21. r !i Kl 1 !U i K.y M 1 3 IAPAIFTTF& ? w m fA horse blankets sit lgol'. Go to Fred Piuinb'rf tor Hour or feed. Dr. llnll i8 Mown (l't)in Cowles today. Mrs. Norton wont to Superior Thurs day. Dr. K. A. Thomas dontist, D .morell block. B. MeNony was iu (Jnido Rock Wed nesday. .1. NttsU-in is homo from St. Joseph, Missonti. A VV. Cox was down from Bladen Thursday. Mrs. C. S. Sliitlc wn in Wymore Christmas. ytevo Taylor was down from Ilivcr ton Tuesday. John Yaplo is visiting at his homo in Marvville, Mo. D. W. Turnuro was in Chester tho first of tbo week. Henry Aronds of Rosemont was in town Wednesday. Cecil McCrtll spont Christmas at Mankato, Kansas. Joromo Wright was visiting in Hebron Christmas. J oo Fogel sells tho 5 A horse blankets, boston tho market. Dwight Wilson is homo from Lin coln for a vacation. Mrs. Win, Perry and son went to Holdrcge Saturday. Harry Lotson went to Fairbury Wed nesday on business. Mrs. A. A. Pope and son Paul went to Hiverton Sunday. Everything in the harness and sad dlery line at Fogol's. Lou Soderberg expects to open his restaurant tomorrow. Mrs. Geo. Newhouso and children went to Bladen today. John Ryan went to Fromont last night to attond school. Mrs. Fred Taylor of Riverton was in Ked Cloud Wednesday. George Hoit and family were down from Cowles Wednesday. Allen Tulleys came down from Nap onee Thursday morning. Misses Noli and Frances Nesbitt went to Inavalc Monday. Take your poultry and hides to Plumb. Top prices paid. Georgo McCall was up from Guide Rock tho first of the week. Miss Cora Tulleys came down from Napouoe Tuesday morning. .James Dates and son Lawson were up from Superior Thursday. Darrel Kunien and A. II. Carpenter were in Bladen Wednesday. K)coi3 Cither is homo from Fullei ton, Nebraska, for a vacation. J.ihn Boyd of Hebron, Neb., is visit ing with his cousin, E't Hurst. Harvey Vincent and family were in Riverton tho first of the week. Georgo Ovoring and Frank Ivuelin were in Guide Kock ycsteiday. "Miss America," tho comic-opera hit, at the opera house tonight. Ed Harris and Ira Esther of Superior were in Ked Cloud Monday night. Fred Stanley of Lincoln is visiting with his sister, Mrs. W. H. Taber. .J. W Robinson and wifo e:urned to their home in Henry, III , Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, A. P. Kly were down from McCook the Urstof the week. Mi" Clara M irtindale is home from Blue Hill for a two weeks' vacation. W. C. Frahm, county treasurer-elect, was down from Blue Hill this week. Simeon Thomas went to Wray, Colo rado, Friday for a visit with his sUter Morcii's orchestra furnished music for a dance in Superior Tuesday night. Romombur Peters' Peerless Players, January 4, , and 0, at the opera house. Link Sknggs, the Lebanon jeweler, -was in Red Cloud the tirst of the week. Dan Kiios nod Jack Kvans wore down from Rivertou Wednesday even ing. Mrs. Nellie Castor, county superintendent-elect, went to Lincoln Tues day. Ray Frame was down from Blue Hill Christmas day visiting with his par ents. Not n rich corporation but .just plain J. U. Caldwell, for hard and soft oal. Plumb tho feed man will pay you tho highest price- for pouUjregR8 and hides. Rov. J. M. Bates is homo from a two weeks' trip in tho north part of hot state. Mi. Cnai W'h MeKvigiian ami chid rj 1 1 went to Guide Rock yostetdny for u visit. Miss Bessie Marsh of Grand Island is visiting with her sister, Mrs. J. T. Amick. Born, Tuesday, to Mr. nnd Mrs. K. Rilph, a sou. Another substitute mail carrier. John Vwt has returned to Red Cloud, after nn absonco of seven. 1 months. The junior whist club woro royally entertained at tho Roynl hotel Tuesday evening. Harry Hoover of Nemaha City is horo visiting with Mrs. T. C. Hacker, his mint Mrs. George J. Warron nnd daugh ter Nell went to Lincoln to srend tho holidays. A. J Goss of Logan, Utah, is visiting his sistor, Mrs John Osboin, and other rolatives. R. A. Simpson of Blue Hill was transacting business at the county seat veUerday. Mrs. Robinson of Hastings is in Red Cloud visiting hor son, C. D. Robinson, and family. Opera house January 4, fi nnd G Peters' Peerless Players in high class reportoiro. Honry Moranvillo of Dann, Iown, is vsiting with his brother. Dr. J. W. Moranvillo. Richard Saunders of Ohiown, Neb., spont Christmas with his brother, W. B. Saunders. Dr. Smith wont to Sterling, Colo., Friday night to visit rolatives during the holidays. Mrs. James Smith of Filley, Nob , is visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Rout. Mr. nnd Mrs. Will West of Naponeo spent Christmas at tho homo of Judge Samuel West. Up-to-dato specialities with Peters Peerless Players, January 4-5 G. Opera House. Lawyers McNony and Ovoiman wont to Grand Island Thursday noon on legal business. Emma Abbott De Bold, supported by the lima Opera Co, attheopein house tonight. Mel Farnham of Walnut creek, wont to St. Joe Sunday with several car loads of stock. There will bo preaching services nt Grace church tho next three Sundays, by Rev. Bates. Dr. and Mrs. Thomas and " little daughter were visiting in Cowles on Cnristmas day. Miss Maude Bindley of Cheyenne. Wyoming, is a guest at tho Cather homo this week. Mr. and Mrs. Keolcr of St Paul, Minn , cousins of John C.jon. are visit ing in Ked Cloud. Prof. Dudley went to Lincoln Tues day to attend the Stato Teachers' As sociation meeting. Mr. and Mrs. It. B. Fulton went to Itiverton Sunday night to spend Christ mas with relatives. Mrs Ralph Foo of Herndou, Kansas, is visiting in Red Cloud with her mother and brother. Missos Alico and Grace Coombs nro attending tho Teachers' Asnciati n meeting in Lincoln. John Kennedy, who has been work ing at Inavalo, left Monday for his home at Geneva, Nob. Mrs. James Burden nnd daughter Flossie wont t Bladen and Campbell Wednesday for a visit. The annual business meeting of tho Congregational church will bo held next Friday afternoon. John H. Buchenau of Arapahoe, Okla., is in Red Cloud visiting Ir's mother, Mrs. T. C. Hacker. Wantkd Several girls at the B. & M. hotel Good wngos to tho right parties. J. D. Ckans, Prop. J. T. Rightsoll of Wray, Colorado, one of Overing Bros.' representatives, was in Red Cloud this week. Mr Suell'er of Superior was in Red Cloud the first of tho week, visiting his daughter, Mrs. Walter Warron. J. H. Btiley and daughter Mabel went to Omaha Saturday to tpoml Christmas with Will and Grant. Dr. and Mrs. Myers of Rivorton visited with tho hitter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joo Garbor, this weok. When you got a hair cut, shave and bath at Manspeakor's barber shop you will feel liko a now man. Try it. Mrs Elizabeth Ward of Orleans was in Red Cloud tho first of tho wook vis iting hor friend, Mrs. L. H. Rust. Miss Mabol Howard arrived homo from Stromsburg Saturday night for a two weeks' visit with her parent!. Koto m dm i. l .ml Vcim Dick o isoii return) d fviiitny .norning from their "outing" at N-rinn, Kansas. At .1 o'clock Christ inns day the ther mometer stood nt fill in the shade. Not much like Christmas weather. Peters' Peerless Piiyers opera house, Thursday, Frir'nv and Saturday with Saturday ni'ilinoii. January 4-5 G. Mr. and Mrs. K. S. (tailor and Mr. and Mrs. Geoige Morhart and son wt-ro in Guide Rock Christ mas day. Mrs. Jay Pope and children returned Tnursday morning from a threo months' visit in Waupaca, Wisconsin. Miss Kuroln Caldwell, who is attend ing school at Kansas City, came homo Saturday night to visit with her par ents. County Attorney Walters, Tom Mc Cluro, Frank Bttseuow and A. D. Baker were down from Blue Hilt Wed nesday. Miss Elizabeth Muker, Mifs Ger trude Coon nnd a number of other teachers wont to Lincoln Wednesday morning. Judge Wilbur F. Bryant of Lincoln, formerly bnilifT of the supremo court, was in Red Cloud the first of tho week on business. The Episcopal Sunday school hold its postponod Christmas exercises yester day afternoon and a good time was en joyed by nil prostnt. Tho M. R Bontloy corner property for snle. 'J his is tho finest general merchandising and banking block iu tho Republican valley. The danco given in tho Masonic hall Christmas night by Bert Dickey and Roy Hutchison was greatly enjoyed by tho young folks present. Misses M-ibol Buerstotta and Minnie Hurman of Tecumseh are iu Red Cloud this wook visiting their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Bonse. B. M. Frees, tho b'g Chicago lumber man, was in Red Cloud Saturday, looking after his interests in the Piatt & Frees Lumber Co. Regular sot vices at tho M. K. church church this week. Sunday school at 10 o'clock Sunday morning. Preach ing at II, also in tho evening at 7:110. Wanted Bright, honest young man from Red C.oud to prepare for paying position in Government Mail Service. Box one, Cedar Rapids, Iowa, fob 33. W. Hamilton of Guide R ck is the (PiA i rrAsSf-ffsf L. W. Leader Steel Range $29.00 i for an 1 8-inch oven range with high closet and res ervoir. This is a good piece of goods, all asbes tos lined and protected with steel, all planished iron, no paint to cover defects in the steel. Nicely trimmed and well made. Duplex grate and heavy castings in the fire box. Come in and see this Range. MORHART BROS. Hardware Co. ' WWWWWWWWWAvWW J ! i "She I A Happy New Year To All May the New Year of 1906 bring- to all the Peace, Happiness and Prosperity of 1905 . . . &e Cowden-Kaley Clothing Co., A L WA YS RE LI A BLE First Door North of Rostoflfco, Rod Cloud, Nobr. I now clork at Paul Storey's. Mr. Ham ilton and family an mo 'ing into L. II. Rust's house in tl o wist part of tho city. Dr. and Mrs. Gardner camo up fu m Wynioro Saturday t 'gilt, and went 10 Orleans Sunday to spend Christinas, accompanied by IVr. and Ms. L. H. Fort. Miss Emma Brown, who has been visiting with her brother, J. K. Brown, left today for a visit at Ong, Nob., be fore returning to hor homo in Colo rado. Tho county commissioners woro in session this week transacting routine business preparatory to winding up tho year's business. Proceedings else where. Mrs. L. J. Anderson of Keota, Iowa, was in Red Cloud Wednesday visiting hor sister, Mrs. Sophia Anderson. She was on hor way to Franklin to visit relatives. Bert Dow nnd H. S. Applegato camo down from Gibbon, Neb , this week. Bi rt has a mail route at Gibbon, and will commence serving Uncle Sam next Tuesday. D. K. Suundors and family of Wy nioro liavo been the guests of W. B Saunders the past week. Mr. Saun ders has been assisting his brother iu invoicing their liimoer stock. Mrs. Thomas Thompson of Grand Island is in Red Cloud visiting her patent, Mr. and Mi3. G. W. Limlsey. Mr. Thompson is expected in tho city Saturday to spend Now Year's. The jury which was empaneled for tho November term of tho district court, and which was excused unlil January lf, should not forgot that U!,. are to appear on the latter date F. It. Maudevillu gave Y' possum" supper at the Royal Ijofol last night for his many friends, The bill of fare included roasted possum, baked sweet potatoes anil Johnny cake. Clear thinking, docisivA notion, vim and vigor of Jjody and mind, tho sparkle of life,'5onies to nil who un Holliraors RickyM mntain Tea. lr cents, Tea or tablots C. L C tling. Mark Warner, ono of tho pioneers nj Vobstor county, arrived horo for isit with old friends this week, n ii absence of thirteen years He livis in tho Big Horn Basin, Ws Drs. Woirick & Itiddilo, ocn nkrMts of Hastings, will moo ne nnd throat pationts nVdine glasses fitted, in Friday, January 5, at Dr. olnoe. ,o. 11 jtunpod tho tj wrk last Thursday ii conirquonco tllo about threo houj damAgo to tho pas! slighishaking up Ilollistoi's ItiiuJ simplj liquid qlt every iart i f yo blood, sH'rftigtlij makes .you well 35 cents. C. L. Clarence Mail I if j I Mnurer, who has boon away from Red Cloud for thirtoon or fourteen yoars, camo in tho latter part of last weok to spend tho holidays with rolativo. H now lives nt Sioux City, Iowa. Beautifying methods that uijuro tho skin an I health nre dangerous. Bo beautiful without discomfort by tak ing Hollister's Rocky Mountain Ton. Sunshiny faces follow its use. US cents. Cutis. L Cotting. Two weeks have passed sinco little Ruth Heaton was taken ill with diph thorin, and as no now cases havo develop d it is thought tho prompt notion taken by tho authorities has prevented a spread of tho disease. County Clerk K. S. Garbor has se cured an intorest iu tin Red Cloud Investment Co. and upon his retire ment from allien wilt go into tho real oUnto business. Notwithstanding tho rumors to tho contrary, Mr. Garbor will continue to make his homo in Red Cloud. The Congregational church will re sumo its regular services next Sunday. Morning service at 10:80; sermon theme, "No Room iu the Inn." Sun day school a'. 11:45. Evening service 7:45, sermon theme, "New Year's Resolutions " Tin CiiristmiiH music prepared for last Sunday will bo sung during those services. Tho annual business meeting of tho church will bo held on Friday, January 5, in tho afternoui. There will be imotiugs in the church each evening next weok in observance of tho week of prayer. m For Sale. I hereby olfor my two-story brick blookjlotH i ", jiml 12, block G, Red I flfind VV.I. r... ;z7i vi. . Ultilo. Buildincr for- morlv mvnnri i.tALLqftNCliMl Nntioiiiil bank, now occuRKER'S bank of oods Roil nin.,,1 rp... BALSAM . ' , ' Iwautlllcf the li.tr. and groceries: '"!'' rroih. ... ' o llcntoro Ory Argus. Snid pf(BBtaffil!li of repairs and d most proininen having a fu and Fu and fu