f I u mm imiMii n ii hi innniiiirrwiwtmm Have You a Friend? Then tell him about Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Tell him how it cured your hard cough. Tell him why you always keep it in the house. Tell him to ask his doctor about it. Doc tors use a great deal of it for throat and lung troubles. "I liait a torrlliln cnM nml conch nnl win ttirenteni'd with pnrmnntilii. I tried Ayor ('Iwrrr rpotiirnl ami It uat cum quick nn;t per ! n.llnf. II l rprlnliiW n tnoU wollilPlflll coiiKlimillrllic."-KKNA K. WHITMAN, Hlotix VMs, M. D.lk. nMwnamMMMMMin '"' Mads by J. O. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mm, Alio manufaoturora of 7 SARSAPAWLLA. OVQ pills. W O HAIR VIOOR. ono of Ayor's Pills at bodtlmo will hasten recovery. Gently laxative A New Year Greeting. With this issuo Thk Chief closes tho thirty-third yoar of its existonco. Tho pnpor has had many up? nud downs in its long career, has had ninny different ownors, but has novor swerved in its loyalty to tho Ropubli cau party. There 'have boon times whon its very existonco was threat ened, but, thanks to tho support of 1 yal and truo friends, it has always hold its own. Tho past year has boon tie most prosperous so far experi enced under tho prosont management, and during tho coming year tho paper will bo kept up to tho high standard previously maiutaiuod, in tho hope of deserving and retaining tho liberal patronage it has always onjoyod. Wo thank our patrons for thoir apprecia tion nud support, and wish each and nil n happy and prosperous now year. Outbuilding Burned.' Thoro was quite a little excitement in tho south end of town for a few mo ments yesterday forenoon. It seems that a son of Bill Hayes aud a neigh bor's boy had gone into an outbuild ing to indulge in a quiet smoke. Some loose papor in tho building became ig nited mid when the boys tried to make their escapo they found tho door had become fastened on the outside. As thero was no other mod of egress, tho youths called loudly for help. L. A Haskius, who was unloading some hay near by, gallantly rushed to tho res cue of the boys ami released them. Others hurried to the scone and by hard work the fire was prevented from spreading to other and larger build ings. Tho burned building was tho property o L A. Haskins and wo have not learned whether it was cov ered by insurance. Letter List. List of letters remaining unfilled for fit postollleo at Red Cloud, Nib., for the week ending December 28,100,1: linker, Mrs .las. Clark. Lou CI) Kvtiug, A. C h 'oper, Maggie Moore, r'r.uik Huar, Mrs Mary Dyer, V ll.,V,l. Elision. Mabel Martin, .1. N. Ross, R. A. Smith, Mrs. Blanche Theso will bi sent to the dead letter office Jan. 11, li'OO, it' not called for before. When calling for above please sny l'advoltiso(l.,' T. C. llu'KK.n, Postmaster T? h8 7" iSiiq MM, IP N ft Puffin RHKSlMADE BYTHE TjLLWl Wc Need Lttlit. People who have occasion to bo abroad after sundown ciin appreciate what a blessing an electric light sys tem would bo to tho city. Thoso dark, moonless nights bring forcibly to mind tho necessity for aomo kind of n stroot lighting system a littlo farther on when tho spring rains set in and ono has to wado through sloppy streets on n d-irk night. Wo need street lights, and need them badly, and wliilo wo aro nbout it wo might as well have tho best and nothing can comparo either in cheapness or efll ioncy with electricity for this pur pose. Furthermore, tho city should own its own lighting plant. Experience in other towns has demonstrated that municipal ownership is tho only sen sible plan of managing lighting and water plants. Tho statement of the llnaucial condition of the city of Rod Cloud, published last, week, shows tho city treasury to bo in a nourishing condition, and that tho affairs of tho city liavo been ably managed by the present administration. To add to tho good work already dono tho coun cil has called a spocial election for Tuesday, January 0, to vote upon a proposition to issuo bonds in tho sum of $10,000 for tho purpose of establish ing a municipal lighting plant. Every proporty owner as well as every other citizen who has tho wel fare of tho city at heart should put his shoulder to tho wheel and work for tho passage of tho bond proposition. Tho resulting benefits to tho town would doubly repay tho outlay. A fow voters have expressed dissat isfaction because a special election was called. When it is taken into consideration that tho expense of the election will be lt,ss than ?G0, that thero will bo no other complications involved in the election, and that it will cause a gain in time of three mouths on the construction work should tho bonds carry, tho wisdom of tho council's action can bo plainly seen. Work for tho bonds. Small Blaze In Millinery Store. A liro which might have resulted disastrously, had it gained headway, was startod and extinguished in a very peculiar manner Christmas day, in Mrs. Romford's millinery establish ment. It is supposed that a small piece of plaster fell upon a box of parlor matches in such a manner as to ignite them. Sevoral inflammable articles nearby, including a map hang ing on tho wall, wore sot afire, when another and larger piece of plaster fell aud extinguished tho bla.c. City Limits Extended. Tho city of Red Cloud has Hied a suit in tho district court praying for authority to extend the city limits so as to tako in quite an area of outlying property which teally belongs within the city Thero are' seventy-two de fendants to tho suit, and thero will probably bo some who will oppose tho taking into tho city limits of their property, though it is understood the majority of them are in favor of tl o change Tho case will not coino up until the next regular term of the court. Nay Lose an Eve. Last Saturday Homy Parsons, who lives over south of tho river, took his littlo son to Lincoln for an operation on his eye. The littlo fellow was stabbed in tho eye with a knife a short time ago and it was found necc-sary to tako him to Lincoln, It'll tat lk 1 1 (a I If 111 1 I 111 Mill I'll i ll t wtti 4 IHIlLaU alt.) I Wltltt I W UltU 11 UtllillUU V from a specialist The Wonderful Growth' Calumet Baking Powder Is duo to its Perfect Quality and Moderate Price Used In Millions of Homos, LIVE STU; MARKETS Al rasas guy. JKE WECK'S TRADE REPORTED DY CLAY.nOBINSON & COMPANY, CslVC 3TOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS. C.3?:C2S AT OHIOAQO, KAN8A8 CITY, OMAHA, SIOUX OITY. BT. JOSEPH AND DENVER. Kansas City, Doc 2G. For tho week ending Saturday tho market for beef steers was irregular but actual values showed littlo chango. Practically tho samo condition applied to cows and heifers, dinners, however, gained 10 cents Stockors and feeders woro dull and closed the samo as tho week before. Receipts today woro 9200. Best heavy beef stoors woro steady; others slow to 10 cents lower. Cows aud heifers woro active and strong to 10 cents higher. Stockors aud focdeis wero dull at steady rtites. Tho following table give prices now ruling. Extra prime corn-fed stoors. .ST 00-5 75 Good corn fed steers 4 00-5 00 Ordinary corn fed steers .... Ii (10-4 40 Choico corn fed heifers 4 00-4 75 Good corn fed heifers 3 50-4 40 Medium corn fed heifers. ... 2 50-3 50 Choico corn fed cows 3 50-4 00 Good 275-325 Medium 2 25-2 75 darners 1 50-2 .15 Choico stags 4 00-4 25 Choico fed bulls 3 25 -3 75 Good 250-300 Bologna bulls 1 75-2 25 Veal calves 5 00-0 00 Good to choico native or western stockors 3 25-3 75 Pair ...( 285-325 Common 2 25-2 85 Good to choice heavy native feeders 3 00-4 00 Fair 3 00-3 GO Good to choice heavy brand ed horned feeders 3 25-3 50 Fair 300-325 Common 2 50-3 00 Good to choico stock heifers 2 50-3 00 Fair 2 25-2 50 Good to choice stock calves, stoors 3 50-4 00 Fair 350 400 Good to choice stock calves, hoifors 3 00-3 50 Fair 250-300 Choice wintered grass steers 350-4 00 Good 3 25-3 50 Fair 3 00-3 25 Choice grass cows 2 75-3 25 Good 2 50-2 75 Common 2 00-2 50 Hog prices for the week ending Sat urday gained 10 to 15 cents for all but pigs, these latter dropping sharply. Receipts today were 10,400 Trade started off 5 cents higher but closed barely steady. Hulk of sales wero from $1.00 to "j.10; top 5.15 Tho sheep and lamb trade was dull and for the week ending Saturday values declined 10 to 20 cents. Re ceipts today wore 1000 and the market 10 cents higher. We quote choice lambs, $7.35 to 7 50; choice yearlings, $0.35 to (1 50; choice wethers, 55.50 to 5.75; cooioe ewes, $5.00 to 5 35. Leg Broken in Two Places. Mrs. J. H. Boggess .suffered a severe accident Monday evening. very Mr. and Mrs. Uoggess were returning from the home of A Ci. CJroen, wher they had taken Christmas dinner. As they wero driving along tho street a dog ran out and narked at tho uortc, causing it to run away. Mr. and Mrs. Boggess and Harold Uremi, who was driving, were thrown from tho buggy, Mrs. Boggess' leg being broken in two places. Mr. Boggess was stunned by tho fall, being unconscious for a short time, and Harold's face and arm were considerably biuised by tho vehicle passing over them. The buggy was considerably damaged, and Tuesday morning Mr. Green was still hunting for tho runaway horse. Farms! Farms! The fact that agents for loan com. panics advertiso lower rates than their neighbors proves nothing. A loan company that has dono business steadily in a community for 28 years, making loans to farmers every busi ness day in the year to the entire .sat isfaction of borrowers, is a safe com pany to entrust with your business. Tho Smith Brothers Loan A: Trust Company bus this record. Leave your application for farm loans with .7. 1 Hale, Agent, lto.1 Cloud, Xeb. Family Reunion. Barber and wife of Almena, are visiting tho former's aud other relatives, aud on C. II . Kansas, mother Christmas day a family reunion was held at the old Barber homestead, now occupied by E. McCuue. Twenty- threo members of the family wero ! there, all being present except W. J. Barborof Seattle, Washington. This will probably be the last family re-' union on tho old homestead, as tho placo has been sold to V. II. Thomas, who will take possession on March 1, m to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to 1 you are wondering what to buy for a present to a man or boy, just allow us to tell you that you can find many use ful things here things that a man or boy will appreciate and enjoy. Can show you a large line of Smoking Jackets, Slippers, Fine Shirts, Fancy and Plain Hand kerchiefs, a special line of the new wide Four-ln-hand Ties, Great line of SUITS for the Boys. OVER COATS, too. Same for men. Come in and look. DO IT NOW. PAUL STOREY, Vhe Clothier. 1 Websterfs Imperial DICTIONARY is the latest edition of Webster's Dictionary. It is later than the International and is new from A to Z. No reprint 2173 pages, 2500 new illustration, new colored plates and tables. SK Bound in Full Law Sheep districts in need of a new at a low price. CHAS. L. COTTING, iiT'ii'n'rniiixipi''Ptiix'P'r'piiriApii'pniiip(p(jit ftttttffttfftffrtt&etftftfftffrffffffffftfffiLr Here We Are to Stay! Hed Gload Business Gollege FIVE COURSES TPDMC Pilcv rcffina fcAdr .. - 9 - 3 - i - a - a City Dray and Express Line. P. W. STUDKISAKISll, PROP. Goods Delivered to any part of the city. Charges as low as the Lowest CITY AGENTS FOR ADAAVS EXPRESS CO. Residence 188. Two Buildings Burned at Bladen. Late Sunday evening Hip broke out in Kuapps drug store at Bladen, de stroying tho building aud contents, as well as Solomon's restaurant in the building adjoining. Tho telephone central oflice was in the Solomon building aud for a time tjioro were all kinds of wild rumors afloat here con cerning tho lire. The buildings wero two of the oldest in Bladen. Peters' Peerless Players. Pihi.mi'.siu'iui, Kan., Dec. lit, Di:ah Mr. Moruajit: You o.-. cau guarantee our attraction as strong as you like aud handle inonoy until the show is over and give it back to them if they are not perfectly satisfied. No one cau offer to do more. Yours respectfully. W. J. Pi:ti:rs. That Seine's It. When a Coloradonmnd stono walk is laid that settles it. See Ovoring Bros, &Uo. for prices. to to w to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to to $5.00 and thumb indexed. School Dictionary can get one now THE DRUCCIST vs. PP'y PAUL S- DIETRICK, Pros., Damcrcll Block. t - i - i - zs - i$$.i$$$j? TELEPHONES, Office 119 Burlington Bulletin. Special homeseekors' rates: greatly reducod round trip ratos to tho North Platte Valloy and tho Big Horn Basin. November 21, December Ji and lit. This is an unusually good chauco for you to look at lands in thoso now re gions, which olfor a big prollt to thosi who secure- thenearly. Home visitors' excursion: visit tho old homo whon you have cleared up the season's work. Cheap excursion rates to various sections of tho east. Tho only excursion, November 27, limit twonty-ono days. Winter sunshine in tho mountains: daily low excursion rates to Colo rado. To the sunny south: winter tourist rates daily until April !)0. Return limit Juno 1, 1JKX). Cheap homoseokors' rates to tho west, southwost and south the llrst iin-l third Tfie5; of every month. Writo mo just what trip you have ia mind and lot mo advise you the leait cost aud tho best way to make it. J. T. Edwards, agent. r V ' I II K i y r 1 pt Ay.fe&& . MlW'nwrfWyjU 11-- vf'