 30
Martha J Sohlosser ot al to S C
Lchonck swl 25-1 11 wd 2200
State of Nob to Joan H Hamil
ton ne4 uw4 and nw4 noJ 27-2
0 deed 5G0
State of Nob to A W Cox e2 nw4
UM-ll Dood
Alfred M Moroy to Mary E Simp
son lots 2 to 0 and 8 blook 5
and lots 12 3 8 9 and 10 block
8 Moray's add to Bluo Hill wd 150
Fred Wornor to Jemima McCal
lum lots 12 13 and 14 block 3
Spenco add to Bladen wd 840
Adeline Mandollmum to Cnspor
Wegnum nol bw4 aud so4 nwl
34 10 wd .'... 3G00
Your wife and your
daughter need new
Dresses. We have
the goods to make
them look as well
or better than your
neighbor's wife or
daughter. Our
are of the latest
patterns and the
If you are in doubt
as to what is suit
able we will aid
you in making a
Children's Qolf Gloves in wool at
Ladies Golf Glovos in wool at
25 and SOc
Ladies' Golf Gloves, silk finish,
25 nd SOc
Plain white Handkerchiefs at 5c.
With hemstitched hem and row
of drawn work in center, 5c each.
Hemstitched hem with three rows
of open work in center, 10c each.
Hemstitched hem with embroid
ered center, 15 and 25c each. Larger
ones at 35 and 50c.
Children's Picture Hdkfs. at 5c.
The latest novelties In Side
and Back Combs,
United States to Francis M Do
Long so4 nw4 and lot 3 in 81
12 Pat
State of Nob to Henry Glger w2
50-2-10 d 570
Guido Rook cemetery ass'n to
David A Glger lot 2 blook 22
wd 10
James R Mercer and wife to A L
Burke lots 13 to 10 blook 1G
Red Cloud wd 2000
S H Thomas and wife to E A
Thomas e2 1G-13-11 qcd 1
J A MoArthur sheriff to W C
Frahm lots 9 to 12 block 3
Grusol's add to Bluo Hill wd 8G
Anuio Scovra to C F Gund
nolll-3-11 wd 200
Fred Muhlbaoh to C F Gunfl
block 9 and 10 Hoovor add to
Bluo Hill wd GG0
Chas E Vaughan and wifo to F
A Diokoi'Hon lot 9 block G
Vance add to Guide Rook wd 800
Total 811822
Mortgages filed 82000
Mortgages roloasod 87000
(f s
Eeduced Prices
Lodis' Turnover Collars at
12, 15 and 25c
Silk embroidered wash collars, in
all black, all white and assorted
colors, at
20 to 60C
Laco Collars, in all black and
white, at
25 and 50c
Patent Leather Handbags at
Leather Handbags, wiih coin
purse insido, from
50c to $1.50
A good Handbag with two out
side pockets and two center pock
ets at G3c, 75o, $1.00 aud $1 50.
New Officers.
The new county officers assumed
their duties Thursday. Tho business
of tho old olllcors was wound up
Thursday morning and after the cub-
tomary formalities turned their
offices oyer to their successors.
new force is as follows:
County Treasurer W. C. Frahm,
Blue Hill; deputy, C. D. Robinson,
Rod Cloud.
County Clerk Loo DoTour, Guido
Rock; deputy, J. E. Brown, Red Cloud.
Sheriff-O. D. Hedge, Rod Cloud.
County Judge I. W. Edson, Oak
County Superintendent Mrs. Nel
lie Wost Castor, Rod Cloud.
County Surveyor-Goo. H. Ovoring,
Rod Cloud.
Coroner Dr. Hall, Cowles.
Commissioners Jamos Overman
and T.J. Chaplin.
That Settle's It.
Whon a Colorado sand stono walk is
laid that pottles it. Soo Overlng Bros,
&Oo. for prices.
Items of News Found In The
Chief of Twenty Years Ago
This .Week v v 1
J. L. Miller was in Kansas City this
Prof. Picking Is taking a rest this
Judge Gnslin hold court in this city
this week.
John Young has boon on tho sick
list this wui'k.
G. R. Chanoy was in Franklin this
week on business.
A. L. Mitcholl presides at tho organ
at tho M. E. church.
John Duckor Is oxrocted to arrive
in Rod Cloud this week.
Morhart & Fulton have a revolving
sign in front of their store.
L. Buum aud his estimable wifo
have returned to Rod Cloud.
Tho mombors of tho M. E. church
hold u watch mooting Thursday night.
Liunii Owen will begin toachimr
school in tho now school house Mon
day. Mrs. Geo. II. Brown, wo aro pleased
to loam, is convalescing from her ro
cont illness.
L. II. Wallaco received word from
Iowa that his houso had boon con
sumed by fire.
W. M. Vlsschor's children havo all
been down with tho diphtheria during
tho last few weeks.
Sam Dyer, our express agont, has
had his hands full this week. His
assistant has bcon sick.
Will Brown has closed his school
near tho Rod Cloud mills, and wound
up witli an entertainment.
Mrs. J. I. Stilson, of Afton, N. Y., is
in tho city tho guest of hor cousins,
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Woods.
John Mooro, cashior of tho First
National bunk, returned from tho east
Thursday morning, accompanied by
his little daughter, Jossio.
Tho revival mooting at tho Hum
moll school houso aro a success.
Twelve now convorts wore received
into iho church last Sunday.
J. Q. Potter, formerly of tho Rod
Cloud Flouring Mills, and now of
Mound City, Mo., was hero this wook
shaking hands with old friends.
Married, on Christmas ovo, Decem
ber 24, 1885, Mr. Thomas E. Grav s
and Miss Carrie Prico, all of Webster
county, Rev. G.W. Hummoll oflleiat
iug. Fred II. Bontloy, who has boon por
ing over tho pages of Groenleaf and
Blackstono in tho ofllco of G. R.
Chanoy for Fomo time past, is now on
titlod to write luwyor after his name,
having been admitted to tho bar at
the last term of tho district court.
On Christmas day our aged friends
Mr. Honry Fulton aud wifo, mother
und father of R. B. Fulton, of Red
Cloud and John Fulton of Riverton,
wore happily surprisod by nil tho
children coming homo and giving tho
old folks a genuine family rounion.
The foot bridge ovor tho draw just
wost of MoDaniol8' blacksmith shop,
nn .Ird nvuniin in In n. fnlt- tvnv tn )in.
nrjfnKi i.,,in rtf 0,,0 . ,.
. '. r B ... "'"""' " ""
least notorious for "barked" shins
and broken bones unless repaired
soon, or a street lamp placed in that
On last-Sunday whilo Honry Powers,
Miss Graco Ferguson and Mrs. Will
Ferguson wore buggy riding thoy mot
with quito un accldout by which one
horse was killed und tho other badly
lacoratod by running into a barb wiro
fonco in tho woBt part of tho city. In
tho meantime Mr. Powors and tho
ladios woro thrown from tho buggy,
and Mrs. Forguson was quito serious
ly injured.
To the Public and My Friends.
I havo oponod a rostaurant togothor
with cigars, tojmccos and confection
ery and will glvo you tho vory best
treatment when you call at Sodor
borg's Inn.
The Bond Election.
Next Tuesday will docldo whothor
or not Kod Cloud is to Imvoauolnotrio
light plant. Should tho bonds fail to
carry wo will remain in darkness, for
it is a certainty that tho present coun
cil will not grunt a frauchiNo to a
privato individual or corporation, aud
it is almost equally cortaln that no
succeeding council could bo wheedled
into taking such a backward stop.
Thoro sooms to bo an Idea in tho
minds of somo of tho voters that tho
bonds to bo voted aro In aid of somo
privato firm or corporation, and that
thoro Is dangor of tho mouoy being
misappropriated. Nothing could bo
farther from tho truth. If tho bonds
carry, and wo hope thoy will, tho
money will bo kept, under tho control
of tho city administration and no 0110
will have a clianco to stoal it. Tho
electric light plant will bo under tho
absolute ownorship atid control of tho
Somo of tho oppononts of tho bonds
havo boon vory busy the last fow days
trying to croato tho improasioh that
tho bonds would make a big inoroaso
In tho taxes. Tho increase in taxes
for tho llrst year, or possibly two
years, would bo itibignillcant, and after
that tho plant would bo solf-sustalu-Ing
besides paying tho Intorost on tho
bonds and building up a sinking fund
to pay tho bonds when due.
Whon Hod Cloud had an oloctrio
plant under privato ownership tho
owners of It mudo it pay, and it is u
slur on tho ability of our citizens and
tho city administration to oven insin
uate that, with tho improved methods
and tho backing of tho poople, thoy
could not do as well or bottor than a
privato individual or corporation.
Another urgumont advanced by tho
opposition touds to appeal to tho
pooror classes. Thoy say: "Why,
oven if tho city should put in a light
ing plant, you would havo to pay out u
lot of money to havo your houso wired
bofqro you oau havo lights.' Well,
that is true to a cortaln extent. But
supposo tho city should undortako to
wiro all tho residences at its own ex
pense, what would bo tho result? It
would morply moan that tho price of
tho electric current would have to bo
increased to moot tho cost of wiring,
so you would pay more in tho end.
It would bo still worse under privato
If you want to see tho city grow,
vote and work for tho bonds next
Hilled a Fox.
Quito a little excitement was stirred
up in the vicinity of-Amboy Thursday
foronoon by a genuine fox ohaso, a
form of sport that is exceedingly raro
In this part of tho world. In fact, this
is tho first instauco of tho kind wo
ever heard of In this section. A dog
belonging o Sam Miller, living just
north of Amboy, started tho quarry.
Word was passed among tho neigh
bors aud quito a numbor turned out
and gave chaso. The fox was .finally
cornorod noar tho rivor south from
the Starke, place, and Will Rassor put
an end to its troubles by shooting it.
Tho animal was u flno largo specimen
of redfox, and whore it camo from
is a mystery, as no ono around horo
sooms to havo ovor heard of foxes
boing soon in this country.
Is Your Farm For Sale?
If it is, do not list it with too many
agents. Each ono proceeds to knock
the othor fellow out of a salo. List
oxoluslvoly with mo at a reasonable
prico and I will guarantee a sale.
J. II. Bailey, Rod Cloud.
- Porfeot In quality.
Modorato In prlo
,. "i
XV u.